If you look at it logically it's very clear who did it!

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
This particular little girl lived 13 doors away from where he was staying at the time. It would be a bit of a reach for another little girl to have been harmed, on the exact same day that he said in the phonecall, in the same area. What other little girl got harmed on that day, in the same area? Serious question. A very big reach for it to be a seperate girl. Bordering on impossible.
It was JB, the same girl.
Yes, I think it's possible, though not probable, that he harmed another little girl in the same area at that exact time. I wasn't really putting too much stock into the fact that he physically assaulted any little girl at that time. I think we have differing ideas as to how much stock to put into his confessions, which is really my main point. I just don't put much stock into them at all, but I do realize that many people might, since it would certainly be a coincidence that he lived so close to the Ramseys.
TizerisT: I don't want to quote the whole post here and I'm not good at doing part of it, so I'm just going to paraphrase: You posted that Vail knows more about "this" than T Rex? What, exactly, do you mean?
Well, he also said that "half her head was bashed in". I just don't give any creedence to the Gary Oliva theory. (And I think the Ramsey's don't, either.)

The only evidence comes from his confession and the classmate, but a lot of people confess to a lot of crimes, particularly famous and notorious, attention-grabbing ones. Then, there's the guy who says Gary Oliva did it, and had previously made a habit of stealing....art supplies (and had an obssession with knots.) The guy was a classmate at some point with Oliva. One would think that others in that class might come forward to corroborate this but, as far as I know, nada.

The Gary Oliva aspect just doesn't wash, in my book. My books says, 100%: RDI.
Doesn't wash in my book either. There is virtually no evidence that points to Oliva other than his false confession, which he subsequently ended up denying. He has zero credibility. His DNA was tested, no match. He said, "I let her slip and her head bashed in half and I watched her die". The head wound as we know, was not visible at all and was not even discovered until the autopsy. Interesting to note that the letters that contained that bit of information were not written until around 2019, well after the information of the head wound was public knowledge.

Michael Vail described receiving letters from Oliva that included clumps of hair along with flyers about missing girls long before JBR was killed. He also describes a letter where Oliva described taking a girl out and letting her get sunburned so he could "eat her skin". This went on for years. He describes communication with Oliva as very dark and disturbing and that everyone in school called him "Scary Gary". And yet he never contacted LE about any of the earlier claims that Oliva made about harming and killing little girls. Never. Where was his concern then? Good point that no one else from Oliva's past has come forward to corroborate any stories. The obsession with knots was in high school, and never mentioned by Vail until he says he became aware of the details of the garrote in 2016. For someone claiming to know who the murderer was / is from the very first day, it doesn't seem like he has followed the case very closely recently. I find that odd.

Also should be noted, as I have pointed out before, that there is no evidence of other little girls that Oliva has claimed to have killed. None. No open police cases, no investigations. It's all fabrication from a sick minded individual.

And some points to dispute: he was not staying 13 doors away, he on occasion picked up mail from that location, which was a church. According even to Vail, he was actually staying at a ranch at the time. Boulder was not (and still is not) a large city. It's a close knit community. A large police presence at a prominent residence would not be easily hidden or overlooked. The local media was on the scene with cameras on the 26th. There is footage of JBR's body being removed from the house that evening. The news got out very quickly. The phone call to Vail is not "on the record", so there is no confirmation as to when (or even if) it actually happened. Vail speculated that Oliva could have gone up the alley from the church to get to the R house, he speculated that he may have broken in based on his claims Oliva broke into houses, however there is only evidence of him breaking into the University of Colorado. Oliva was known to help paint fences and do minor maintenance around the church and was spotted drinking in the church parking lot. Again, it is pure speculation on Vail's part that Oliva drank in the alley watching the R house, that has not been reported.
Yes, I think it's possible, though not probable, that he harmed another little girl in the same area at that exact time. I wasn't really putting too much stock into the fact that he physically assaulted any little girl at that time. I think we have differing ideas as to how much stock to put into his confessions, which is really my main point. I just don't put much stock into them at all, but I do realize that many people might, since it would certainly be a coincidence that he lived so close to the Ramseys.
He didn’t actually live close to the R’s. He used the address of a church that happened to be 13 doors down to have mail sent to. He would show up there on occasion to check for mail. At the time, he was staying on a ranch property.
Doesn't wash in my book either. There is virtually no evidence that points to Oliva other than his false confession, which he subsequently ended up denying. He has zero credibility. His DNA was tested, no match. He said, "I let her slip and her head bashed in half and I watched her die". The head wound as we know, was not visible at all and was not even discovered until the autopsy. Interesting to note that the letters that contained that bit of information were not written until around 2019, well after the information of the head wound was public knowledge.

