Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *Case dismissed w/o prejudice* *found in 2023* #113

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What has BM being doing all his life - what is his first and maybe only love ?
How many deer has he tranq'ed in his day back home in indiana on that deer farm and out in the woods?
Alot? You bet. Absolutely.
Barry turned to what he was skilled at and what he was most comfortable with - simple as that.
He is not a complicated man. Just a very very flawed one.
He has no respect for women esp a woman who he feels has disrespected him
( His threats to Lauren are an example)
So once Suzanne showed him the ultimate disrespect. Then in Barry's mind -
It was all in God's hands and "God let it happen" ( paraphasing his words from AA)
I think we mostly all agree. Its preposterous.
It comes from the school of thought that if you repeat something enough times people will believe it. We see it happening everyday all around us.
Even Scott Reisch - who I personally loathe - but I went to his podcast on youtube to see what his spin was. I am not sure if I can put his link here but its easy to find. He is still hammering the sex offender dna, plus saying he doubts the case will ever be solved -spewing misinformation too numerous to call out but he has a lot of viewers who think he hits it on the nail. He slips in that maybe she was taking those drugs for her cancer thru her port. Big eyeroll.
Its a struggle - really hard to fight the war on misinformation !!
TBH, Scott is reciting directly from BM's Civil Suit. It's infuriating that he trusts/promotes IE's complaint is "factual." It must be a 'defense lawyer' thing. That's all I can think of. JMO

ETA: What's worse is that IE used the same misrepresentations in her 83 pg complaint filed with the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel where she seeks to have seven attorneys disbarred!

TBH, Scott is reciting directly from BM's Civil Suit. It's infuriating that he trusts/promotes IE's complaint is "factual." It must be a 'defense lawyer' thing. That's all I can think of. JMO

ETA: What's worse is that IE used the same misrepresentations in her 83 pg complaint filed with the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel where she seeks to have seven attorneys disbarred!

Scott Reisch is the same guy who concluded after the prelim in the Berreth case, that the prosecution had made a deal with the wrong person, and that things went well for the defendant. It was like he was following a completely different case.

I laughed hard at that, and I laughed harder when Frazee was convicted in record time. Scott is a no talent *advertiser censored* clown.
I realize we probably will never know the answer to this and I know the prosecution doesn’t have to prove it in court can only offer theories as to: WHY did BM choose to use BAM in his dastardly deed as neither they nor us were there nor can we know what was going on in BM’s head (scary place imo) unless he decides to confess and I personally do not see BM ever confessing. Not a chance imo. Anyway, inquiring minds/true crime aficionados (particularly me lol) want to know- WHY did BM use BAM on SM?

After all, he’s a fairly big guy and could easily overpower the tiny SM and kill her on his own/use his own hands without any help from BAM. Also, he had access to other guns/rifles and could have shot her with one of those (although I’m sure he knew shooting her at the house with one of those guns would be too messy). Anyway, my point is, he was much bigger and stronger than SM and even with SM putting up a fight/trying to get away, imo he was more than capable of overpowering her and beating and/or strangling her to death without any help from BAM. IMO.

My understanding is that in most settings BAM is administered in measured doses and used to immobilize wildlife for handling, and Veterinarians administer it to animals for sedation purposes before certain procedures. In higher doses and/or depending where/what body part it’s gets injected, it can kill an animal (or human) in a matter of minutes and btw, it is virtually unheard of for use in humans! Yet this imo non-human evil creep BM, used it on a human-his wife!!

Moving on, BM admittedly had access to BAM and had used it on animals (deer) and the autopsy confirmed it was a contributing factor in the commission of imo BM’s heinous crime. Now, getting back to my questions as to why he used it. I wonder if BM used BAM intending it to kill SM quickly as in 2-3 minutes after injection so he wouldn’t have to use his bare hands and possibly didn’t measure the dose correctly/not enough to kill quickly, OR was it his intention to use just enough to immobilize/incapacitate her for some reason prior to killing her.
In other words, sorry to be graphic- did he just get some sick thrill from terrorizing Suzanne, shooting her with the dart and chasing her down hunting his prey before going in for the kill, and/or did he possibly intend to rape (ugh) a semi conscious SM before killing her via imo strangling her to death? Possibly both? In any case, whatever his intention was, she was able to put up somewhat of a fight before succumbing due to the scratches and fingernail gauges on his left arm. My next question, what did he do with/where did he put her body from roughly 3pm to 10pm before transporting her under the cover of darkness to burial site in Moffat?

