If you look at it logically it's very clear who did it!

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I'm not convinced the Maglite was the murder weapon either. That said, it was used that night. Perhaps they thought that if house lights were on while they were executing the cover up that neighbors would notice and consider it suspicious, and it would prove they were up and not in bed asleep as they claimed to have been. The one neighbor described seeing a light moving around, which appeared to them like someone walking around using a flashlight. The fact that it was wiped clean of fingerprints, including the batteries inside is very suspicious. I think that they did not put it away was simply a mistake on their part, as were the bowl of pineapple and the tea glass. There was a lot of staging that was done in a relatively short amount of time and these are not people educated in criminal activity or how to cover it up. IMO it's inevitable that they would make some mistakes. Although to your point, if they wanted LE to think that was the weapon brought by "the intruder", they would perhaps leave it out. But an intruder would not wipe it and leave it. And it was rather easily proven that the R's did in fact own it. My money on it was one of the mistakes they made.
"While the house search went on, other cops fanned out to canvass the neighborhood and conduct more interviews. Diane Brumfitt whom lived directly to the south reported that the light was off in the southeast corner sunroom of the Ramsey home and thought that was odd because it was the only time she was aware in the past few years that it did not burn all night.
Scott Gibbons to the north would say that the butler kitchen lights were on around midnight and considered that unusual since it was the first time he had noticed that light being on (dimmed low) in the Ramsey home.

The may have been a mistake to leave the torch out but I as well will stick to my guns about returning it to its rightful place. Why wipe and not return it? Thisw to me in misleading. The drawer was left partially open right above the attache below the wetbar where JR keep his junk. Probably three steps away from where PR deposited her notepad. Under media links post #309 you can see a video of the house as the camera exits the kitchen to the back hallway immediately looking into the den.
The most logical reason why John went straight to the WC is that he knew that was where the body was! Given all the time consuming staging, it's very unlikely that he was unaware of that room's contents. ("What did you find?") The crawlspace may have been the OG hiding place. There's been speculation about the car as well. But there are no forensics. The body is always the best evidence.

As there are no phone records, it cannot be determined if John contacted LM before the 911, or some other contactee agreed to do so for him. LM has global power. Two tiered justice has a long history in this country.

The significance of the pineapple was not known until the autopsy. Thus, the Rs did not know enough to dispose of it. I do not believe that it has a direct link to the murder. The MagLite is problematic. It may be part of the staging and meant as misdirection; particularly so if the head blow itself were staging for the asphyxiation, which may have proceeded it, and the weapon was something different, e.g. golf club.

BR readily identified the glass of tea to the psychologist, but not the bowl. He also commented on how reporters were questioning his classmates about him. I think that he enjoyed the spotlight after his sister's star had dimmed. (Although, JonBenet has since attained a mythic status in American culture similar to Marilyn's.) There is bravado in his alleged remarks to DS. However, I am not a staunch adherent to BDI, as I consider his motivation the weakest of the three Rs.
The significance of the pineapple is its relation to the R’s stated timeline of the events of that night after returning home. Regardless of who ingested it, it’s a clear indication that someone was awake and prepared it, which was denied. Both leaving it out to be discovered and then subsequently how PR denied all knowledge were mistakes. Her fingerprints were found on the bowl. Perhaps they didn’t realize an autopsy would reveal that JB ate some, but they should have realized it indicated they were awake and doing things they said they had no knowledge of.

By JR’s account of what happened there is no mention of contacting LM. If that was a phone call made the record of which was part of what was wiped, then it’s an indication by the lack of reaction from LM that they were aware there was no kidnapping.

