MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023

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I hope I'm not breaking any rules when I say that there's an incredible attorney who is following and explaining Karen Read's case. Melanie Little on yt. She also goes over the court documents in this case and she has relevant experts as guests! Dog bites for example
Do you mean Grant Smith Ellis? Not sure who AK is. He live blogged the hearing yesterday on Twitter and he's been a guest on several podcasts about the case. Twitter handle is @GrantSmithEllis
I think it's interesting that the very first thing he describes himself as is "disabled". Disabled first, journalist at heart is second. Most of us with disabilities don't define ourselves as such because it might be perceived as manipulative. Oh, well. I've just never seen that before.
I think it's interesting that the very first thing he describes himself as is "disabled". Disabled first, journalist at heart is second. Most of us with disabilities don't define ourselves as such because it might be perceived as manipulative. Oh, well. I've just never seen that before.
He's a little odd. Mother is Wendy Murphy a Boston lawyer and frequent talking head on CourtTV who often gets facts wrong.
He's a little odd. Mother is Wendy Murphy a Boston lawyer and frequent talking head on CourtTV who often gets facts wrong.

Even amongst all the spectacle that this case has generated, Grant Smith Ellis is one of the more extreme personalities who's been trying to draw attention to himself.

He has a lot of half-baked theories. Like for a while he was claiming that Turtleboy was an FBI informant in some drug case, based on absolutely nothing as far as I can tell. He also likes to yell ludicrous questions at the defense team as they enter or exit the courtroom. Then he posts the clips for upvotes and likes. The other day he asked Karen Read if she was sleeping with her defense attorney.

I think he saw how lucrative this case has been for Turtleboy and figured he'd try to do the same thing, but from the other side.
If we're speculating about this under the assumption this was a cover-up: I think going the accident route could leave too much up to chance, and/or I could reasonably see why the perpetrators would think that. I'm not sure if the end goal would even was for KR to be trial for murder, perhaps they just wanted the focus on her for as long as possible so they could tie up any loose ends or distance themselves from that night. Especially with the added drama of it being a cop found on the property of another cop, they probably felt they needed to give a concrete suspect to deflect onto.
Thanks for your response. I have question.

Is it believed that her friends who said that KR mentioned O'Keefe being hit, either by herself or a snowplow, before returning to the residence, is lying about her saying that? If they are KR's friends, why would they lie about this?

It's all just a very bizarre series of events to me. She went home and woke up a few hours later, saw her boyfriend was not home and was worried. But how farfetched is it that a cop who was drinking and left at another cop's house, who was also drinking, would decide to sleep it off before driving on icy roads? It was a party where even more drinking would have been expected to take place.

And why not worry that it was a regular car accident versus being hit by either herself or a snowplow? This is a hard element for me to overcome to even consider the rest of the story she is telling because everything else just seems like taking advantage of the circumstances of it being cops investigating cops.

I do agree that these elements can rise to reasonable doubt, and that could be why she is ultimately acquitted, but based on her own words and reactions, and how implausible her conclusions were given the circumstances, my visceral and initial reaction is that she hit him. If she did hit him, she should have just waited for someone to find him, but she was in the mindset of trying to convince people it was an accident and was trying to get ahead of the story. Possibly because she knew she had a broken tail light and would need to account for the forensics, but that's why if she wanted people to believe it was an accident, she needed to just let it play out.

My mind can change as the trial goes on and I'm absolutely fine with admitting that I am wrong, but I've seen a case or 2 play out like this one where the defendant had a good media campaign leading up to trial, but once the trial begins it is evident they are guilty and are found guilty. The people who have been sold on the pretrial media campaign often cannot accept they were wrong and that's where things get crazier.
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Thanks for your response. I have question.

Is it believed that her friends who said that KR mentioned O'Keefe being hit, either by herself or a snowplow, before returning to the residence, is lying about her saying that? If they are KR's friends, why would they lie about this?

It's all just a very bizarre series of events to me. She went home and woke up a few hours later, saw her boyfriend was not home and was worried. But how farfetched is it that a cop who was drinking and left at another cop's house, who was also drinking, would decide to sleep it off before driving on icy roads? It was a party where even more drinking would have been expected to take place.

And why not worry that it was a regular car accident versus being hit by either herself or a snowplow? This is a hard element for me to overcome to even consider the rest of the story she is telling because everything else just seems like taking advantage of the circumstances of it being cops investigating cops.

