Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #186

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She tried to ruin them on unfounded charges, except for one she sent to whomever to decide on their "ethical misconduct." There likely are some personal feelings going on there.

I don't see the disrespect from the D.
The D is showing Disrespect for Libby and Abby-- and their families !!!!

She tried to ruin them on unfounded charges, except for one she sent to whomever to decide on their "ethical misconduct." There likely are some personal feelings going on there.

I don't see the disrespect from the D.

Just wondering, is it more important that the judge gets dressed down for what some perceive as being mean to the defense, or that Libby and Abby get a trial?
I would gladly watch JG and the defense team go at it in a United Fight League special event just to have the trial start.

Just wondering, is it more important that the judge gets dressed down for what some perceive as being mean to the defense, or that Libby and Abby get a trial?
I would gladly watch JG and the defense team go at it in a United Fight League special event just to have the trial start.


It's not just about her being "mean." There are plenty of actual blatant misdeeds in that document. That's not at all pursuing justice for Abby and Libby either. So many missteps have been made that this will be in appeal for years and that justice for Abby and Libby? No.

Hold hearings, hold people accountable when they mess up (McLeland), don't stifle either side with unrealistic timelines and end dates, and for god's sake, stop holding a presumed innocent man in prison when he doesn't need to be.

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Just wondering, is it more important that the judge gets dressed down for what some perceive as being mean to the defense, or that Libby and Abby get a trial?
I would gladly watch JG and the defense team go at it in a United Fight League special event just to have the trial start.


I don't see it as a dress down action.
It's called making a record for future appeals.
It's what all lower court defense attys are supposed to do.
Some do it better than others.

The D asked for assurance that they would have time to present their case.
The judge put the trial off for months.

While this trial seems to be taking a long time, it's probably within the average time span for a double murder in Indiana. At least according to the cases I've followed.

We've probably kicked this can enough.
I don't see it as a dress down action.
It's called making a record for future appeals.
It's what all lower court defense attys are supposed to do.
Some do it better than others.

The D asked for assurance that they would have time to present their case.
The judge put the trial off for months.

While this trial seems to be taking a long time, it's probably within the average time span for a double murder in Indiana. At least according to the cases I've followed.

We've probably kicked this can enough.
IANAL, but when he was arrested, I predicted the earliest we'd see a trial is 2025. Par for the course for all major cases I have followed. It's always surprising to me when trials actually happen in a timely manner! When they say the wheels of justice turn slowly, they sure do mean it!
I don't see it as a dress down action.
It's called making a record for future appeals.
It's what all lower court defense attys are supposed to do.
Some do it better than others.

The D asked for assurance that they would have time to present their case.
The judge put the trial off for months.

While this trial seems to be taking a long time, it's probably within the average time span for a double murder in Indiana. At least according to the cases I've followed.

We've probably kicked this can enough.
I don't see it as a dress down action.
It's called making a record for future appeals.
It's what all lower court defense attys are supposed to do.
Some do it better than others.

The D asked for assurance that they would have time to present their case.
The judge put the trial off for months.

While this trial seems to be taking a long time, it's probably within the average time span for a double murder in Indiana. At least according to the cases I've followed.

We've probably kicked this can enough.

But….I want to have the last word!

LOL! Just kidding! Have a good night.
It's not just about her being "mean." There are plenty of actual blatant misdeeds in that document. That's not at all pursuing justice for Abby and Libby either. So many missteps have been made that this will be in appeal for years and that justice for Abby and Libby? No.

Hold hearings, hold people accountable when they mess up (McLeland), don't stifle either side with unrealistic timelines and end dates, and for god's sake, stop holding a presumed innocent man in prison when he doesn't need to be.


Completely disagree with this opinion, 100%
The D is showing Disrespect for Libby and Abby-- and their families !!!!

View attachment 511475

IMO... the whole damned tribe is. Like a bunch of kids playing slap me. One slaps first and the other slaps harder. After about 20 slaps each, all that happens is both kids end up with red faces. Sad when adults can't grow up and be men and women!

RIH Abby and Libby, and I pray justice comes for you both.
My husband, who died Nov2,2022, was 5’4 the day I married him. dressing a man that short was a life long project. Clothes off the rack are nearly impossible. All jeans and pants begin at a 28 inch inseam for a man and make it necessary for years of tailoring. The nurse who was doing his intake for hospice asked if I knew his height. I said of course 5’4, she spat back “he is not, no way”. I was shocked, my point it is very hard to tell how short a small man is. In RA case you can see his little legs. And he spent no money getting his pants taken up. Those pants have at least a30 inch inseam. I was vaguely aware RA had been arrested that week but when I finally paid attention, I begged hubby to wake up, we had another trial to watch. He was a brilliant lawyer and was a very tall man in my eyes. RA is BG the pants tells us so. Don’t get me started on those sleeves. How many 5’4 men were out there do you think there where out there that day?
Establishing the height of the person in the bridge guy video would help to determine if it could be Richard Allen. It is too bad that there is not a way to determine that height.

I find it interesting too that when Liberty German started using her phone camera, she took pictures of Abigail Williams on the bridge. But the last thing it seems like she chose was video. I thought maybe that could be because she wanted to record this bridge guy's voice. Maybe Liberty German expected this person to talk to her and Abby?

I think it is also possible that Abigail Williams was partially removed from the still picture of the video released to the public. If so, this might indicate that Liberty German did not perceive this person as a threat initially. She may have panned her camera angle toward this bridge guy, but only after trying to record Abby or pretending to record Abby.

We can only speculate about why Liberty German took the video that day.
The D is showing Disrespect for Libby and Abby-- and their families !!!!

View attachment 511475
Their job isn’t to show respect for the victims or their loved ones left behind though. We would certainly hope that they would but their job is solely to vigorously defend RA and ensure his legal rights are not trampled by the state or the courts. They’re trying to do this. It worries me - the ways they’ve gone about has been concerning at times no doubt. But there appear to be some big problems on this case:
- the judge appears biased. And now it appears someone is lying. The deputy? The judge etc etc. Something isn’t right given the newest filing by the D.
- matters not being ruled on expediently and or without benefit of written decisions several times in the past.
- communications via email between counsel and the judge or by telephone which have broken down.
- lack of payment to the D for months on end
- refusal to allow open ended trial And / Or to limit the time allotted evenly to both sides….

It’s a colossal mess!! I’ve taken a few weeks break from following this case as nothing seems to be progressing forward really. It must suck to be the family of the victims and to be RA or his loved ones with no resolution.
Just wondering, is it more important that the judge gets dressed down for what some perceive as being mean to the defense, or that Libby and Abby get a trial?
I would gladly watch JG and the defense team go at it in a United Fight League special event just to have the trial start.


Just wondering, is it more important that the judge gets dressed down for what some perceive as being mean to the defense, or that Libby and Abby get a trial?
I would gladly watch JG and the defense team go at it in a United Fight League special event just to have the trial start.

It is more important to me that RA - the accused living in solitary confinement get a trial <modsnip>It's time to get RA to trial and for the State to either get a conviction or not.
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