Michael Vail described receiving letters from Oliva that included clumps of hair along with flyers about missing girls long before JBR was killed. He also describes a letter where Oliva described taking a girl out and letting her get sunburned so he could "eat her skin". This went on for years. He describes communication with Oliva as very dark and disturbing and that everyone in school called him "Scary Gary". And yet he never contacted LE about any of the earlier claims that Oliva made about harming and killing little girls. Never. Where was his concern then? Good point that no one else from Oliva's past has come forward to corroborate any stories. The obsession with knots was in high school, and never mentioned by Vail until he says he became aware of the details of the garrote in 2016. For someone claiming to know who the murderer was / is from the very first day, it doesn't seem like he has followed the case very closely recently. I find that odd.

Also should be noted, as I have pointed out before, that there is no evidence of other little girls that Oliva has claimed to have killed. None. No open police cases, no investigations. It's all fabrication from a sick minded individual.

And some points to dispute: he was not staying 13 doors away, he on occasion picked up mail from that location, which was a church. According even to Vail, he was actually staying at a ranch at the time. Boulder was not (and still is not) a large city. It's a close knit community. A large police presence at a prominent residence would not be easily hidden or overlooked. The local media was on the scene with cameras on the 26th. There is footage of JBR's body being removed from the house that evening. The news got out very quickly. The phone call to Vail is not "on the record", so there is no confirmation as to when (or even if) it actually happened. Vail speculated that Oliva could have gone up the alley from the church to get to the R house, he speculated that he may have broken in based on his claims Oliva broke into houses, however there is only evidence of him breaking into the University of Colorado. Oliva was known to help paint fences and do minor maintenance around the church and was spotted drinking in the church parking lot. Again, it is pure speculation on Vail's part that Oliva drank in the alley watching the R house, that has not been reported.
CloudedTruth, Thanks so much for a great post. You make excellent points. I'd forgotten the details about Oliva using the church for mail pickup rather than living there. So much information to remember in a very old case!

I have to say, if there's anything that can be funny in such an awful, awful case, I have found it in these very threads: The fact that Vail asserts that Oliva stole "art supplies" in high school. I find that very, very funny. Really? He didn't steal gallons of paint to go out and throw all over overpasses or paint graffiti on railroad cars. He stole art paint brushes and... what: Little tubes of acrylic tints? I'm sorry. That is just waaaaay funny!
CloudedTruth, Thanks so much for a great post. You make excellent points. I'd forgotten the details about Oliva using the church for mail pickup rather than living there. So much information to remember in a very old case!

I have to say, if there's anything that can be funny in such an awful, awful case, I have found it in these very threads: The fact that Vail asserts that Oliva stole "art supplies" in high school. I find that very, very funny. Really? He didn't steal gallons of paint to go out and throw all over overpasses or paint graffiti on railroad cars. He stole art paint brushes and... what: Little tubes of acrylic tints? I'm sorry. That is just waaaaay funny!
I hadn’t really considered the humorous perspective before, but you’re right! Stealing art supplies doesn’t seem that sinister or nefarious and is rather funny when you compare it to more common high school age mischief!
Vail loses credibility when you examine his statements about Oliva. He uses the word “imagine” a lot. “I imagine him sneaking into the house”, I imagine him doing this or that. It’s all speculation based on Vail’s past claimed experiences with “Scary Gary”.