I do agree that these elements can rise to reasonable doubt, and that could be why she is ultimately acquitted, but based on her own words and reactions, and how implausible her conclusions were given the circumstances, my visceral and initial reaction is that she hit him. If she did hit him, she should have just waited for someone to find him, but she was in the mindset of trying to convince people it was an accident and was trying to get ahead of the story. Possibly because she knew she had a broken tail light and would need to account for the forensics, but that's why if she wanted people to believe it was an accident, she needed to just let it play out.

My mind can change as the trial goes on and I'm absolutely fine with admitting that I am wrong, but I've seen a case or 2 play out like this one where the defendant had a good media campaign leading up to trial, but once the trial begins it is evident they are guilty and are found guilty. The people who have been sold on the pretrial media campaign often cannot accept they were wrong and that's where things get crazier.

My intuitive feeling is that KR could have something to do with JO’s death, but that in might have happpened in some other way than hitting him with her car. There might have been a bottle of whiskey in the car; in anger, or even in a mutual fight, she might have hit him on the head, and when he stumbled out of her car trying to escape, she might have intentionally hit him with a car, to conceal the other attack. She might have mentioned being afraid of hitting JO with a car purely on purpose so that this way of death would be investigated, not anything else. To me, the presence of a glass in his hand doesn’t imply he was carrying it from a bar. Rather, it bespeaks a bottle being in a car nearby. Or some other tool. But I think the car hit is a diversion, in a way. I view KR is impulsive, but also a very smart woman. I also suspect that while her BAL that night was above the limits, she may not have been that horribly drunk that night, just disinhibited, but thought fast. She really invested the time into finding a very good lawyer in the next few days.

But this is just a general feeling. The odds are higher with KR than with police conspiracy. However, at this moment, no one can tell if JO walked into the house or not. This is when one wishes people were sober the next morning to investigate, but obviously, everyone was having a major hangover.

So I think it would be hard to reach a guilty verdict.

Why I think it was not a police conspiracy? Well, that PD has lost a lot. And apparently, they were previously mentioned in local news in a very favorable way.

Could it be a SODDI case? Quite possible.
Is it believed that her friends who said that KR mentioned O'Keefe being hit, either by herself or a snowplow, before returning to the residence, is lying about her saying that? If they are KR's friends, why would they lie about this?
The women in the car with her were not her friends, she barely knew them. They were John's friends, although they had deeper ties to the Alberts. One of them, Jen McCabe, was the sister of Nicole Albert, wife of Brian and owner of the party house. JM was also the person who supposedly googled "Ho[w] long to die in the cold" during the party.

KR says she said "Did I hit him?" Others claim it was just "I hit him." Either way, it seems pretty clear that she was pretty drunk that night and initially she thought she did hit him. It was only in the following days and weeks when she began to question the state's version of events as she learned of various inconsistencies. (And maybe her memory returned?)

But how farfetched is it that a cop who was drinking and left at another cop's house, who was also drinking, would decide to sleep it off before driving on icy roads?
JO didn't have a car so he wouldn't have been driving in any case. I assume the plan was that he would either Uber or hitch a ride home.

I guess we'll see when this comes out at trial, but JO had minor children at home and from most accounts he wasn't the sort of person who would stay out all night without calling.
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There might have been a bottle of whiskey in the car; in anger, or even in a mutual fight, she might have hit him on the head, and when he stumbled out of her car trying to escape, she might have intentionally hit him with a car, to conceal the other attack.

I don't think there's any evidence to support this theory. The medical examiner would have been able to determine if JO was hit by a bottle.

Here's a case where scientists were able to determine from the fracture pattern in a 33,000 year old skull that the wound occurred right before the man's death and that he was killed violently in a blunt weapon attack and not from a fall. They were even able to conclude that his attacker was likely left-handed.
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My intuitive feeling is that KR could have something to do with JO’s death, but that in might have happpened in some other way than hitting him with her car. There might have been a bottle of whiskey in the car; in anger, or even in a mutual fight, she might have hit him on the head, and when he stumbled out of her car trying to escape, she might have intentionally hit him with a car, to conceal the other attack. She might have mentioned being afraid of hitting JO with a car purely on purpose so that this way of death would be investigated, not anything else. To me, the presence of a glass in his hand doesn’t imply he was carrying it from a bar. Rather, it bespeaks a bottle being in a car nearby. Or some other tool. But I think the car hit is a diversion, in a way. I view KR is impulsive, but also a very smart woman. I also suspect that while her BAL that night was above the limits, she may not have been that horribly drunk that night, just disinhibited, but thought fast. She really invested the time into finding a very good lawyer in the next few days.

