Misty, why won't she just talk?

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I don't think Misty is going to tell the truth, because the truth would implicate her as the one who murdered Haleigh.
do we know if Ron was at work for sure, that should of been easy to figure out. I wonder why everyone WONDERS if he was or wasn't at work... Besides clocking in would't anyone of seen him there that night

This is what Kim Picazio said on Issues with JVM: Ron has to have known about those things and Ron was not telling the entire truth when he said that he was at work the whole time and things of that nature.

Seems like Ron's alibi is NOT so air tight.

I do know that LE has interviewed co workers who claim that he has snuck out of work in the past, before his shift was officially over.
This is what Kim Picazio said on Issues with JVM: Ron has to have known about those things and Ron was not telling the entire truth when he said that he was at work the whole time and things of that nature.

Seems like Ron's alibi is NOT so air tight.

I do know that LE has interviewed co workers who claim that he has snuck out of work in the past, before his shift was officially over.

I put more stock in the statement by an actual police officer on camera saying Ron was at work and there's video than I do what I consider (from the context of the statements) the musings of the former attorney for Crystal Sheffield.

As far as Ron leaving work in the past, for me this is still rumor, however, even if it is true, apparently it did not go unnoticed, or people wouldn't be able to report it.
I think Misty Croslin had something to do with Haleigh Cummings disappearance.
I completely believed Haleigh would be found alive for a very long time, I was so naive. I also thought this case would be solved, I don't think like that anymore. In the beginning I really felt Haleigh was somewhere with someone taking care of her, I followed this case almost hourly. I still don't think Misty is the key and I don't think Ronald would have covered for her for even one second, I think she covered for him but I don't think she knows exactly what happened even if she was in the trailer at the time. She's lied too much to be believed about anything and has paid the price with her freedom. To some extent I think Misty's drug conviction has enriched her life as bizarre as that sounds since she now has the benefit of basic education, counseling and a safe place to sleep at night. gawd that is an awful interpretation and I can't believe I think that way!
This is what Kim Picazio said on Issues with JVM: Ron has to have known about those things and Ron was not telling the entire truth when he said that he was at work the whole time and things of that nature.

Seems like Ron's alibi is NOT so air tight.

I do know that LE has interviewed co workers who claim that he has snuck out of work in the past, before his shift was officially over.

LE specifically said that they did not know what happened or when. I'd even question whether they are 100% where. Hard to have an air tight alibi.
I am still going with what the witness has to say. A man dressed all in black wearing squeaky shoes came in and took Haleigh. Tommy admits to being there that night. The cops couldn't be telling the public everything about what Junior had to say and where Misty was at the time though.
I am still going with what the witness has to say. A man dressed all in black wearing squeaky shoes came in and took Haleigh. Tommy admits to being there that night. The cops couldn't be telling the public everything about what Junior had to say and where Misty was at the time though.
When CS was on Geraldo, she said Jr said Misty was asleep, when Haleigh was taken. Was Misty there and told the truth for the most part? Was she there, and faking sleep? Was she gone, and for some reason, she and whoever convinced Jr, she was there? I try to take what's at face value in this case, but this particular detail's a toughy...because cops said they had reason to believe Misty wasn't there, and they also took Tommy's word that she was gone. Jr knows what he saw, that's for sure, but Misty being asleep, is the kind of detail he might not have focused in on. If she was there, did he wake her up? then what? According to CS, (if I'm remembering correctly), the guy who took Haleigh, was a black man in black. Surely Jr would know the difference between a white and black man, but maybe his story, got mixed up in the telling? If what Jr said, is taken at face value, there's not much room for Tommy, JO, loud fights and rages over guns, etc...If Jr heard squeaky shoes, then there was no screaming. If Misty got home to a dead Haleigh, and called Tommy for help, why didn't one or both of them, just admit it? Jr said the man took Haleigh. He didn't say he left her on the couch. If Misty got home to a gone Haleigh, why all the lies? to simply cover her being gone? Now, that seems pointless. I'm still inclined to think that Misty was probably gone, they convinced Jr she was there, and she got home to a dead Haleigh...which would explain her screaming. Omg, I'm back to square 1.
When CS was on Geraldo, she said Jr said Misty was asleep, when Haleigh was taken. Was Misty there and told the truth for the most part? Was she there, and faking sleep? Was she gone, and for some reason, she and whoever convinced Jr, she was there? I try to take what's at face value in this case, but this particular detail's a toughy...because cops said they had reason to believe Misty wasn't there, and they also took Tommy's word that she was gone. Jr knows what he saw, that's for sure, but Misty being asleep, is the kind of detail he might not have focused in on. If she was there, did he wake her up? then what? According to CS, (if I'm remembering correctly), the guy who took Haleigh, was a black man in black. Surely Jr would know the difference between a white and black man, but maybe his story, got mixed up in the telling? If what Jr said, is taken at face value, there's not much room for Tommy, JO, loud fights and rages over guns, etc...If Jr heard squeaky shoes, then there was no screaming. If Misty got home to a dead Haleigh, and called Tommy for help, why didn't one or both of them, just admit it? Jr said the man took Haleigh. He didn't say he left her on the couch. If Misty got home to a gone Haleigh, why all the lies? to simply cover her being gone? Now, that seems pointless. I'm still inclined to think that Misty was probably gone, they convinced Jr she was there, and she got home to a dead Haleigh...which would explain her screaming. Omg, I'm back to square 1.

