NJ - Trial of Christopher Gregor Allegedly Beat 6-Year-OId Son to Death

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.......all these months being a supergrandad... look at moi... look at moi... on and on. Waits for the bus, goes thru the school bag, packs the lunch, reads the notes, searches for instructions, throws balls, bats, whatnots, Wakes the kid up, dresses him, irons his shirts, ties up his shoelaces, on and on.. repeat, repeat.....
But, doesn't recall what grade Corey is in. The only grandchild. When I was little we all knew which grades our siblings were in, even knew our cousins' grades who lived far away and the parents for sure knew. I wonder if Corey's schoolbus was specifically dedicated to his grade. This one detail baffles me, his only grandkid.
But, doesn't recall what grade Corey is in. The only grandchild. When I was little we all knew which grades our siblings were in, even knew our cousins' grades who lived far away and the parents for sure knew. I wonder if Corey's schoolbus was specifically dedicated to his grade. This one detail baffles me, his only grandkid.
In Grandpa's world, Corey dropped from the sky at 5yrs of age. Who did he think was doing all this stuff and more for the past 5 years? Who did he think was checking up on his sleep, his food, his fun, his play, his health, his shelter etc, etc . etc. Corey was carefully looked after for a very long time before Grandpa and Grandma and his murdering father arrived on the scene.
So, a few takehome messages from today.

David Gregor says he contacted Gallucci (bully lawyer guy) in JULY 2021 when Christopher was out hiking on a retreat with Laura, and officers came by to arrest him for the child endangerment charge. He said he was advised to get Christopher into town asap and once again he did, jumping in to get his son a rental car. (Does Christopher not have his own credit cards???? I was renting my own cars for trips by age 26! But i digress.)

This was 3 months after Corey's murder.

1. So we now know Family Gregor had hired Gallucci WELL BEFORE any murder charge was filed, quite possibly he was the attorney hired in April! Daddy David knew he needed a high profile, sharpshooter of a lawyah and he got himself the best money could buy...

2. How are we even talking about a girlfriend of a dude who physically leaves the hospital as his own son lay dying? Choices, ladies! Choices! I just hope none of his paramours end up having to testify in court.

3. Alcoa, TN police pulled him over, impounded his car, took his phone. Done and dusted. We don't need to know details on this at all unless he tried to evade capture or was belligerent towards LE.

4. Doesn't Tennessee have airports? Why the need for all that driving? Laura flew in to Tennessee. Why couldn't the two just fly back? Why did Laura fly out there to begin with? Nonsense!


9:38am to Laura
On my way!

11:17am to Laura
I'm heree

Around 11:31am (per the lapel cam from today)- pulled over by Alcoa Police for speeding in front of the Pizza Hut in Alcoa, TN.

To be fair I lay NOOOOO blame on this girlfriend. She's lucky to make it out of the relationship alive tbh. I just wonder how Christopher manages to entice these ladies into his orbit! Ick!
So was Laura in the car at the speeding stop? I only listened to the tape, didn't hear her mentioned but I understood little of the dialogue.
And here we see Christopher being detained by highway patrol, somewhere in deepest USA, those hands resting on the windowsill, and clutching the steering wheel are the same hands that dealt out Corey's punishment. Oh, he is very cooperative, certainly because there are three, no four big blokes slung about with multiples of weaponry at hand, ready to spring into action, no surprise that he is meek and Uriah Heepish, for sure. Mr Don't Hurt Me .
It is 2024 . Christopher Gregor seems to have no idea, none, that an awful lot of his day to day doings are recorded, and has been for decades, either vid clips, or voice recording, and oddly, insanely, he does not appear to know that his phone calls FROM A HOLDING CELL when he has been arrested for MURDER, are , in Christophers world, not recorded.

