That's a mystery, but wow, how terrific is that, that Patricia is now known? That's pretty awesome. It will be interesting to know
when she died. I know there's the 1968/69 dime, and the items discovered with her look to be that era, so that lined up. But was it
exactly 1969? Could it maybe have been a year or two, some time later than '69 nonetheless? They estimated her age 16-21, so I'd kind of view it with the window of 1969-1975 or so. I'm wondering how a 16 year old could be at that club, I'm seeing the owner pretty strictly controlled admission, and it was a pretty exclusive type of place, Hendrix and Pink Floyd played there, really huge acts. Yes, I know minors can get into these clubs in some cases, but she'd have to be a pretty mature looking 16, I would think. From what I can see on one source, there were complications for that place at the end of its run and there were a lot of fights in there, and the liquor licenses and so forth were in jeopardy. Hell's Kitchen was always a little rough, but I think in this timeframe, I'm seeing sources noting organized crime presence.
Located at 301 West 46th Street in New York City, The Scene, which opened its doors sometime in 1965, was indeed the most renowned rock club in the ...
Still wondering if this case will tie in somehow with the Tribeca 2008 Jane Doe RH's in kindergarten in 1969, so no RH factor here. We'd think of other parties that use concrete to conceal their homicides. I'm pretty sure I saw on a source somewhere that the basement for this building was easily accessible from the outside. Source: "...the basement could be reached from several points inside, as well as through a steel trap door in an adjacent parking lot that was unlocked" That would open up a lot of possibilities. How long was it like that, though, on the access? Since 1969 forward?
THE killer bound the young woman’s hands and feet with an extension cord and circled it around her neck. The murderer then wrapped her body in a patch of rust-colored carpet. Next, the killer…
Like a miracle we know who she is. RIP Patricia.