Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *Case dismissed w/o prejudice* *found in 2023* #113

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It appears from the “family” statement commenting on the Autopsy Report that Mr. Morphew’s attorneys have access to somewhat more data than was released to the public. I’m assuming they have a complete toxicology report that showed some caffeine (not mentioned in Autopsy Report).

If one can ignore the gyroscopic blur of the spin put on the apparent caffeine detection by Mr. Morphew’s attorney’s (Proof positive the man is innocent!!), try to hold down the subsequent assertion that “Also confirmed with the autopsy report is that she put on her bike clothes. She was on a bike ride and abducted.”

What was released in the AR does not confirm, or necessarily suggest to any significant degree that she was wearing her “biking clothes”. The clothing mentioned are a bra, a “ripped dark blue/gray hooded sweatshirt labelled “Crested Butte”, a torn green Nike tank top, Yeti shorts….”

The picture below (there are others of her in this sweatshirt online) shows Suzanne in the Crested Butte hoodie, which looks like a casual everyday-wear item. It is also a bit too long for a mountain biking jacket.
View attachment 500726
It contrasts with her biking attire shown from 3 different selfies in the Arrest Affidavit (less fitted, not layered, has hood, not to mention somewhat less stylish).
View attachment 500727
Given the purported early morning ride, when conditions were in the low 50s, I would not say the clothing reported in the AR represented her biking clothes. Nor could I find any support for the assertion that she put on her clothes, biking or otherwise (to the extent her clothes were even “on”). Not to mention she left behind her shades and camelback.

No doubt, the attorney has seized on the presence of “Yeti shorts” as the proof positive that she was attired for a ride. I can speak from my personal experience (afraid it won’t be admissible at trial) that Yetis are worn by all genders for many activities besides biking, including lounging in one’s backyard talking to a boyfriend.

Lotta spinning, lotta gas lighting…. haven’t seen this much fantasy since my kids were reading the Harry Potter series.

Thanks for posting the photos of SM in her typical biking gear.

The "confirmation" by team BM that SM was recovered in biking clothes is exactly why IE especially is so dangerous to an understaffed/ underfunded DA's office:

Could SM have worn Yeti shorts and a Crested Butte Hoodie while bike riding?

Yes-- but not likely.

In other words, technically not a lie by IE but all who know SM would be able to respond this was not SM's typical biking wear.

Just like the Discovery Motions, the Civil Suit contains tens of pages devoted to to similar play on words!

Praying we get an experienced Judge who doesn't want to be IE (i.e., RL). MOO

District Court Chief Judge:

Amanda C. Hopkins
12th Judicial District Chief Judge

And who could forget when BM did not want to be identified and was known only as "the husband."

Police have not ruled out foul play in search for missing Colorado woman as husband offers $100,000 reward [VIDEO]

May 13, 2020

The husband of a missing Colorado woman has reportedly offered a $100,000 reward for information about her disappearance, and a separate ******** campaign has raised more than $10,000 for the search effort.

As a massive search continues for the missing mother, a family member told CBS4 that Morphew’s husband, who has not been publicly identified, has offered a $100,000 for information about his wife’s disappearance. A ******** campaign is also raising money for a search effort, though it is not clear if that effort is in coordination with the search launched by the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office, which reportedly involves more than 100 personnel and tracking dogs provided by the Department of Corrections.


Chaffee County Sheriff John Spezze told CBS4 that authorities have not ruled out the possibility of a criminal element in the 49-year-old woman’s disappearance, and said investigators believe it is unlikely she was attacked by animals. He said the investigation remains active.

According to CBS4, the FBI and the Colorado Bureau of Investigations have joined the search.
And who could forget when BM did not want to be identified and was known only as "the husband."

Police have not ruled out foul play in search for missing Colorado woman as husband offers $100,000 reward [VIDEO]

May 13, 2020

The husband of a missing Colorado woman has reportedly offered a $100,000 reward for information about her disappearance, and a separate ******** campaign has raised more than $10,000 for the search effort.

As a massive search continues for the missing mother, a family member told CBS4 that Morphew’s husband, who has not been publicly identified, has offered a $100,000 for information about his wife’s disappearance. A ******** campaign is also raising money for a search effort, though it is not clear if that effort is in coordination with the search launched by the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office, which reportedly involves more than 100 personnel and tracking dogs provided by the Department of Corrections.


