Penn State's athletic director plus ex-Paterno assistant charged in child sex case

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Ever been in a situation where you were the victim, and the police didn't believe you?

Or, had a sister who was most likely raped by LE?

Matter of fact I have been. Because somebody didn't do right by me only makes me more committed and determined to do right by/for others!
Concentric, your statement makes sense. That is why I can empathize with MM and the janitor. In a sense, I see them as victims as well. Can you imagine witnessing such a thing, and in the context of the situation? The reason I say this, as a victim of sexual harassment and some of the bizarre behavior I've experienced, it's as if your mind cannot comprehend what your senses are telling you. And being young, or inexperienced in the world, puts you at an extreme disadvantage in knowing the "right" thing to do. There is just too much sensory damage that is being done to you while you process what you have seen/heard, it is paralyzing. Yes, some people would respond by acting. Others would be overwhelmed and literally in shock. We can't know how we would react in that situation unless we had experienced it ourselves. I doubt that there was much thought put into "what will happen to my career" by MM. I suspect both he and the janitor were overcome by fear. The dirty secret was "rubbed off" on them. And, I believe the brain's natural response to something like that is to try to purge the memories. They did what he knew to do at the time. Was it enough? Maybe not, but I really believe they acted in good faith, all things considered. JMO.

I think there was a whole level of 'confusion' and family secrets perhaps going on. It has been reported that Mcqreary was a childhood friend of Sandusky's son and had also been a guest in Sandusky's home as a child, being trained in the realm of Pennsylvania football. So Sandulsky was in every sense an elder and an authority figure of Mcqreary's. And I also tend to believe that some of those toxic family secrets reared their ugly heads when McQreary first came upon his friend's Dad abusing a young boy. I will bet, from my own painful childhood experiences, that he felt overwhelmed and paralyzed at first. But he did do the right thing by reporting the behavior.
Also, for those who are saying he should have immediately stopped it. I bet that once he walked in the shower room, it probably stopped right then and there. I'll bet Sandulsky pulled the plug right then and got out of there. Leaving McQreary to sit and deal with his emotions and to sort it all out. Which he DID. He did not sweep it under the rug. But I think there were toxic family dynamics that involved him and his childhood as well. That is my guess.
I don't think that getting "intelligence information" on these cases that will stand up to conviction is an easy task.

I don't agree that running in there being the hero of that moment is the best action to take. Especially, if there are "powers that be" who will blame you for an assault of the perp.

My heart would not allow my head to think past the moment. Whatever the outcome, I would have reacted.

Many years ago, I attended an inservice to train us to protect the patient due to liability. Now they weren't going to give us any means to do this such as a taser or anything but were instructing us that due to liability if a fight broke out we were to put ourselves in the middle and use these defense techniques that they were showing us not to disarm or disable them but just take the blows in the best way possible. Basically what we are dealing with in this case. Save the institution at all cost. Sacrifice yourself.

Well I was only half listening, very likely talking, and possibly doodling on my pad. I was thinking "I am not going to need this because I am going to run and call for help". I was probably making jokes to the employee next to me to listen up so they could do these things while I was running.

Several weeks later, a fight did break out and I would have run for the phone but a child walked into the middle of the fight just as one person picked up a metal chair to bash the other person. I don't even remember moving but the next thing I knew I had taken the stance to take the blow to protect that child. I startled the person with the chair so badly that they stopped in mid-air and the fight ended right there as I got the child safely out of the way.

Then I remember hearing this loud manly voice shout for the patients to back off. After everyone had settled down, I asked who was the man that shouted because we didn't have any men on staff. It was a small female co-worker who in her frightened state had taken on a deep authoritative voice.

I think most people never give a thought to being a hero.
I don't know if this has been posted. I know that I had not read it yet... Wow. Just wow. It's a miracle that any of this ever came to light, with so many people trying to sweep it under the rug. Thank God for Victim 1 and his mother (he's Victim 1 in the GJ report b/c he's the one who came forward first in these recent allegations) (bbm):

Increasingly worried about the boy's behavior, including his reaction to the phone calls from Sandusky, Gillum said the victim's mother asked school officials to help identify the problem. Gillum said the boy eventually told a school official that "there was an issue" with Sandusky, although the boy declined to elaborate.

Gillum said a school official relayed the information to the boy's mother in a meeting.

