NJ - Trial of Christopher Gregor Allegedly Beat 6-Year-OId Son to Death

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Isn't it the law for a non-custodial parent to pay child support? It's their responsibility - whether man or woman be accountable.

That evil monster knew what to do if he didn't want a child. It's all his fault. moo
Too bad he was just too cool to use a condom, and prevent this whole nightmare from happening.
Twitter handle of defence attorney Mario Gallucci appears to be "@ Mr acquittal" . I'm sorry but...... eyeroll emoji. He's clearly a high profile, high priced attorney- Mommy and Daddy seem to have deep pockets.

The same guy we just saw this week- YELL at a nice pediatrician lady. The same guy who kept harping on what kind of fish Breanna bought when she went to the dad's parents home and threw fish at it as a mom mourning her own son, devastated and frustrated at how things were going. (Childish? Yes. Criminal? I mean, I guess she was fined, but again, why are they talking about that anyway?) The same guy who belittles witnesses "you have quite the pedigree".... "your little chart there"..... ugh.

When Breanna was being reminded of her past she owned up to it and did not cower to this bully! That is what impressed me this week. Irrelevant to me were mentions of the Justice for Corey internet group, the online money raising, and even fish throwing at grandparents' mansion. (My guess: They would have TP'd the house but I think this was during the whole TP shortage of Covid Era.)

To all: do we know the makeup of the jury? I heard yes/no responses and I think I heard at least 9 which sounded female... there were 16 total and they themselves don't know if they're one of the 4 alternates or not. I think they might be down to 15 Now.
Defense strategy is probably to draw the malevolent feelings the jury may have to himself, and not his client. He will never see these jury members again, and his only job is to get this monster off. Maybe that's why he is such a high priced defense attorney, he knows his job and uses every trick in the bag.
From earlier this morning. I love the look on the defence lawyers' faces. They look like they've been told their summer homes have lost 50% of their value.

This is what the defense is being told: BY THE JUDGE (not in presence of jury)

"There is a huge degree of confidence that inferences can reasonably be drawn from
1. Defendant's behaviour to flight
2. From flight to consciousness of guilt
3. From consciousness of guilt to consciousness of guilt to the crime charged, namely, murder
4. From consciousness of guilt to actual guilt.
Evidence of flight have been properly presented to jury."

"The court finds that those messages are highly probative of an attempt to flee."

In other words..... his internet searches for an airport in Tennessee, leaving the hospital when his own son has died less than 20 minutes after he has been declared, manually deleting texts and messages as he rushes out of state, ignoring phone calls from the local police who are calling (this time, he swiped left!).... all this means something and being a pretty spoiled little rich boy isn't going to help this time.

Officer Cerulli of Barnegat called Christopher at 5:48pm, 28 min after Christopher left the hospital room where his child lay dead. Christopher rejected the call. 2nd time he called Christopher, it was a missed call. In the meantime "can my phone be tracked in airplane mode" is his search term at 610pm.

Thank the gods for technology.*and the smart people who do this work.
Thank you, you just answered a nagging question I had. CG realized very early he was going to have to speak to the detective, because he was already getting calls right after he skipped out from the hospital. Now I get it!
I could not stand the defendant’s parents, and I’m not trying to not be compassionate, as a mother. However, if my children beat a child to death, I would love them but never be able to forgive them and my focus would be on the murdered child, whether they were related to me or not. I found the state trooper father to be controlling, the focus on the academics to be all about “you will thrive and reflect well on me.” I am sure they loved Corey, but they seemed like rigid, cold people. Maybe I’m viewing this through my own personal lens and what I experienced in childhood, but I can’t imagine getting up there and exaggerating “threats” from their murdered grandson’s mother to help their violent sadist son. I agree with the judge, he made a comment about the granddad being experienced at testifying in court and adding details he wasn’t asked. It’s just unacceptable. They should care for Corey’s mother’s pain, rather than be snobs about her, as they clearly were. And final note, if I had a grandchild and someone hurt them, no matter who that someone was, they wouldn’t want to be in the same country as me. Yet they completely excuse what’s (at minimum) serious abuse their son perpetrated. Even the defense atty doesn’t try to excuse the treadmill video. I despise this defendant passionately though, clearly lol, so maybe I’m being too harsh here
Like father, like son.
Thank you, you just answered a nagging question I had. CG realized very early he was going to have to speak to the detective, because he was already getting calls right after he skipped out from the hospital. Now I get it!
BBM. The father left the hospital after his child was pronounced dead. I seriously doubt any parent would "skip out" of a hospital ER after the death of their small child.

I look forward to the LE testimony.

BBM. The mother testified the hospital said the child needed ambulance transport and she turned it down.

All hospitals will recommend ambulance transport on a transfer to another facility. It's a liability issue, they can't guarantee that Mom will follow through, and if the patient goes bad or dies, they could be sued. I have admitted and transferred many patients over the years. That is why they made her sign him out Against Medical Advice, it absolves them of liability and puts it on Mom. He was not sick until he went home to Dad, he was there for medical evaluation of bruises. ( I am an RN)
BBM. An ambulance would have EMT assistance.

