Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *Case dismissed w/o prejudice* *found in 2023* #114

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As best I can without a searchable copy of the civil complaint, I have pasted below the sections where Morphew claims that Grusing lied to him and elicited statements based on those lies that were used against Morphew in the AA. See specifically, paragraphs marked in red. These claims are part of his larger argument that the AA was substantially false and misleading, and resulted in a finding of probable cause for arrest that had no true factual basis.

I agree with you. Grusing may have prevaricated, but even assuming that the factual allegations about Grusing are true, current case law allows LE to lie about the evidence they have to elicit inculpatory statements from a person of interest. Grusing had no obligation to be fully forthcoming with BM.


2. False GPS Phone Locations - “Pushpin” Map

214. The Arrest Warrant Affidavit states that Barry chased Suzanne Morphew around their home on May 9, 2020 at 2:44-2:45 p.m. Arrest Affidavit, p. 126.

215. The Arrest Affidavit claims this is the time period when Barry allegedly caused the death of Suzanne.

216. The Arrest Affidavit includes “Attachment 6”, which is described as “An estimate of the activity of Barry's phone as it appears to move from porch to porch, which he [Barry] explained by chasing and shooting a chipmunk.” The following image was presented:


217. Defendants authoring the Arrest Affidavit knew this was a false and misleading allegation.

218. Defendants knew this was false and misleading because an FBI Report (“the CAST Report”) alerted them to this fact and an FBI Specialist had alerted Defendant Cahill of this in an email, as described below.

219. The above pushpin map, if believed, would mean that Barry was moving 36.8 to 50 miles per hour from point to point, through the walls of his home.

220. If Barry was moving around the walls of his home he would have had to travel even faster than 50 miles an hour.

221. On June 2, 2020, Defendants Cahill and Grusing learned from FBI Special Agent Hoyland that “data” used to “pinpoint” Barry’s movements was unreliable.

222. FBI Special Agent Kevin Hoyland was with the FBI’s Cellular Analysis Survey Team (C.A.S.T.), which interpreted data from Barry’s cell phone.

223. Special Agent Hoyland wrote:

“As an FYI, one of the challenges in determining movement with GPS readings in such a tight area is that there is a phenomenon known as static drift wherein a stationary device can mistakenly be shown to be moving because of the number of satellites taking measurements and their corresponding locations to the stationary device. Or it could be him walking around the property. Just hard to say but I would be cautious in jumping right to the conclusion that he was bouncing around his property at these hours.”

224. The complete June 2, 2020, email from FBI Hoyland is:


225. As shown above, Agent Grusing forwarded the email to Defendant Cahill the same day he received it.

226. At page 27 of the CAST Report, the FBI illustrates the phenomenon of static drift and cautions that “[m]ore analysis is needed to determine the frequency of such anomalous data in and around the residence.”

227. This critical exculpatory information showed that the Arrest Affidavit statements about Barry supposedly having been moving rapidly around his property were purposely misleading.

228. Defendants authoring the Arrest Affidavit knew this information was highly material and exculpatory.

229. This exculpatory information was purposely omitted from the Arrest Affidavit and the email was concealed from the defense and the court.

230. The Defendant Prosecutors concealed this June 2020 email until it was produced in late January 2022.

231. The Arrest Affidavit included false and misleading statements about GPS phone location data allegedly showing where Barry drove his truck in the early morning hours of May 10, 2020.

232. In the Arrest Affidavit, Defendants stated that Barry’s truck drove nearby where Suzanne’s bicycle helmet was later discovered.

233. Defendants’ theory was that Barry intentionally discarded Suzanne’s helmet in that location in order to “stage” an abduction.

234. Defendants authoring the Arrest Affidavit knew that the GPS phone locator detail was unreliable because of the “static drift” phenomenon.

235. Defendants authoring the Arrest Affidavit also knew that there were no truck telematics5 indicating the truck was in that area between May 9 and May 10.