The official, who Gillum declined to identify, then reminded the mother of Sandusky's solid reputation in the community. The psychologist said the official characterized Sandusky as having "a heart of gold."

The mother told the psychologist that the official advised her to think about the situation for a few days before taking any action.

"She was angry," Gillum said. "She was upset about that and felt that she was being dissuaded" from taking action. The mother did not respond to a request for an interview.

Shortly after the contact with the school, the mother reported her concerns to the Clinton County (Pa.) Children and Youth Services, a local government agency where Gillum also works as a psychologist.
Maybe I'm just cynical, but I can't help but notice that McQueary went fairly quickly from a poorly-paid graduate assistant who hadn't seen anything to a highly-paid receivers coach and recruiting coordinator who had seen something. Could be that's just a coincidence.
Assistant football coaches at major colleges make much larger salaries than most people probably realize.
Students organize candlelight vigil

Penn State students lit candles in preparation for a vigil held on the Old Main lawn on the University Park campus on Nov. 11. The vigil, attended by several thousand students and other members of the Penn State community, was held to remember victims of abuse and their families.
Compensation for these victims --- at a minimum:

- free tuition, room, and board at Penn State (or any university for that matter, if they don't want to be at Penn State for obvious reasons) paid for by Penn State

- $1 million to each victim, effective immediately (more? less? something substantial) (I know there are many many sexual abuse victims out there who never get a dime, but for a large university to keep sweeping it under the rug to save their $50 million football empire while allowing more children to be abused - is just beyond belief, sickening, and wreaks of greed and pride. And power).
Compensation for these victims --- at a minimum:

- free tuition, room, and board at Penn State (or any university for that matter, if they don't want to be at Penn State for obvious reasons) paid for by Penn State

- $1 million to each victim, effective immediately (more? less? something substantial) (I know there are many many sexual abuse victims out there who never get a dime, but for a large university to keep sweeping it under the rug to save their $50 million football empire while allowing more children to be abused - is just beyond belief, sickening, and wreaks of greed and pride).

I'm willing to bet that there are lawyers already crunching those numbers.
McQueary went fairly quickly from a poorly-paid graduate assistant who hadn't seen anything to a highly-paid receivers coach and recruiting coordinator who had seen something. Could be that's just a coincidence.

Here are two quotes that I think of in this Penn State situation:

Fools rush in.

Discretion is the better part of valor

In other words, don't be in a hurry and keep it quiet, eh? Wonder if kindly Ole JoePa used those EXACT words when he offered McQueary the position of Assistant Coach?

Psst, Hey Mike,"Don't be in such a hurry, keep it quiet, and look what a deal I've got for you!"
IMO, from experience, not directly related here: There is a power differential between a grad. asst. or a janitor and the Director of the Athletics Program who was lauded for being a role model at a charity organization he headed.

I'm fairly certain that both the grad. asst. and the janitor were scared, very scared about what could happen to them if they "snitched."

And, we don't yet know what was happening investigationally behind the scenes.

I might change my opinion with additional evidence.

There's also a power differential between a 28 year old athlete and a washed up old has been of a coach.

As for being scared about what could happen, wonder how the child felt? Think he was scared, VERY SCARED?
In other words, don't be in a hurry and keep it quiet, eh? Wonder if kindly Ole JoePa used those EXACT words when he offered McQueary the position of Assistant Coach?

Sounds like an offer too good to refuse. Maybe Gricar got the same one?

There's also a power differential between a 28 year old athlete and a washed up old has been of a coach.

As for being scared about what could happen, wonder how the child felt? Think he was scared, VERY SCARED?

Very scared, very humiliated, and physically hurt to one degree or another.

I don't think that getting "intelligence information" on these cases that will stand up to conviction is an easy task.

I don't agree that running in there being the hero of that moment is the best action to take. Especially, if there are "powers that be" who will blame you for an assault of the perp.