In one of the letters to Vail, this is what Oliva wrote: “I pleaded guilty to the murder of JonBenet as well as countless charges of assaults and sexual abuse against many children, there were various agreements made by me and the court which I signed many pages”.

Nice, right? Except it’s not true. Complete fabrication, it’s all in Oliva’s mind. There are no court records of any such agreements. Oliva has no credibility, and much of Vail’s claims are by his own admission, something he imagines because he thinks it could be possible. Problem is, there is no credible evidence to support what Vail imagines.
Yes. As if coming from someone walking around with a flashlight. Als IIRC, the neighbor(s) also said there was a light on that was not normally on, and lights off that were normally on....or something to that effect. JR also said at some point that he used a flashlight to put BR to bed, which makes zero sense to me.
The light that was said to be off was in the sunroom that night. This room is the room PR sat in for most on the morning of the 26th. It is located directly above where JB body was found. The neighbors said it was always on.
All the lights were working in the house which made the flashlight unnecessary for the said purpose. Just another made up story by JR!
Yes, even the discovery of the body raises questions. The fact that JR went straight to the wine cellar. The fact that he said he opened the door and immediately saw the blanket and knew that he had found her, even before turning on the light. LE performed tests and reported that even with the door open they could not see anything without the light being turned on, the wine cellar had no windows. JR was not the first one to open the wine cellar door, Fleet White was and he reported that he did not / could not see anything. JR was / is known to have poor eyesight, how could he see what no one else could?
Exactly! Again, that is why I named my thread lies shall lead us to the truth. I suspect this is one of the main reasons he ditched FW friendship. He didn’t know before discovering the body that FW had opened that wine cellar door and saw nothing.

And wanting to high tail it out of Boulder literally within minutes of finding JBR's body. That is just nuts and highly suspicious. The mere fact that they left at all and so quickly after the body was found raises red flags for me. I do understand that everyone reacts to tragic events differently, but all the actions of the R's that day were just eyebrow raising, as were so much of what they did in the days and months following. The need for the golf clubs, why? And BR's airplane with the cord hanging from it is certainly an odd coincidence.
There is no such thing as coincidence. They knew what they were after in the supermarket sweep. We can further ask ourselves why the American girl doll was retrieved and cotton stuffing was found in the wine cellar. It is interesting that the cord used to hang his airplane up in his bedroom is the same material as the garrote.
The light that was said to be off was in the sunroom that night. This room is the room PR sat in for most on the morning of the 26th. It is located directly above where JB body was found. The neighbors said it was always on.
All the lights were working in the house which made the flashlight unnecessary for the said purpose. Just another made up story by JR!
Thanks for the clarification. The flashlight story is just so ridiculous......
I agree. The conduct of the DA and his office do point to that. And when you dive into all the players on Team R the powerful connections are hard to overlook. Connect the dots.

What we know from what little has been revealed by at least one juror, is that they did not buy the intruder theory, everything points to a family member. It was said by a juror that they hoped the prosecution could make clear who exactly among the family present in the house that night was the culprit. That was the big question......with all the non-cooperation, the constantly changing stories, the deliberate contamination of the crime scene, hidden or destroyed evidence and the infamous RN itself, the R's managed to muddy the waters enough so that it was unclear exactly who was responsible for killing JBR. DA Alex Hunter had a reputation as a prosecutor who did not like to prosecute. I do think he used the probability of not having a slam dunk case against one culprit as his excuse to not prosecute, but I also firmly believe there was a chorus of powerful entities involved discouraging any prosecution of the R's as well. That said, I think the GJ crafted the charges in such a way that reveals they found ample evidence to point to both parents as being responsible for allowing JBR to be exposed to dangerous circumstances that resulted in her death. Perhaps prosecution would not have nailed down precisely the who, but might have resulted in some accountability for allowing their daughter to be put at risks enough to have caused her death.
Yesterday I read a news story that reminded me that government coverup does happen and did happen to JB.
For reference look into this case:
NJ businessman Jose Uribe and Sen. Bob Menendez.
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@Rain on my Parade: Thanks for posting this news story. A great reminder that corruption happens all the time, and at all levels. There is no doubt in my mind that there were numerous high powered officials involved in the Ramsey case cover up. The question is why? People have suggested it was to protect BR, but I have a lot of doubts about that. For various reasons, that just doesn't jive for me.