236. Defendant Cahill expressly warned other Defendants and co-conspirators about the unreliability of such data, including Defendants Graham, Rohrich, Lindsey, Walker, Grusing, and Harris.

237. Defendant Cahill received a recommendation from a technical engineering firm that, even though inaccurate and unreliable, the GPS location data could be used to “squeeze” Barry during interrogations. Defendant Cahill forwarded this recommendation to Defendant Rohrich:

5 “Telematics”is a term describing technology whereby a computer within automobiles and trucks can capture events occurring in and around the vehicle, e.g., doors and windows opening and closing, the motor running and being shut off, etc. and essentially provide a digital blueprint of the vehicle’s activity.

238. Defendants FBI Agents Grusing and Harris lied to Barry about the alleged phone location data during the numerous interrogations with him.

239. Upon information and belief, these interrogations were conducted and/or reviewed and utilized by Defendants Cahill, Graham, Walker, Rohrich, Spezze, Stanley, Lindsey, and other defendants and co-conspirators as described herein, all of whom knew that false and misleading information was being presented in the Affidavit and that material, exculpatory information was being omitted.

240. Defendants authoring the Arrest Affidavit, and other Defendants and co-conspirators whose identities are not known to Mr. Morphew at this time, included false information in the Arrest Affidavit garnered from lying to Barry about his movements on the day on May 10, 2020.

241. The Defendants stated in the Arrest Affidavit that Barry was “blaming.... a chipmunk for why he was running around his house after arriving home at 2:44 PM, and the firing a gun of a .22 caliber to describe his violence towards Suzanne that afternoon and the caliber of the tranquilizer darts.” Arrest Affidavit, p. 125.

242. The Arrest Affidavit does not disclose that the map and the GPS phone data underlying it were fabricated and not based on any reliable science.

243. The “pushpin map” was not the only subject matter in the Arrest Affidavit that relayed false and misleading information about alleged locations of Barry’s phone based on GPS location data.

244. On page 34 and 35, the Arrest Affidavit states:

The location activities registered by Barry's phone were abnormally high in frequency during the late nights and early morning hours of May 8-9, 2020 and May 9-10, 2020 while at the Morphew residence. (Arrest Affidavit, p. 34)...That May 9-10, 2020 night, approximately 210 locations for Barry's phone registered near the Morphew residence, compared to zero-to-two locations on previous nights from May 1st through May 8th. (Arrest Affidavit, p. 35).

245. Just as above, when the Defendants who authored the Arrest Affidavit wrote these statements, they knew they were false and misleading and knew the GPS location data from Barry’s phone (or any phone) was unreliable.

246. In relevant part, the Arrest Affidavit states: (1) “Barry blamed... a chipmunk for why he was running around his house after arriving home at 2:44 PM...” (Arrest Affidavit, p. 125) and (2) “Barry says he is running around the house, most likely chasing Suzanne while she is conscious.” (Arrest Affidavit, p. 126).

247. That is false. Barry did not “blame” a chipmunk, he did not say “he is running around the house,” and certainly did not say he was “most likely chasing Suzanne...”

248. When confronted with the fabricated “pinpoint” map, Barry merely said that he was in the habit of shooting chipmunks.

249. In making that statement, Barry was responding to fictitious and false information being provided to him by Defendants about his supposed movements on May 9, 2020.

250. The above false and misleading information about GPS phone locations and omitted exculpatory information about GPS phone locations were material to a finding of probable cause.

3. Falsehoods and Omissions about Barry’s Phone on May 9, 2020

253. The Defendants who authored the Arrest Affidavit stated that forensic evidence showed that Barry’s phone was turned off or placed on “airplane mode” for 8 hours on May 9, 2020 starting at 2:47 p.m.

254. Defendants authoring the Arrest Affidavit included the “airplane mode” assertingBarry purposefully placed his phone in airplane mode in order to conceal his location while he was hiding Suzanne’s body and evidence of the alleged murder.

