Gilgo Beach LISK Serial Killer, Rex Heuermann, charged with 6 murders, July 2023 #14

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Andre Sugar Bear Isaac's Mom has been a class act. I cannot imagine losing a young adult child like that- so violently. She is my role model I hope I never need to emulate. She has kept her child's memory and murder investigation alive.

I wonder what is new on the case, if anything. A year ago, LE seemed to draw a line to Rex while denying it, releasing ballistic info that seemed easy to connect with the guns seized.

(OTOH, what kind of gun did Rex NOT have?)

Yet Sugar Bear does seem like a LISK victim. He was briefly on the official webpage for the case. The FBI is investigating his case which only makes sense if - his murder is connected to an FBI case.

I wonder what is prompting Mary Murphy to bring him up. I don't think there is anything new reported since nearly a year ago. I could be wrong. But I think these reports are the traditional news network version of the internet thread *bump*.

I'm looking forward to answers for Suagr Bear and his mother and other family and friends.

Maybe Sugar Bear was an intentional MISS-leader.

AE might believe that RH brought prostitutes to their home where they could have picked up her hair. She might not be factoring in the chances of so many of them being found dead. She might believe that a mixup could occur or that her husband could have been framed.
IMO she does not enjoy the public attention at all but finds it a necessary means to improve her family's dire financial situation. Her attorney is just doing his job. So far she has not been accused of anything by police so it's not too hard to defend her.
I have no reason believe she is in a dire financial situation. At the very least she has brought in $1,075,000 in the last year.

I guess it's possible she doesn't enjoy attention, but she is clearly choosing it. Or at least she has in the past. Her lawyers antics on her behalf have calmed down for the most part. He theoretically works for her, and in theory, she can tell him to stop doing TV.

Spota, a disgraced power broker in Suffolk County who's incarcerated, pulled strings for Macedonio to get his license to practice law after cocaine and bribery charges. Spota was part of the cabal that tried to prevent solving LISK. Now, someone who owes Spota a favor materialized to theoretically represent Asa, but instead he is just publicly defending Rex. "Asa doesn't see it." Give me a break. That is for Rex's benefit. And Asa could stop it.


Edited to add: I don't think at all that Rex has been framed. I think he has been identified and investigated during a period that corruption was tamped down, and the real investigation by the task force assembled by Rodney Harrison could get to work. Suffolk is a rough town, and unfortunately framing is not as unlikely a theory there as in other municipalities.

There are still people who wish things weren't so stirred up. One way to do damage control is pin things on a suspect and tell the public the case is solved. It would not be too surprising if Spota and company orchestrated something like framing a suspect, although I don't think that happened to Rex.

But guess what? The people who swept in to represent Asa and her family are the very people who would do a frame job like that. So, if he were framed, and I am not saying so, it would be by Asa's attorney's friends.

I am so thankful for Rodney Harrison's incredible work in bringing together the task force. It wasn't easy to persuade the FBI to come back to Suffolk! But he did it. And now, like any great leader, he created a task force that continues to work even in his absence.

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I have no reason believe she is in a dire financial situation. At the very least she has brought in $1,075,000 in the last year.

I guess it's possible she doesn't enjoy attention, but she is clearly choosing it. Or at least she has in the past. Her lawyers antics on her behalf have calmed down for the most part. He theoretically works for her, and in theory, she can tell him to stop doing TV.

Spota, a disgraced power broker in Suffolk County who's incarcerated, pulled strings for Macedonio to get his license to practice law after cocaine and bribery charges. Spota was part of the cabal that tried to prevent solving LISK. Now, someone who owes Spota a favor materialized to theoretically represent Asa, but instead he is just publicly defending Rex. "Asa doesn't see it." Give me a break. That is for Rex's benefit. And Asa could stop it.

I don't see it as Rex's defense. The wife obviously (to me) wasn't treated the same as his victims. She has not seen him at his worst.
CURRENTLY HAPPENING 6/27 WESTPORT, MA. 2 days, 18 cars, fbi, tent, etc. Going on right now in SE Ma, Westport area. May be unrelated, or info found on devices, or lead, but fbi involved and locals, etc. Dumping grounds, who knows

"According to spokesperson Kristen M. Setera of the FBI’s Boston Division, the agency’s Evidence Response Team is on the scene at Route 88 in Westport in connection with an ongoing, multi-jurisdictional investigation."

Read More:
FBI Searching for Evidence in Westport | FBI Searching for Evidence in Westport
I don't see it as Rex's defense. The wife obviously (to me) wasn't treated the same as his victims. She has not seen him at his worst.
That is the most pleasant theory. Asa is a witness, no doubt. But a combination of Rex's deception and her denial could make her unaware of the crimes until his first bail document.

But at this point, she would need a great deal of denial to not think it is at least possible that some terrible things happened. She knows everything you and I know about the investigation , and might know even more about the evidence. Framing? She's being represented by a person who owes a favor to the group who would frame a person to get rid of the case. And she has to by now have rethought some things...why did he use so many bottles of drain cleaner while I was away? Etc. She has to have seen something.