The reality is that the mother ignored the advice of ER physicians and the child was dead hours later.

The ER Physicians did not mandate ambulance transfer, that would be hospital policy to avoid liability. The kid was alert, oriented, breathing, not bleeding, and in no pain when he was received by the second hospital.
Court is listening to lengthy bodycam from Chris' arrest --

Is this is arrest for murder?

Audio is awful.

But isn't this where he was supposedly fleeing because of all the threats and simultaneously not fleeing because his parents were arranging his return simultaneously by land and air?

Granted it's hard to hear but I'm not hearing him tell these LEOs the he's afraidy-fraid.

But heavens, how did he score such a lengthy exchange?

Defense wants to show how cooperative he was.

Of course he was.

He's only a bully to the most vulnerable.

Court is listening to lengthy bodycam from Chris' arrest --

Is this is arrest for murder?

Audio is awful.

But isn't this where he was supposedly fleeing because of all the threats and simultaneously not fleeing because his parents were arranging his return simultaneously by land and air?

Granted it's hard to hear but I'm not hearing him tell these LEOs the he's afraidy-fraid.

But heavens, how did he score such a lengthy exchange?

Defense wants to show how cooperative he was.

Of course he was.

He's only a bully to the most vulnerable.

And blaming the mother of course. No remorse, no grief, no accountability....and running. imo

What did he tell LE? My son just died so I jumped in car and crossed several state lines? Did he bother to make funeral arrangements for his son? No...he just turned off his cell phone.
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Wish they would call up Laura, CG's girl friend. I guess Marci did not last long.
Omg Christopher WAS talking to both via text on 4/2, Marci was the failed pizza date but he was also texting Laura P and Amy that day. (From 4/2/21 released texts, above)

Defense counsel : I have no problem staying down here and (waves at state table) and meeting with these young ladies.

So paternalistic! JMO
Misogynist!!!!!! Misogynist! Icky! These are your colleagues, Mario. You should address them with a level of respect! Why the f doesn't the judge say this.

SO. I caught that Christopher tried to coach his mom (Gregor Granma) via phonecall this weekend so she won't be a witness anyway. What purpose does the Tennessee officer lapel cam serve?? I couldn't hear anything clearly.

Granpa Gregor, Dad of Christopher, didn't mention anything about how he didn't want Christopher to move out in August 2020. He also didn't mention the whole "threats" claim since judge told him he doesn't buy it. Oh! And no mention of ham hocks and dead fish.
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The ER Physicians did not mandate ambulance transfer, that would be hospital policy to avoid liability. The kid was alert, oriented, breathing, not bleeding, and in no pain when he was received by the second hospital.
The mother signed an Against Medical Advice document. Most mothers of small children that I know would follow the advice of an ER doctor.

What ever happened to we knew he got back 4 april cuz it was easter?
What ever happened to hearing Corey was really sick en route, in the car? And that he passed while they were driving?

Who told CG about the results of the autopsy 3 april?

Ps. Now the father says he heard of Corey"s passing at 5. Yet nurse said Cg didn't bother to hang around til Corey was pronounced dead, iirc. (5:03) So when the gregors heard about Corey's death their son CG already wasn't there. Note how slippery Mr Gregor tries to imply that CG WAS there, just not in the ER.
Huh? Like consoling himself in some other part of the hospital, maybe the cafeteria?

So someone lied under oath last week, imo. Although no jurt, they WERE sworn in.

Sure do wonder why there is no big todo about, ahem, someone telling cg results of autopsy.

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I really don't think his parents testimonies are going to help him. I despised his father the first two minutes the other day. And CG sounded like a petulant spoiled adult kid who couldn't manage his life without Mama and Daddy doing it for him.
The mother signed an Against Medical Advice document. Most mothers of small children that I know would follow the advice of an ER doctor.


I thought the dad brought him to the hospital the day he passed, then the dad walked out and let him die alone with nurses no family.

Mother is not on trial.

2 Cents
I haven’t caught up with this afternoon’s hearing but from what they said earlier and the comments here I think this bodycam or lapelcam from the Tennessee officer(s) is a nothingburger. Defense is trying to dispel the flight aka consciousness of guilt issue. There’s nothing the defense can do to get away from the fact that he left his dead child in the hospital and left the state! Gimme a break! Who cares if he was calm once he was stopped in Tennessee? What was he gonna do at that point? Have a shootout with the cops? He’s cooked! Didn’t Dr. Baden testify at the Michael Peterson (The Staircase) trial as well? And OJ trial too, right? He’s gonna say the child had sepsis. But he never examined the child and all the medical professionals who did said he DIDN’T have sepsis. Or Pneumonia. Yeah….it’s a wrap Chrissy boy!!

Was this CG's sister Kimberly in court today? Corey looked like her.

Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 6.07.42 PM.png

I agree the father didn't help him much and the DA did a good job on the cross examination. All I got out of the testimony was that grandpa took care of Corey more than his own father.
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