And then there's JR. Yes, he worked for Lockheed Martin, a worldwide defense contractor. Could it be that he knew things that they did not want to become public knowledge? Yes, but IMO that's a bit of a stretch. I think there was something else at play here, where people jumped in immediately to protect JR, not just for himself but for the potential of other even bigger fish being exposed. For what, we can only conjecture. Rumors have swirled for years, there just may be a reason for this that is rooted in some element of truth. Some pieces do seem to fit.

Favors were called in from places high up on political ladders. We've all heard of Quid pro Quo. People in high places typically don't do "favors" just out of the goodness of their hearts. And for powerful people to ask even more powerful people for "favors", there has to be a very good reason. Why would they put themselves out there and in the position to have to owe favors to protect JR?

Here are some of the interesting facts of this case that stick out to me:
Phone records either wiped or sealed, never to see the light of day. Why? The obvious answer is to conceal phone numbers that were called and when they were called. The DA never acted upon the request by Boulder PD to subpoena those records, never approved the warrant. He waited a full year before acting on obtaining the records, giving Team R plenty of time to do whatever necessary to ensure the records for December of 1996 were mysteriously missing, not sealed under any order, just "missing". The DA did the same with many subpoena requests, which included items of clothing worn by the R's that night.

Bynum ensures a high powered law firm and investigators are in place by the end of day on 12/26. Lightning fast. Unprecedentedly so. And at 5PM on 12/26, FW gets called to Bynum's office where he is told that Haddon and Morgan were handling things, and that he needs to "stay out of it". We're talking 4 hours after the body is found. It would seem that for some reason, FW was seen as a threat.

Neither JR or Lockheed Martin follows contractual protocol in the event of a kidnapping of a family member of an employee. Part of that protocol directs that all officers of the company to be immediately called and informed of a potential risk. No calls are made, no internal security is alerted, no actions are taken by LM at all. None.

As a kidnapping, the FBI was called in to help the investigation. Once it morphed into a murder investigation, they were still willing to assist in the investigation, but were told "no thank you". At least that's how it's been reported. They stood down immediately. I have questions.

After much resistance from the DA, he finally gave in to allow a Grand Jury to form. The presiding judge was to be Joe Bellipanni, who had / has a stellar resume and reputation. He was named Judge of the Year in 1997 by the Colorado state bar association. He hand picked the jurors. The day after the jury was selected he gave an interview to the local paper the Boulder Camera, where he stated how much he was looking forward to the challenge. Before the Grand Jury could be seated, Bellipanni suddenly resigns and moves to Cairo, Egypt. He is replaced by Judge Roxanne Bailin. Bellipanni eventually returned to Boulder and has steadfastly refused to discuss anything related to the Ramsey case.

In an unprecedented move, Judge Bailin allows testimony for the defense to be presented. Both Lou Smit and John Douglas testify with regard to the intruder theory. The jury did not buy it and as we know voted to indict both PR and JR on two counts each. The last minute exit of Bellipanni and the fact that testimony for the defense was allowed raises questions. And then of course it all ends with DA Hunter refusing to indict and prosecute.