Now, some have theorized he used the BAM to incapacitate her with the intention of taking an unconscious SM to the gravesite and killing her there so as to leave no trace of decomp at the house.
I’m not a fan of this theory because wouldn’t he have to keep administering enough tranq in between to keep her in unconscious state over a 7 hour period (3pm-10pm). Or did he know how much of a dose to give to keep her unconscious for that long-7 hours?!?
Is that even possible???? (I haven’t read everything yet so I really don’t know but I know some here probably do and apologies if it’s already been discussed I’m a little behind still catching up on the thread/posts).
Anyway, in this scenario, again, what did he do with her/where did he put her for roughly 7 hours? Did he leave her on the floor or bed and check on her and dose her again and again until he was ready to move her, or did he put her on the trailer outside and she ended up dying there from an overdose of BAM (cadaver dog hits on trailer) and when BM realized this, panicked and had to shift gears/switch up his plans because he now has an already dead SM he needed to transport to Moffat and scrambling to figure out which non-family vehicle (no dog hits on any of the family vehicles) he had access to to transport her body??? Idk but for me, too many mental gymnastics to make this scenario work.

At any rate, whether he shot her outside with a tranq gun or whether he manually injected/stabbed her with the loaded syringe, and whether he expected the BAM to kill her shortly after getting shot or stabbed with the needle, or expected it to just incapacitate her for whatever reason (see above) before killing her with his own hands, or whether he intended to keep her unconscious and kill her at the gravesite, he had to do something with either an unconscious or already dead Suzanne from 3pm-10pm as imo there is no way BM would drive ANY vehicle with an unconscious or already dead Suzanne and kill (if unconscious), dig grave, and bury her, do all this in broad daylight. No way would he take that kind of risk imo, the fact that it doesn’t fit the timeline, notwithstanding.

One last thing and apologies for rambling post of my thoughts/questions scrambling around in my head. Since cadaver dogs hit on the trailer and seat of the bobcat, I theorize he got decomp on him after he realized she was dead on the trailer from possibly an unintended overdose of the BAM sedatives he’d been giving her to keep her unconscious for 7 hours (I need to read more about whether that’s even possible), or imo more likely got it on himself/his clothes after carrying an already dead Suzanne to put her on the trailer while he waited for nightfall to transport her, and went near or sat directly on the seat of the bobcat to do something/possibly retrieve something??? Or…or…or??? IMO that is why he washed his shorts to get rid of decomp forgetting about the needle sheath in his pocket. I’m sure that was a real gotcha moment for investigators. Lo and behold, investigators were right all along. BAM!!

Kudos to all LE involved!!!

Again, sorry for the long rambling post and thank you for your patience lol.



Good thoughts and questions.

I'm still mulling over this myself, but here's the list I am considering:

Administer tranquilizer because:

Primary reason he administered large animal tranquilizers: CONTROL. SM had recently told BM she was DONE. He wanted to get himself back in the driver's seat and he wanted SM gone for the offense of taking charge of her own life in the various ways in which she was doing so and for the threat to his finances, lifestyle, intact family, and reputation that her leaving him would mean.

Tranquilizing SM disabled her such that:
  • BM could do whatever he wanted with her and with her body and with her possessions,
  • SM would have had at least a few minutes to become aware that BM had taken that control , and
  • BM could choose his preferred time, place, and method for killing her.
Does not want her to see who is attacking her: I think it possible that BM first attempted to disable her from a distance and when that failed (missed shot, misfire, gun jammed), he went hand to hand with her, chasing her down and overpowering her to administer the tranquilizer with a second dart, using his own hands to penetrate her body with it.

Wants to kill her away from their home so there will be no chemicals of decomposition for dogs to detect at the home or any other place BM can be associated with (vehicles, yard, workplace).

Wants to use a method for killing her that is unusual - that many would not have access to.

Wants to keep her alive but disabled long enough to use her living fingerprint to gain access to her cellphone and/or laptop computer.

