MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #4

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Lally is back and has shifted gears away from the damning Google search line of questioning but I am not sure jurors can forget it.

10:11 AM · May 22, 2024

Lally has asked Jen if she made that Google search just after 2 AM and Jen has said she did not.I should also mention, that I felt her responses were softer towards the end of her testimony. I also noticed that she is not looking at the jurors nearly as much today as before.

10:19 AM · May 22, 2024
Shut the front door !

Butt dials and deleted texts and searches. All incriminating as to a cover up.

Is Jen McCabe a credible witness, jury?
She is totally uncredible and quite transparent. It's her word against scientific evidence ffs. The evidence is correct for the other google searches but not for the incriminating one? It's like she expects the jury to give her a pass or will believe she is honest because she's self presenting as a flawless stepford type wife/mum....oh my kids basket ball, oh i was making dinner, seeing to kids blah blah,etc etc ect' trying to curate an image to the jury at every opportunity. See through. She's lying. moo.

The main thing is that very reasonable doubt as to KR's guilt is already established jmo and it's just going to get worse for the P. The D hasn't even presented yet for crying out loud.
wow, sustaining a lot of the defense objections, what a change.
Idk but kind of sounds like Lally has sort of given up. This is boring and weak considering what we just heard, but what can he really do? Are P going to bring in some expert to contest the 2.27am time stamp? And again how would hypothetically proving or suggesting wrong time stamp via expert advance the (non) case against KR? It wouldn't speak to her guilt or innocence imo
The fact that it was deleted is what sticks out to me. Why would you need to delete a google search? I could maybe buy you were trying to clean out your whole search history, but if that specific search was deleted, then what's the reason? Even IF (and I dont believe this, but) she searched at 6:22, why would you delete the search and then immediately do it again? With the typo in there, google would have just auto corrected it and searched for "how" anyway.

His questioning seems to be all about making the clan look pure as the driven snow....OH and now we are back to poor JM being harassed and threatened. She is such a victim and now airing her health problems.This is laughable and that judge is allowing too much of this BS. jmo

McCabe says in July a blogger organized a "rolling rally" to go to various witnesses houses. 50-75 came to house. "They screamed, they yelled," she said. "They just caused an absolute raucous outside."

10:47 AM · May 22, 2024

McCabe reiterates that Read asked to Google about hypothermia. Says Read was shaking her hand and she was cold. Says she also has MS. Lally points out that if she'd made the search at 2am in her bedroom, Read would not be there.

10:47 AM · May 22, 2024
His questioning seems to be all about making the clan look pure as the driven snow....OH and now we are back to poor JM being harassed and threatened. She is such a victim and now airing her health problems.This is laughable and that judge is allowing too much of this BS. jmo

Yet KR's health problems don't matter. You'd think TB was KR's attorney or something as much as they bring him up.


McCabe says in July a blogger organized a "rolling rally" to go to various witnesses houses. 50-75 came to house. "They screamed, they yelled," she said. "They just caused an absolute raucous outside."

10:47 AM · May 22, 2024

Because they were witnesses or because those people think they should be suspects instead?
JMc says everyone ELSE is wrong. The EMT and LE that took report wrote wrong statement (“Did I hit him?”), call records are wrong saying her calls were answered when she claims they weren’t, the company got keyword search time wrong at 2:27. Must be a corporate conspiracy against JMc, lol.
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Lally on redirect now

JM tells ADA Lally she saw the vehicle (KR's SUV) in one place "and when I came back it was further up”

ADA Lally: Were you looking for a body outside the home? (paraphrased) JM: "Absolutely not”

JM says she turned off her phone when she went to bed and left her search tabs open. She tells ADA Lally when she made the "hos long to die in cold search “I went to the tab that was already open”.When asked if she made the search at 2:27 am she answers“I did not, no”

JM tells ADA Lally KR initially told her she and JO got in a fight and she left him at the Waterfall, then she says KR told her JO was “dead, a plow hit him”. She says the story changed several times

Statement Kerry Roberts made that JM says "horrified" herShe says Kerry Roberts said JO really loved "Amy" and KR was "just a babysitter with benefits

JM tells ADA Lally that people have been "harassing" her family since 4/23.JM: “I’m a witness that’s all I am, I’m not on trial and people are terrorizing me”.She says Trooper Proctor alerted her that a rolling rally was coming to her home and Lally said police put up "pole cameras" to record the rally

On redirect, AJ asks why the "I hit him (3x)" did not come up under oath until a 2023 proceeding. (federal grand jury)On harassment AJ says "I’m sure it sucks to be harassed, I’m sure it does”

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