Why would he be this dopey? Or is he completely in a world of his own, where he reigns supreme, unfettered by any regulation or expectation of civilised behavior, subject only to his own whim and will?
Here we see Christoper Gregor, talking and moving around in broad daylight, rather a big difference to Gregor in court, shimmied up in a suit and tie, sulking, mooning about, frowning, whispering,...... here he is being questioned by the police in a wife beater singlet , his overweight torso in full relief. He has all the hand movements of a bloke explaining the impossible, trying to look a regular guy, just driving along, his dead son way back in his past life back in NJ, now he is your cornpone Tennessean, .. .
David Gregor testified Thurs, iirc, that CG had been arrested that one night (when he left Corey and went to see Breanna, gun shots etc) for "marijuana paraphernalia". So I backed off on accusing him of drug possession.

In the tape I know there are references to prior arrests, the judge mentioned that too. But does anyone recall if, in the tape, cg admitted to weed arrests, ie not all minimized to just paraphernalia as gp Gregor did?
Well at least that ridiculous police cam was denied. That Galluci sure pushes the envelope ln getting the defendant to "testify" without being cross examined.

So does anyone think he will take the stand? Not me.
Of course, it is my fervent hope that he does. All logic would point to him having to do that, if only to counteract the toxicity his parents dribbled all over the court. Much to Galli's chagrin, I bet. It is counterintuitive, and something his defence would not want to have happen, because it is plain that they see Gregor Jnr as unappealing as the rest of the world does. But as his lead lawyer says ' I don't care if you don't like him'. well. ok then. It's all agreed.

His own lawyers know he is a disaster waiting to happen on the stand, but. ... I hope he does. People do stupid things!!
Going back a bit . .. watching His lawyer, suddenly become Mr. Tippy Toe, softly softly try and move Chris's idiotic phone call to Mama ( from Jail (!)), far off the stage, and out of folks minds, , and behind him, is Grandpa and what I think is Corey's Aunt Kimberly, Chris's sister, enduring this excruciating little cameo exposing Chris as one of the worlds Walking, Talking Ning Nongs, a determined and persistent Ning Nong, no cure for it, born to it .

Mr G snr and Aunty are horrified, and they certainly are mortified, but more than that, they know all this stuff, they are old hands at fending off Chris's bone deep stupidity, years, years of it.
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Privileged drifter punk. How could he run away when his dead boy was on the table. I get the idea ma & pa did a lot of cleanup throughout his sorry-@ssed worthless life.

Who taught him to bite his kid on the head while the kid was trying to maintain his balance. That's just cruelty.

This is what I am thinking about:

- learned behavior
- oral fixation due to some undiagnosed issue
- possibly, had other urges towards the kid that he didn't bond with as the father? Fighting these urges and getting angry with the kid?

His own father is clearly a hero for him. Now, he depends on his family, but it seems to be genuine.
I would like to inow more about his siblings. Are they all relatively successful? I think ‘success’…making the parents ‘look good’…is very important in that family.

My guess is that CG went from the star athlete to the ‘disappointment’ of the family…downgraded big-time in Daddy’s eyes. He was at a rather expensive school (Dad likes to name-drop)…and gets arrested…maybe loses his scholarship or is expelled. And home he comes.

Dad testified on cross that he went to a community college after that…then finished online. Many people transfer to a full time college after community college…but CG stayed home and finished online. I wonder if there was a reason and it was decided he needed to be under parental supervision? Not long after he impregnates a high school junior.

Finally, they get him into some program that has name-dropping capabilities for Dad…and they find out he has fathered a child. Did he finish THAT program?

Dad must have been so disappointed again. And the girl is an embarrassment, ‘trashy’ CG calls her. As if he is the embodiment of fine, moral living.

