MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #2

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RBBM - Is the jury going to be presented this FBI expert testimony about the injuries or is that not allowed to be heard either?
I don't see why they can't call and introduce the report of the FBI biomechanical expert who concluded JO's injuries were not caused by a vehicle hitting him.

Unlike the other experts both sides will call, this person is arguably completely independent as s/he wasn't commissioned for or paid by either side. If they turn out to be a compelling witness, it's hard to see how the Commonwealth recovers. Because even lay people looking at those injuries are going - WTF?
Nicole Albert says she didn't mention Colin being at the house that night to investigators because she didn't consider him part of the group at the Waterfall.

Little shows phone records to Nicole Albert and says they show she got brief calls from her sister, Jen McCabe, the morning O'Keefe was found. "She may have placed those calls, but I never answered them," she says.

Continued from morning/early afternoon ...

Little shows phone records to Nicole Albert and says they show she got brief calls from her sister, Jen McCabe, the morning O'Keefe was found. "She may have placed those calls, but I never answered them," she says.

After the lunch beak, Little resumes cross examining Nicole Albert. Little suggests they could have used blankets to help O'Keefe. "We did not go outside because we had no idea what was going on," Albert replies.

Lally resumes direct examination, asks about why Chloe was moved sent away. Albert says after the May '22 dog-fight incident, they decided to get rid of Chloe. "We loved the dog... we didn't want to put it down," she says. So they found a home for the dog in Vermont.

Nicole Albert is dismissed. Prosecution calls Brian Albert as its next witness. He's the first witness to direct greet the jurors as he sits down in the witness box.

Brian Albert worked for Boston Police Dept about 30 years. His last assignment was part of the BPD fugitive unit.

Brian Albert says he's known ATF agent Brian Higgins for 10-15 years, met him through work, became friends started socializing.

Albert had gone to NYC for a police funeral on Thursday, drove back home with Brian Higgins on Friday with two other police officers. Went out with Higgins to get something to eat. Got a message from his wife Nicole to join them at the Waterfall.

Albert says he didn't know O'Keefe well, but considered him to be a friend, thought of him as "somebody I could hang out with and have a good time with.”

Albert says he went home with wife Nicole and daughter Caitlin. Brian Higgins was waiting in his Jeep when they got there. Inside were his son Brian Jr, his nephew Colin and two of Brian Jr's friends.

Albert says Colin left shortly after they got home: "I went and I used the bathroom and he was gone." Albert says he let the dog Chloe out in the backyard.

Albert says after Higgins left, he went up to bedroom. Never heard anything outside. Were mostly in room with bay window facing backyard.

"John O'Keefe and Karen Read never entered my house," Albert says. Says his wife Nicole came up around 2am and they went to sleep.

Albert describes being woken up by his sister-in-law Jen McCabe who was "very upset, almost hysterical". She said police were downstairs. Albert came down to find Ofc Lank in his house. Another office entered.

Albert called Higgins: "I think it was important for him to know." Higgins "had mentioned he was friendly and knew John." Higgins arrived. So did sister-in-law Julie with the coffee and donuts for Brian Jr's birthday.

Albert: "I didn't see a reason to go to the area." Says the police had told them what was going on. There was a snowstorm. Didn't want to interfere with investigation.

Met later that day with two MSP troopers, including Michael Proctor, at sister-in-law Jen McCabe's house. "I had never met Trooper Proctor," he says. Says the troopers spoke with family members separately.

Lally: Did the sale of your house have anything to do with Jan 29? Albert: Absolutely not.

The jury is dismissed. Brian Albert's cross-examination will begin tomorrow.

Judge: "I'd like to pick up the pace."

Here is prosecution witness Brian Albert, a retired Boston Police officer who owned the Canton home where Officer John O'Keefe was found dead on 1-29-22.

Albert said he grew up in the home where he lived in 2022. It belonged to his parents. At BPD he was in the fugitive unit. He was on the job some 30 years.

Lally takes him right to 1-28-2022. He was in NYC for the funeral of a NYPD officer killed in the line of duty. Brian Higgins was also there - he knew him from work. (ATF agent) The past few years they worked together and they became better friends,

Albert on why he didn't go outside that morning, with police lights flashing: "i couldn’t see a reason - police there - it was a snowstorm - they were trying to conduct an investigation”

Albert says Trooper Proctor interviewed him the first day, 1-29. He says he was interviewed separately. And ALbert says he went upstairs when others spoke to Proctor and another trooper.

Albert says the incident had "absolutely nothing" to do with the O'Keefe death. The state is finished for now. The witness steps down.

Cross examination will happen Monday.