But this is just a general feeling. The odds are higher with KR than with police conspiracy. However, at this moment, no one can tell if JO walked into the house or not. This is when one wishes people were sober the next morning to investigate, but obviously, everyone was having a major hangover.

So I think it would be hard to reach a guilty verdict.

Why I think it was not a police conspiracy? Well, that PD has lost a lot. And apparently, they were previously mentioned in local news in a very favorable way.

Could it be a SODDI case? Quite possible.
This is very well possible. I agree with you though that with how everything was handled, it may be hard to get 12 people to agree on a guilty verdict. I mean, if I am on a jury and they can't prove that a murder happened the way they are saying it happened, I can't find that person guilty. That's how innocent people end up in prison.

Also, drinking or not, I just don't see cops deciding the best way to get rid of a body/cover up a murder is by putting the body outside in the snow and planning to say he was ran over by his GF... And then just lucking up that KR comes over and is saying she hit him to anyone who listens - as a question or a statement, doesn't matter. Before she even gets there she is saying it and naming herself as the possible culprit... then running straight to the body once they arrived.
The women in the car with her were not her friends, she barely knew them. They were John's friends, although they had deeper ties to the Alberts. One of them, Jen McCabe, was the sister of Nicole Albert, wife of Brian and owner of the party house. JM was also the person who supposedly googled "Ho[w] long to die in the cold" during the party.

KR says she said "Did I hit him?" Others claim it was just "I hit him." Either way, it seems pretty clear that she was pretty drunk that night and initially she thought she did hit him. It was only in the following days and weeks when she began to question the state's version of events as she learned of various inconsistencies. (And maybe her memory returned?)

JO didn't have a car so he wouldn't have been driving in any case. I assume the plan was that he would either Uber or hitch a ride home.

I guess we'll see when this comes out at trial, but JO had minor children at home and from most accounts he wasn't the sort of person who would stay out all night without calling.
OK hoping for more clarity on this as the trial comes closer. As I've said I've tried not to look too much into this so that I can have a more open mind, but I failed. lmao I wasn't patient enough. I will see how this shapes up.
Karen Read murder trial: A guide to the key players you need to know

Read is charged with running down John O’Keefe, her Boston police officer boyfriend, and leaving him to die in a blizzard in the town of Canton on Jan. 29, 2022. Read’s defense has argued that she is being framed and that O’Keefe was beaten and attacked by a dog inside the home of another Boston police officer.

The trial is expected to last between 6 and 7 weeks.

Here’s a guide to the key players you need to know as the trial gets underway:

More at link...

April 17, 2024 at 8:18 am EDT

Also, there's an earlier linked article included in the above linked article:

An autopsy lists his cause of death as “blunt impact injuries of the head and hypothermia.”

April 28, 2023 at 11:02 am EDT
I don't think that was the plan exactly.

The coming blizzard plays a huge role here and not just with regard to how the investigation was conducted.
The first plow came by at about 2:30 am to pretreat Fairview and it sounds like he will testify there was no body on the lawn at that time. In interviews, he's insisted he absolutely would have noticed a body given the height and lights on his truck. The snow was not piling up yet.
When he came back around about 30 minutes later, his view of the place where the body was later found was blocked by a light colored Ford SUV. No doubt he was annoyed by this, as in Canton no street parking is allowed after 1 am in the winter.
I live a few miles away and was anticipating a huge storm overnight. It didn't happen; the storm was delayed until the next morning, and we ended up with 2.5 feet of snow later on that day.

The theory is, that with O'Keefe either dead or showing signs he was dying and not likely to regain consciousness, someone got the idea - maybe thanks to the plow's first pass - that if they put him out fairly near the street, the conclusion would be a plow hit him, injured him, and knocked onto the lawn.

Do I think this is a smart way to dispose of a body? No. But we're dealing with drunken people (who were possibly known to do lines of coke when they partied. Local rumor) who also knew very well that they were very, very well connected with people they could contact to get involved with the investigation. And whatever you believe about this case, there is zero question that many irregular - if not bizarre - things happened with the investigation.