Needs something from her and hopes to get it as she becomes increasingly sedated (knowledge of hidden accounts, a signature signing over her eventual inheritance from her ailing father, name and location of her lover, passwords)

Wants to sexually assault her while she is disabled but living.

Wants to torture her while she is disabled but living.

I don't have any answers. Just lots of questions and NONE of them seem out of the realm of possibility with BM.
Hi All, it's so nice to see so many familiar names! I hope all of you are well! I think we are a whole lot closer to justice for Suzanne, which is such a relief! I started going through my notes that I took at the preliminary hearing. I had forgotten so much! I will attach some excerpts as they relate to the tranquilizer darts etc. I will keep looking.


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What has BM being doing all his life - what is his first and maybe only love ?
How many deer has he tranq'ed in his day back home in indiana on that deer farm and out in the woods?
Alot? You bet. Absolutely.
Barry turned to what he was skilled at and what he was most comfortable with - simple as that.
He is not a complicated man. Just a very very flawed one.
He has no respect for women esp a woman who he feels has disrespected him
( His threats to Lauren are an example)
So once Suzanne showed him the ultimate disrespect. Then in Barry's mind -
It was all in God's hands and "God let it happen" ( paraphasing his words from AA)
Dont forget that Barry was also into construction.
And that afforded him alibis
Great post and great questions.
My mind first went to a place where he wanted to assault her and torture her in every way he could before he killed her.. this was his last abuse and he knew it so prolonged it while she was sedated.. unable to struggle.. yet not dead..
Gruesome mind, I have..


Unfortunately, Kitty, I agree with you.

IMO, Barry mixes lies with truth. When I read his comments about Suzanne and he "making love" that Saturday, and saw what seemed to be fingernail marks on his left arm, my mind went to assault.

Sad. So very, very sad.

From Page 63 of the AA:


Hi All, it's so nice to see so many familiar names! I hope all of you are well! I think we are a whole lot closer to justice for Suzanne, which is such a relief! I started going through my notes that I took at the preliminary hearing. I had forgotten so much! I will attach some excerpts as they relate to the tranquilizer darts etc. I will keep looking.

So good to see you, too, @NoSI !


Unfortunately, Kitty, I agree with you.

IMO, Barry mixes lies with truth. When I read his comments about Suzanne and he "making love" that Saturday, and saw what seemed to be fingernail marks on his left arm, my mind went to assault.

Sad. So very, very sad.

From Page 63 of the AA:

View attachment 500795

yeah, exactly that.

I wonder whether they found any of his intact DNA in the earth that covered her?

Unfortunately, Kitty, I agree with you.

IMO, Barry mixes lies with truth. When I read his comments about Suzanne and he "making love" that Saturday, and saw what seemed to be fingernail marks on his left arm, my mind went to assault.

Sad. So very, very sad.

From Page 63 of the AA:

View attachment 500795

Just like he was mixing snoring with dying agonal respirations
Hi All, it's so nice to see so many familiar names! I hope all of you are well! I think we are a whole lot closer to justice for Suzanne, which is such a relief! I started going through my notes that I took at the preliminary hearing. I had forgotten so much! I will attach some excerpts as they relate to the tranquilizer darts etc. I will keep looking.
Hi Nosi.
Good to see you.
Hi All, it's so nice to see so many familiar names! I hope all of you are well! I think we are a whole lot closer to justice for Suzanne, which is such a relief! I started going through my notes that I took at the preliminary hearing. I had forgotten so much! I will attach some excerpts as they relate to the tranquilizer darts etc. I will keep looking.
It always makes me smile when notorious drug lord, “CBD Tim,” makes an appearance.

The fact that he sold perfectly legal CBD products at a local farmer’s market, notwithstanding.
I'm seeing so many news reports and people still sticking with the bike abduction. She didn't go riding.

1. She usually attended virtual church on Sunday mornings. Any evidence she logged onto her computer to do that? No.

2. She was supposed to virtually attend one of her friend's daughter's wedding. She obviously didn't do that. Never contacted her friend before hand neither the afternoon the day before, night or morning of the wedding. OK, maybe she was not going to disturb her friend but is that normal? IDK. My male viewpoint may lead me to think that it may be a possibility but maybe some females can chime in here on what they think about that.