255. The Arrest Affidavit alleges that Barry arrived home on Saturday afternoon around 2:30 p.m., at 2:44 p.m. he chased Suzanne around the house, and at 2:47 p.m. he placed his phone in airplane mode.

256. The Arrest Affidavit alleges that Barry intentionally kept his phone in airplane mode throughout the evening until Saturday night at 10:30 pm. Arrest Affidavit, pp. 77, 90, 99.

257. The Arrest Affidavit states: “On May 9th, at 2:47 PM, Barry's phone appears to enter Airplane Mode” (Arrest Affidavit, p. 34).

258. The Arrest Affidavit states: and “On May 9th, at 10:17 PM, an ‘airplane mode off’ event started on Barry's phone” Arrest Affidavit, p. 35.

259. Defendants authoring the Arrest Affidavit mentioned “airplane mode” 24 times in the Affidavit.

260. It is false that the phone was in airplane mode for eight (8) hours as represented by the Defendants authoring the Arrest Affidavit.

261. On June 24 and 25, 2020, Defendants Walker, Cahill, Grusing, Adams, Hysjulien, Burgess and Rohrich, received or were forwarded an email and a chart from a FBI expert that explained the airplane mode phenomenon.

262. The June 24, 2020 email and chart explained that Barry’s phone was not in airplane mode for even one hour, nor intentionally placed in airplane mode, and if it was in airplane mode it was for less than a minute and when the phone was powering down or powering up.

263. The Defendants who authored the Arrest Affidavit did not disclose these highly exculpatory facts in the June 24, 2020 FBI email and chart but instead inserted only the 24 false and misleading statements about the “airplane mode.”

264. The Defendants concealed this June 24, 2020 email and chart analyzing the airplane mode phenomenon from the defense until late January 2022.

265. During Defendants Grusing and Harris’ interviews with Barry in March and April 2021, Defendants Grusing and Harris lied to Barry telling him that he intentionally placed his phone in airplane mode for hours on May 9th to prevent detection of his movements.

266. The Defendants who authored the Arrest Affidavit stated “Barry admitted to running around their property with a gun and placing his phone in Airplane Mode at 2:47 PM.” Arrest Affidavit, p. 2.

267. That is a false statement.

268. On page 75 of the Arrest Affidavit, it states that Barry “demonstrated how he placed his phone in Airplane Mode.” This statement is misleading and included out of context.

269. On March 5, 2021, during the (approximate) 30th interview of Mr. Morphew, FBI Agent Grusing (Grusing) told Barry that his phone was in airplane mode on May 9, 2020, to which Barry told him he did not recall putting his phone in airplane mode.

270. Defendant Grusing then told Barry that his phone was definitively in airplane mode from 2:47 p.m. to 10:18 p.m. on May 9, 2020, and added that if Barry accidentally put his phone on airplane mode, then he also must have accidentally turned it off, questioning Barry’s veracity.

271. In response to these statements, Barry told Defendant Grusing, “It’s the first thing that comes up when you hit settings. If that happened, it was probably an accident. I do not recall that.”

272. The Defendants authoring the Affidavit inserted these false and misleading statements about Barry intentionally putting his phone in airplane mode for eight hours as it was critical to sell their false theory that Barry was attempting to cover up his location, after he supposedly murdered Suzanne right after supposedly chased her around the house at 35-50 miles per hour to subdue her.

273. Furthermore, the Defendants authoring the Arrest Affidavit knew that the area in Colorado – specifically in and around the Morphew home, and the Maysville area to Poncha Springs had virtually no cell phone reception and cellular data is scant and imprecise

274. The Defendants authoring the Arrest Affidavit did not include the exculpatory facts that there is little to no cell reception and the cellular data collected from the area of Barry’s home and Maysville is imprecise.

275. The Defendants authoring the Arrest Affidavit omitted these exculpatory facts as it would have significantly weakened their theory that Barry murdered Suzanne as their theory was largely based on the “alleged” movements of Barry’s phone.