Chaffee County Sheriff John Spezze told CBS4 that authorities have not ruled out the possibility of a criminal element in the 49-year-old woman’s disappearance, and said investigators believe it is unlikely she was attacked by animals. He said the investigation remains active.

According to CBS4, the FBI and the Colorado Bureau of Investigations have joined the search.

Remember the:
"It's too soon."
I'm sorry I can't remember what that was about.
Hold it, I think that's where the "too soon" had come in!
His nephew, in some kind of public statement, kept referring to Barry as "the husband" and not using BM's name. They offered $100,000 on a time limit reward in locating SM. At this time BM said "it was too soon" for him to make a public statement in behalf or for SM.....or something like that.
Does anyone else remember this??!
TBH, Scott is reciting directly from BM's Civil Suit. It's infuriating that he trusts/promotes IE's complaint is "factual." It must be a 'defense lawyer' thing. That's all I can think of. JMO

ETA: What's worse is that IE used the same misrepresentations in her 83 pg complaint filed with the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel where she seeks to have seven attorneys disbarred!

I think you are correct @Seattle1 - he doesn't tunnel into any of the evidence, and I think as a fellow defence lawyer, it might be easy to simply assume there must be something wrong with the underlying evidence just like IE says

But if you lift the hood, it is pretty clear the case was dismissed for different reasons to the ones being sold in the civil suit - and now we have the confirmation that the prosecution was correct all along.

my 02c
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Scott Reisch is the same guy who concluded after the prelim in the Berreth case, that the prosecution had made a deal with the wrong person, and that things went well for the defendant. It was like he was following a completely different case.

RSBM - Ever since the Pistorius case I have felt there is a problem with pundit lawyers commenting on cases where they haven't followed the evidence in any detail. They can obviously offer a lot of insight on the law, but they can go wrong even then in applying it to the case if they haven't followed the facts in evidence

We've seen that on this case in the general rush to claim that the state was trying to hide problems in its case via discovery violations. But if you read what Judges in multiple decisions found when applying sanctions on the DA - that was not the reason. LS was guilty of discovery violations in a case where the guy confessed!

my 02c
Is there any truth to what Reisch said Tuesday about the same stranger dna being found inside Suzanne's bike helmet as inside iirc the glove comp of her car? He said the same dna had been found in 2 places in her car, plus the helmet.
Sorry I have gotten behind. I never heard of the dna, if true, in her helmet. Much less that it had been statistically narrowed down as he implied.
Is there any truth to what Reisch said Tuesday about the same stranger dna being found inside Suzanne's bike helmet as inside iirc the glove comp of her car? He said the same dna had been found in 2 places in her car, plus the helmet.
Sorry I have gotten behind. I never heard of the dna, if true, in her helmet. Much less that it had been statistically narrowed down as he implied.
If that’s what he said, then he’s dumber than I’ve been saying.

The glovebox dna was a genetically limited sample. It was found there and only there. This is that CODIS match that Iris likes to exaggerate.

There was unidentified dna (full profiles) on several items, I’m not sure if the same DNA was found on multiple items, but I wouldn’t be surprised.

None of it matched the glovebox though.
It's at 18:01 and lasts a few minutes. As I said, I've gotten way behind, but he seems to imply...why don't they just go get this guy who left the same dna on her bike, in her car, and inside her helmet.

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The camel pack (the water thing) - I have a question for those of you who use them.

You would refresh the contents before you go out, yes?
Did the camel pack in the car have water in it?
Why was it left in the car? If she had got back from a ride (at any time), surely she would have taken it back into the house with her?

Ok so as @Seattle1 points out, SR has this a bit confused.

The defence argued the CODIS stuff at the prelim in the year before the trial date for heavens sake - they knew about it way back when. Those violations mainly relate to before the prelim, because as Judge Lama points out, the defence might have chosen to bring an expert to the prelim to try to combat the finding of probable cause. This is a fair enough.

But the violations that finally caused Judge Lama to lose patience was the failure to file the expert bios. The failure to file the bios on time is why those experts were excluded by the judge - and that caused the dismissal.

On March 10, 2022, the Court addressed Defendant’s motions to exclude. After conducting a hearing, the Court found the People missed the extended deadline of February 28, 2022 for numerous expert witnesses. The Court also found there was a pattern of discovery violations and imposed a sanction to deter future violations: the Court prohibited the People from calling those experts whose reports and opinions were not turned over to the defense by the February 28, 2022 deadline. See Tr., at 160:24-167:22. However, the Court noted some of those witnesses may still be called in a lay capacity. See Id. Other experts were permitted to provide expert testimony, but would be restricted to the four corners of their reports or summaries.

