Deceased/Not Found Danka Ilić, 1 year old, Bor, Serbia, 26 March 2024 *arrest*

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Experts on new information about the case of Danka Ilić:

'There are no BIOLOGICAL TRACES in the car,

this matter is unclear'.

Maja Jovanović,
the president of the National Association for Support (NAOS) spoke about the case of the disappearance of little Danka Ilić (2) from Bor and the latest information
that in the car with which,
according to the suspects' confession,
she was hit and then killed,
there is none of her DNA.

Jovanović pointed out that it seems that many parts are missing in order to assemble and understand the whole story.

Maja Jovanović, underlined that it is particularly incomprehensible that after confessing to the murder,
the suspects remain silent when it comes to revealing where Danka Ilić's body is located.

'So much is unclear from the first day.
The silence is very incomprehensible.
If you confess to murder,
and you admit that you killed the child and hid the body,
these are the facts,
the whole ambiguity arises because you admit to the murder, but you don't say where the body is'

- says Jovanović.

'Expert examination showed that there are no biological traces of little Danka Ilić in the car.

They were not found either on the car or in the car'."




Experts on new information about the case of Danka Ilić:

'There are no BIOLOGICAL TRACES in the car,

this matter is unclear'.

Maja Jovanović,
the president of the National Association for Support (NAOS) spoke about the case of the disappearance of little Danka Ilić (2) from Bor and the latest information
that in the car with which,
according to the suspects' confession,
she was hit and then killed,
there is none of her DNA.

Jovanović pointed out that it seems that many parts are missing in order to assemble and understand the whole story.

Maja Jovanović, underlined that it is particularly incomprehensible that after confessing to the murder,
the suspects remain silent when it comes to revealing where Danka Ilić's body is located.

'So much is unclear from the first day.
The silence is very incomprehensible.
If you confess to murder,
and you admit that you killed the child and hid the body,
these are the facts,
the whole ambiguity arises because you admit to the murder, but you don't say where the body is'

- says Jovanović.

'Expert examination showed that there are no biological traces of little Danka Ilić in the car.

They were not found either on the car or in the car'."


This case gets more complex as the days go on.
I wonder if critical points are getting lost in translation.
This case gets more complex as the days go on.
I wonder if critical points are getting lost in translation.
Although not my native language, I'm a completely fluent speaker in Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian. That is a pretty accurate translation and the authorities genuinely have not been able to find any of Danka's DNA in or on the car according to the article.

It makes me wonder how thorough the investigation of that car has been, given that the suspects admitted to hitting Danka with it and then transporting her in the same Fiat-Zastava.

IMO very odd
Now the mother of Dejan (FYI pronounced "Day-An") Dragijević has died.

Najverovatnije u pitanju je prirodna smrt​

"It's most likely a natural death"

Svetlana Dragijević, majka osumnjičenog Dejana za ubistvo malene Danke Ilić(2) umrla je sinoć u selu Zlot, saznaje "".

Nezvanično, otišla je do komšija po pomoć.

Njen suprug Radoslav nalazi se u pritvoru zbog sumnje da je pomagao sinu u zločinu.

Njen drugi sin Dalibor umro je u policiji u Boru nakon hapšenja pod sumnjom da je znao gde je njegov brat Dejan sklonio telo.

" has found out that Svetlana Dragijević, whose son Dejan is a suspect in the murder of little Danka Ilić, passed away last night in the village of Zlot.

Apparently, she'd gone to the neighbours for help.
Her husband Radoslav is in prison, suspected of of assisting his son in this atrocity.

Her other son, Dalibor, died in the Bor police station after his arrest under suspicion that he knew where his brother Dejan had hidden the body."
Svetlana Dragijević, majka osumnjičenog Dejana za ubistvo malene Danke Ilić(2) umrla je sinoć u selu Zlot, saznaje "".

Nezvanično, otišla je do komšija po pomoć.

Njen suprug Radoslav nalazi se u pritvoru zbog sumnje da je pomagao sinu u zločinu.

Nekoliko sati pre smrti razgovara je sa ekipom "".