276. The Arrest Affidavit states that Barry’s phone contained “deleted web searches” of pornographic and/or dating sites on January 7, 8, 24, and 25, 2020. Arrest Affidavit, pp. 32-33.

277. By referring to these as “deleted web searches on Barry’s phone,” the Arrest Affidavit implies that Barry was actively searching and/or visiting these sites.

278. This statement was false. These were not manual searches or even visits made to these sites, rather (similar to a pop-up advertisement), his phone was redirected to these sites.

279. The Defendants either knew this inflammatory and irrelevant information was false or utterly failed to conduct a reasonable forensic investigation that would have readily disclosed the true facts.

280. In a footnote, the Defendants authoring the Arrest Affidavit quote Barry’s response when asked if he had ever searched online to meet other women (he replied, “No, never”). Arrest Affidavit, p. 33, footnote 38. Because the true facts had been omitted, the Arrest Affidavit makes it look like Barry was lying, when in fact he was telling the truth and a reasonable forensic investigation would have readily revealed that.

281. The Arrest Affidavit claims Barry had a second cell phone that was not located. “Possible Second Device for Barry.” Arrest Affidavit, p. 42.

282. This statement was false.

283. The Defendants authoring the Arrest Affidavit knew this statement was false as the 2020 Search Warrant Return from Apple provided information to show that was not correct.

284. The Defendants authoring the Arrest Affidavit knew from the 2020 Search Warrant Return from Apple that the “second device” identifier is not a second “device” or phone, but instead likely identifies that Barry and Suzanne’s iPhones were connected to the same iCloud account for a while.

285. This falsehood is significant and material because of the implication that Barry was lying, concealing material evidence, and otherwise behaving in a culpable manner.
What’s funny is that you don’t have to believe a single one of these is true to conclude that Barry murdered Suzanne.

We don’t know what Hoyland actually determined in regards to the phone activity, as these were preliminary communications. It’s one thing to make the argument that this evidence may not be accurate, but another thing entirely to call it “fabricated.”

Barry’s explanations (obvious lies) tell us what is true, even if data points and evidence are basically a wash.

This was the last day you saw your wife. You don’t remember exactly what you were doing?! The chipmunk story tells us there was some sort of frantic event.

The defense implies that the needle sheath in the dryer was planted. Barry tells us it is relevant with the deer lie.

Grusing and Harris eluded to evidence that Barry was in close proximity to the helmet on Mother’s Day morning. The elk story tells us Barry planted that helmet.

It is true that the AA contained evidence that was in fact inflammatory, included heresay, and other inadmissible information. So what? After hearing all this evidence, and the same defense arguments that are made here, Murphy determined there was in fact probable cause.

In fact, if CBI had chased down those DNA “leads” by the time of the preliminary hearing, there’s a decent chance that Barry would have been held without bond.

I just wish I could have seen Iris and Jane’s faces once the toxicology came back. If you were ever considering letting Barry sit for a deposition, you can’t do that now.

Morphew's 89 page civil complaint can be found on the website PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) but you will need to create a personal account and pay a very small fee to look at it.
We have that document and studied it already

These are free and there are several others.
I believe they are classified as allegations.
What’s funny is that you don’t have to believe a single one of these is true to conclude that Barry murdered Suzanne.

We don’t know what Hoyland actually determined in regards to the phone activity, as these were preliminary communications. It’s one thing to make the argument that this evidence may not be accurate, but another thing entirely to call it “fabricated.”

Barry’s explanations (obvious lies) tell us what is true, even if data points and evidence are basically a wash.

This was the last day you saw your wife. You don’t remember exactly what you were doing?! The chipmunk story tells us there was some sort of frantic event.

The defense implies that the needle sheath in the dryer was planted. Barry tells us it is relevant with the deer lie.

Grusing and Harris eluded to evidence that Barry was in close proximity to the helmet on Mother’s Day morning. The elk story tells us Barry planted that helmet.