ITA that the ingested pineapple ruins the R's timeline after returning home. That is why Patsy eventually had to deny serving it. Her fingerprints on the bowl are not in themselves out of place in her own kitchen though. More tellingly is that JB was not tall enough to get the pineapple from the fridge. It also renders IDI more absurd. As I've said before, if pineapple snatching were the motive for the murder, it would have been removed, and the R's version would have taken it into account instead of being blindsided by the autopsy results, and forced into another lie.
I suspect you are correct. How else do we explain PR handing off the note to JR and then laying the note on the floor to read in his underwear. Why not just go to the den and sit on the couch? We should ask “If you handled the note John, then where are your prints”? PR partial palm print was found on the note. Palm print would mean leaning on the paper as apposed to handling.
**PR. Stated she waited for JR by the wet bar after handing off the note and that he came from around the corner. I interrupt that to mean he came via the butlers pantry. Had he been in the basement or just checking on BR?
She also stated she put her make up on prior to finding the note. Make up is usually oil based. Where's her prints!
She also stated she put her make up on prior to finding the note. Make up is usually oil based. Where's her prints!
It is my understanding that no R prints were found on the ransom note, neither PR's or JR's which is odd as we know that JR handled the note.

From PR's interviews and statements, she indicated that when she went downstairs she stepped over the note, then turned around to read it, but only read the first line or so. She then ran back upstairs, stepping again over the note and checked JB's room where she realized JB was not there. At some point she screams for JR. JR then also goes down the spiral staircase, picks up the note and moves it to the floor where he leans over in his underwear to read.

This is essentially the version that has been repeated by PR, with the only deviance being whether PR checked JB's room prior to or after discovering the note. I am not aware of the version where she waits for JR by the wet bar and hands him the note.

What continues to stand out to me about this case, is that whenever a piece of evidence is found, further detail discovered by autopsy, forensic testing, etc., there is a change of original story by the R's in an attempt to explain what has been revealed or uncovered. They concocted a story, a scenario, but have been forced over time to deviate from their initial statements in order to explain away the inconsistencies with what the evidence shows. Not sitting for interviews with authorities for months after the crime allowed them the additional obfuscation of responding with, "I can't remember" and "I don't recall".
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It is my understanding that no R prints were found on the ransom note, neither PR's or JR's which is odd as we know that JR handled the note.

From PR's interviews and statements, she indicated that when she went downstairs she stepped over the note, then turned around to read it, but only read the first line or so. She then ran back upstairs, stepping again over the note and checked JB's room where she realized JB was not there. At some point she screams for JR. JR then also goes down the spiral staircase, picks up the note and moves it to the floor where he leans over in his underwear to read.

This is essentially the version that has been repeated by PR, with the only deviance being whether PR checked JB's room prior to or after discovering the note. I am not aware of the version where she waits for JR by the wet bar and hands him the note.

What continues to stand out to me about this case, is that whenever a piece of evidence is found, further detail discovered by autopsy, forensic testing, etc., there is a change of original story by the R's in an attempt to explain what has been revealed or uncovered. They concocted a story, a scenario, but have been forced over time to deviate from their initial statements in order to explain away the inconsistencies with what the evidence shows. Not sitting for interviews with authorities for months after the crime allowed them the additional obfuscation of responding with, "I can't remember" and "I don't recall".
Yes, the old selective memory.
Imagine you and your husband/wife get said note. Would you nor be wrestling for it? Maybe I'm just a pushy broad but I'd be all over that note figuratively and literally. My prints would be everywhere.
Evidence be damned. I'd be looking for who are these people, where did they take her, ect.
Also when PR was on the phone with dispatch didn't she seem as though she was reading the note when asked who signed it.
She recites" SBTC Victory" as though she was reading it.

ITA that the ingested pineapple ruins the R's timeline after returning home. That is why Patsy eventually had to deny serving it. Her fingerprints on the bowl are not in themselves out of place in her own kitchen though. More tellingly is that JB was not tall enough to get the pineapple from the fridge. It also renders IDI more absurd. As I've said before, if pineapple snatching were the motive for the murder, it would have been removed, and the R's version would have taken it into account instead of being blindsided by the autopsy results, and forced into another lie.
Agree. Here are some questions though. PR's fingerprints are not necessarily out of place in her own kitchen, however I wonder how well washing does at removing fingerprints? If the bowl were clean when taken out of the cupboard, it is interesting that only her fingerprints are present, with the implication that she did in fact prepare the pineapple for someone and so was forced as you say into another lie. I still think it may have been a case of something that was mistakenly overlooked by two people not well versed in covering up a crime scene.