Then he is indicted for endangering a child. Then, for murder. They keep cleaning up his messes, or trying, because the stench is all over them as well. Dad's testimony seemed to be his application for being the The All-time Father of the Year.
Sorry, this is a repeat of something shared before but it is worth reminding peeps....
I wonder if there was a reason and it was decided he needed to be under parental supervision? Not long after he impregnates a high school junior.
Circle around, folks, for some Storied Gregor family history, namely, There Once Was A Young Man Who Was Admitted to a Little Ivy School*

*but then effed if up completely by Thanksgiving break by being a criminal

"Gregor reportedly punched two male students and elbowed them in the face when they tried to stop the fleeing suspect, police said.
Gregor, who appeared to be intoxicated, told investigating officers that he was confused and entered the girl's dorm room by mistake, according to the arrest report. He said he thought there was a party going on but when he realized he was wrong and tried to leave, he was grabbed by someone and punched in the face.
Officers didn't buy Gregor's story, saying he had no visible signs of being assaulted."

Christopher played football for them. ONCE. This is from the Wesleyan website. He played ONE game then likely got kicked out.

So, by Nov 2010 of freshman year, he's been kicked out or likely given the option to unenroll to save face... can you imagine Granpa Gregor's response to this?

So this is what the prosecution was trying to hint at on Day 7. She mentioned Christopher finishing at online school.... which just seems odd for such a family with name brand loyalty- Granpa Gregor put importance in the "right school" for Corey, who was in elementary school.

I don't think it's admissible if they brought it up, though? But while Christopher is at home with mom&dad doing online university because he Cannot Behave, he attends a party, finds Breanna who is a classmate of younger brother Daniel, commits r@p3 of a 16 year old as a 21 year old adult. And Corey was born.

It's a small town. Daniel knew, Christopher knew, that a pregnancy resulted.

Mom of Breanna tells the story of what Breanna went thru in her school district as a child. The school Principal and the Bullying definitely did not help young Breanna at all.

Toward the 3:25
mark, you will hear mom of Breanna talk about her SA.


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Sorry, this is a repeat of something shared before but it is worth reminding peeps....

Circle around, folks, for some Storied Gregor family history, namely, There Once Was A Young Man Who Was Admitted to a Little Ivy School*

*but then effed if up completely by Thanksgiving break by being a criminal

"Gregor reportedly punched two male students and elbowed them in the face when they tried to stop the fleeing suspect, police said.
Gregor, who appeared to be intoxicated, told investigating officers that he was confused and entered the girl's dorm room by mistake, according to the arrest report. He said he thought there was a party going on but when he realized he was wrong and tried to leave, he was grabbed by someone and punched in the face.
Officers didn't buy Gregor's story, saying he had no visible signs of being assaulted."

Christopher played football for them. ONCE. This is from the Wesleyan website. He played ONE game then likely got kicked out.

So, by Nov 2010 of freshman year, he's been kicked out or likely given the option to unenroll to save face... can you imagine Granpa Gregor's response to this?

So this is what the prosecution was trying to hint at on Day 7. She mentioned Christopher finishing at online school.... which just seems odd for such a family with name brand loyalty- Granpa Gregor put importance in the "right school" for Corey, who was in elementary school.

I don't think it's admissible if they brought it up, though? But while Christopher is at home with mom&dad doing online university because he Cannot Behave, he attends a party, finds Breanna who is a classmate of younger brother Daniel, commits r@p3 of a 16 year old as a 21 year old adult. And Corey was born.

It's a small town. Daniel knew, Christopher knew, that a pregnancy resulted.

Mom of Breanna tells the story of what Breanna went thru in her school district as a child. The school Principal and the Bullying definitely did not help young Breanna at all.

Toward the 3:25
mark, you will hear mom of Breanna talk about her SA.

Yep, good summary. Entered a women's room by "accident"? Don't believe that one.

But, still thinking about the last days of March, CG kept Corey out of school after teachers noticed his bruising. And one lie was about some family event? THEN they were going down to Key West?!?! Makes me think at this point CG could no longer contain his rage at Corey. CG was doing a lot of womanizing. Poor Corey was in the way. CG was uncontrollable, where does all the rage come from, his parents especially seem to dote on him. Mother's loving smiles in the courtroom and all.
Sorry, this is a repeat of something shared before but it is worth reminding peeps....