It is true that the AA contained evidence that was in fact inflammatory, included heresay, and other inadmissible information. So what? After hearing all this evidence, and the same defense arguments that are made here, Murphy determined there was in fact probable cause.

In fact, if CBI had chased down those DNA “leads” by the time of the preliminary hearing, there’s a decent chance that Barry would have been held without bond.

I just wish I could have seen Iris and Jane’s faces once the toxicology came back. If you were ever considering letting Barry sit for a deposition, you can’t do that now.

I'd like to have seen BM's face go purple..
Below is the general rule limiting a Colorado lawyer's public statements about a pending case (official comments appended in italics). I have highlighted in red sections I believe are most salient for the conduct of Stanley and Eytan:

Rule 3.6 - Trial Publicity

(a) A lawyer who is participating or has participated in the investigation or litigation of a matter shall not make an extrajudicial statement that the lawyer knows or reasonably should know will be disseminated by means of public communication and will have a substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing an adjudicative proceeding in the matter.

(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) and Rule 3.8(f), a lawyer may state:

(1) the claim, offense or defense involved and, except when prohibited by law, the identity of the persons involved;

(2) information contained in a public record;

(3) that an investigation of a matter is in progress;

(4) the scheduling or result of any step in litigation;

(5) a request for assistance in obtaining evidence and information necessary thereto;

(6) a warning of danger concerning the behavior of a person involved, when there is reason to believe that there exists the likelihood of substantial harm to an individual or to the public interest; and

(7) in a criminal case, in addition to subparagraphs (1) through (6):

(i) the identity, residence, occupation and family status of the accused;

(ii) if the accused has not been apprehended, information necessary to aid in apprehension of that person;

(iii) the fact, time and place of arrest; and

(iv) the identity of investigating and arresting officers or agencies and the length of the investigation.

(c) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) and Rule 3.8(f), a lawyer may make a statement that a reasonable lawyer would believe is required to protect a client from the substantial undue prejudicial effect of recent publicity not initiated by the lawyer or the lawyer's client. A statement made pursuant to this paragraph shall be limited to such information as is necessary to mitigate the recent adverse publicity.

(d) No lawyer associated in a firm or government agency with a lawyer subject to paragraph (a) shall make a statement prohibited by paragraph (a).
RPC 3.6


Entire rule and comment replaced and adopted June 12, 1997, effective January 1, 1998; entire Appendix repealed and readopted April 12, 2007, effective January 1, 2008; IP(b) and (c) amended and effective Febraury 10, 2011.

[1] It is difficult to strike a balance between protecting the right to a fair trial and safeguarding the right of free expression. Preserving the right to a fair trial necessarily entails some curtailment of the information that may be disseminated about a party prior to trial, particularly where trial by jury is involved. If there were no such limits, the result would be the practical nullification of the protective effect of the rules of forensic decorum and the exclusionary rules of evidence. On the other hand, there are vital social interests served by the free dissemination of information about events having legal consequences and about legal proceedings themselves. The public has a right to know about threats to its safety and measures aimed at assuring its security. It also has a legitimate interest in the conduct of judicial proceedings, particularly in matters of general public concern. Furthermore, the subject matter of legal proceedings is often of direct significance in debate and deliberation over questions of public policy.

[2] Special rules of confidentiality may validly govern proceedings in juvenile, domestic relations and mental disability proceedings, and perhaps other types of litigation. Rule 3.4(c) requires compliance with such rules.

[3] The Rule sets forth a basic general prohibition against a lawyer's making statements that the lawyer knows or should know will have a substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing an adjudicative proceeding. Recognizing that the public value of informed commentary is great and the likelihood of prejudice to a proceeding by the commentary of a lawyer who is not involved in the proceeding is small, the Rule applies only to lawyers who are, or who have been involved in the investigation or litigation of a case, and their associates.