Had they met the deadline, the experts would have stood, and the DA wouldn't have been forced to seek a dismissal. IMO

Especially the Judge made it clear the sanction was to discourage future violations due to a pattern (which also includes many other cases). He did not exclude the experts because of hiding exculpatory DNA evidence.


Court order on motion for sanctions
The camel pack (the water thing) - I have a question for those of you who use them.

You would refresh the contents before you go out, yes?
Did the camel pack in the car have water in it?
Why was it left in the car? If she had got back from a ride (at any time), surely she would have taken it back into the house with her?

On that front her handbag was also in the RR, and I believe her bike was in the back of the RR and BM took it out. This is where the staging of the bike is messed up. The RR should have been found at the trailhead, and the camelbak should not have been in the car?
I realize we probably will never know the answer to this and I know the prosecution doesn’t have to prove it in court can only offer theories as to: WHY did BM choose to use BAM in his dastardly deed as neither they nor us were there nor can we know what was going on in BM’s head (scary place imo) unless he decides to confess and I personally do not see BM ever confessing. Not a chance imo. Anyway, inquiring minds/true crime aficionados (particularly me lol) want to know- WHY did BM use BAM on SM?

After all, he’s a fairly big guy and could easily overpower the tiny SM and kill her on his own/use his own hands without any help from BAM. Also, he had access to other guns/rifles and could have shot her with one of those (although I’m sure he knew shooting her at the house with one of those guns would be too messy). Anyway, my point is, he was much bigger and stronger than SM and even with SM putting up a fight/trying to get away, imo he was more than capable of overpowering her and beating and/or strangling her to death without any help from BAM. IMO.

My understanding is that in most settings BAM is administered in measured doses and used to immobilize wildlife for handling, and Veterinarians administer it to animals for sedation purposes before certain procedures. In higher doses and/or depending where/what body part it’s gets injected, it can kill an animal (or human) in a matter of minutes and btw, it is virtually unheard of for use in humans! Yet this imo non-human evil creep BM, used it on a human-his wife!!

Moving on, BM admittedly had access to BAM and had used it on animals (deer) and the autopsy confirmed it was a contributing factor in the commission of imo BM’s heinous crime. Now, getting back to my questions as to why he used it. I wonder if BM used BAM intending it to kill SM quickly as in 2-3 minutes after injection so he wouldn’t have to use his bare hands and possibly didn’t measure the dose correctly/not enough to kill quickly, OR was it his intention to use just enough to immobilize/incapacitate her for some reason prior to killing her.
In other words, sorry to be graphic- did he just get some sick thrill from terrorizing Suzanne, shooting her with the dart and chasing her down hunting his prey before going in for the kill, and/or did he possibly intend to rape (ugh) a semi conscious SM before killing her via imo strangling her to death? Possibly both? In any case, whatever his intention was, she was able to put up somewhat of a fight before succumbing due to the scratches and fingernail gauges on his left arm. My next question, what did he do with/where did he put her body from roughly 3pm to 10pm before transporting her under the cover of darkness to burial site in Moffat?

Now, some have theorized he used the BAM to incapacitate her with the intention of taking an unconscious SM to the gravesite and killing her there so as to leave no trace of decomp at the house.
I’m not a fan of this theory because wouldn’t he have to keep administering enough tranq in between to keep her in unconscious state over a 7 hour period (3pm-10pm). Or did he know how much of a dose to give to keep her unconscious for that long-7 hours?!?
Is that even possible???? (I haven’t read everything yet so I really don’t know but I know some here probably do and apologies if it’s already been discussed I’m a little behind still catching up on the thread/posts).
Anyway, in this scenario, again, what did he do with her/where did he put her for roughly 7 hours? Did he leave her on the floor or bed and check on her and dose her again and again until he was ready to move her, or did he put her on the trailer outside and she ended up dying there from an overdose of BAM (cadaver dog hits on trailer) and when BM realized this, panicked and had to shift gears/switch up his plans because he now has an already dead SM he needed to transport to Moffat and scrambling to figure out which non-family vehicle (no dog hits on any of the family vehicles) he had access to to transport her body??? Idk but for me, too many mental gymnastics to make this scenario work.