Nicole Albert says Chloe is in Vermont on a farm. The defense asks why she hasn't produced documentation of that despite a request. objection… sidebar

ADA Lally calls Brian Albert to the stand. Nicole's husband, former owner of 34 Fairview, retired Boston Police Officer

Brian Albert says he knew JO as a "friend" and a Boston Police Officer and he described the relationship as “cordial"

Brian Albert testifies that his nephew Colin was in his home when he got back from the waterfall but he says he went to use the restroom and Colin left.

Brian Albert says he was with the group gathered at his home for all but "2 to 3 minutes" when he says took Brian Higgins upstairs to look at photos of one of his sons who's in the military

Brian Albert testified that John O'Keefe and Karen Read never entered his home and he says he didn't learn of what happened to JO until Jen McCabe burst into the bedroom around 6 in the morning

Brian Albert says "Shock, that’s how I would describe everyone’s reaction that morning”

Brian Albert says he knew Trooper Proctor “professionally"

Brian Albert says the same as his wife that O'Keefe's death had nothing to do with the sale of his own. Lally is done questioning him

Done for the day. Defense will cross Brian Albert Monday. Wrap up at 5 and 6 #Boston25


I don't know how much you know about the Norfolk County District Attorney and his statements regarding this case, but Lally is in a tough spot. I agree that he knows what he's up against, but he has his marching orders and quite literally the only thing he could do is quit his job. Once this is over, he'll move on to the usual drunk driving and domestic abuse cases and hope all of this is forgotten.

Do you know if Lally has ever tried a murder case before? Or a multi-day case of any complexity? Because to me he really looks like he's struggling.

We've had two weeks of testimony but there's been very little that's inculpates Karen Read aside from the "I hit him" comment, if the jury takes that at face value. Aside from that I guess there's John's alleged kiss with another woman in Aruba; the Dunkin Donuts for the niece; and the glass with clear liquid and lime that KR carried to a different bar. I'm not sure there's really been anything else.

At this point there's not enough to convict on a misdemeanor DUI, much less second degree murder.

edit -
We did see a dashcam video of the Lexus with a partially missing taillight. But it was hard to tell because the car was snow-covered and Lally never called any attention to it or sought any testimony about it.
Why did he really call Higgins? Trying to envision the thought process that might of been going on there. The need to call another, probably trusted LE friend about another friend who was dead on his lawn, feedback, connecting, asking if he knew what could of happened? Of course they could of gone out, or himself, I saw wife's explanation. He said he knew what was going on and not interfere, a cop could choose to do that, retired, based on the way of investigation process thinking, BUT STILL. Self preservation kicked in immediately as JO's death happened in his yard. I'd say obviously he told wife, DO NOT GO OUT THERE, even though her sister was out there, I believe.
Is there more known about this call or just allegations?

"A federal investigation found Albert and Higgins spoke by phone at 2:22 a.m., about 3 and a half hours before O’Keefe’s body was discovered, Read’s defense has further alleged."

What time was it that Higgins left and Albert went to bed if anyone has it handy, interesting of course regarding the timing of the Albert/Higgins phone call time.

According to testimony(s), Higgins left the Albert's home at 1:30 am. And another cop stated Higgins showed up at the station ( his office) at 1:30 am.

Brian Albert said today, that he went to bed at 2.

RE the 2:20 am something ish phone calls between BA and BH, both of these guys now claim they are " butt dials".....

Mmkaay ??
According to testimony(s), Higgins left the Albert's home at 1:30 am. And another cop stated Higgins showed up at the station ( his office) at 1:30 am.

Brian Albert said today, that he went to bed at 2.

RE the 2:20 am something ish phone calls between BA and BH, both of these guys now claim they are " butt dials".....

Mmkaay ??

According to testimony(s), Higgins left the Albert's home at 1:30 am. And another cop stated Higgins showed up at the station ( his office) at 1:30 am.

Brian Albert said today, that he went to bed at 2.

RE the 2:20 am something ish phone calls between BA and BH, both of these guys now claim they are " butt dials".....

Mmkaay ??
Thanks. The thing is, OF COURSE, is that if one of the numbers was the last time they spoke on the phone, MAYBE. Frustrating again.. I think it can be found out though how long the connection lasted of course. Higgins went to his office, not home to bed like you'd think, but.

Not sure about preparing meals but friends testified in previous days that those other things were on their minds and were attended to.

I don't know what happened in this case -- I have no opinion yet as to guilt or cover up, but I do think that trying to figure out what MIGHT have happened to cause or contribute to a friend or even acquaintance's death IS normal if people were trying to make sense of something that seemed senseless.

I have googled similar things just from reading news articles about missing or found people.
I have googled similar things too, when strangers were involved. But if it were someone I knew, I think I'd be calling people who also knew him.
Today the female attorney cross examined NA. Does anyone know her name? Did not seem experienced for a case like this. Just wondering.
As @shotgun09 said, her name is Elizabeth Little. She's a partner in Alan Jackson's firm.