[4] Paragraph (b) identifies specific matters about which a lawyer's statements would not ordinarily be considered to present a substantial likelihood of material prejudice, and should not in any event be considered prohibited by the general prohibition of paragraph (a). Paragraph (b) is not intended to be an exhaustive listing of the subjects upon which a lawyer may make a statement, but statements on other matters may be subject to paragraph (a).

[5] There are, on the other hand, certain subjects that are more likely than not to have a material prejudicial effect on a proceeding, particularly when they refer to a civil matter triable to a jury, a criminal matter, or any other proceeding that could result in incarceration. These subjects relate to:

(1) the character, credibility, reputation or criminal record of a party, suspect in a criminal investigation or witness, or the identity of a witness, or the expected testimony of a party or witness;

(2) in a criminal case or proceeding that could result in incarceration, the possibility of a plea of guilty to the offense or the existence or contents of any confession, admission, or statement given by a defendant or suspect or that person's refusal or failure to make a statement;

(3) the performance or results of any examination or test or the refusal or failure of a person to submit to an examination or test, or the identity or nature of physical evidence expected to be presented;

(4) any opinion as to the guilt or innocence of a defendant or suspect in a criminal case or proceeding that could result in incarceration;

(5) information that the lawyer knows or reasonably should know is likely to be inadmissible as evidence in a trial and that would, if disclosed, create a substantial risk of prejudicing an impartial trial; or

(6) the fact that a defendant has been charged with a crime, unless there is included therein a statement explaining that the charge is merely an accusation and that the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.

[6] Another relevant factor in determining prejudice is the nature of the proceeding involved. Criminal jury trials will be most sensitive to extrajudicial speech.
Civil trials may be less sensitive. Non-jury hearings and arbitration proceedings may be even less affected. The Rule will still place limitations on prejudicial comments in these cases, but the likelihood of prejudice may be different depending on the type of proceeding.

[7] Finally, extrajudicial statements that might otherwise raise a question under this Rule may be permissible when they are made in response to statements made publicly by another party, another party's lawyer, or third persons, where a reasonable lawyer would believe a public response is required in order to avoid prejudice to the lawyer's client. When prejudicial statements have been publicly made by others, responsive statements may have the salutary effect of lessening any resulting adverse impact on the adjudicative proceeding. Such responsive statements should be limited to contain only such information as is necessary to mitigate undue prejudice created by the statements made by others.

[8] See Rule 3.8(f) for additional duties of prosecutors in connection with extrajudicial statements about criminal proceedings.
Thanks! I am not so familiar with how this all works in the US.

I agree with this part, but I am not so sure why she personally endorses the factual innocence of her client. She had seen the same evidence as us so this always seemed risky. And of course now it looks professionally foolish. There was always a decent chance the body would turn up and incriminate her client. I am old school, so to me, this is the kind of thing you don't do - especially because your reputation is your calling card with clients and in court. It feels to me this is increasingly how everyone rolls these days? Why say "my client asserts his innocence" when you can just say "my client is innocent". Maybe I am too old and naive o_O

OK this is so in my wheelhouse. What lie do you believe Grusing told?

The data itself shows the 'chipmunk hunt', and the left turn on it's face. That is how Grusing knew to ask about the left turn for example. The question is how do you explain it? IMO it is not unreasonable for Grusing to put the prima facie conclusion to BM i.e. that the data simply reflects the location of his phone.

IMO it is not lying that Grusing didn't say "well this data might not be 100% accurate". The data is the data and he asked the suspect for an explanation. It isn't the agents job to give BM exculpatory theories? After all, static drift or inaccurate location data on the left turn is simply speculation. The defendant on the other hand knows what he did, and can answer accurately from personal knowledge.

Thanks for the discussion!

I very much enjoy this discussion. I do believe however while the cell phone showed rapid movement in and around the house at speeds that have not been entirely explained there was no data that showed a left hand turn that morning when he left for Broomfield. BM bit on that one and said that he turned left to watch elk and check the path they were taking (because he's a shed antler hunter)
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Morphew's 89 page civil complaint can be found on the website PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) but you will need to create a personal account and pay a very small fee to look at it.
Law and Crime provided the 300+ page suit including exhibits which is linked in the MEDIA ONLY thread for your convenience. Updates of the federal docket is also posted in there.