I also wonder if anyone would have discussed autopsy results with BR, particularly as pertains to pineapple found in JB's digestive system? It seems unlikely given his age. But his reaction to the picture of the bowl of pineapple clearly shows discomfort and he refuses to acknowledge it. Was he coached about not discussing the bowl of the pineapple? It certainly does mess with the previously stated timeline that the R's gave. But also interesting to note is that BR has made other statements that call the timeline into question. BR is kind of a wild card and it becomes rather clear when looked upon as a whole that he knew / knows more than anyone has admitted. I still cannot definitively conclude who did it other than it was most likely one of the 3 family members that were in the house that night. And even though BR did seem not to be particularly bothered by his sister being gone, I cannot imagine that carrying knowledge of what happened that night for all these years has been easy.

Even given all the time that they had to pull together their stories into one cohesive narrative, the fact (unprecedented) that they were able to view police files that included their previous statements, they still were unable to put together a consistent and believable account of that night. Bottom line, there was a cover up done by amateurs. Some elements were rather successful, others not so much. And JR still feigns that he can't understand why they have not been believed.

Amateurs? The Rs were/are totally successful in avoiding LE, while maintaining a fan base in mass media. The layers of staging had the effect of creating one of the most difficult puzzles to solve in the history of American crime. Consider all the professional criminals who cram the prisons. Only the failures get convicted!

The lack of fingerprints cannot be deemed as evidence. Odd, but not incriminating. Patsy, the perfect hostess, pointed to the over-sized spoon in the bowl as a reason why she could not be connected with the pineapple.

Like you, I am RDI, but can't fix on the culprit. There's are problems with choosing any one of the three. Moreover, as JB was both bashed over the head and asphyxiated, each lethal activity could be accomplished by a different family member. One activity staged to cover whichever occurred first. IMO it comes down to the SA providing the best motive.

It is possible that the each of the Rs may not have had all the facts of what transpired. Whoever struck first, that person would have to rush to alert the others what had happened to JB. "I just killed our daughter/ my sister." would involve a self-serving explanation. So, the other two may have had only a rough outline given on a need to know basis. Willful ignorance could come in handy in court.

Patsy claimed not have read the RN. Okay - yeah sure. On the 911 she initially refers to it as a "note". Then later it becomes a "ransom note". This is incorrect word order.
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Amateurs? The Rs were/are totally successful in avoiding LE, while maintaining a fan base in mass media. The layers of staging had the effect of creating one of the most difficult puzzles to solve in the history of American crime. Consider all the professional criminals who cram the prisons. Only the failures get convicted!

The lack of fingerprints cannot be deemed as evidence. Odd, but not incriminating. Patsy, the perfect hostess, pointed to the over-sized spoon in the bowl as a reason why she could not be connected with the pineapple.

Like you, I am RDI, but can't fix on the culprit. There's are problems with choosing any one of the three. Moreover, as JB was both bashed over the head and asphyxiated, each lethal activity could be accomplished by a different family member. One activity staged to cover whichever occurred first. IMO it comes down to the SA providing the best motive.

It is possible that the each of the Rs may not have had all the facts of what transpired. Whoever struck first, that person would have to rush to alert the others what had happened to JB. "I just killed our daughter/ my sister." would involve a self-serving explanation. So, the other two may have had only a rough outline given on a need to know basis. Willful ignorance could come in handy in court.

Patsy claimed not have read the RN. Okay - yeah sure. On the 911 she initially refers to it as a "note". Then later it becomes a "ransom note". This is incorrect word order.
To a certain extent, I agree. What I meant by amateurs is that while JR in particular is an intelligent business person used to navigating how a CEO operates successfully, a murder and crime scene are a different ballgame. I think it's a safe assumption that neither parent was well versed in the criminal world, in particular when it applies to a murder. So they had help.....I am fully convinced that there were calls made by JR that night for help and advice in what they should to do cover up whatever had occurred. And again, a lot of what they accomplished was in fact successful. Calling 911 and claiming a kidnapping, inviting all the friends over to help contaminate and confuse the scene. The RN is a bit of a double edged sword. It certainly served to further confuse things, but there are a few things about it that simply defy logic and imagination that it was written by an intruder with kidnapping on his or her mind. They did manage to get rid of some evidence, but not all.