Just a few things that I chew on.....
When it comes to Lockheed Martin, I do not think that the Corp. was concerned that JR might divulge secrets; but rather, they fretted about the salacious publicity that would ensue from his child being found murdered in his house while he 'slept' upstairs. Mum's the word. Of course, LM dumped him soon after. JR must have realized when he carried up the body that the career on which he spent so much effort was finished. Maybe LA sensed in part how John knew that his world had collapsed as he laid the corpse under the Christmas tree.

John's wandering around the basement is rather baffling. His 'discovery' of JB is suspicious. However, if the body were not in the WC when FW first opened its door, then where was it? The WC is a remote spot in the house. This could protect it from quickly being found out. Wouldn't an early, easy discovery damage the kidnapping scenario? This scenario required that JonBenet not be found before the 10am 'ransom' call. So, steps could have been taken to make certain that the scenario played out correctly. This returns us then to where was JB initially hidden to delay the inevitable? Although, I do not believe that there is evidence that the body was moved post mortem. Also, the stained floor outside the WC suggests that JB may have been asphyxiated there.

The basement is a key locale - torn presents, dryer with white blanket, broken window, suitcase, PR's art supplies, train room.

Does the flashlight story connect with the MagLite?
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Yeah, I don’t think JR was high up enough in LM to know dangerous secrets. What is of interest to me is that either JR did not follow contractually required protocol to immediately inform LM (instead of calling 911), or LM never took the kidnapping scenario seriously. JR never mentions calling them, so it’s most likely that he did not. Just another clue that it never was a kidnapping.

There has been speculation that JB’s body was first hidden in the crawlspace, and that JR moved her to the WC when he went missing for an hour that morning. He at one point said he discovered the body at 11:00 AM which adds to the speculation. The WC was very dark, even with the door open. FW could not find the light switch, so he just closed the door. But questions still persist, did he not see her because it was so dark or because she wasn’t there yet? If he couldn’t see her and she was there, how did JR see her before he even turned on the light? Is this part of why FW was perceived as a threat?

Neither JR or PR reacted to the 10AM deadline coming and going. They had not thoroughly searched the house, they didn’t bother to wake BR who they claimed was asleep to ask if he had heard or seen anything, and his bedroom was on the same floor as JB’s. And then JR goes directly to the WC and suddenly finds her, none of it really jives with keeping up the kidnapping ruse. And what about the stained carpet? There would have been an odor, did no one notice and think it odd?

Why was the flashlight (Maglite) on the counter in plain sight? I think that was a mistake the R’s made, and then JR tried to deny it was his. PR ended up saying she didn’t recognize it at first because it had fingerprint dust on it, but that would’ve happened later. Just like the pineapple…..two items they forgot to dispose of then had trouble explaining.
@Rain on my Parade: Thanks for posting this news story. A great reminder that corruption happens all the time, and at all levels. There is no doubt in my mind that there were numerous high powered officials involved in the Ramsey case cover up. The question is why? People have suggested it was to protect BR, but I have a lot of doubts about that. For various reasons, that just doesn't jive for me.

And then there's JR. Yes, he worked for Lockheed Martin, a worldwide defense contractor. Could it be that he knew things that they did not want to become public knowledge? Yes, but IMO that's a bit of a stretch. I think there was something else at play here, where people jumped in immediately to protect JR, not just for himself but for the potential of other even bigger fish being exposed. For what, we can only conjecture. Rumors have swirled for years, there just may be a reason for this that is rooted in some element of truth. Some pieces do seem to fit.

Favors were called in from places high up on political ladders. We've all heard of Quid pro Quo. People in high places typically don't do "favors" just out of the goodness of their hearts. And for powerful people to ask even more powerful people for "favors", there has to be a very good reason. Why would they put themselves out there and in the position to have to owe favors to protect JR?