I never cared much about the cell phone or truck data. Barry’s responses when interviewed about those points are what matters. LE could have been lying through their teeth with what they had, it was Barry’s responses that boxed him in. They turned their phones off to have a lovely afternoon and evening, share a steak and sex, before his departure to work on a Father’s Day wall. While their teen daughters were away, no need for the parents to be reachable. After Suzanne finished sunbathing and communicating with her lover. A bogeyman used Barry’s BAM to sedate Suzanne, tossed her bike and helmet off the road, murdered her and took her body away to bury her in a shallow grave. A couple of days after Suzanne told her sister she was done with Barry.
Below is a link to the special rule governing prosecutors, which reinforces and expands on Rule 3.6. Other parts of the rule seem relevant to Morphew's civil complaint, but I am not sure violations of those sections of the rule, alleged in the complaint, are being considered in the ongoing disciplinary proceedings against Stanley.

Rule 3.8 - Special Responsibilities of a Prosecutor
As best I can without a searchable copy of the civil complaint, I have pasted below the sections where Morphew claims that Grusing lied to him and elicited statements based on those lies that were used against Morphew in the AA. See specifically, paragraphs marked in red. These claims are part of his larger argument that the AA was substantially false and misleading, and resulted in a finding of probable cause for arrest that had no true factual basis.

Just to be clear, I think it important to note that all claims made against Agent Grusing in the civil complaint have been dismissed.
I never cared much about the cell phone or truck data. Barry’s responses when interviewed about those points are what matters. LE could have been lying through their teeth with what they had, it was Barry’s responses that boxed him in. They turned their phones off to have a lovely afternoon and evening, share a steak and sex, before his departure to work on a Father’s Day wall. While their teen daughters were away, no need for the parents to be reachable. After Suzanne finished sunbathing and communicating with her lover. A bogeyman used Barry’s BAM to sedate Suzanne, tossed her bike and helmet off the road, murdered her and took her body away to bury her in a shallow grave. A couple of days after Suzanne told her sister she was done with Barry.
I still would love to hear the entire conversations that took place. I have no doubt Barry said what he said but I would like to hear it in context. I think that will happen if they intend to use any of it in a trial.
After Suzanne finished sunbathing A bogeyman used Barry’s BAM to sedate Suzanne, tossed her bike and helmet off the road, murdered her and took her body away to bury her in a shallow grave. A couple of days after Suzanne told her sister she was done with Barry.
Yes but well we know BM was there Saturday afternoon when SM stopped communicating with JL and the world forever. So yeah, imo definitely no random boogeyman was at PP on Saturday, just the real killer BM was there that day (and poor dear Suzanne of course).

BUT what BM and IE want the public to believe is BM’s fake/staged narrative- that SM was alive on Sunday morning when he left a sleeping Suzanne to head to Broomfield, and amazingly some random boogeyman did everything you mention in broad daylight without leaving any evidence of forced entry into the home or her vehicle, touched only her vehicle’s glovebox and left her money and credit cards behind, literally left not one shred (zero, none) of any corroborating evidence of his presence in or around the home, nor in BM’s garage/work area/workbench where BM stored the BAM, nor anywhere else in SM’s vehicle, nor on the bike or helmet that he staged (the random DNA on the glovebox, bike, helmet etc was NOT corroborating/not from the same source).
The fact that boogeymen/random killer’s usual MO is to get in and out quickly and don't go out of their way to stage things i.e., SM’s bike and helmet (in 2 different locations no less), nor haul away and bury their victims in shallow graves, notwithstanding.

I mean, this would be hysterical if not for the fact it’s such a sad, sad case.



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Just to be clear, I think it important to note that all claims made against Agent Grusing in the civil complaint have been dismissed.
Thanks for the clarification.