And then they hired the equivalent of OJ's "dream team", who were brilliant at out maneuvering LE. Add to that a DA who IMO was in on a fix from day one, and you have enough to keep accountability at bay. Yes, they created a puzzle but they had a lot of assistance from the DA's office by their meddling in the case and refusing or just not even acknowledging LE's requests for obtaining evidence and records. The cover up IMO goes far beyond what the R's did, so I guess one could say the one move that in particular was smart was JR's calling in the high powered and very well connected resources that then helped to to only muddy the waters but keep LE from key pieces of evidential items that could have provided further evidence of the family's involvement of the crime. Without that intervention, things may have gone differently for the R's, although one has to give a nod to the issue in this country of a certain element of society getting away with things. To me it is very telling that the GJ returned two bills to indict for each parent. And they were saved again by the DA.

I honestly don't think it's that difficult a puzzle, the majority of the evidence points to the R's. It's the team that was assembled so very quickly, the lawyers, the PR persons and the very convenient intervention of the DA's office and persons in higher positions of power that have kept the R's from being charged.
The significance of the pineapple is its relation to the R’s stated timeline of the events of that night after returning home. Regardless of who ingested it, it’s a clear indication that someone was awake and prepared it, which was denied. Both leaving it out to be discovered and then subsequently how PR denied all knowledge were mistakes. Her fingerprints were found on the bowl. Perhaps they didn’t realize an autopsy would reveal that JB ate some, but they should have realized it indicated they were awake and doing things they said they had no knowledge of.

By JR’s account of what happened there is no mention of contacting LM. If that was a phone call made the record of which was part of what was wiped, then it’s an indication by the lack of reaction from LM that they were aware there was no kidnapping.
Yes. And isn’t the other key thing, IIRC that it (the pineapple) tended to put both BR and JBR as having been in the kitchen at some point that evening? (Apologies if not, this case has meandered and strung on so long it gets confusing at times.)

Anyway, if that is the case the undigested pineapple doesn’t enter into discussion or consideration until the JBR autopsy information is released. And prior to that IIRC, BR had indicated eating some? And I can’t remember now whose fingerprints were on the bowl. (Apologies….. it is likely somewhere in this thread.)

And this also becomes important because IIRC the parents would have one believe BR had slept through any events that evening / morning? Yet IIARC JR had in one early recounting (before fortress lawyers became involved) mentioned I believe that once things were apparent something was amiss, that he had gone up to check on BR? And that story it seems later changed I think? And there is also much suspicion that a third voice was heard on one of the 911 calls.

Obfuscation by certain parties, the allowance I believe for the defense to present to the Grand Jury (highly unusual it seems), and the unusual interjection of the DA office and now all is unhinged. And add to it an early investigation not thought to be a crime scene or secured. And IIRC the family might have had a large mass of friends over in the early stages. Traipsing all over the initial and partially investigated crime scene. So unfortunate there was never any prosecuted or tried justice for JBR. The GJ teed it up IIRC? And even if the charges did not include murder or manslaughter, the resulting case and further investigation just might have revealed much?

As others typically say. Four people walked into that residence that evening / morning IIRC, and only three were awake the next morning. And this analysis doesn’t even add in the ransom note. MOO
While the Rs probably had high powered assistance from the outset, they were also lucky as to happenstance. The blow to the head did not cause visible bleeding. As a result, there was no blood splatter with which to deal. Their dog was staying at a neighbor's, and so one less issue. They were also fortunate that BPD did not secure the CS immediately.

The unlucky thing was the scheduled 7:30 flight which imposed a deadline for the 'finding' of the RN and the subsequent, necessary 911. They could not get on the plane without their daughter.