Here are some of the interesting facts of this case that stick out to me:
Phone records either wiped or sealed, never to see the light of day. Why? The obvious answer is to conceal phone numbers that were called and when they were called. The DA never acted upon the request by Boulder PD to subpoena those records, never approved the warrant. He waited a full year before acting on obtaining the records, giving Team R plenty of time to do whatever necessary to ensure the records for December of 1996 were mysteriously missing, not sealed under any order, just "missing". The DA did the same with many subpoena requests, which included items of clothing worn by the R's that night.

Bynum ensures a high powered law firm and investigators are in place by the end of day on 12/26. Lightning fast. Unprecedentedly so. And at 5PM on 12/26, FW gets called to Bynum's office where he is told that Haddon and Morgan were handling things, and that he needs to "stay out of it". We're talking 4 hours after the body is found. It would seem that for some reason, FW was seen as a threat.

Neither JR or Lockheed Martin follows contractual protocol in the event of a kidnapping of a family member of an employee. Part of that protocol directs that all officers of the company to be immediately called and informed of a potential risk. No calls are made, no internal security is alerted, no actions are taken by LM at all. None.

As a kidnapping, the FBI was called in to help the investigation. Once it morphed into a murder investigation, they were still willing to assist in the investigation, but were told "no thank you". At least that's how it's been reported. They stood down immediately. I have questions.

After much resistance from the DA, he finally gave in to allow a Grand Jury to form. The presiding judge was to be Joe Bellipanni, who had / has a stellar resume and reputation. He was named Judge of the Year in 1997 by the Colorado state bar association. He hand picked the jurors. The day after the jury was selected he gave an interview to the local paper the Boulder Camera, where he stated how much he was looking forward to the challenge. Before the Grand Jury could be seated, Bellipanni suddenly resigns and moves to Cairo, Egypt. He is replaced by Judge Roxanne Bailin. Bellipanni eventually returned to Boulder and has steadfastly refused to discuss anything related to the Ramsey case.

In an unprecedented move, Judge Bailin allows testimony for the defense to be presented. Both Lou Smit and John Douglas testify with regard to the intruder theory. The jury did not buy it and as we know voted to indict both PR and JR on two counts each. The last minute exit of Bellipanni and the fact that testimony for the defense was allowed raises questions. And then of course it all ends with DA Hunter refusing to indict and prosecute.

Just a few things that I chew on.....
I ended up deleting the story segment and let people search for the facts on their own. I have had posts deleted because they had nothing to do with this forum. I wanted people to see the facts of coverup. And you’re most welcome!

Thank you for all the information you provided in your post.
The thing that really gets me in this case is the exoneration of the R’s due to dna results. Seriously? It can all be chalked up to transference from a cotton glove that somebody else touched!

The true bills: knowingly recklessly and feloniously permit a child to be unreasonably placed in a situation which posed a threat to the child's life or health, which resulted in the death of JonBenet Ramsey, a child under the age of sixteen and unlawfully, knowingly, and feloniously render assistance to a person, with intent to hinder, delay and prevent the discovery, detention, apprehension, prosecution, conviction and punishment of such person for the commission of a crime, knowing the person being assisted has committed and was suspected of the crime of murder in the first degree and child abuse resulting in death.

How did they walk free after charges like this? Had this happened to the average Joe, there would be no get out of jail free card. This to me proves their guilt beyond a reasonable doubt!

I hate to say it … but our judicial system is so corrupt!

JR, JAR and BR have a lot of nerve to continue to pursue the dna evidence as a solve and still insist on the intruder theory. Had this been the case there would have been no felony indictments.

If it were me, I’d go for a old fashioned witch hunt.
There has been speculation that JB’s body was first hidden in the crawlspace, and that JR moved her to the WC when he went missing for an hour that morning. He at one point said he discovered the body at 11:00 AM which adds to the speculation. The WC was very dark, even with the door open. FW could not find the light switch, so he just closed the door. But questions still persist, did he not see her because it was so dark or because she wasn’t there yet? If he couldn’t see her and she was there, how did JR see her before he even turned on the light? Is this part of why FW was perceived as a threat?
According to the BPD it was proven there was not enough light to have seen JB with the door open and no light turned on.

