If you look at it logically it's very clear who did it!

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You’re most welcome!
Thank you! So I did watch on Amazon Prime last night. All I can say is that it's quite obviously very one-sided and heavily biased. Interviews only with cherry picked "experts" who agree with the R narrative of the intruder theory. It relies very heavily on portraying the Boulder PD as the bad guys, who set out from moment one to target the R's and never seriously consider anyone else. And Lou Smit is the hero of the story with an impeccable reputation not to be questioned, who fought everyone to find justice. It's a pretty shallow recounting that while pretending to uncover the truth, merely touches the surface and attempts to put a polish on that never addresses how the facts simply do no support the intruder theory.

In particular the team from the UK who emphatically claimed that JB was alive and struggling with the garrote, convinced that there were marks that prove she was clawing at it. Number one, those marks have been explained and were not proven to be what they claim, number two they completely ignore the facts of the post mortem forensic findings of the head injury that very strongly point to it occurring first. Those findings are not even mentioned or discussed most likely because they are difficult to dispute. It was seriously laughable. There are many other moments such as this that simply do not hold up because they only present a small piece of the reality.

A moment with JR that stood out to me was when he and PR are being interviewed in 1998, and he talks about the differences between this instance and the death of his oldest daughter Elizabeth. He spoke about the finality of the car accident and there not being anything he could do, but with JB he wanted "to make it right". It reminded me of PR's plea to Pam Griffin, "can't you fix this for me"? Followed by, "we didn't mean for this to happen". Just odd statements to make IMO. How do you "make it right"? In my mind, it points to a feeling of responsibility that whatever happened he now needs to try and fix.

And then an older JR responding to criticism of BR during the Dr. Phil interview and how he smiled through the whole interview, even during very serious questions. He defended it by saying BR is a happy guy who smiles all the time while he talks, and that JR does the same. Another rather laughable moment. So BR is so happy that he smiles while discussing the murder of his sister? Most people would call that inappropriate and perhaps a sign of deception. And I certainly don't recall JR smiling while answering similar questions about the murder of his daughter. That should've been either left alone or instead an acknowledgement of how that looked and a more reasonable explanation of BR's personality quirks. But that may have opened the can of why he is so socially awkward, which raises again all the questions surrounding him and whether or not he has a mental or emotional disorder. "The lady does protest too much, methinks".
According to their timeline of the 26th, Patsy did not shower and put on clothes from the day before, while John did shower and was freshly dressed when BPD arrived. I agree that there was little time for him to be in underwear reading the note downstairs and being able to go up to his bedroom to get into his clothes before BPD came.
JR was the neat one of the two. Yet, his blue robe was found lying on the floor, outside his bathroom. Dark blue fibers were located on the back of the right shoulder of JB shirt. As well as, the small dark blue fibers, consistent with a cotton towel, that were recovered from her vaginal area."

The Whites must have noticed that PR was in the same outfit from the party. Knowing her, their curiosity must have been piqued.
Good point!

Patsy said that she only glanced at the RN. If she wrote it, there'd be no need to read it!
Another good point. Neither one of them IMO actually read the note when they woke up or did they wake up? They were most likely up all night, staging, etc. The true bills handed down.

John made the peculiar point that he spread out its three pages on the floor to read. (He thought of JB spread out on the WC floor?)
JB was wrapped papoose style on the wine cellar floor in her white cotton blanket. Perhaps he did that but it seems more of a motherly action IMO.
According to their timeline of the 26th, Patsy did not shower and put on clothes from the day before, while John did shower and was freshly dressed when BPD arrived. I agree that there was little time for him to be in underwear reading the note downstairs and being able to go up to his bedroom to get into his clothes before BPD came. It's interesting that his tale of breaking the basement window also had him in undies. Is this an unconscious, guilty reference to JB and staging of the Bloomis?

The Whites must have noticed that PR was in the same outfit from the party. Knowing her, their curiosity must have been piqued.

Patsy said that she only glanced at the RN. If she wrote it, there'd be no need to read it! John made the peculiar point that he spread out its three pages on the floor to read. (He thought of JB spread out on the WC floor?) In the interview above, Patsy quotes John as "Call the police. Call the police." This is what the RN warns against, inferring that it was not taken as a real threat. ("You are being monitored.") Yet they then are uncooperative with the police. Patsy and John rapidly turned themselves into victims of LE.
I have also thought about the underwear thing......being called downstairs by PR's screams and not being fully dressed yet I can buy. But the ridiculous story JR has repeated about stripping down to his underwear to enter the house through the window he broke strikes me as just that....ridiculous. What's his deal about underwear?! It's just odd to me that there are two significant details of this case that deal with underwear involving JR. And then of course there's the oversized bloomies that JB was re-dressed in.......whether unconscious or not, the multiple underwear references do stand out.