The invitees did create disturbance and contamination. But, they did not venture to the areas where most think that the murder occurred, i.e. JonBenet's room, outside the WC. They did go into the kitchen while leaving the bowl of pineapple and MagLite in place. I think that the guests were there in part to provide Patsy with an audience.

Particularly puzzling is the dual means of lethality forty minutes apart. Why did JB require to be killed in effect twice over that lengthy period of time? The staging in the WC was quite bizarre in its choices. It showed knowledge of the SA. Was the abuser also the killer? If not, why cover up for the perp?
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I had forgotten that the dog was not home that night. Has there ever been any explanation why it was staying at a neighbor's? That almost leads to premeditation, depending on the reason. But as you say, with the early morning flight they had planned making things more difficult that morning, it really must have all been accidental.
am not aware of the version where she waits for JR by the wet bar and hands him the note.
June 23, 1998 interview
17 TOM HANEY: So you're not reading
18 the note then?
20 TOM HANEY: You're just wandering
21 around in this area?
23 TOM HANEY: And that's the area
24 just--
25 PATSY RAMSEY: Like the --
1 TOM HANEY: -- south of the spiral
2 stairs?
3 PATSY RAMSEY: Right. This, the
4 little bar, sort of like in this little area
6 TOM HANEY: And where do you see
7 John, when did you see him next? Use red for
8 him?
9 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, I don't know
10 how -- I mean the next thing I remember, I
11 was -- he was saying, "call the police, call the
12 police," he had the note and he was kneeling
13 right here.
14 TOM HANEY: Okay, let's stop you
15 again. You're in here and I understand --
16 understandably you're pacing around?
18 TOM HANEY: And screaming. When
19 and where do you see John?
20 PATSY RAMSEY: In this area
21 (indicating).
22 TOM HANEY: And what is he doing
23 there?
24 PATSY RAMSEY: He said -- you know,
25 I said "there is the note." I think I handed
1 him the note here, somehow in this space he got
2 the note.

PR changes her story so many times during this interview. Why would JR kneel on his hands and knees (in his underwear; no less) when the den is two steps away where he can sit on the couch and read it? Also it was only a matter of minutes before the cops arrived after placing the 911 call. JR would have had to bound up and down two flights of steps to make it back downstairs when the cops arrived.
Thanks @Rain on my Parade for this......very interesting and of course not what she told police that morning. Prompted me to do a little digging and found another interview where she is talking to police and Steve Thomas asks her if she wrote the note. She of course denies it, and then he asks her, "is there any reason, Patsy, that your blatted print of your hand will be on that paper when it tests"? He has to explain to her what blatted means, and then she says, "I don't know, I picked it up or touched it, it may be on there, but I did not write the note". So her story up until she is presented with the possibility that a part of her handprint might be on the note, is that she stepped over it and that it was JR who picked up the note off the stair and then placed it on the floor to read. Interesting, and yet another example of having to change the story to fit what was found, although in this instance Thomas seems to suggest it had not yet been tested.

Later, after testing has been done and concluded we find that no fingerprints were found on the RN with the exception of Chet Ubowski's who had handled it at one point. They also tested the note pad that the RN came from, and found 7 latent fingerprints, none of which belonged to an intruder who had supposedly written the note on the pad. One belonged to police sergeant Whitson who handled the notepad on the morning of the 26th, another from Ubowski again, and the other 5 were all from PR.

Another couple of interesting points. PR says she only read the first couple of lines of the note, and yet while appearing on the show 48 Hours, JRsays: "Well, I can remember Patsy saying, 'What should we do,' you know, 'it says not to call the police'". How could she know that if she only read the first one or two lines on the first page?

And in a deposition given by JR in December of 2001, and as reported by the Daily Camera the following is quoted: Q - "When you were looking at the ransom note, was there anything in the language of the ransom note that struck you as peculiar"? A - "The whole thing was peculiar. We were addressed as 'Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey', and then they switched to 'John' personally". He goes on with a couple other things he found peculiar, but what caught my eye is that the final ransom note was addressed only to "Mr. Ramsey", however it was the practice note that was in fact addressed to "Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey".