I'll bet there was a 10 year old little boy in that shower PRAYING for a hero.
I think there was a whole level of 'confusion' and family secrets perhaps going on. It has been reported that Mcqreary was a childhood friend of Sandusky's son and had also been a guest in Sandusky's home as a child, being trained in the realm of Pennsylvania football. So Sandulsky was in every sense an elder and an authority figure of Mcqreary's. And I also tend to believe that some of those toxic family secrets reared their ugly heads when McQreary first came upon his friend's Dad abusing a young boy. I will bet, from my own painful childhood experiences, that he felt overwhelmed and paralyzed at first. But he did do the right thing by reporting the behavior.
Also, for those who are saying he should have immediately stopped it. I bet that once he walked in the shower room, it probably stopped right then and there. I'll bet Sandulsky pulled the plug right then and got out of there. Leaving McQreary to sit and deal with his emotions and to sort it all out. Which he DID. He did not sweep it under the rug. But I think there were toxic family dynamics that involved him and his childhood as well. That is my guess.
:newhere: Hi everyone, I am new here so please feel free to school me on TOS if I make a mistake.

I would like to know more information about McQueary's interactions with Sandusky when he was young. If he was an abuse victim, that might help explain his reaction to finding Sandusky abusing someone else. When McQueary saw what was happening, instead of jumping in and grabbing the child, he just shut down (especially if he was abused and has sought no help for processing what happened).

I can go along w/ this angle.

I wish he would've done more for that boy and I do hope that this has fueled his testimony. He has to live w/ that look from that child.

If it were'nt for McQueary's honest and graphic testimony, I don't know if the public would even be aware of sandusky yet. People had voiced concern about sandusky, I can't imagine all the undocumented conversations that had to have been going on. But it's the sounds and images that McQueary spoke, that the world is cringing and crying about. IMO. I know these words and images have haunted me since this began. I am a mom of boys and have a current 10 yr old.

Considering how many people knew what sandusky was doing, I think McQueary is the only one who made any action towards speaking truthfully and honestly about the crime and those involved in the cover-up.


And somebody please tell me why sandusky is not in jail? Honestly what's the legalities on this? What's the next step? He must have court soon.
I keep wondering what happened to get McQueary to break his silence about the shower room boy. The only people who knew that story were the victim, McQueary and the 3 people above him.

Then you have this strong division in the Sandusky with the mother of his children and Matt are at serious odds. I wonder if someone told her or hinted to her about the abuse in the shower and she could have been the one who got them looking in the story. Something is just funny.

Matt, 33, is not one of the victims in the grand jury presentment, but he did testify before the grand jury.

The day Jerry Sandusky was arrested, Matt brought his kids over to Jerry’s house. The mother of Matt’s children almost immediately went to court to prevent future visits. A judge’s order now prevents Sandusky from having unsupervised contact or overnight visits with his grandchildren.
I have read all the links I could find but still cannot find sandusky's next court date. And still trying to find out if it's normal to be let out on such strong and numerous charges.?? Is it because he has no criminal backround?

IMO so many people had to know what was going . He was so brazen to commit these crimes in public areas. He was so comfortable being naked under glaring lights not even hiding the noises! And that was years after he knew some people were on to him. He did not care who saw him "loving" on these boys. He did not care if other people walked in on him. He enjoyed it all way to much to even try to hide his crimes.

During the trustee's news confrence the other day, the new interm president came to the podium and said something to the effect of being w/ the university for 30 plus years or something. Both my husband and I said in jinx alot fashion "then he knew about it too!" It's sad to lump a whole generation of men that were a part of that university for so long but I know people talk and you can't tell me that everyone did'nt know that these alligations are the exact reason sandusky was never offered a full coaches spot after being Paterno's side kick for so long. IMO
I keep wondering what happened to get McQueary to break his silence about the shower room boy. The only people who knew that story were the victim, McQueary and the 3 people above him.

Then you have this strong division in the Sandusky with the mother of his children and Matt are at serious odds. I wonder if someone told her or hinted to her about the abuse in the shower and she could have been the one who got them looking in the story. Something is just funny.

Matt, 33, is not one of the victims in the grand jury presentment, but he did testify before the grand jury.

The day Jerry Sandusky was arrested, Matt brought his kids over to Jerry’s house. The mother of Matt’s children almost immediately went to court to prevent future visits. A judge’s order now prevents Sandusky from having unsupervised contact or overnight visits with his grandchildren.

IMO there's a reason he preyed on young boys. He gives me the creep vibe just reading about him holding hands w/ boys or wanting to disipline, I doubt he could control himself around his own children and grandchildren. He'd feel even more powerful and in control of them. This mom has also had the benefit of hearing and seeing how her husband was treated by his "father" IMO
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