MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #13

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I believe Tracer said it was not possible to duplicate a footprint in the way you describe because of pressure points.

Earlier he has said that he can't discount that happening. I can duplicate a footprint by putting my hand into a sneaker and pressing forward into the toe into the dirt to give the idea that a foot was digging in.
Earlier he has said that he can't discount that happening. I can duplicate a footprint by putting my hand into a sneaker and pressing forward into the toe into the dirt to give the idea that a foot was digging in.

You can because your hand is the foot, your arm to the elbow is the leg, and your elbow is the knee. There isnt much difference. And if your a powerful adult trying to emulate a kids print, its that much easier to do.
There was no sign because they were there, with a professional print analyst, and only took casts of kevins vehicle, to our own public knowledge. As Hey You pointed out the different descriptions of the cars point to different circumferences of the cars axels. Its impossible that two cars traversed the driveway in 45 minutes, without both being recovered, imo.

Why can we assume professionals would not take all tire prints? That makes zero sense.
They approached 1 boy by themselves. This is unusual with the approach of 3 boys to nab 1. Those boys taken by Devlin/Parnell were not nabbed halfway in to a neighborhood where the only way out was to turn around. They didn't use a disguise. Most abductions and rape situations only involve 1 victim with no other witnesses in sight. This is extremely unusual. Why the disguise? The guy already knew there were 3 boys and that he may be recognized, hence the black stocking, disguised voice and bulky coat. That says local who lived on the boys route to Tom Thumb. The perp saw them headed out of the neighborhood and knew from past experience that they would be back. He had time to fantasize and plan it out before he was actually presented with the opportunity.

If the perp was out to abduct a boy, why the disguise? He would not be bringing the boy back. He would not have to worry about being recognized if he intended to rape and murder a random kid. Why use a disguise if you are a random perp in a random neighborhood?

And again, why would a random perp who wanted to snatch a random kid go into a neighborhood that has no way out except the way you came in?
You have captured my thinking as to why DR remains the primary suspect. So queer for a professional predator to approach three boys. But, I do think it is possible there was an Israel Keyes type child abductor.
From what I've read, there are no clear perp footprints regardless. My belief is the driveway was not preserved well as a crime scene ("The area of total destruction" like Tracker mentioned awhile back). After horses & many others had walked over the driveway, they found Jacob's last print next to a fresh tire track & focused there. I feel just as perplexing as the lack of other tire prints is the lack of clear perp footprints. IMO, those prints may have existed, but LE focused on Kevin's tire track & other evidence was not well preserved.

The horses were there on SATURDAY! That is almost one week later.

There is no evidence the crime scene was messed up. None
You have captured my thinking as to why DR remains the primary suspect. So queer for a professional predator to approach three boys. But, I do think it is possible there was an Israel Keyes type child abductor.

There was nothing professional about this crime, just an amateur opportunist. And while it is unusual for such a person to attack three people together, its not unknown. The Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders, the West Memphis 3 and the Yosemite Park Killer are all examples where three victims were attacked together.
Warning. Majorly gruesome.

DR has a wood furnace in the house or is it an outdoor wood furnace for the house.
The horses were there on SATURDAY! That is almost one week later.

There is no evidence the crime scene was messed up. None

Except for DR's account & Tracker's statements that it is often the case even today...
Tracker has said the photo we have of a tire tack is not new tires on a grand am, but was more of a narrow tire like an at or golf cart. So according to him, that tack is not Kevin vehicle

Can I ask you (or anyone else) what post # that is, and is it on this thread or thread #12, or an earlier thread? I kind of remember the post, but, would like to re-read it, and it's hard to find, shy of going through 'all' of Tracker's posts. Thanks...
Except for DR's account & Tracker's statements that it is often the case even today...

It has been posted numerous times as to when the horses arrived.

It has been posted that LE took prints at 1:00 AM.

It is misleading info to say the crime scene was messed up.
You can because your hand is the foot, your arm to the elbow is the leg, and your elbow is the knee. There isnt much difference. And if your a powerful adult trying to emulate a kids print, its that much easier to do.