There is only one reason I can think of to strip off clothes....to avoid getting the debris around that window on clothing. But clothing is washable. I would be more concerned about my naked skin getting cut by broken glass. What it does make clear, also evidenced by Lou Smit's video taped exercise to show that getting into that window well and climbing through the window was possible, is that a grown adult's body takes up the entirety of the window space, making it next to impossible to avoid dragging debris inside along with you as you enter and drop down. JR wanted to protect his clothes from that debris, Lou Smit put on overalls to protect his clothes. So where was the debris that should have been present if an intruder entered through that window?

The fact that the R's essentially ignored all of the multiple warnings in the RN to me says a lot. They took none of those threats against their daughter's life seriously, they seemed not at all concerned about putting her life at risk. "You are being monitored", so let's get police and everyone we know over here and put on a show. Further proof IMO that the RN was just another part of the cover up, written by PR herself. And yes......they absolutely were responsible for turning themselves into victims of LE by their own actions and conduct.
John's tale about how he broke the basement story is not necessarily true. At first, he said that it was during a summer night when the family were all in MI. The cab dropped him off and left him there alone. Later, he changed it to having Burke as a witness. What is the point of this additional lie?

As the first version is at night, he would have to step down into a dark room. I think that LS tried it with the basement lit up? Also, the ground level grate had to be replaced at some time during this manoeuvre.

I cannot bear watching MSM 'reporting' on this case. Grrr...
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John's tale about how he broke the basement story is not necessarily true. At first, he said that it was during a summer night when the family were all in MI. The cab dropped him off and left him there alone. Later, he changed it to having Burke as a witness. What is the point of this additional lie?

As the first version is at night, he would have to step down into a dark room. I think that LS tried it with the basement lit up? Also, the ground level grate had to be replaced at some time during this manoeuvre.

I cannot bear watching MSM 'reporting' on this case. Grrr...
Yes. The broken window story, like so many others the R's have told changed a few times. I don't recall whether his fantastical break in occurred during dark hours, but that would mean he stepped into a dark room.

There are a few things that stick out about this story. The across the street neighbors had a key to the house, as did several friends who also had houses in fairly close proximity. He also claimed that he expected that PR would take care of getting the window repaired because she usually did stuff like that (huh?) and he rarely went into the basement. IIRC, it was PR who then said that she and the housecleaner vacuumed up the glass and that she asked for the housekeeper's husband to repair it while he was there doing other repair work over Thanksgiving (but the breakage according to JR happened in July or August). The housekeeper denied that this happened. Personally, I think it's unusual behavior to leave a broken window unrepared for months, especially now that it's winter. JR also stated at some point he thought someone was watching the house. So he claims to have fears that someone is watching, yet leaves a broken window unrepared AND does not ever bother to turn on the burglar alarm system.

JR does not initially tell police about the window, but later says he noticed that it was unlatched (and still broken) when he was in the basement the first time. He relatches it. It is when FW accompanies him to the basement and FW mentions the window that JR suddenly comes up with his story. He then starts relating this story not only to police but to other friends as well. If we are to believe his story, then he was likely responsible for the scuff mark on the wall beneath the window too. I'm really confused as to why he would come up with such a crazy story, other than the fact that one would expect to find glass pieces if it had been broken on Christmas night and maybe that's how he decided to explain that away. But if they wanted people to believe this was the point of entry for the mysterious intruder, wouldn't you bring it to police attention immediately?

When Lou did his demonstration, he simply lifted the grate up so that it stood on end while he climbed in the well, and then pulled it back down before climbing through the window. And yes, he did more than one demonstration for video, all which took place during the day with basement lights on.

Once upon a time...John was coming back by cab from the airport during the summer. It was 10-11pm and he thought it was too late (!) to disturb his neighbors, so he stripped down to break into the window instead. Cute. I do not think that LS replaced the grate, nor went through the motions with snow on the ground? There'd have been more snow before sunrise besides. The intruder(s) would have to know that the window was already broken. IMO John's behavior betrays more guilt then Patsy & Burke. His coldness seems to indicate an ability to compartmentalize, unlike the hysterical PR.

One of many oddities is that the Rs arranged nothing to suggest a kidnapping gone wrong. The RN does not relate at all to the WC.
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Thank you! So I did watch on Amazon Prime last night
I’m glad you got to watch ‘The killing of Jonbenet; Her father speaks’.

It is so telling (not only by his and PR words) but also their actions.
In the movie for instance I found it interesting how PR stated that she recited the poem that night to JB ‘Now I lay me down to sleep’ as she tucked JB in. Was that papoose style? She stated this so seriously with affirmation with the nod of her head.
When PR is recalling her reaction to the rn she just goes over the top with her acting ability. PR states she told JR that she was going to call the police and JR states we had no choice. He says, we would have gone mad sitting there hoping someone would call. Funny, her interviews states that she asked JR for instructions on how to proceed. Here again, 10’clock came and went on the morning of the 26th, without either one of them giving notice.

The reporter states shortly after removing JB body from the house that evening, police said they found new evidence against the parents.
The media whips into a frenzy as the case against the parents grows stronger. JR response … “Now they (media) are at it again, 20 years later; let’s have another JB party”! Isn’t this what he has kept doing all these years … bringing attention to the case. JR states further, “They bring in the crazies and the talking heads who are just craving for media attention in reference to the CNN show about JB.