The point about JR kneeling on the hardwood floor in his underwear to read the note is well taken. Yet another somewhat ridiculous detail provided by the R's that just doesn't make a lot of sense. And yes, he was fully dressed and groomed when the police arrived on the scene within minutes of the 911 call.
Thanks @Rain on my Parade for this......very interesting and of course not what she told police that morning. Prompted me to do a little digging and found another interview where she is talking to police and Steve Thomas asks her if she wrote the note. She of course denies it, and then he asks her, "is there any reason, Patsy, that your blatted print of your hand will be on that paper when it tests"? He has to explain to her what blatted means, and then she says, "I don't know, I picked it up or touched it, it may be on there, but I did not write the note". So her story up until she is presented with the possibility that a part of her handprint might be on the note, is that she stepped over it and that it was JR who picked up the note off the stair and then placed it on the floor to read. Interesting, and yet another example of having to change the story to fit what was found, although in this instance Thomas seems to suggest it had not yet been tested.

Later, after testing has been done and concluded we find that no fingerprints were found on the RN with the exception of Chet Ubowski's who had handled it at one point. They also tested the note pad that the RN came from, and found 7 latent fingerprints, none of which belonged to an intruder who had supposedly written the note on the pad. One belonged to police sergeant Whitson who handled the notepad on the morning of the 26th, another from Ubowski again, and the other 5 were all from PR.

Another couple of interesting points. PR says she only read the first couple of lines of the note, and yet while appearing on the show 48 Hours, JRsays: "Well, I can remember Patsy saying, 'What should we do,' you know, 'it says not to call the police'". How could she know that if she only read the first one or two lines on the first page?

And in a deposition given by JR in December of 2001, and as reported by the Daily Camera the following is quoted: Q - "When you were looking at the ransom note, was there anything in the language of the ransom note that struck you as peculiar"? A - "The whole thing was peculiar. We were addressed as 'Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey', and then they switched to 'John' personally". He goes on with a couple other things he found peculiar, but what caught my eye is that the final ransom note was addressed only to "Mr. Ramsey", however it was the practice note that was in fact addressed to "Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey".

The point about JR kneeling on the hardwood floor in his underwear to read the note is well taken. Yet another somewhat ridiculous detail provided by the R's that just doesn't make a lot of sense. And yes, he was fully dressed and groomed when the police arrived on the scene within minutes of the 911 call.
Thank you for your post CloudedTruth! What you say are all good points to add proof of the R’s guilt. I wish everyone here had access to the film: ‘The killing of Jonbenet; Her father speaks’.
It is so telling (not only by his and PR words) but also their actions.
I liken JR being fully dressed to PR being fully made up. Both fabricated stories according to their timeline. Which makes me wonder why PR wanted to put JR in the bent over position on his hands and knees in his underwear. Is there more to this statement than meets the eye? Sort of like he isn’t the only fat cat around reference. Just saying.
While the Rs probably had high powered assistance from the outset, they were also lucky as to happenstance. The blow to the head did not cause visible bleeding. As a result, there was no blood splatter with which to deal. Their dog was staying at a neighbor's, and so one less issue. They were also fortunate that BPD did not secure the CS immediately.

The unlucky thing was the scheduled 7:30 flight which imposed a deadline for the 'finding' of the RN and the subsequent, necessary 911. They could not get on the plane without their daughter.

The invitees did create disturbance and contamination. But, they did not venture to the areas where most think that the murder occurred, i.e. JonBenet's room, outside the WC. They did go into the kitchen while leaving the bowl of pineapple and MagLite in place. I think that the guests were there in part to provide Patsy with an audience.