You may think you can do so, but a trained professional will have another opinion. Again, it's pressure points, not pressure. Each person has a unique way of wearing a shoe. A print can tell a gait, scuffs, dragging of feet, for example. Gaits are individual, and each individual presses on footwear differently, which is why you cannot just put a hand inside a shoe to make an impression the same as the individual to whom the shoe belongs. Each shoe is a reflection of the wearer.
My opinion is that DR did not necessarily understand the magnitude of a gunned abduction and only intended to rape Jacob. He probably blindfolded and gagged Jacob, and realized the magnitude of the search would not allow him to simply drop him off in the woods.

I still think DR needs to buy Kevin a cold one.
My opinion is that DR did not necessarily understand the magnitude of a gunned abduction and only intended to rape Jacob. He probably blindfolded and gagged Jacob, and realized the magnitude of the search would not allow him to simply drop him off in the woods.

I still think DR needs to buy Kevin a cold one.
Maybe he picked up the tab at Panera.
You may think you can do so, but a trained professional will have another opinion. Again, it's pressure points, not pressure. Each person has a unique way of wearing a shoe. A print can tell a gait, scuffs, dragging of feet, for example. Gaits are individual, and each individual presses on footwear differently, which is why you cannot just put a hand inside a shoe to make an impression the same as the individual to whom the shoe belongs. Each shoe is a reflection of the wearer.

If we have a trail of footprints I am as ready as you are to throw the planted theory out the window. But what if LE really only found the few they have shown us, is it possible then? The footprints we see are not full footprints, the back half is missing.
A couple of threads back, I was presented with a limited number of photographs showing prints and a tire track. The view was oblique so only the edges of the tire track were visible. The edges looked like a cart or narrow farm tire. Another tire print I identified as having come from one of the ATC's. Newer photographs have surfaced that show a clear vehicle print from what I feel is a car. It is true that the last prints identified as Jacobs are toe heavy and do not show any heel detail. Could they have been faked? Only by someone with enough knowledge to know how to do it. Beyond that, I cannot tell from the pictures. I would need to see the plaster casts.

As new views become available, I am able to provide more information, BUT I have not seen the entire print field, before contamination by searchers, nor have I see the plaster casts. A request to Sterns County by me to review the print evidence was politely declined.

Jacobs last prints "could" be evaluated to determine if they were faked or not. A quick google of "pressure releases" will provide a link to a dissertation on the subject by Tom Brown Jr. Tom was one of my many teachers over the years. While a perp could fake a print, they would be unable to fake the pressure releases by putting hands into Jacobs shoes. Would the FBI been able to read the pressure releases in the prints? Debatable. While they did have a "documentation section" at that time due to the print information from the Green River Killer, it was not the advanced knowledge they have today. Would Sterns County have had that knowledge? No.

I am open minded and more than willing to modify my opinions of the prints as additional information is located and provided. I am working with what is currently available by looking at freeze frames of MSM video's.
I'd love to play a recording of a particular "raspy voice" and get both Jared's and the other two young men's opinion ... it might be one of those voices that's hard to forget, I would imagine

If DR's Linked is still available, he lists numerous types of musical things he does.

It is impossible to believe that he does not know how to alter his voice. Even my 18 month old granddaughter knows how to make bear growls.
A couple of threads back, I was presented with a limited number of photographs showing prints and a tire track. The view was oblique so only the edges of the tire track were visible. The edges looked like a cart or narrow farm tire. Another tire print I identified as having come from one of the ATC's. Newer photographs have surfaced that show a clear vehicle print from what I feel is a car. It is true that the last prints identified as Jacobs are toe heavy and do not show any heel detail. Could they have been faked? Only by someone with enough knowledge to know how to do it. Beyond that, I cannot tell from the pictures. I would need to see the plaster casts.

As new views become available, I am able to provide more information, BUT I have not seen the entire print field, before contamination by searchers, nor have I see the plaster casts. A request to Sterns County by me to review the print evidence was politely declined.

Jacobs last prints "could" be evaluated to determine if they were faked or not. A quick google of "pressure releases" will provide a link to a dissertation on the subject by Tom Brown Jr. Tom was one of my many teachers over the years. While a perp could fake a print, they would be unable to fake the pressure releases by putting hands into Jacobs shoes. Would the FBI been able to read the pressure releases in the prints? Debatable. While they did have a "documentation section" at that time due to the print information from the Green River Killer, it was not the advanced knowledge they have today. Would Sterns County have had that knowledge? No.

I am open minded and more than willing to modify my opinions of the prints as additional information is located and provided. I am working with what is currently available by looking at freeze frames of MSM video's.

What about the FBI and the BCA of MN?
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