Jennifer McCabe, sister of the homeowner and a party participant along with her husband, is the one who realized that morning that Read was a better option than the plow. And when Karen, seeing her boyfriend's body not far from where she last left him, staring screaming "Did I hit him?", they found the perfect person to blame.

Crazy? Maybe, but there is no denying it worked for them.

What is really hard to do is view those people as naive or unreasonable. I don’t know about coke, but it seems to me that everyone in the story has a problem drinking. However, it doesn’t imply that people can’t hold their liquor. Karen was tipsy, but functional. So could be the policemen. And, tbh, their jobs are halfway politics, Canton PD was viewed favorably in Boston, maybe Albert was in for a promotion. Would anyone hatch a plan to kill a peer policeman in the house and pin it on the GF that drove home or elsewhere? Or the snow mover?

I can imagine that it could be 1:1 situation with someone, in short, there is a certain chance he entered the house, and an accident happened, but this remains to be seen. If it happened in the house, PD would risk too much by conspiring to pin it on KR. JMO. But, either way, to me it seems like an accidental, unplanned death, whether involving KR outside the house, or someone inside, is yet unclear. I honestly don’t feel anyone planned to kill him.

Good morning from the line to get into the Karen Read trial where the jury swearing and openings are expected today. I plan to cover the trial most days and will have reports at 5, 6, and 10 for the mothership #Boston25. I will also live tweet and will be joining the @GregHillWEEI show periodically to provide updates. Court begins at 10 this morning. Doors for media open around 9:20. Here we go. (picture of the media line to get in)

1714396484700.png8:45 AM · Apr 29, 2024
Opening statements in the Karen Read trial start today at 10 a.m. You can watch live on NECN, on NBC Boston's streaming platforms (including Peacock, Roku & Samsung TV Plus), on NBC10 Boston's YouTube page and on the NBC10 Boston website & app.


Opening statements today in MA v. #KarenRead at 10am ET. You can watch the trial on @LawCrimeNetwork or our YouTube channel. Judge moved the case to a smaller courtroom because the lay out in the bigger one didn't allow some of the jurors to see the faces of the witnesses/box. Due to this, very few people are going to have access inside the courtroom. They are allowing 10 media personnel. If you weren't in line by about 6:15am, you didn't get a seat today.

1714396806434.png8:47 AM · Apr 29, 2024
#Karen Read just entered the courtroom with her attorneys and family members, who are wearing pink as a show of support. Read turned to smile at them as they took their seats.

#KarenRead I am one of 10 journalists allowed in the courtroom for today’s opening statements. We are in a corner sitting on stools opposite the jury.

#KarenRead John O’Keefe’s family is now seated. They are about 12 feet to the defendant’s left.

O’Keefe’s relatives hug one another and wipe their eyes while waiting for the judge to arrive.

#KarenRead Prosecutor Adam Lally has at least eight big binders marked “evidence”.

#KarenRead Court officer reminds family members they are not allowed to use cell phones.

#KarenRead The courtroom is so packed that the judge will have to pass through the media corner to get to the bench. I have to get up to let her pass.

As of last week, there were 19 jurors selected. The judge wanted 16, so three more might be dismissed.

#KarenRead Judge enters the courtroom and begins by calling a sidebar with attorneys. We cannot hear what they are saying. Looks as if they just brought in one of the jurors for additional questioning.

#KarenRead Reminder: It took five days of jury selection and a jury pool of 401 people to get a jury for this trial which is expected to last 6-8 weeks.

#KarenRead During this sidebar, the jury box is still empty. I count 16 chairs plus one more off to the side.

KarenRead The woman being questioned at the bench has left the courtroom. The sidebar continues.

#KarenRead The judge has left the courtroom.

Norfolk County Prosecutor Adam Lally and defendant Karen Read entering the courthouse a short time ago.


Court is in session. The jury has not yet entered. Judge Cannone immediately calls both sides for a private sidebar. There are 2 rows on either side of the small courtroom. One is filled with John O'Keefe's family and friends. The other side has all of Karen Read's family

It appears to be an issue with a 3rd party (possibly a juror). A woman was called up to the stand to speak with the Judge privately.19 jurors have been selected which allows for extras in case people drop out. It's a big commitment with the trial expected to take as long as 7 weeks
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