Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #12

Boston Globe reporter @Milton Valencia will be tweeting live from the court room.
Aside from the act itself, this is what I find very disturbing about the whole episode.

During the manhunt for a bombing suspect, police and federal agents spent the day storming people's homes and performing illegal searches. Police were filmed marching people from their homes at gunpoint with their hands raised in submission, and then storming the homes looking for suspects.

This was part of a larger operation that involved total lock down of the suburban neighborhood. Roads were barricaded and vehicle traffic was prohibited. A No-Fly Zone was declared over the town. People were "ordered" to stay indoors. Businesses were told not to open. National Guard soldiers helped with the lock down, and were photographed checking IDs of pedestrians on the streets.

Seems imo, that America was safer before they arrived.


" Zubeidat Tsarnaeva responded to Wednesday's decision with a blistering indictment of America posted on the Russian social media website VKontakte, the website vocativ.com reports.

"My sons are innocent, as innocent as all those being killed by your country," she said.

A sampling of Tsarnaeva's tirade: "I will never forget it. May God bless those who helped my son. The terrorists are the Americans and everyone knows it. My son is the best of the best."

The jury will reconvene April 21 for a hearing to decide whether Tsarnaev is sentenced to life in prison or death. His mother laments that her son is "in the hands of a predator preparing to tear him to pieces like meat."


" I thought America is going to, like, protect us, our kids, it's going to be safe."
With all due respect, I'd like to discuss theories surrounding the Boston Marathon Bombing.

1. Why was the crime scene changed? There are many notable differences between photos of the bomb site, and both were taken after the bombs went off. It's as if the area didn't look messy enough, so tables were overturned etc.

2. How did the man who had his legs blown off survive? I saw suggestions that doctors had weighed in on that forever-famous photo of the legless man being wheeled up the road with bone and large veins exposed, noting that he would have bled out within minutes and there is no blood coming from his legs whatsoever. I've also seen it suggested that he was an amputee, possibly an army veteran who wore prosthetics for this event.

3. Why were there so many conflicting reports about the perpetrators? I watched the news reports in real time - they arrested two men before any reports about the gas station robbery and car jacking took place. One in particular showed a suspect being arrested, fully naked, and he had a startling resemblance to Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

4. Why was the entire area evacuated at gunpoint when police already knew the description of the man they were looking for? I watched in horror as countless Americans were forced to surrender their homes and were walked out at gunpoint like criminals. I also read that homes were left vacant and open, suburbs were entirely evacuated and gave their target many chances to relocate and hide out in empty, searched homes. True or false?

5. It's said that the boat that Dzhokhar was riddled with bullets (shot up by police) before they pulled him from his hiding place, and they were forced to perform an emergency tracheotomy before rushing him to hospital. Has this been proven?

6. Is there evidence to show that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ever actually confessed, in his own words - through audio or video evidence? I'm sorry, but I won't accept written evidence. In this day and age, it proves nothing and can be easily forged (just like Obama's birth certificate).

7. This is a long shot, but there's a very convincing theory going around for a few years now that both The Simpsons and Family Guy have been predicting noteworthy events for some time now, and that the Boston Marathon Bombings was one of them (depicted in an episode of Family Guy that aired some time before the event). Just thought I'd throw this in here if anybody feels like weighing in with their theory on that one.
So I am from Boston and lived 30 mins from the Bombing I can try to answer some of your questions.

2) The man who's legs were blown to bits survived because of one person's quick thinking. Another man grabbed the femoral artery and held it "Shut" to stop him from loosing TO much blood.

3) Everyone was in a panic, the people of Boston and surrounding cities were looking for ANY answer. So if someone even had the same freckle as the bomber, the Boston people called in a report.

4) At the time many other people such as the bombers friends were suspects. So for a precaution, the police were up in arms in case the was another accomplice. The people of Boston were evacuated from their homes due to the fact of bombs supposedly were found in other buildings. Also, the Bombers ran from Boston to Dartmouth MA. That is an INSANE amount of ground to cover.

5) If I remember right, the boat was shot up by police, and a photo was released by the owner of the boat.

6) I do not think there is video of the bomber's confession though if you look at the note written on the boat, it does not look like it could have been forged. There are bullet holes going through the note and blood that was dripped down the note. Indicating the note was written before the shoot out. I also know the father condoned his sons' actions on video and threatened war if anything happened to his son.