Circle around, folks, for some Storied Gregor family history, namely, There Once Was A Young Man Who Was Admitted to a Little Ivy School*

*but then effed if up completely by Thanksgiving break by being a criminal

"Gregor reportedly punched two male students and elbowed them in the face when they tried to stop the fleeing suspect, police said.
Gregor, who appeared to be intoxicated, told investigating officers that he was confused and entered the girl's dorm room by mistake, according to the arrest report. He said he thought there was a party going on but when he realized he was wrong and tried to leave, he was grabbed by someone and punched in the face.
Officers didn't buy Gregor's story, saying he had no visible signs of being assaulted."

Christopher played football for them. ONCE. This is from the Wesleyan website. He played ONE game then likely got kicked out.

So, by Nov 2010 of freshman year, he's been kicked out or likely given the option to unenroll to save face... can you imagine Granpa Gregor's response to this?

So this is what the prosecution was trying to hint at on Day 7. She mentioned Christopher finishing at online school.... which just seems odd for such a family with name brand loyalty- Granpa Gregor put importance in the "right school" for Corey, who was in elementary school.

I don't think it's admissible if they brought it up, though? But while Christopher is at home with mom&dad doing online university because he Cannot Behave, he attends a party, finds Breanna who is a classmate of younger brother Daniel, commits r@p3 of a 16 year old as a 21 year old adult. And Corey was born.

It's a small town. Daniel knew, Christopher knew, that a pregnancy resulted.

Mom of Breanna tells the story of what Breanna went thru in her school district as a child. The school Principal and the Bullying definitely did not help young Breanna at all.

Toward the 3:25
mark, you will hear mom of Breanna talk about her SA.
Wow that was a fiery response from the superintendent. I only listened from the 3:25 mark so I’m not sure how Breanna’s mom is blaming the school for the bullying that her daughter experienced. Breanna’s family also has issues: drug issues, criminal record etc. So I’m not sure why Breanna’s low self-esteem wouldn’t be a result of her home life. I have no doubt the defendant took advantage of a vulnerable 16-yo Breanna. Yet another reason why he can’t testify because if he does ALL of that will come in under cross examination. JMO
Defense called 3 witnesses so far this morning and they’re already on break waiting for the next witness. Defense established that Gregor drove all the way to the Texas border and then made a U turn and headed back in the direction of NJ. State countered that he was headed AWAY from NJ with his cell phone in airplane mode until he spoke to his father some 24 hours later and he turned around. State asked if he was headed to Mexico. Defense objected. Sustained.

Next 2 witnesses did a child welfare check on Corey 2 weeks prior to his death based on Breanna’s complaint and essentially they found everything was OK and father and son seemed to have a good relationship. They did see the bruises on Corey. Defense brought out that one of the officers saw them throwing a football at the school. State countered that these officers had no idea what was going on behind closed doors and didn’t see the treadmill video. They also established that they didn’t speak to Corey privately. All contact was when father and son were together.

Defense is basically saying that Gregor just went for a long drive to clear his head. He was never fleeing. And he couldn’t have hurt his child because he played football with him. And that football is what caused the injuries and the treadmill but we shall not mention that unmentionable too much.

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just saw several what I think is several LEOs called by defense. They responded to wellness checks initiated by Corey's mom. Testified to seeing bruises on Corey but didn't feel he was in imminent danger and so did not remove him. Corey seemed okay, the bruises were explained away and Corey didn't seem to be terrified of his father.

Defense seems to suggest with putting these witnesses on the stand that Christopher can't be the abuser prosecution is painting him to be or else the cops would have removed Corey.

It's weak. Super weak. Just because LEOs didn't witness him abuse his child doesn't mean he wasn't doing just that behind closed doors. The fact that Defense even put these guys on tell me they got zip zero nada in the way of the defense. JMO
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