Deceased/Not Found Danka Ilić, 1 year old, Bor, Serbia, 26 March 2024 *arrest*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Picture of the road where Danka was hit by the suspects' car:



Key locations:
1 - the yard of the property
2 - the spot on the road where she was hit
3 - the landfill where she was taken


Picture of the road where Danka was hit by the suspects' car:



I wondered what the yellow was, and then I realised they were the residue of candles that burnt down, probably.
RIP Danka :( I've been thinking of you so much. I hope they can retrieve her body quickly. It breaks my heart when innocent people, especially babies, cross paths with evil just by sheer chance. Condolences to Danka's family
The police interrogated the parents every day, because it seemed impossible that the little girl could walk over all the obstacles on the property and reach the road on her own.

Sadly, another case where a small child's ability to walk a certain distance or over obstacles is underestimated. Not that little Danka would have been found alive, but her parents interrogated less maybe.

Rest in peace, little Danka. The fear and pain are over.
Otkriven uzrok smrti brata osumnjiÄenog za ubistvo Danke IliÄ

The cause of death of the suspect's brother of murdering Danka Ilić has been revealed​

DD (40), brother of Dejan D., who is suspected of murdering Danka Ilić (2), died as a result of a heart attack, we have learned unofficially.

Let us remind you that he died in the early hours of the morning at the PU Bor, and the body will be sent for an autopsy which will show the exact cause of death.

"Despite the timely response of the police officers and the doctors of the Health Center in Bor, who tried to resuscitate him, he died at 3:10 a.m., and the coroner's doctor declared it a natural death," the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced today.

As it is pointed out, the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Zaječar was immediately informed about the event, which ordered an autopsy at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Belgrade
Otkriven uzrok smrti brata osumnjiÄenog za ubistvo Danke IliÄ

The cause of death of the suspect's brother of murdering Danka Ilić has been revealed​

DD (40), brother of Dejan D., who is suspected of murdering Danka Ilić (2), died as a result of a heart attack, we have learned unofficially.

Let us remind you that he died in the early hours of the morning at the PU Bor, and the body will be sent for an autopsy which will show the exact cause of death.

"Despite the timely response of the police officers and the doctors of the Health Center in Bor, who tried to resuscitate him, he died at 3:10 a.m., and the coroner's doctor declared it a natural death," the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced today.

As it is pointed out, the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Zaječar was immediately informed about the event, which ordered an autopsy at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Belgrade
So the suspect's brother Dalibor died in police custody. Heart disease might be running in their family. The father stated for the media a few days ago (before he himself was arrested):

- I am completely surprised by what happened to us. I am a heart patient. The ambulance came for me and my wife. I don't know anything, let the police do their job - said father Radoslav when his son Dejan was arrested. - The police came to us, but they didn't find anything. I didn't notice anything happening with Dejan, he didn't behave differently. He had a heart attack last year.

FOTO/VIDEO Ocu osumnjičenog za ubojstvo male Danke određen pritvor: Tijelo ubijene djevojčice traže dronovi

4:06 pm The father of Dejan Dragijević, whose eldest son is suspected of the murder of Danka Ilić, was brought to the Zajecar Higher Prosecutor's Office on suspicion of helping his son dispose of the girl's body, Nova reports. It is not yet known whether he was informed of the death of his youngest son.

4:35 p.m. The ambulance was spotted again in Zlot, at the suspect Dejan Dragijević's house, where his mother lives, reports Telegraf.17:25 The father of Dejan Dragijević, his son, suspected of the murder of Danka Ilić, defended himself by remaining silent and was sentenced to 30 days of detention, reports Blic.4:25 p.m. Searches continue in the territory of the town of Bor for the body of two-year-old Danka Ilić. Members of the Bor Ruins Specialist Rescue Team, Emergency Situations Sector, together with other members of the Ministry of the Interior and the Mountain Rescue Service, have so far searched half of the seven-kilometer route of the Lazareva Canyon, using special means. rescue equipment.The search for the pit above the canyon, 70 meters deep, also continues. The entire canyon area has been inspected with a drone equipped with thermal cameras and 3D mapping capability, but, at least so far, nothing has been observed, reports, and members of the MUP also searched the canyon bed. the Zlotska River.

5:25 pm. The father of Dejan Dragijević, defended himself by remaining silent and was sentenced to 30 days of detention, reports Blic.

5:35 p.m. The ambulance was spotted again in Zlot, at the suspect Dejan Dragijević's house, where his mother lives, reports Telegraf.
One of the suspects already confessed that he killed Danka. For that he will likely get the maximum penalty. He also implicated his brother and father. I don't understand why he doesn't reveal the location of the body.
One of the suspects already confessed that he killed Danka. For that he will likely get the maximum penalty. He also implicated his brother and father. I don't understand why he doesn't reveal the location of the body.

If you're familiar with the case of Athena, who was killed by a delivery driver, that case also started with "Oops, I accidentally hit a kid with my vehicle and then I panicked and hid her." The body told a different story.
that case also started with "Oops, I accidentally hit a kid with my vehicle and then I panicked and hid her." The body told a different story.
What makes this story kinda different is that they have DNA-confirmed that there is Danka's blood on the car. So no matter what happened, somehow her blood really got on the car. And I don't think that adding extra forensic evidence that ties you to the crime is something that the preps here did to mislead about "what really happened". Don't get me wrong, all kinds of things might have happened (there is a reason for not talking and not giving the location if the body, whatever that reason is), but I do think she was hit with the car at some point and IMO it probably all started with that.
What makes this story kinda different is that they have DNA-confirmed that there is Danka's blood on the car. So no matter what happened, somehow her blood really got on the car. And I don't think that adding extra forensic evidence that ties you to the crime is something that the preps here did to mislead about "what really happened". Don't get me wrong, all kinds of things might have happened (there is a reason for not talking and not giving the location if the body, whatever that reason is), but I do think she was hit with the car at some point and IMO it probably all started with that.