She's been a lawyer for eight years so she's not inexperienced. Having watched her in preliminary hearings she has an excellent command of the facts and the law. She doesn't have quite the presence in front of a jury compared to Yannetti and Jackson, but those two are about as impressive as you'll see in a courtroom.
I think the cross-examination of BA on Monday is going to be worthy of popcorn. The defense has the weekend to pick apart the testimony on direct and hone their approach to this particular witness.

I initially found him believable as a witness. However, having had a 70lb German Shepard in the house, emergency vehicles rolling up on the scene with lights and sirens, and a whole bunch of people on his lawn to include a hysterical KR is quite the commotion. And they slept through it? I'm not saying that they didn't but that's quite a lot of activity to be happening outside your home. The dog didn't alert to the goings on outside the house? All animals are different but I've got a 80lb Boxer that lets me know anytime another dog does his business in my yard let alone alerts me to the mailman, Amazon delivery, etc. That kind of presence and activity at such and early hour would certainly catch a dog's attention, in my opinion. I'd think a 30 year veteran of the police department who also served time in the armed forces would have a hard time sleeping through these events...even after a night of (heavy?) drinking.
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I think the cross-examination of BA on Monday is going to be worthy of popcorn. The defense has the weekend to pick apart the testimony on direct and hone their approach to this particular witness.

I initially found him believable as a witness. However, having had a 70lb German Shepard in the house, emergency vehicles rolling up on the scene with lights and sirens, and a whole bunch of people on his lawn to include a hysterical KR is quite the commotion. And they slept through it? I'm not saying that they didn't but that's quite a lot of activity to be happening outside your home. The dog didn't alert to the goings on outside the house? All animals are different but I've got a 80lb Boxer that lets me know anytime another dog does his business in my yard let alone alerts me to the mailman, Amazon delivery, etc. That kind of presence and activity at such and early hour would certainly catch a dog's attention, in my opinion. I'd think a 30 year veteran of the police department who also served time in the armed forces would have a hard time sleeping through these events...even after a night of (heavy?) drinking.
And distance from the front door of the residence to where the body was discovered is approximately 55' and distance the curb is approximately 67'. Not exactly like the house is set back on acres of property.
the prosecution will have to explain things. that is ultimately their obligation.

but as I said, yesterday, and will continue to say.... 1) if the prosecution is not able to prove KR did it... beyond a reasonable doubt... that is not the same as 2) there is some conspiracy to cover up JO's murder involving many of the witnesses.

as two people having a discussion about the case - both of us (I assume) wanting a true and just verdict - I'm asking how you can reconcile any scenario where he's murdered in the house with the health data for JO? the data is there... I'm just asking what you think it shows. it can be easily cited.

keep in mind - a few pages back there was talk about this data showing evidence he was "running" and was quickly incorporated into theories. I posted a very clear and simple explanation how it does not show that. it, in fact, shows he was moving at a pace of 1 mile per hour...

since - there has been no reply - and it seems the "running" point is now... not a point? granted - this is a thing from this forum, not something the defense has talked about, yet.
Just like you didn’t respond when shown a separate witness account, corroborating that Julie Albert lied in her testimony today? After trying to correct my specific verbiage in my original comment. At least be consistent.
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Agree completely, although I don't think that's why she's being framed. But I do hear it in some of the blatantly sexist posts out here. I don't like her. Look at her mouth, such an attitude. Designer clothes. She should be more humble. Who does she think she is, conferring with her lawyers like she's an attorney. She's just a psycho. John was probably her last chance to snag a husband and he was dumping her so she decided to kill him.
It's appalling to me.

Let me respectfully disagree. I think it is “TV factor in action”, if you will. It has little to do with the woman’s achievements/mishaps. After certain events eight years ago, a book was published; its title started with “Unlikable:”. I was shocked with what many people projected on the persona-in-question (and that I absolutely failed to see). But, this is how people, sadly, make the choice in situations far more important than answering who killed a cop in a tiny snowed in hamlet. Even in the situations important for all of us, the decision is often based on looks, or who the person reminds you of, or even pure recognition factor.

The real question: why some people are “instantly likable” and some, not, is very interesting from the sociology perspective. My opinion of KR is not jealousy-based: I am interested in overachieving women, as there is a lot to learn from them.

Objectively, I am against the defense strategy of recruiting a wife-beater and a witness-intimidator as their main supporter. The subjective factor has to do with the screen, but i yet have to pinpoint what it is.
In this document you can see the JO's health data from his phone. It indicates his movements, and includes ascending stairs.
I believe the info comes with the caveat that there could be more movements during that time period that were not captured.
I'd take that movement info with a big peck of salt.

I've had my fitbit tell me I've climbed twelve flights of stairs when I've just walked down a straight flat road to the local shop. And when I've climbed an actual flight of stairs, it hasn't recognised it.

The other day it buzzed and congratulated me on hitting my 10,000 step goal. I'd laid on the couch all day crocheting.

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