Police Misconduct??

While I think Drew is a slimy creep, I'm going to hold judgment on this money thing until we know more. Drew's a lying maniplulative user and abuser, but if he's thinking that he'll have to go to jail, might lose his retirement from the BPD, and someone will have to raise his four children, this might be money for that purpose. It would be a huge burden for a newly married 28-year old to suddenly inherit four children. The financial burden would be enough to perhaps end his marriage. So, I realize that in the light of DefendDrew.com, this looks very suspicious, but we really do have to keep in mind that these four children still have to have a place to live and will have to have all the things that it takes for them to grow up. Yes, the older two have trust funds from their mother and Stacy's life insurance policy has yet to turn up (yes, I'm certain there is one), but that money would go a long way to easing the transition to Steve and his wife. So, thus far it looks like this is Drew's money and he really does have the right to do with it as he pleases. Yes, if some of it came from joint accounts, it may look worse, but we all know Stacy won't be coming back to raise her children. If Steve and his wife can provide the children with a loving stable home and they are willing to do it, then I think that is great. I know some have thought that Cassandra would want the kids, but at her age, that would be a huge responsibility. Hopefully, she can be in the children's lives in a major way, but they still need two parents. The money thing seems to be the least of worries right now. Steve cheating on a girlfriend? This seems like gossip to me that is totally unimportant and irrelevant at this juncture. JMO
Not doubting you, but where and how much is the trust fund for Kathleen's children. Would this be from her life insurance? I haven't seen one. I have heard DP say something about her life insurance being in trust for her kids, but I really am not conviced of that. If he took out the policy and paid the premiums, I would believe he's the primary beneficiary.
gosh panthera:

reading what you said, in a psycological theory, DP and Steve can connect as "males, but in DP'S mind any female that doesn't meet/obey/etc. him is not good enough and has to be eliminated.

But Steve, does not believe in that, he believes in the honor of the "blue" code (police) which both him and his father have in common.

No one has seen DP for a few days now and all the media have left, so we can only assume that DP is hat home with all the children. Yet, even here and on the findstacy.com site, no one has come forward and said they feel the children are in danger.

Interesting....................I spend every day worrying about them.

Actually, I've expressed fear. I'm especially worried about the welfare of the little daughter. DP has already shown a willingness to cross the legal boundaries of age by dating a 16 year old (that's how old Stacy was when he first started going after her). He's constantly bringing up sex, sexual prowess, sexual situations, etc. And he's admitted he's not going to get a date any time soon.

It's a terrifying thought.
Not doubting you, but where and how much is the trust fund for Kathleen's children. Would this be from her life insurance? I haven't seen one. I have heard DP say something about her life insurance being in trust for her kids, but I really am not conviced of that. If he took out the policy and paid the premiums, I would believe he's the primary beneficiary.

BarnGoddess, I saw Drew interviewed early on (I think Matt Lauer) and he was asked about the million dollar life insurance policy that Kathleen had and he did confirm it, but said that it was left in a trust for her two children.

Now, later on, I heard (can't remember where) that Drew hadn't been aware until AFTER her death that Kathleen had changed the beneficiary from Drew to the two sons.
What's so interesting about the will is the time it emerges and the fact it is hand written in all capitol letters. Seems to me that with the money they had tied up in businesses and other assets they would have had a will drawn up by an attorney and sealed with the state when they executed it. Most people with those kinds of assets do not leave a handwritten will..in all capitol letters, witnessed by only friends of their husband vs their own firends and family. Most married couples execute a will together. That alone should have sent up a red flag.

The all capital letters bothers me. I am pretty sure that I have read that it's harder to do handwriting analysis on caps.
BarnGoddess, I saw Drew interviewed early on (I think Matt Lauer) and he was asked about the million dollar life insurance policy that Kathleen had and he did confirm it, but said that it was left in a trust for her two children.

Now, later on, I heard (can't remember where) that Drew hadn't been aware until AFTER her death that Kathleen had changed the beneficiary from Drew to the two sons.
Thanks thesleuther. Interesting that she could change the beneficiary. The BarnGod has to keep up a life insurance policy on his wife per his divorce agreement. We sat down with our agent about all our policies both on him and the one on her. The ones on his two children were turned over to them to continue the premiums on their own. The one on his wife cannot be cancelled voluntarily per his divorce decree. Funny thing is the BarnGod is the beneficiary, LOL. We tried to get her to agree to cancelling this policy, but she's too bull headed and stupid to understand that the only one is benefitting is her ex. She's tried to get their son made sole beneficiary, and excluding bypassing their daughter, but she can't. She's called me every name in the book, trying to get the beneficiary changed. Unfortunately for her, the BarnGod is the beneficiary and will stay that way unless he changes it himself as HE owns the policy. To really p**s her off, I'm secondary beneficiary before their daughter and son.