From personal experience: I was watching the race with my grandparents on tv as the bombs went off. I use to live in Revere and Revere was basically on look down for a while. I remember watching swat trucks and state troopers fly down the roads. The news in Boston was NOTHING but the Bombing and the bombers and their families.

I am a bit fuzzy and some of the details with it being seven years ago. I can always brush up and talk about what happened.
With all due respect, I'd like to discuss theories surrounding the Boston Marathon Bombing.

1. Why was the crime scene changed? There are many notable differences between photos of the bomb site, and both were taken after the bombs went off. It's as if the area didn't look messy enough, so tables were overturned etc.

2. How did the man who had his legs blown off survive? I saw suggestions that doctors had weighed in on that forever-famous photo of the legless man being wheeled up the road with bone and large veins exposed, noting that he would have bled out within minutes and there is no blood coming from his legs whatsoever. I've also seen it suggested that he was an amputee, possibly an army veteran who wore prosthetics for this event.

3. Why were there so many conflicting reports about the perpetrators? I watched the news reports in real time - they arrested two men before any reports about the gas station robbery and car jacking took place. One in particular showed a suspect being arrested, fully naked, and he had a startling resemblance to Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

4. Why was the entire area evacuated at gunpoint when police already knew the description of the man they were looking for? I watched in horror as countless Americans were forced to surrender their homes and were walked out at gunpoint like criminals. I also read that homes were left vacant and open, suburbs were entirely evacuated and gave their target many chances to relocate and hide out in empty, searched homes. True or false?

5. It's said that the boat that Dzhokhar was riddled with bullets (shot up by police) before they pulled him from his hiding place, and they were forced to perform an emergency tracheotomy before rushing him to hospital. Has this been proven?

6. Is there evidence to show that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ever actually confessed, in his own words - through audio or video evidence? I'm sorry, but I won't accept written evidence. In this day and age, it proves nothing and can be easily forged (just like Obama's birth certificate).

7. This is a long shot, but there's a very convincing theory going around for a few years now that both The Simpsons and Family Guy have been predicting noteworthy events for some time now, and that the Boston Marathon Bombings was one of them (depicted in an episode of Family Guy that aired some time before the event). Just thought I'd throw this in here if anybody feels like weighing in with their theory on that one.

I don't have too much to add, as I'll have to brush up on the details. But I would like to discuss this too. I remember at the time coming across peculiarities in pics that didn't seem to be supported by basic physics.
Seems imo, that America was safer before they arrived.


" Zubeidat Tsarnaeva responded to Wednesday's decision with a blistering indictment of America posted on the Russian social media website VKontakte, the website vocativ.com reports.

"My sons are innocent, as innocent as all those being killed by your country," she said.

A sampling of Tsarnaeva's tirade: "I will never forget it. May God bless those who helped my son. The terrorists are the Americans and everyone knows it. My son is the best of the best."

The jury will reconvene April 21 for a hearing to decide whether Tsarnaev is sentenced to life in prison or death. His mother laments that her son is "in the hands of a predator preparing to tear him to pieces like meat."


" I thought America is going to, like, protect us, our kids, it's going to be safe."

Couldn't agree more, dotr. America WAS safer before their arrival here. The mother's ideology certainly is apparent in her statements. I doubt the apple fell far...
Aside from the act itself, this is what I find very disturbing about the whole episode.

During the manhunt for a bombing suspect, police and federal agents spent the day storming people's homes and performing illegal searches. Police were filmed marching people from their homes at gunpoint with their hands raised in submission, and then storming the homes looking for suspects.

This was part of a larger operation that involved total lock down of the suburban neighborhood. Roads were barricaded and vehicle traffic was prohibited. A No-Fly Zone was declared over the town. People were "ordered" to stay indoors. Businesses were told not to open. National Guard soldiers helped with the lock down, and were photographed checking IDs of pedestrians on the streets.


Gunther, if we had only known what was to come!
They are no longer 'alleged' killers when they are throwing bombs out of their Jeep and killing cops who are just sitting in their squad cars minding their own business and blowing up children as seen on VIDEO.

The Bostonians were not wanting 'freedom' from searches---they WANTED their homes to be searched for their own PROTECTION. My BIL in Cambridge was thrilled to have the cops come and search his attic because he heard noises and was afraid to go up and look himself. He told them about the noises and they went up there and looked around, putting their own lives in danger.