At any rate, whether he shot her outside with a tranq gun or whether he manually injected/stabbed her with the loaded syringe, and whether he expected the BAM to kill her shortly after getting shot or stabbed with the needle, or expected it to just incapacitate her for whatever reason (see above) before killing her with his own hands, or whether he intended to keep her unconscious and kill her at the gravesite, he had to do something with either an unconscious or already dead Suzanne from 3pm-10pm as imo there is no way BM would drive ANY vehicle with an unconscious or already dead Suzanne and kill (if unconscious), dig grave, and bury her, do all this in broad daylight. No way would he take that kind of risk imo, the fact that it doesn’t fit the timeline, notwithstanding.

One last thing and apologies for rambling post of my thoughts/questions scrambling around in my head. Since cadaver dogs hit on the trailer and seat of the bobcat, I theorize he got decomp on him after he realized she was dead on the trailer from possibly an unintended overdose of the BAM sedatives he’d been giving her to keep her unconscious for 7 hours (I need to read more about whether that’s even possible), or imo more likely got it on himself/his clothes after carrying an already dead Suzanne to put her on the trailer while he waited for nightfall to transport her, and went near or sat directly on the seat of the bobcat to do something/possibly retrieve something??? Or…or…or??? IMO that is why he washed his shorts to get rid of decomp forgetting about the needle sheath in his pocket. I’m sure that was a real gotcha moment for investigators. Lo and behold, investigators were right all along. BAM!!

Kudos to all LE involved!!!

Again, sorry for the long rambling post and thank you for your patience lol.




I don’t want my post to reflect on any other hunter. However, Barry had an obsessive, one-track mind and hunting for him was not a normal pastime meant to put food on the table. It was “idiosyncratic, narrowly circumscribed interest.” He was obsessed with talking about hunting. He was at the river because MM1 saw a turkey there. He shot 85 chipmunks. These antlers. I think he darted her because hunting was constantly on his mind, and he found another prey. But it doesn’t mean that BM is the hunter. It just means he is obsessed to no end.

I have noticed that the longer it goes, the more unnatural the photos of the family look like. Initially, they were normal, girls supporting their father, don’t want to lose another parent, obviously. As time goes by, on the photos, the family looks like statues. One wonders if SM was the source of normal social life for the family. And now that link is severed.
Is there any truth to what Reisch said Tuesday about the same stranger dna being found inside Suzanne's bike helmet as inside iirc the glove comp of her car? He said the same dna had been found in 2 places in her car, plus the helmet.
Sorry I have gotten behind. I never heard of the dna, if true, in her helmet. Much less that it had been statistically narrowed down as he implied.
While it's true that foreign DNA was located on SM's helmet, bike seat, and bike grips, and the DNA did not match BM, there is no truth to this DNA belonging to a serial sex offender wanted in Chicago and AZ!

This false info by IE goes back to Joseph Cahill's testimony on the last day of the prelim hearing about the limited DNA sample collected from the RR glovebox! Cahill was called as a defense witness.

The DNA from the helmet, seat, bike grips could have been from the manufacturer, the bike mechanic, a good Samaritan or the Harvey kid who helped SM load her bike into the cargo area, etc. What's true is it did not match BM. Again, more exaggeration by IE and BM's defense. MOO
On that front her handbag was also in the RR, and I believe her bike was in the back of the RR and BM took it out. This is where the staging of the bike is messed up. The RR should have been found at the trailhead, and the camelbak should not have been in the car?
Yes - is it possible Suzannes RR was used for both the bike and body disposal?
I have noticed that the longer it goes, the more unnatural the photos of the family look like. Initially, they were normal, girls supporting their father, don’t want to lose another parent, obviously. As time goes by, on the photos, the family looks like statues. One wonders if SM was the source of normal social life for the family. And now that link is severed.

thank you for articulating this, for some time the showy, clingy, hand holding poses have seemed so unnatural to me.
I am reminded of the Wizard of Oz - guess who is the cowardly lion?
the expressions are so fixed and the smiles are unsettling
Hold it, I think that's where the "too soon" had come in!
His nephew, in some kind of public statement, kept referring to Barry as "the husband" and not using BM's name. They offered $100,000 on a time limit reward in locating SM. At this time BM said "it was too soon" for him to make a public statement in behalf or for SM.....or something like that.
Does anyone else remember this??!
Yes, that's how I remember that. Another Bury Morphew euphemism. IMO
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