My Search Effort - Airport Lakes Park - Photos

Thank you SO much for searching, for taking the pictures and for taking the time to create the slideshows. I for one am very grateful to have these pictures to look at especially since I am in California and have no visual to attach to any of the "places of interest" in this case. I think it is AWESOME that you take time to search for Caylee and think any effort by anyone to find her is extremely important and should be commended instead of dismissed. Lets face it, this little girl's body could be anywhere. It is easy to sit back on our computer and agrue why she wouldn't have put her there however the truth is, we don't have a clue. If/when her body is found I am sure there will be a lot of people who say she shouldn't have put the body where she did for reasons A-Z so ANYWHERE is a good place to search IMO! We are talking about KC here, right? The same girl who signed her OWN name to the bottom of one of the checks she used at Target? The same girl who lied to the police because she assumed they would take her story at face value? The same girl who partied it up instead of making ANY effort at an outward appearance of actually searching for her daughter even though she had to have known she would have to explain her actions? No one can climb into her head and tell us what she was thinking when she disposed of her daughter's body that day. Any search is a good search! THANKS AGAIN!
She could be anywhere? T.E.S. has searched numerous areas similar to this very spot and including as far as I have seen a portion of this very area. You two seem to disregard my efforts and to be honest I am insulted.

God Bless you for searching. I for one appreciate your efforts, photos, and comments.
Thank you SO much for searching, for taking the pictures and for taking the time to create the slideshows. I for one am very grateful to have these pictures to look at especially since I am in California and have no visual to attach to any of the "places of interest" in this case. I think it is AWESOME that you take time to search for Caylee and think any effort by anyone to find her is extremely important and should be commended instead of dismissed. Lets face it, this little girl's body could be anywhere. It is easy to sit back on our computer and agrue why she wouldn't have put her there however the truth is, we don't have a clue. If/when her body is found I am sure there will be a lot of people who say she shouldn't have put the body where she did for reasons A-Z so ANYWHERE is a good place to search IMO! We are talking about KC here, right? The same girl who signed her OWN name to the bottom of one of the checks she used at Target? The same girl who lied to the police because she assumed they would take her story at face value? The same girl who partied it up instead of making ANY effort at an outward appearance of actually searching for her daughter even though she had to have known she would have to explain her actions? No one can climb into her head and tell us what she was thinking when she disposed of her daughter's body that day. Any search is a good search! THANKS AGAIN!

:clap: I second that!

Thank you for your efforts, Friptzap. I'm afraid we sometimes get carried away in our sleuthing modes, and forget to notice the efforts others are putting in. Please don't take offence.
I am not sure a person would be in their right mind to begin with, if hiding a body is part of the day's concerns.:eek:

yep, you've nailed it. :bang:

and thanks, Friptz, for your work. I'll be so glad when everything hidden has been brought to light.
She could be anywhere? T.E.S. has searched numerous areas similar to this very spot and including as far as I have seen a portion of this very area. You two seem to disregard my efforts and to be honest I am insulted.

I certainly appreciate your efforts.

The diapers? Were they their the first time you searched? If so, did you notify LE? No - duh, they wouldn't still be there? Do you have any idea what size they are? It's very difficult to tell from a pic...

That canal is definitely interesting as are those mounds every where. Did you get any idea what the mounds are about? Are LE interested in these areas at all? The dogs would definitely be handy in there.

Lots of stupid questions, sorry.
The park is gated but as you can see there is alot of "auto" junk back in those woods you could drive a car back to where I was during the day, unless you were seen of course or at night if you could get by the gate. You would need to cross the grassy area, the path I walked back to there would be about the same a car may take to get to that locale. In one pic you can see an old white car seat in the woods and several tires.

I feel she could not have carried the body very far, even if it was in a duffle type of bag. Plus it would have looked too conspicuous. So the area would have to be where she could pull her car close.

Thank you!
I certainly appreciate your efforts.

The diapers? Were they their the first time you searched? If so, did you notify LE? No - duh, they wouldn't still be there? Do you have any idea what size they are? It's very difficult to tell from a pic...

That canal is definitely interesting as are those mounds every where. Did you get any idea what the mounds are about? Are LE interested in these areas at all? The dogs would definitely be handy in there.

Lots of stupid questions, sorry.

Nt sure what size that diaper was, I wasn't even sure thats what it as at first, when I flipped it over it was like a mushy sponge almost looked like jello. I suspect they were infant size? looked almost like a hair shower cap when I flipped it at least that size anyway. No I had not reported this and I did not see it the first time. But I was not in that exact spot the first time either. The dogs would be good. I suspect more the end of the canal by the lake, next time I go I will be searching that area. Problem is finding parking close to it! long walk around the roadway hehe. Alot of those mounds are debree piles, leaves etc from raking and maybe wood chipping, apparently they have done alot of that in the past. I was concerned about the wood piles too because they could have been used to place abody under, but by the time I was done in the woods the second time I was too pooped to sift though them to see what if anything was underneath.

there is so much here a search team would be great but I do believe T.E.S. was there at some point for at least part of the park. According to google earth anyway and the map points there. I whish they would offer more detail on how much of an area they have searched. I never had much time when they were her to get involved in anything official so I have just been spending what time I have had when it was available. I would love a map that shows me specifics so I can look in areas that I know for sure have not been previously searched.
I agree with you, KC didnt put her there. Its a more remote area, Im thinking to the east past Lee Vista. Anyone else agree?