Mike Bynum states he gets a phone call, from a person. He further state’s, “Let’s just say this person that was in the law enforcement arena) called him and would have reason to know what they were speaking about”. And basically advised him that JR and PR needed attorneys right away. That they were being targeted for JB death. This was hours after JB body was found.
JR further states that he first questioned why they would need attorneys then further stated he was okay with that because he assumed it was a broad investigation. His daughter had just been murdered, SA and beaten to death. Seriously?
Alex Hunter was worried about the case. he knew there was evidence the police couldn’t explain.
  1. The absence of any duct tape that was placed over JB mouth. *That tape could have come off the American girl doll to keep her head on.
  2. Nor was there anything to match the nylon cord used in the garrote. *Oh, but wait … there is BR airplane hanging in his bedroom using the same cord.
  3. Part of the paintbrush to SA JB was missing.
  4. The murder weapon was no where to be found. *Oh, it was there all right.
  5. Etc.

We have Lou Smit hired with all his intruder theories. It was his opinion in the movie that the half moon indentions on JB neck were made by JB. Stating she was watching the person strangling her. *This is the moment JB actually died. Forensic analysis shows us she was on her stomach. Also, according to BPD (not LS) JB was struck over the head first.

During John and Patsy’s first CNN airing he states “I did not kill my daughter JB”. All the while shaking his head yes.
*I cooked dinner one evening for a chief of police and asked him his thoughts about this case. He referenced this statement and said JR killed her because of his shaking his head (yes) while answering the question.

Mark Beckner whom was the chief of police in Boulder in 1996, stated about the touch dna sample, “If the source is ever found, we will discover that there is an explanation other than belonging to the murdered.”
Professor Elowski (leading dna expert in USA) stated that the dna was found on the left and right side of the long John waist band as well as the panties.
Since this is the case then we could conclude that it is as matter of transference as in a pair of cotton gloves.
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Once upon a time...John was coming back by cab from the airport during the summer. It was 10-11pm and he thought it was too late (!) to disturb his neighbors, so he stripped down to break into the window instead. Cute. I do not think that LS replaced the grate, nor went through the motions with snow on the ground? There'd have been more snow before sunrise besides. The intruder(s) would have to know that the window was already broken. IMO John's behavior betrays more guilt then Patsy & Burke. His coldness seems to indicate an ability to compartmentalize, unlike the hysterical PR.

One of many oddities is that the Rs arranged nothing to suggest a kidnapping gone wrong. The RN does not relate at all to the WC.
It truly is quite the fairy tale.......

JR has a tell of licking his lips when he's lying. We've seen that numerous times during televised interviews.

And I think it was BR who at some point told one of the detectives that he was with JR when he broke the window, which of course makes no sense. In describing to LE, JR had recounted that it was around 11:30 at night and he was returning home to Boulder from a business trip. Why would BR be with him instead of with PR and JB in Charlevoix? As part of the story, and trying to remember when this had occurred, JR stated that PR always left with the kids for the lake in June, and typically stayed until sometime in late August. IIRC, when confronted with what BR had said about being present, JR then needed to change his story (a recurring theme in this case) to say that he had broken the window more than once.
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I had forgotten that the dog was not home that night. Has there ever been any explanation why it was staying at a neighbor's? That almost leads to premeditation, depending on the reason. But as you say, with the early morning flight they had planned making things more difficult that morning, it really must have all been accidental.
By this time, the dog had stayed so often at the Barnhills that they had become very attached to Jacques. JR said that it was a good situation with Jacques just staying with them, as they loved him and he was good company for them. Jacques would come to the R's to visit the kids, and the kids would often visit Jacques at the Barnhills, so they got the experience of having a dog but the R's didn't have to take care of him. Sounds about right.....given what we know of how chaotic and messy the R house typically was, having to take care of a dog doesn't seem like something they would've been very good at.
The practice RN was addressed to both Rs; while the final version is only to Mr. Ramsey. This was thought to be a better choice. In the RN, John is deputized to be JonBenet's rescuer, potentially making him a hero. In fact, he only retrieved her body. IMO John helped with the RN as he dictated to Patsy. "Listen carefully!" It flatters him with "We respect your business." (huh?) Of course, the 118k was his. The formal "Mr. Ramsey" turns into a familiar "John". On the other hand, JonBenet's name is not mentioned in the RN, nor on the 911. "Don't grow a brain John" could refer to JON-Benet, who indeed needed to grow a brain due to the head injury. In reducing the phraseology, "cat around" takes on a different meaning.

The FF's demand for bills in various denominations Is similar to the RN in the Lindberg baby kidnapping. This is the most infamous kidnapping in American history. The accepted explanation at trial was that the baby was accidentally dropped on its head. The child was taken at night when the parents were at home.
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The Maglite may be part of the staging. The RN required an intruder. A flashlight would be something that (s)he'd have brought. Wiping it outside and inside would remove evidence that the Rs had touched it; and they hoped would point to an outsider. Leaving it out in a prominent place was misdirection.

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