Sure, but the question was, why don't they tell where the body is. They've already confessed and the evidence so far seems to agree with their confession. A logical reason to keep the body hidden is that it will show something worse than what was confessed.

What do they have to lose or gain by letting the body and evidence degrade for as long as possible? The silence seems to imply that there is more to gain than to lose. MOO
Perhaps they don't want to admit where they put her, although I don't know what's worse than the landfill they first put her in. Or maybe they don't want there to be actual forensic evidence that they murdered her. I pray it's not for a worse reason.

Regardless, to not tell, makes them even more cruel and evil than they already were, IMO.
"Teren težak i nepristupaÄan": Nastavlja se potraga za telom Danke IliÄ u Lazarevom koritu i peÄini

Today, the police continue the search for the body of two-year-old Danka Ilić from Bor. Intensive work continues and searches have been located in accordance with the information so far and our operational knowledge in those places where the suspects told us they threw the body, but they did not yield results, State Secretary in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia Željko Brkić said today and stated that the search of the bed of the Zlotska river is now current.

"The terrain is very difficult and inaccessible. Lazarev's trough and Lazarev's cave are the subject of our further search. A lot of police officers of different specialties with different equipment and technical means have been hired and we are making maximum efforts, hoping and believing that we will find the body of little Danka," he said. is Brkić for TV Pink.

Referring to the fact that the suspects will not say where they moved the body, he stated that it speaks out of the structure of their personalities, lack of empathy and deprivation of all human feelings.

He pointed out that so far enough evidence has been collected that is of such a level of evidentiary credibility that the public prosecutor will be able to present the indictment on the basis of it and that he is sure that the court in the criminal proceedings that will be carried out will be able to pass the appropriate verdict, i.e. the punishment that this person deserves for this monstrous crime.

Answering questions about the details of the crime and whether the child was strangled, he said that for now the only thing that can be reliably said is that the child was brought into the back seat of the car from the point of contact with the vehicle and that everything else should be left to further analysis.

When it comes to media reports that the brother of one of the suspects in the murder of Danka Ilić died of a heart attack, Brkić said that the body of the deceased has been sent to the Institute of Forensic Medicine, where an autopsy will be performed and that the results of the autopsy will show the exact cause of death.

Members of the Emergency Situations Sector and the Mountain Rescue Service are not only searching the atar of the village, but also talking to the locals in order to get any information that can point them in the direction where Danka Ilić's body could be.

The girl's body transferred to another place?

Let us remind you that members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced earlier that they will conduct an extensive search of the territory of the city of Bor in order to find the girl's body and determine all the circumstances under which she died. Namely, there is a possibility that the girl's body was transferred to another place. This suspicion is supported by the knowledge of the police that one of the suspects returned to the landfill on March 28.

Specialist rescue equipment is used for the search. A drone with thermal imaging cameras and the possibility of 3D mapping was used to inspect the entire area of the canyon, and on that occasion nothing was observed.
Firstly, RIP to the beautiful Danka my thoughts go to her family.

something just isn’t adding up for me in this case. Surely the two who did this when Danka regained consciousness could’ve just left her out of the car - a causing injury by drink driving charge would be a lot less than murder.

I feel there’s something more sinister to this case
Firstly, RIP to the beautiful Danka my thoughts go to her family.

something just isn’t adding up for me in this case. Surely the two who did this when Danka regained consciousness could’ve just left her out of the car - a causing injury by drink driving charge would be a lot less than murder.

I feel there’s something more sinister to this case
I think the same, that's probably why they don't want her body to be found
Firstly, RIP to the beautiful Danka my thoughts go to her family.

something just isn’t adding up for me in this case. Surely the two who did this when Danka regained consciousness could’ve just left her out of the car - a causing injury by drink driving charge would be a lot less than murder.

I feel there’s something more sinister to this case
I agree.
I was starting to think on Sunday, when they still had not found her, that there was more to it.
My thought was that there is no body to find, unfortunately, and that is why they are not saying where, as there is no 'where'. I have not let myself dwell on any of the reasons there is no 'where,' but there are many :(
Just an idea.
ETA: Spellings and typos


'You destroyed my house, you dug up everything!'

Here's what she says about her sons and her arrested husband:

Svetlana Dragijević, the mother of Dejan Dragijević,
who is suspected of killing Danka Ilić,
complained to journalists that the police destroyed her house and dug up her yard during the search.

'I was at the cemetery,
prepared everything for the funeral of my son Dalibor on Thursday.
... I'm in chaos,
the ambulance will come again' - she lamented.

She specifically complained about the police,
claiming that they 'destroyed her house'.

- 'The police ruined and destroyed my house,
they dug up and destroyed everything,
they took things from my house,
I can't believe what is happening to me.

I don't feel well,
I expect a lawyer to come to me'

- said Svetlana.

Finally, she added that she still does not believe that
her husband and children participated in the crime.

'I don't know anything about the husband, who is in custody,
but it must be difficult for
him that his son died.

I don't know anything about Danka's murder,
it is not possible that my sons were involved in it'
- said Svetlana."

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