So, who owned the policy on Kathleen that she could change the beneficiary? If it was hers, then did she pay the premiums?
Thanks thesleuther. Interesting that she could change the beneficiary. The BarnGod has to keep up a life insurance policy on his wife per his divorce agreement. We sat down with our agent about all our policies both on him and the one on her. The ones on his two children were turned over to them to continue the premiums on their own. The one on his wife cannot be cancelled voluntarily per his divorce decree. Funny thing is the BarnGod is the beneficiary, LOL. We tried to get her to agree to cancelling this policy, but she's too bull headed and stupid to understand that the only one is benefitting is her ex. She's tried to get their son made sole beneficiary, and excluding bypassing their daughter, but she can't. She's called me every name in the book, trying to get the beneficiary changed. Unfortunately for her, the BarnGod is the beneficiary and will stay that way unless he changes it himself as HE owns the policy. To really p**s her off, I'm secondary beneficiary before their daughter and son.

So, who owned the policy on Kathleen that she could change the beneficiary? If it was hers, then did she pay the premiums?

Interesting about BardGod's ex, and kind of funny, too. Since Kathleen was able to change hers, it's reasonable to assume that she owned it.
BarnGoddess, I saw Drew interviewed early on (I think Matt Lauer) and he was asked about the million dollar life insurance policy that Kathleen had and he did confirm it, but said that it was left in a trust for her two children.

Now, later on, I heard (can't remember where) that Drew hadn't been aware until AFTER her death that Kathleen had changed the beneficiary from Drew to the two sons.

Knowing what we know about Drew and his degrading attitude towards women, he probably thought Kathleen wasn't smart enough to handle things like money and life insurance, and he just assumed that he was still the beneficiary.
Knowing what we know about Drew and his degrading attitude towards women, he probably thought Kathleen wasn't smart enough to handle things like money and life insurance, and he just assumed that he was still the beneficiary.

Big time thumb's up Cricket; you hit the nail smack dab on the head.
Interesting about BardGod's ex, and kind of funny, too. Since Kathleen was able to change hers, it's reasonable to assume that she owned it.
Yes, it is kind of funny. She's a definite looney. My stepdaughter (her daughter) is getting married this coming Spring and the ex wants me to pay for it along with the BarnGod, but then she's demanding I stay home and not attend. Not going to happen. My darling stepdaughter says she feels I am more of a mother to her than her own mother, and if anyone stays away, it's her. She probably will as she hates her fiance.

I would say, based on our own experience, that Kathleen probably did own the policy. Maybe I'll have to e-mail Greta the question.
I would have loved to have seen Drew's face when he found out she changed it. Good for her.
I just returned from the canal. Pics are here:
They are packing up for this evening and will be back tomorrow.

Randy..................thanks for the pictures. I note that there's an accumulation of snow on the boats, so they must have been on the canal for some time yesterday. I sure hope Stacy is found soon. Her family has been through so much pain with not knowing. With Christmas just 10 days away, I can't imagine how difficult this is on Stacy's children and her family.
This thought keeps awake at night!! With DP being so sly and so smug at the beginning, wait, when was the last time we saw him looking smug???

Maybe, LE are on the right track now and that is why DP is not looking so righteous and smug. I hope so.

I've tried to pinpoint when DP changed, and I think it was about the time that the information about Tom Morphey helping him move a blue container from the bedroom to his Denali the night of October 28th. Just a day or two before DP was smug and horsing around with the media, and then he changed and wanted the media to stop hounding him.

Drew Peterson's son has been suspended from the Oak Brook Police Department for showing up at a grand jury appearance driving his police car and wearing his uniform.
Stephen Peterson was given an 8-day suspension Wednesday night for, according to his chief, casting the department in a bad light. (more at link)
Too bad it's "like father like son" with Steve. I hope the younger ones can break away...but I doubt that will happen since someone is still reigning over them. :(

Thanks for the picture on the photo thread.

ETA: It's not like he doesn't have enough money to go buy himself a nice new suit for the GJ appearance.
He didn't wear his uniform to his disciplanary hearing? That was more job related than appearing as a civilian witness in the death and the disappearance in his stepmothers cases.

ETA: So we now know that Steve has been called to the GJ 4 times (it doesn't say how many of those times he actually testified) and that he wore his uniform there twice.

Three days after testifying that he let his father, Drew Peterson, hide weapons in his home, Oak Brook police officer Stephen Peterson was suspended from his job, village officials said.

The Thursday decision was directly related to Stephen's testimony, a source said.

Stephen Peterson, 31, has been suspended at least five times in the six years he's been an Oak Brook police officer, according to state records and prior police statements.
I always wondered if Steve was a good cop/bad cop............like dad...........
I'm so glad the LE are watching his butt also!
He was/is DP 'best friend' so you NEVER know if he was involved in some way.
Humph........ how can they even begin to justify him keeping his job when he's been suspended that many times in 6 short years? Unfreakingbelievable is what that is. More and more I have come to question the integrity of Law Enforcement. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, one bad apple...... yadda yadda yadda. It seems that the entire bushel has become rotten here. No wonder drEWWWW thought he was invincible, with the buddies he has, he ALMOST was. Now he's just a fat, sloppy, waiting for his trial.

Hopefully they will get to the bottom of all of his misdeeds, layer after layer, until it's all laid open for all to see. I'll betch this little tidbit wiped the smug right off his smugly mug........
It's good to hear from a local.
I think the layers will come off like an onion.
Oh, if they could only find Stacy!

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