Junior could have been easily coached, but believe he would likely say what his daddy or grandmas told him to than Misty or Tommy.
If I look at a few of the facts, and take away the changing stories and lies, etc...I can see a different kind of theory. Misty had a wild weekend. A witness saw RC almost run down some people at the morning bus stop. A witness put Misty at the afternoon bus stop, complaining about bad dope. Cops said they had reason to believe Misty was gone that night. Jr said a black man, in black, took Haleigh. He had squeaky shoes and then the couch bounced. A neighbor heard a late scream, and another neighbor saw Misty crying on the phone. Honestly, I can see how some of the lies could have gotten started. RC lying about the bus stop, because they were up to criminal activity, and Misty lying about being at the trailer all night, could have set off a whole chain of events. In Misty's LVA, she failed a question about Ron's involvement, and she said she had heard things about her brother. At that time, it didn't appear that she had a complete story, and was suspecting everybody. If Tommy and others, were the types to make up stuff for bragging purposes, then I could see how Misty could get stuff in her head, (thinking it was the truth), and fail LDTs. The same with Tommy. It all depends on what questions they were asked and failed. I could very easily see Tommy making up the story about checking on Misty. He wanted out of jail, and may have been giving cops what he thought they wanted. Now, thinking he fabricated the whole JO story, is harder to swallow, but it's not out of the realm of possibility. Misty recanted. Why hasn't he? When my daughter was in jr high, she had a little trouble at church. The youth director called us in, and told my husband and me, a crazy story. My dd denied it. He then called a girl, put her on speaker phone, and she told the same story, but with a lot more details, (and gleefully, I might add). She said she witnessed the incident, and then my dd filled her in on the rest. Well, I didn't believe my daughter. I took her to the bathroom and basically tried to shake a confession out of her, and even slapped her once. I just couldn't believe that everybody but her had the same story, but only SHE was telling the truth. She finally said she didn't remember anything happening, but maybe she forgot some stuff. When we got back to the meeting, the youth director called the pastor, and put him on speaker phone. He said HE walked in on the incident, and the girl was NOT my daughter. Earlier, the assistant youth director, said the pastor had also seen my daughter! He was lying, in an attempt to get my daughter to confess. The look on his face was, 'ut oh, I just got busted'. His stupid college gf had also claimed that she walked in on the incident, and he took her word for it... just a bunch of liars. So, 1st of all, I can see how an innocent person can be swayed into 'giving in', because of pressure, and I can also see how 1 lie turns into another, and so forth. Also, lying is contagious, and people who aren't involved, jump in and insert themselves. Also, for the record, I never let the youth directors know, that I had doubts about my daughter. I told them that if she said she didn't do it, then she didn't do it. But, all this really depends on what questions they failed. Misty knows a lot, but when did her knowledge start? And how? MOO
I put more stock in the statement by an actual police officer on camera saying Ron was at work and there's video than I do what I consider (from the context of the statements) the musings of the former attorney for Crystal Sheffield.
As far as Ron leaving work in the past, for me this is still rumor, however, even if it is true, apparently it did not go unnoticed, or people wouldn't be able to report it.

I agree. Ron's attorney said witnesses at supper break saw Ron or ate with him, he was captured on video throughout his shift and except for bathroom breaks, (which IMO is why they are not 100% sure.. no cameras allowed there), know his alibi is tight.
Some latched onto rumor as if it were fact and have never let go.
I agree. Ron's attorney said witnesses at supper break saw Ron or ate with him, he was captured on video throughout his shift and except for bathroom breaks, (which IMO is why they are not 100% sure.. no cameras allowed there), know his alibi is tight.
Some latched onto rumor as if it were fact and have never let go.

Well when Shoemaker or PCSO produces the video that shows Ron C can be accounted for the entire night then I might possibly believe he was there the entire night, however bottom line for me IS.... Whatever happened to Haleigh occurred before Ron C high tailed into work in order to have an alibi...JMHO..
I wasn't sure if this was a serious question being asked or not..It's pretty obvious I would think . It involves her doing a little math . do i take what im getting and do the however long she got 15 years i think, or do i talk more which will get me the rest of my life in here ..On her part thats why she isn't talking.
I don't think Misty is going to tell the truth, because the truth would implicate her as the one who murdered Haleigh.

Oh, I love you, but no way did Misty murder Haleigh. It was Ron all the way, there is no way in heck she murdered Haleigh and Ron would cover it up. the only way she is responsible is if she gave her drugs on Rons orders. Dont you think the LE when she was in her many LDT asked her if she killed Haleigh? If it had come back as not being the truth, they would not have targeted Ron, no way.