It can't be so remote that she couldn't drive to it. Additionally, I believe it would be an area that she's familiar with. From what I've seen she's not your average murderer (if there is such a thing). She doesn't plan ahead because she doesn't believe she'll be caught, so she doesn't have to. I feel her main concern was to remove the body from her existence, secondary was being hidden so well it would never be found.

I have to say again, excellent job, Frip!!! I live so far away, I really appreciate seeing pics of areas I've only Google-mapped. THANK YOU!!
I feel she could not have carried the body very far, even if it was in a duffle type of bag. Plus it would have looked too conspicuous. So the area would have to be where she could pull her car close.

Thank you!

Oh I indeed think she was too lazy to carry her very far but to the woods from the parking lot is not too far really. It's shorter than I have seen mothers carry a 2 1/2 year old in the malls anyway. :) But if she was desperate enough I can see her carrying her much farther even. She could have carried her into the woods one day, just inside and then carried her a litle farther the next and so on too. Or even took breaks all in one day. She is thin young and healthy and apparently was a jogger so she had the energy level to do it. Maybe a tad lazy to do it based on her work history or lack thereof but she could have carried her some distance physically.

But I do agree with the sentiment and I certianly suspect she would take the easiest rotue in the least obvious place she could find to avoid notice. This is a possible such place but there are others that could be easier and closer of course.

One of the reasons I chose this place is it's proximity to her home and it is a park. I would suspect some sort of sentimental value to that in Casey's mind placing her near home and something she loved so much - parks.
Thank you for your efforts, Friptzap. That is one great job you did.

Please though tell me you are taking someone with you in these hikings. No reason to endanger yourself in secluded areas!! BE SAFE
She could be anywhere? T.E.S. has searched numerous areas similar to this very spot and including as far as I have seen a portion of this very area. You two seem to disregard my efforts and to be honest I am insulted.

Here are a couple of pictures I am interested in knowing more about. What is this? Is there a road close? Is that a walking trail or a road beside it?


This one hit me as strange to be out there - what was that made of?

Thank you for your efforts, Friptzap. That is one great job you did.

Please though tell me you are taking someone with you in these hikings. No reason to endanger yourself in secluded areas!! BE SAFE

Oh at least a 9mm. LOL
Thank you for your efforts, Friptzap. That is one great job you did.

Please though tell me you are taking someone with you in these hikings. No reason to endanger yourself in secluded areas!! BE SAFE

I'm and ex-boyscout from back in the day. I only walk out halway as far as I can walk in one trip and I carry a bottle of water a walking stick and a hunting knife along with my cell phone. But I have been walking alone. I have not hiked in years but the action remains the same and I am always extreemly careful.

So far the only critters I ran across where spiders and squirrels. Considering the squirrel facts I posted on another thread I should be more concerned with the squirrel than the spider but I hate spiders, well more so it is that I hate spider webs!!! those things freak me out!!!

As long as I have water and I am carefull to not twist an ankle I feel very safe, I am not searching swampy gator areas and probably would seek a partner/group in that situation. Or a boat even! But I do appreciate the concern. I have had the same thoughts about some of the teams I have seen searching the one day as I passed by them, some of them look like they have never seen a racoon, possum or for that matter even a squirrel!

If you have never been in the woods deffinatley take a partner, even if you have take one anyway if you have the oppertunity, infortunately my timing has prevented that. I used to hike for 10 miles plus alone in my youth so I have no real fear in doing so again. I just need to monitor my actual ability now conisdering my "conditioning" as long as I do that I'm gold! Which is why I was leaving the woods when I did yesterday in Blanchard Park, dang it that I found that possible evidence and had to wait an additional 3+ hours longer than I intended lol and I did not eat lunch nor did I have any water with me. that was supposed to be a simple "recon" seaqrch only lol. Again thanks for the concern, it is not without merit!
Here are a couple of pictures I am interested in knowing more about. What is this? Is there a road close? Is that a walking trail or a road beside it?


This one hit me as strange to be out there - what was that made of?


The first picture is a drainage ditch. I can't recall if the water was running to it or from it but the water goes between there and the lake. That is the trail that runs adjacent to the woods this is just north of the middle of the trail. This trail makes a circle from the first pavilion in the picture to the opposite side of the restroom/maintenance building. Oh and you can see this building in that picture also, look just left of the tree on the right side kind of at the small branchy leaves, it's right there in the background. and the Parking lot is right behind it.

Taht other picture is a what appears to be a MR turtle sand box? It is plastic. I wanted to return here specifically because of that. It was all broken up but partially covered next to /under that carpet. I was considering that it may be the small wagon seen in Casey's beach picture with Caylee inside. But after my return it looks much more like a sandbox and I believe I searched the net and found a Mr Turtle sand box that looked just like what this could have been. But I also did not see any wheels either. and there was much more green plastic than I would think that wagon was made of.
Thanks so much for taking your own time to search for Caylee. It's people like you that we need more of in this world! I wish I could help search but I am to far away.

Thanks again for all your effort and pictures. You did a wonderful job.

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