- Bespomoćna sam i bolesna . Pala sam ispred kuće na stepeništu i onesvestila se, sada ugruvana danima ležim u krevetu. Nema ko ni čašu vode da mi primakne . Niko me više ne posećuje. Ponekad neko dođe iz komšiluka ali retko, baš kad imaju vremena. Život mi je skroz upropašćen. Jednog sam sina sahranila , drugi je u zatvoru , Rade zatvoren. Ja ni do doktora ne mogu da odem sama . Snalazim se kako znam i umem - priča Svetlana Dragijević, koja je samo jednom u Višem javnom tužilaštvu od kada se zločin dogodio u prisustvu tadašnjeg advokata Nebojše Živanovića dala iskaz da o ubistvu male Danke ništa nezna i dobila status povlašćenog svedoka.

A few hours before her death, she had spoken with the team at

"I'm helpless and sick. I fell down the steps at the front of the house and knocked myself out. Now I lie in bed for days. There isn't even anyone to pass me a glass of water. Occasionally someone from the neighbourhood stops by, but that's rare, only when they have time. My life has been completely destroyed. I've buried one son, the other's in jail. Rado [husband Radoslav] is locked up, I can't get out by myself to the doctor. I'm just making do as best I can and as best I know - said Svetlana Dragijević who has only visited the Higher Prosecutor's office once since the crime took place, in the presence of the lawyer at that time Nebojša Živanović, where she gave a statement that she knew nothing about the murder of little Danka and was given the status of privileged witness. [a witness who can refuse to answer certain questions or refuse to produce certain documents.]
I'm simply speechless :oops:


The prosecution announced:

She died suddenly in the neighborhood.

Svetlana D., the mother of Dejan D.,
the suspect in the murder of the two-year-old girl Danka Ilić,
died yesterday in the village of Zlot,
and the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Zaječar ordered an autopsy on the deceased woman's body.

Only after the autopsy will it be known when the funeral will take place,
and the organization of the funeral will be taken over by the relatives,
given that Svetlana was left alone after the arrest of her sons and husband -
says the source.

Svetlana previously told the media that she does not believe that her son killed Danka.

she emphasized that she is sick and in poor health.

Yesterday, she suddenly fell ill in the neighborhood and passed away.

Svetlana has been living alone since April 4,
after the police arrested her son on suspicion of murdering Danka Ilić.
Two days later, the police arrested her husband Radoslav, as well as her younger son Dalibor -
says the source and recalls that her other son Dalibor D. died in custody."

Update (from 16th May)

" Svetlana D. will be buried next to her son tomorrow:

the killer asked for permission to attend.

The autopsy of Svetlana D's body was completed at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Niš,
after which the funeral was scheduled,
which will take place tomorrow at the local cemetery in Zlot.

Tomorrow she will be buried next to her son Dalibor,
and the funeral will begin at 1:30 p.m. -
says the neighbor.

As it turns out,
the lawyers of the D. family sent a letter to the High Court in Zaječar to approve Svetlana's husband Radoslav and son Dejan to attend the funeral.

- They informed me that the court approved my client Radoslav to attend the funeral of his wife, which will be held tomorrow -
said lawyer Milinko Jovanović, who adds that he does not know whether the same was approved for Dejan,
whose lawyer also submitted a letter."

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Update (from 16th May)
"the killer asked for permission to attend.
the lawyers of the D. family sent a letter to the High Court in Zaječar to approve Svetlana's husband Radoslav and son Dejan to attend the funeral."
OTAC UBICE DANKE ILIĆ DOLAZI ŽENI NA SAHRANU Svetlana Dragijević će sutra biti sahranjena pored sina: Dozvolu za prisustvo tražio i ubica
Thanks Dotta!

I have an opinion about this attendance, it's based on humanity - give up Danka Ilić's location - you'll be free to pay your last respects before being returned to the place you belong & then be afraid, not of the comforts of confinement but of the powers in the universe - (imo) they're at work to see justice is done - one way or another.

Could it be possible that she wasn't hit and wasn't taken in that car, but the defendants did something worse and made up the hitting with car story to hide a bigger secret?

RSBM for focus.
I did wonder about that quite a while back. I don't even want to put into words what that "something worse" could be. Whatever happened, poor little Danka and her poor family.


All of Serbia is waiting.

Almost two months have passed since the tragic event - the murder of Danka Ilić in Bor, and the whole case remains shrouded in a thick veil of mystery.

From March 26, until today, the fate of her body remains unknown.

The suspects of the horrific crime are still behind bars, while one of them is still defending himself by remaining silent.

the results of three key tests that could solve the mystery, provide answers about the murder of the two-year-old girl and help find her body
are eagerly awaited.

While waiting for the results of DNA and GPS analysis, along with psychological expertise,
we bring you information about these three tests, which are crucial for finding the truth.