Why was she immediately told by HER lawyer not to talk about the case with Rex? That doesn't protect her interests; it protects his. (She might not want to make his situation worse- but then she should say though her attorney something like, "Asa has so many questions: she doesn't know the man in the charging documents. But she can't get answers from Rex because his attorney advises him not to talk about the case." All of her statements have been delivered in a strange, Rex-defending way.)

But guess what? The people who swept in to represent Asa and her family are the very people who would do a frame job like that. So, if he were framed, and I am not saying so, it would be by Asa's attorney's friends.

I am so thankful for Rodney Harrison's incredible work in bringing together the task force. It wasn't easy to persuade the FBI to come back to Suffolk! But he did it. And now, like any great leader, he created a task force that continues to work even in his absence.

It is my feeling that RH and perhaps some like-minded buddies have been protected - not framed.

Like you, I am so thankful for Rodney Harrison's incredible work in bringing together the task force
That is the most pleasant theory. Asa is a witness, no doubt. But a combination of Rex's deception and her denial could make her unaware of the crimes until his first bail document.

But at this point, she would need a great deal of denial to not think it is at least possible that some terrible things happened. She knows everything you and I know about the investigation , and might know even more about the evidence. Framing? She's being represented by a person who owes a favor to the group who would frame a person to get rid of the case. And she has to by now have rethought some things...why did he use so many bottles of drain cleaner while I was away? Etc. She has to have seen something.

Why was she immediately told by HER lawyer not to talk about the case with Rex? That doesn't protect her interests; it protects his. (She might not want to make his situation worse- but then she should say though her attorney something like, "Asa has so many questions: she doesn't know the man in the charging documents. But she can't get answers from Rex because his attorney advises him not to talk about the case." All of her statements have been delivered in a strange, Rex-defending way.)

I'm sure her attorney is representing her and not Rex. For sure the attorney is craving publicity (and has a strategy), they all are, especially John Ray. AE might not be familiar with her attorney's background or perhaps she can't afford to be too particular about it.

I'm sure her attorney is representing her and not Rex. For sure the attorney is craving publicity (and has a strategy), they all are, especially John Ray. AE might not be familiar with her attorney's background or perhaps she can't afford to be too particular about it.
RH was arrested on Thursday evening July 13th and by Friday he had a court assigned lawyer Michael Brown.
Over that weekend Asa had a lawyer too.
Bob Macedonio, who had a law firm/partner who was Michael Brown.
RH was arrested on Thursday evening July 13th and by Friday he had a court assigned lawyer Michael Brown.
Over that weekend Asa had a lawyer too.
Bob Macedonio, who had a law firm/partner who was Michael Brown.
I thought ct appointed too, but read hired. Meaning paid. Unrelated, but my mind went to: properties, Manhattan office, 1000s$ in guns, etc and why ct appointed Brown, but appears as if he is paid. Moo, but if you go w da, you either are a slam dunk winner or guilty as sin and a goner...
Are there any victims suspected to be linked to RH who were not sex workers?
Sandra Costilla has never been noted to be a sex worker. I've seen articles saying she had a "drifter" type of lifestyle.

As bright light streams into RH's twisted past, though, I'd be almost certain they're going to uncover (probably many) more murders of non-SWs. And definitely his earliest kills-- jmo, there will be more non-SWs if LE can penetrate deep enough, and it'll help if RH starts cooperating (like Cottingham), which may come later. Would be convinced there's more to come from RH's "records" as well, so am waiting and watching.
Meant to include this list with a comment some time, but now that it has already slipped in, leaving it, fwiw.
''Most Popular Stockholm Syndrome (condition in which hostages develop a psychological alliance with their captors during captivity) Movies''

''Residents had reported seeing people in FBI-branded clothing searching the wooded area off the side of the road over the past few days.
“We are searching for specific evidence and there is no threat to public safety,” Setera told WBSM.''

CURRENTLY HAPPENING 6/27 WESTPORT, MA. 2 days, 18 cars, fbi, tent, etc. Going on right now in SE Ma, Westport area. May be unrelated, or info found on devices, or lead, but fbi involved and locals, etc. Dumping grounds, who knows
That's very interesting. There are 8.53 miles from New Bedford to Westport in southwest direction and 13 miles (20.92 kilometers) by car, following the US-6 route.
From article: A spokesperson for the agency said the FBI's Evidence Response Team is out on Route 88 in Westport "in connection with an ongoing, multi-jurisdictional investigation."
One would wonder if RH is tied into the murders in New Bedford, the New Bedford Highway Killer.
Source: "The women, in their 20s and 30s, had ties to drugs and prostitution in the New Bedford area and began vanishing from the streets in March 1988. The first of the nine bodies recovered was discovered along Route 140 in New Bedford in July 1988."
Read More: After 35 Years New Bedford Highway Killings Remain Unresolved | After 35 Years New Bedford Highway Killings Remain Unresolved

Just found this for New Bedford Highway Killer: Victims were found along or near ramps for Interstate 195 and Route 140 and Route 88 in Freetown, Marion, Westport, and Dartmouth.