Particularly puzzling is the dual means of lethality forty minutes apart. Why did JB require to be killed in effect twice over that lengthy period of time? The staging in the WC was quite bizarre in its choices. It showed knowledge of the SA. Was the abuser also the killer? If not, why cover up for the perp?
Yes, they did get som lucky breaks, didn't they? I do think the invitees served a purpose other than just "support". Their presence added to a sense of chaos within the crime scene, and I think PR in particular wanted them there as testament to her "suffering". She did put on quite a performance. Of course in due time, and as the R's threw most of their circle under the bus, that support began to wane and suspicion began to take its place. Most did stay on the main level, and I have read descriptions of dishes being done in the kitchen, however FW did go into the basement twice, I think, and he actually opened the door to the WC but could not find the light switch. He also admitted to moving the suitcase in the basement, and he also moved something that was blocking the door to the train room.

I agree that the staging does indicate knowledge of the SA. We will most likely never know if the abuser was also the killer. The covering for this person to me is yet another sign that it's very likely it was a family member. They circled the wagons to protect all that they perceived was at stake. Did they think she was dead after the blow to the head? It's possible. The garroting, etc. was gruesome, but does fit with what a sexual predator might do, which apparently was the narrative they were trying to portray. Why they felt the need to go so far is bizarre.
Thank you for your post CloudedTruth! What you say are all good points to add proof of the R’s guilt. I wish everyone here had access to the film: ‘The killing of Jonbenet; Her father speaks’.
It is so telling (not only by his and PR words) but also their actions.
I liken JR being fully dressed to PR being fully made up. Both fabricated stories according to their timeline. Which makes me wonder why PR wanted to put JR in the bent over position on his hands and knees in his underwear. Is there more to this statement than meets the eye? Sort of like he isn’t the only fat cat around reference. Just saying.
I don't think I've ever seen that documentary! Looks like it's still available on some platforms. I'm going to look for it....

Thanks for the tip!
According to their timeline of the 26th, Patsy did not shower and put on clothes from the day before, while John did shower and was freshly dressed when BPD arrived. I agree that there was little time for him to be in underwear reading the note downstairs and being able to go up to his bedroom to get into his clothes before BPD came. It's interesting that his tale of breaking the basement window also had him in undies. Is this an unconscious, guilty reference to JB and staging of the Bloomis?

The Whites must have noticed that PR was in the same outfit from the party. Knowing her, their curiosity must have been piqued.

Patsy said that she only glanced at the RN. If she wrote it, there'd be no need to read it! John made the peculiar point that he spread out its three pages on the floor to read. (He thought of JB spread out on the WC floor?) In the interview above, Patsy quotes John as "Call the police. Call the police." This is what the RN warns against, inferring that it was not taken as a real threat. ("You are being monitored.") Yet they then are uncooperative with the police. Patsy and John rapidly turned themselves into victims of LE.
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Yes, they did get som lucky breaks, didn't they? I do think the invitees served a purpose other than just "support". Their presence added to a sense of chaos within the crime scene, and I think PR in particular wanted them there as testament to her "suffering". She did put on quite a performance. Of course in due time, and as the R's threw most of their circle under the bus, that support began to wane and suspicion began to take its place. Most did stay on the main level, and I have read descriptions of dishes being done in the kitchen, however FW did go into the basement twice, I think, and he actually opened the door to the WC but could not find the light switch. He also admitted to moving the suitcase in the basement, and he also moved something that was blocking the door to the train room.

I agree that the staging does indicate knowledge of the SA. We will most likely never know if the abuser was also the killer. The covering for this person to me is yet another sign that it's very likely it was a family member. They circled the wagons to protect all that they perceived was at stake. Did they think she was dead after the blow to the head? It's possible. The garroting, etc. was gruesome, but does fit with what a sexual predator might do, which apparently was the narrative they were trying to portray. Why they felt the need to go so far is bizarre.
There is a part of me that thinks the heinousness of what was done to her dictated the cover up. Perhaps there was no staging. The bell could not be unrung. Now what? Concoct a story to deflect away from the person who did it. There was no way to spin another narrative that would cover up or minimize what had been done to her including past SA.
I have a hard time believing one of the parents mercy killed her but that's exactly what makes this case difficult is accepting that 1 or 2 family members brutalized a child.

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