It cracks me up that you are trying to couch this in a negative light. The Bostonians were very frightened of these two cold blooded killers at that time. They were thrilled that LE went all out to hunt them down. Nobody felt their rights to privacy were being invaded. I heard some complaints from people whose homes were not searched or whose doors were not knocked on. They felt overlooked and unsafe.

I do not understand where you are coming from. According to your stance, the violence perpetrated by IT is just 'normal' male violence. [ NOT] And the cops were wrong to defend themselves and they should have tasered in response to his attack. And the cops in Boston should not have searched all of those homes because they should have assumed the brothers were innocent? Huh?

Are you still cracking up at @CarLLs post about loss of personal liberties? It seems rather prophetic 8 years on in this upside down world we're living.
I had an old girlfriend post a picture of her bruised up eye on FB, claiming that she had been hurt in the bombing. But she also has mental health issues, is a raging alcoholic and chronic liar. Personally, I think she's full of it. Is there a full list of people who were injured, not deceased, from that day?
I'm really sorry that you're just now finding this out about our criminal justice system. Someone should've told you sooner that its a clusterfuck. Gonna blow your mind when you start hearing about pedophiles getting 2 yrs and a pot dealer getting 20 yrs. Personally don't give a crap about Chauvin, but the fact that you feel the need to compare the two cases, says that you do. Sorry buddy, guy screwed up bad on camera and has a history. if you have to back the blue as a matter of principle, at least go for something less shady or more likely unjust like Amber Guyger.

I didn't need you to tell me that it's a cluster. I do volunteer outreach work on behalf of incarcerated inmates who have no means and no support system. I'm well aware of the injustices.

Unfortunately, a chronic illness of several years has now become life threatening, delayed my work, and depleted all resources. But if I'm given the time on this earth, I hope to soon illustrate some of those injustices. If not, I hope someone will take my materials and continue the project.

Sure, I'm human and have biases. I admit that. But I try very hard not to lump situations, people, or races into a big stereotypical pile. I try to evaluate and form my opinions on an individual basis, regardless of who is in blue. Although, media have made that more difficult, as they seem to have forgotten how to report facts. Almost without exception, what I've read from journalists, social media, and most sites over the last year and-a-half has been overt editorializing. That has its place-clearly labeled as an editorial piece. When free speech is silenced or limited to an acceptable narrative, ultimately, everyone loses. I do mean everyone, even those who initially seem to benefit from the practice.
I'm really sorry that you're just now finding this out about our criminal justice system. Someone should've told you sooner that its a clusterfuck. Gonna blow your mind when you start hearing about pedophiles getting 2 yrs and a pot dealer getting 20 yrs. Personally don't give a crap about Chauvin, but the fact that you feel the need to compare the two cases, says that you do. Sorry buddy, guy screwed up bad on camera and has a history. if you have to back the blue as a matter of principle, at least go for something less shady or more likely unjust like Amber Guyger.

I didn't compare any 2 cases. Not sure what that's about. I pointed out that an elected official violated the scope of her office, tampered with a jury with calls for violence, and prevented someone from getting a fair trial. Last I checked, that right is protected by our Constitution.
Not sure if this has been mentioned here before but I can't stop thinking about it.

There is really something fishy here. The whole case stinks IMO

"The FBI has said repeatedly that they don't know who armed the Tsarnaev brothers for their bloody attack, but cops in the Boston area think that there's a suspect in plain sight and that the bureau and the U.S. attorney are protecting him for some reason."
Is this just too long ago?

I think the above linked Newsweek article is nuts.

Is it just that everyone is Idaho murders 24/7?

Why did the FBI step in and and why is this guy, likely the bomb maker, being protected?


Weird to see zero interest. I am missing something?
December 2, 2022 rbbm
''What did law enforcement know, and when did they know it?

Answers about a crime investigation that could have altered history may soon be available for public scrutiny.

Documents containing information about a 2011 triple murder in Waltham — and its possible ties to the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing — could be released within a week.

As reported by MassLive, Axios Boston disclosed that Secretary of State William Galvin’s office is reviewing documents from the Middlesex district attorney that detail the murders of three Waltham men — 37-year-old Raphael Teken, 25-year-old Brendan Mess and 31-year-old Erik Weissman.

According to Axios Boston, Galvin’s supervisor of records should have a decision on which documents — and what information will be redacted — by Dec. 6.

The surviving paperwork could offer insight into Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s possible involvement in the triple murders, and whether the Marathon bombing two years later could have been prevented.''
left to right: Rapahel Teken, Brendan Mess and Erik Weissman
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