That's really interesting, honestly. People early on (including myself) have wondered about RH and a connection to New Bedford. And as another strange note, the name of one of the victims is Marilyn Roberts (RH alias "Andy Roberts")
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Who needs proof of murder ?
Does she think the evidence used against her husband in his bail applications/indictment/superseding indictments that list the most evil, heinous,desires and actions were just made up by the prosecution including the DNA evidence that connects her husband, daughter and herself?
If that in itself didn't make her cut all ties with husband then nothing will and expect her to continue defending him for years as the investigations continues and if he ever goes to trial and is convicted then come the appeals on each murder conviction.

Asa claims all she knows is what the media is reporting.
That in itself tells you that if she admits to having read all the evidence the prosecution has put forward against her husband then she couldn't try and play stupid, a ruse she failed miserably at.
Wouldn't most of us try to support a family member? And perhaps we might feel sure the accusation were wrong from what we KNOW. However, the evidence presented in the bail documents (available for AE) seems so conclusive -- he was leaving the office at 8:30 the night he was arrested; neighbors say he burned things late at night -- my memory would bring all those uneasy times back. Even if I had not known at the time, I feel fairly certain my memories and the evidence presented in the documents would take my mind to the truth. Perhaps she will remain outwardly supportive regardless. Some spouses do.
I couldn't agree more. It does not make sense to reserve judgment on the basics. Murder and dismemberment are bad; you don't need to see the evidence.

I understand supporting a family member accused of horrific crimes. You might think them not guilty; you might be in denial. You might understand their special circumstances and have more forgiveness than the general public. You might think they are just as guilty as the prosecutors are saying, but still want the best possible legal outcome for a loved one.

But it is manipulation to claim you have to wait for court to form an opinion if you are a family member. There is plenty of information for all of us to discuss. 14 threads and still going strong. Sharing that opinion? Optional. A family member can say they are remaining private. But they are certainly forming an opinion.

I understand that it is the opinion of the jurors that matters for conviction or acquittal. But a family member is not a juror. They don't have a responsibility to stay neutral in making their decision. It's the opposite; they are expected to have an opinion that the jury is to be protected from. Efforts are made to illicit only facts and not opinions from witnesses who might have a bias.

The wife obviously does not want privacy. She's sending her criminal lawyer everywhere to speak for her. She also signed a large contract to sell her connection to the alleged atrocities.

She's getting her side out in public. She's not waiting for more information.


I'm just trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, like we do all families of criminals. We don't know for a fact that she has read everything or exposed herself to the details in the media. Or that she's not in denial. If she has visited RH, I can see him continuing to manipulate her like he surely has in the past. I'll reserve judgment until after the trial.
Wouldn't most of us try to support a family member? And perhaps we might feel sure the accusation were wrong from what we KNOW. However, the evidence presented in the bail documents (available for AE) seems so conclusive -- he was leaving the office at 8:30 the night he was arrested; neighbors say he burned things late at night -- my memory would bring all those uneasy times back. Even if I had not known at the time, I feel fairly certain my memories and the evidence presented in the documents would take my mind to the truth. Perhaps she will remain outwardly supportive regardless. Some spouses do.

Sometimes it takes me years to reconcile certain behaviours in situations. Sometimes I have a revelation and say omg wth was I thinking? That time may yet be coming for her.
That's very interesting. There are 8.53 miles from New Bedford to Westport in southwest direction and 13 miles (20.92 kilometers) by car, following the US-6 route.
From article: A spokesperson for the agency said the FBI's Evidence Response Team is out on Route 88 in Westport "in connection with an ongoing, multi-jurisdictional investigation."
One would wonder if RH is tied into the murders in New Bedford, the New Bedford Highway Killer.
Source: "The women, in their 20s and 30s, had ties to drugs and prostitution in the New Bedford area and began vanishing from the streets in March 1988. The first of the nine bodies recovered was discovered along Route 140 in New Bedford in July 1988."
Read More: After 35 Years New Bedford Highway Killings Remain Unresolved | After 35 Years New Bedford Highway Killings Remain Unresolved

Just found this for New Bedford Highway Killer: Victims were found along or near ramps for Interstate 195 and Route 140 and Route 88 in Freetown, Marion, Westport, and Dartmouth.

That's really interesting, honestly. People early on (including myself) have wondered about RH and a connection to New Bedford. And as another strange note, the name of one of the victims is Marilyn Roberts (RH alias "Andy Roberts")
The list of victims suggests a Hispanic perp.

Sexually motivated serial killers generally kill what they are attracted to/what matters to them. Most of the victims are Hispanic.
The list of victims suggests a Hispanic perp.

Sexually motivated serial killers generally kill what they are attracted to/what matters to them. Most of the victims are Hispanic.
Had read were looking for specific evidence. Paper bags, buckets left the scene so they have evidence. Any, all sc, murderers convicted is a win, closure for all. If responsible for gilgo, Rex had taste for petite mostly. Hoisting, controlling easier. He did have Costilla, possibly Vergata which wld fit this bill...

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