Yes, this is what I meant when I said in my first post that Morphew's civil case is already falling apart: Morphew's attorneys read the motions to dismiss (MTD) filed by the Federal defendants and dismissed their claims voluntarily - presumably to avoid an award of attorney fees in favor of the Feds when the judge dismissed them. I wouldn't be surprised if more defendants have not been voluntarily dismissed since I checked. Most of the claims were pretty thin factually as well as legally.

It's important to understand that although Grusing is no longer a defendant, the factual allegations against him remain part of Morphew's factual claim that LE personnel conspired to file an arrest affidavit that was materially and substantially and knowingly false (or at least, misleading), which resulted in his unlawful arrest.

That's the core of his complaint for damages, really. We'll see if it survives all the MTDs based on the various immunities asserted. And aside from immunity, as many have said here, in an AA LE is allowed to present the evidence in the light most favorable to the prosecution.
Thanks for the clarification.

Yes, this is what I meant when I said in my first post that Morphew's civil case is already falling apart: Morphew's attorneys read the motions to dismiss (MTD) filed by the Federal defendants and dismissed their claims voluntarily - presumably to avoid an award of attorney fees in favor of the Feds when the judge dismissed them. I wouldn't be surprised if more defendants have not been voluntarily dismissed since I checked. Most of the claims were pretty thin factually as well as legally.

It's important to understand that although Grusing is no longer a defendant, the factual allegations against him remain part of Morphew's factual claim that LE personnel conspired to file an arrest affidavit that was materially and substantially and knowingly false (or at least, misleading), which resulted in his unlawful arrest.

That's the core of his complaint for damages, really. We'll see if it survives all the MTDs based on the various immunities asserted. And aside from immunity, as many have said here, in an AA LE is allowed to present the evidence in the light most favorable to the prosecution.
Not only at the core, but the purpose of any Civil Complaint is a financial award (or reward, depending on the plaintiff)!

I also disagree that there was any conspiracy, or that there's any basis for BM to allege any claim for an unlawful arrest. JMO
I wondered if LS’s YouTube comments would come up. I wish i could remember what she said. Saw some screenshots of them on Twitter back then, but couldn’t post them here because they weren’t from approved sources.
I watched it for a while thinking "wow, is this allowed?"'
In the end I turned it off mid way because it was too smarmy. I had watched MK up till then, never watched him after.
As best I can without a searchable copy of the civil complaint, I have pasted below the sections where Morphew claims that Grusing lied to him and elicited statements based on those lies that were used against Morphew in the AA. See specifically, paragraphs marked in red. These claims are part of his larger argument that the AA was substantially false and misleading, and resulted in a finding of probable cause for arrest that had no true factual basis.

I agree with you. Grusing may have prevaricated, but even assuming that the factual allegations about Grusing are true, current case law allows LE to lie about the evidence they have to elicit inculpatory statements from a person of interest. Grusing had no obligation to be fully forthcoming with BM.


242. The Arrest Affidavit does not disclose that the map and the GPS phone data underlying it were fabricated and not based on any reliable science.

RSBM. OK yes I agree.

For instance, the pushpin and the underlying GPS phone data cannot be "fabricated" when it is simply a plot of the data. The data is the data!

I very much enjoy this discussion. I do believe however while the cell phone showed rapid movement in and around the house at speeds that have not been entirely explained there was no data that showed a left hand turn that morning when he left for Broomfield. BM bit on that one and said that he turned left to watch elk and check the path they were taking (because he's a shed antler hunter)

There is location data of the left hand turn - see page 43 of IE's lawsuit. It is via BMs phone. That is how Grusing knew to ask him if he went somewhere else at that point. They knew the mileage was missing, and they already suspected he turned left. BM simply confirmed it. SMs phone also went in the same direction at this time, despite having previously been at home all day. Of course IE wants to say it is static drift (see para 234), but that is speculation on her part, and her client did not agree. IE is saying that the Grusing had to tell BM about static drift - but that is laughable IMO.


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