When CS was on Geraldo, she said Jr said Misty was asleep, when Haleigh was taken. Was Misty there and told the truth for the most part? Was she there, and faking sleep? Was she gone, and for some reason, she and whoever convinced Jr, she was there? I try to take what's at face value in this case, but this particular detail's a toughy...because cops said they had reason to believe Misty wasn't there, and they also took Tommy's word that she was gone. Jr knows what he saw, that's for sure, but Misty being asleep, is the kind of detail he might not have focused in on. If she was there, did he wake her up? then what? According to CS, (if I'm remembering correctly), the guy who took Haleigh, was a black man in black. Surely Jr would know the difference between a white and black man, but maybe his story, got mixed up in the telling? If what Jr said, is taken at face value, there's not much room for Tommy, JO, loud fights and rages over guns, etc...If Jr heard squeaky shoes, then there was no screaming. If Misty got home to a dead Haleigh, and called Tommy for help, why didn't one or both of them, just admit it? Jr said the man took Haleigh. He didn't say he left her on the couch. If Misty got home to a gone Haleigh, why all the lies? to simply cover her being gone? Now, that seems pointless. I'm still inclined to think that Misty was probably gone, they convinced Jr she was there, and she got home to a dead Haleigh...which would explain her screaming. Omg, I'm back to square 1.

Thankyou! I have never heard that Jr. said Misty was asleep. If Misty got home to Haleigh gone, then she wouldn't know if Tommy did it or not. I've always thought the whole Croslin bunch was called over and they found Haleigh out behind the trailer then covered it up, and tried to pin it on Joe because he knew there were calls back and forth and people leaving in vans.
If I look at a few of the facts, and take away the changing stories and lies, etc...I can see a different kind of theory. Misty had a wild weekend. A witness saw RC almost run down some people at the morning bus stop. A witness put Misty at the afternoon bus stop, complaining about bad dope. Cops said they had reason to believe Misty was gone that night. Jr said a black man, in black, took Haleigh. He had squeaky shoes and then the couch bounced. A neighbor heard a late scream, and another neighbor saw Misty crying on the phone. Honestly, I can see how some of the lies could have gotten started. RC lying about the bus stop, because they were up to criminal activity, and Misty lying about being at the trailer all night, could have set off a whole chain of events. In Misty's LVA, she failed a question about Ron's involvement, and she said she had heard things about her brother. At that time, it didn't appear that she had a complete story, and was suspecting everybody. If Tommy and others, were the types to make up stuff for bragging purposes, then I could see how Misty could get stuff in her head, (thinking it was the truth), and fail LDTs. The same with Tommy. It all depends on what questions they were asked and failed. I could very easily see Tommy making up the story about checking on Misty. He wanted out of jail, and may have been giving cops what he thought they wanted. Now, thinking he fabricated the whole JO story, is harder to swallow, but it's not out of the realm of possibility. Misty recanted. Why hasn't he? MOO

snipped for space
While we haven't heard that Tommy recanted the Joe story, we can't be 100% sure he didn't.
Well when Shoemaker or PCSO produces the video that shows Ron C can be accounted for the entire night then I might possibly believe he was there the entire night, however bottom line for me IS.... Whatever happened to Haleigh occurred before Ron C high tailed into work in order to have an alibi...JMHO..

First it would nice to know:
1. what happened -- when & where.
2. the exact hours that Ron worked. Have heard so many that someone claims to be the absolute truth -- well all but one has to be wrong and I'd even question that one at this point.
I believe Misty has told what she knows and I dont believe she really knows exactly what happened beyond waking up or coming home and finding Haleigh missing. I dont not believe in any way that she did anything to harm Haleigh or to cause her disappearance. I think Ron knows exactly what happened. After a weekend of partying I think it was fairly easy to confuse Misty as to whats she remembers and what Ron has told her she remembers. LE would not accept "I dont remember, I'm not sure and I dont know" as a truthful answer from Misty and pressured her into giving info she didnt have. I think Ron set Misty up to where she couldnt possibly make any sense of what happened that night.

I have always felt this had something to do with Ron, drugs and debts he owed and Haleigh was taken to collect on the debt. If Ron felt Misty was responsible there is no way he would protect her or cover for her.

Misty was an illiterate 17 yr old girl from a family of drug addicts who was living with an abusive 25 yr old man and caring for his kids. Her mother was willing to turn on her for not sharing drugs and grandma Hollars says Misty must have liked being sexually abused by JO. WTF?

And IMO.....since Misty is poor white trash who uses drugs and sleeps around and who has developed self protective survival skills she will never be seen by many as a child nor a victim who has suffered lifelong abuse. I cant imagine growing up this way and I can easily understand why she has a few issues.

I agree that jail might be one of the better things that has happened to Misty and it does sadden me to say that.

Just my opinion
Well when Shoemaker or PCSO produces the video that shows Ron C can be accounted for the entire night then I might possibly believe he was there the entire night, however bottom line for me IS.... Whatever happened to Haleigh occurred before Ron C high tailed into work in order to have an alibi...JMHO..

I'm with you on this one.

Poor Haleigh.
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