1) DNA test

More than a week ago, the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Zaječar received the results of DNA examination which showed that no biological traces of her were found in the car, which is assumed to have been used by the suspects when they hit Danka Ilić.

As pointed out by Miodrag Canović, the prosecutor of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office,
the received results represent only one part of the expert examination,
since a large number of cases are examined.

2) GPS

Gašić pointed out that their movement 'was very symptomatic' that 150 meters from the place where they stopped in the yard of the Ilić family
that is the yard where Ivana Ilić was with her children, they covered those 150 meters in 5.5 minutes.

Through the tracking system of the official vehicle,
it was established that the suspects went to the landfill, which is suspected to be the first place where they hid the girl's body.
The GPS recorded that they stayed at the landfill for 1.41 minutes.
However, yesterday, the VJT in Zaječar pointed out that an expert examination of the movement of the suspect's vehicle based on the GPS device is underway and
a record of the expert examination is expected.

3) Psychiatric expertise

In April, both suspects
were sent to the Special Prison Hospital in Belgrade for a psychiatric examination, and after the examination was completed, they were returned from Belgrade.

The results have not yet arrived at the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Zaječar - says the "Blica" source.

Munizhab's lawyer explained why the psychiatric examination of the suspects is important in this proceeding.

This is important for further proceedings against the suspects and whether they are capable of participating in the proceedings.

We should wait for the findings and opinion of the experts,
then wait to see if there is anything related to amnesia - concludes our interlocutor."

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"The body of Danka Ilić has not yet been found,
and the Prosecution has to make an adequate decision about the two suspects.

Prosecutor's Office in Zajecar
will release Radoslav D.,
the father of the suspect in the murder of the girl,
who was an accomplice in moving the body to another location,
after the end of the extended detention on May 29.

Two suspect, D. and J.

were sent back to the detention unit from the expert examination at the psychiatric prison hospital in Belgrade
with the results that they are sane.

Considering all the circumstances, the VJT in Zaječar

proposed extending the custody of the murder suspects for another 30 days

due to the existence of suspicion and circumstances that indicate the danger of the suspects escaping
and circumstances that indicate that they will destroy, hide and falsify evidence and traces of the crime."

"The body of Danka Ilić has not yet been found,
and the Prosecution has to make an adequate decision about the two suspects.

Prosecutor's Office in Zajecar
will release Radoslav D.,
the father of the suspect in the murder of the girl,
who was an accomplice in moving the body to another location,
after the end of the extended detention on May 29.

Two suspect, D. and J.

were sent back to the detention unit from the expert examination at the psychiatric prison hospital in Belgrade
with the results that they are sane.

Considering all the circumstances, the VJT in Zaječar

proposed extending the custody of the murder suspects for another 30 days

due to the existence of suspicion and circumstances that indicate the danger of the suspects escaping
and circumstances that indicate that they will destroy, hide and falsify evidence and traces of the crime."

The father will get time and opportunity to "destroy, hide and falsify evidence and traces of the crime" then, when he is released. Whether that is such a good idea, I don't know.
"As VJT told 'Blic',

there is no legal possibility to extend custody for this crime

and it is expected that Radoslav D. will be released on May 29."

Something does not smell right. Could there be some cover-up going on?
I wondered the same and found this article on police corruption in Serbia:
"60.1% believe that police officers are corruption [sic], and 61% that judges are corruption [sic], while 59.7% believe that prosecutors are corrupt."

It seems awfully convenient that these suspects were found so quickly and that there is no forensic evidence on their vehicle after allegedly hitting and killing a child. But maybe I'm cynical.
I wondered the same and found this article on police corruption in Serbia:
"60.1% believe that police officers are corruption [sic], and 61% that judges are corruption [sic], while 59.7% believe that prosecutors are corrupt."

It seems awfully convenient that these suspects were found so quickly and that there is no forensic evidence on their vehicle after allegedly hitting and killing a child. But maybe I'm cynical.
The company they are employed by is IIRC, a well-known and big resource company (Aka lots and lots of money).
Money is the operative and convenient word here.
This case gets more complex as the days go on.
I wonder if critical points are getting lost in translation.

I wonder if she was ever struck by a car -- as opposed to meeting another perhaps more distressing fate at the hands of these two.

Reminds me a bit of the FedEx driver who struck and killed Athena S -- similarly feels unsettled to me, as if the "accident" obscures something still worse.

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