Why was the flashlight (Maglite) on the counter in plain sight? I think that was a mistake the R’s made, and then JR tried to deny it was his. PR ended up saying she didn’t recognize it at first because it had fingerprint dust on it, but that would’ve happened later. Just like the pineapple…..two items they forgot to dispose of then had trouble explaining.
I seriously doubt the maglite was the murder weapon. I have never thought it was. Why would you wipe the torch and not put it back in its drawer only several feet away? Perhaps to lend attention to it and not something else?
The pineapple did miss up the timeline for the R’s. Which then directs me to the iced tea glass with a dried up tea bag placed in it and BR fingerprints on the glass. What is it doing there? Looks as though BR would have done this sort of staging.
I may add that BR may have not gotten mad enough to hit JB over the stolen pineapple with her fingers (he is/was a germ phob), he may have gotten mad at her over something else and it just built up. Sort of like he said in his own words, “I built up to a cry”, when he learned JB had passed.
According to the BPD it was proven there was not enough light to have seen JB with the door open and no light turned on.

I seriously doubt the maglite was the murder weapon. I have never thought it was. Why would you wipe the torch and not put it back in its drawer only several feet away? Perhaps to lend attention to it and not something else?
The pineapple did miss up the timeline for the R’s. Which then directs me to the iced tea glass with a dried up tea bag placed in it and BR fingerprints on the glass. What is it doing there? Looks as though BR would have done this sort of staging.
I may add that BR may have not gotten mad enough to hit JB over the stolen pineapple with her fingers (he is/was a germ phob), he may have gotten mad at her over something else and it just built up. Sort of like he said in his own words, “I built up to a cry”, when he learned JB had passed.
I'm not convinced the Maglite was the murder weapon either. That said, it was used that night. Perhaps they thought that if house lights were on while they were executing the cover up that neighbors would notice and consider it suspicious, and it would prove they were up and not in bed asleep as they claimed to have been. The one neighbor described seeing a light moving around, which appeared to them like someone walking around using a flashlight. The fact that it was wiped clean of fingerprints, including the batteries inside is very suspicious. I think that they did not put it away was simply a mistake on their part, as were the bowl of pineapple and the tea glass. There was a lot of staging that was done in a relatively short amount of time and these are not people educated in criminal activity or how to cover it up. IMO it's inevitable that they would make some mistakes. Although to your point, if they wanted LE to think that was the weapon brought by "the intruder", they would perhaps leave it out. But an intruder would not wipe it and leave it. And it was rather easily proven that the R's did in fact own it. My money on it was one of the mistakes they made.
The most logical reason why John went straight to the WC is that he knew that was where the body was! Given all the time consuming staging, it's very unlikely that he was unaware of that room's contents. ("What did you find?") The crawlspace may have been the OG hiding place. There's been speculation about the car as well. But there are no forensics. The body is always the best evidence.

As there are no phone records, it cannot be determined if John contacted LM before the 911, or some other contactee agreed to do so for him. LM has global power. Two tiered justice has a long history in this country.

The significance of the pineapple was not known until the autopsy. Thus, the Rs did not know enough to dispose of it. I do not believe that it has a direct link to the murder. The MagLite is problematic. It may be part of the staging and meant as misdirection; particularly so if the head blow itself were staging for the asphyxiation, which may have proceeded it, and the weapon was something different, e.g. golf club.

BR readily identified the glass of tea to the psychologist, but not the bowl. He also commented on how reporters were questioning his classmates about him. I think that he enjoyed the spotlight after his sister's star had dimmed. (Although, JonBenet has since attained a mythic status in American culture similar to Marilyn's.) There is bravado in his alleged remarks to DS. However, I am not a staunch adherent to BDI, as I consider his motivation the weakest of the three Rs.
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