3. Suzanne was very active on social media and we know for a fact that NO ONE heard a peep from her from Sat afternoon after barry came home. She never woke up and contacted anyone in the morning. There was no action on any of her social media accounts EXCEPT the bizarre Facebook requests that were sent out the Sat night after barry came home. That's very abnormal in regards to her usual patterns.

4. Her camelback hydration pack was in her car. She went on a ride without it? According to those that know her and her riding habits, that is abnormal.

5. Some of her riding clothes were on the floor when the police entered the house with barry. I'm struggling to remember the colors of those clothes. Were they baby blue? barry was caught scrounging around a local restaurant's garbage cans and when asked what he was doing, he told them looking for " baby blue bike helmet, biking clothes ".

6. A grey sweatshirt was recovered with Suzanne's body. I don't know who rides with a sweatshirt on even if it's cold while going on a bike ride. From photos we've seen of her wearing the sweatshirt that matches the description of the Crested Butte sweatshirt recovered with the body, that does not look like a sweatshirt one would wear while exercising, but one that one would wear lounging around or putting on AFTER a bike ride. It's very loose fitting and oversized.

7. No evidence that of a struggle at the bike scene. In fact it looked like the bike had been purposefully ghost ridden or tossed over the hill.

8. It's Mother's Day. She hasn't contacted ANYONE that day. Her daughters called and texted IN THE MORNING to wish their mother a Happy Mother's Day. They were expecting their mother to be at the house IN THE MORNING when she was usually home, not while she was out possibly bike riding! The AA even states

that: ( redacted ) states: " Suzanne regularly mountain bikes IN THE AFTERNOON."
Page 6 of the AA.

They fully expected their mother to be home in the morning. So much so that one of the daughter's called the neighbor to go check on Suzanne after she didn't answer calls.That raised alarm bells very early on in the day. Why were they so concerned about Suzanne not answering in the morning? Why raise alarm bells after only a few hours? What spooked them? barry being home the day/night previous?

This whole narrative that Suzanne was abducted on a bike ride is false. She never made it out of the house once barry arrived home on Sat afternoon. The media needs to stop with that theory. It's ridiculous.
A lot of facts were told and retold with the end result being distorted.
5. “barry was caught scrounging around a local restaurant's garbage cans and when asked what he was doing, he told them looking for " baby blue bike helmet, biking clothes ".

Correction: 5. On Monday Barry was in front of a Salida convenience store speaking on the phone with LE. He was answering their questions and they asked him to put the description of what Suzanne was likely wearing in writing and drop it off at the office. He looked in the trash can by the door for a scrap of paper with no luck. He went inside and the clerk gave him a length of blank cash register receipt. He wrote down “baby blue biking helmet and biking clothes” and delivered it about 20 minutes later.
It always makes me smile when notorious drug lord, “CBD Tim,” makes an appearance.

The fact that he sold perfectly legal CBD products at a local farmer’s market, notwithstanding.
Ha! I had forgotten all about CBD Tim. I needed a good laugh tonight and you provided that. Thank you.

I was hoping to log on and see that BM was arrested. Truth is though, I am willing to wait until it is an airtight case. I may think the case is ready for †rial but prosecutors may not. It is only a matter of time. we are all willing to wait because we know Barry Morphew is GUILTY.
Ha! I had forgotten all about CBD Tim. I needed a good laugh tonight and you provided that. Thank you.

I was hoping to log on and see that BM was arrested. Truth is though, I am willing to wait until it is an airtight case. I may think the case is ready for †rial but prosecutors may not. It is only a matter of time. we are all willing to wait because we know Barry Morphew is GUILTY.
I’m content to sit back and watch this unfold. I have zero issue with watching Barry’s world burn, while we wait for his inevitable arrest. Every single night he goes to bed wondering if it’s his last night as a free man.

Every time he climbs in his truck he has to worry about flashing lights behind him (which is how he will likely be arrested).

It’s nice that it’s not a matter of if, but when.
Hi All, it's so nice to see so many familiar names! I hope all of you are well! I think we are a whole lot closer to justice for Suzanne, which is such a relief! I started going through my notes that I took at the preliminary hearing. I had forgotten so much! I will attach some excerpts as they relate to the tranquilizer darts etc. I will keep looking.
Hi, @NoSI You spent so much time at the trial! Bless your heart. Glad to see you back here!
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