UK Dillion Duffy, 18, ‘known to of got a train to London’ Oldham, 18 June 2024


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Feb 14, 2020
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Metropolitan Police has issued an appeal for help to track down a missing teenager from Oldham.

Dillon Duffy went missing from the Chadderton area on Tuesday (June 18). His mum Donna Duffy, who said she is 'living every parent's worst nightmare', said she had dropped him close to the Asda supermarket on Milne Street at around 8am and that he was supposed to go to his nearby workplace from there - but never showed up.

It has since been confirmed that Dillon caught a train to Stoke at around 3.35pm from Manchester Piccadilly. He then caught a train from Stoke to London Euston.


London taxi drivers have been urged to report any sightings of missing teenager, Dillon Duffy, who was last seen in the capital.

The 18-year-old's phone has been off since Tuesday afternoon, and his mother, Donna, reports that several of his social media accounts appear to have been deactivated.

Dillon was last seen by his family when his mother dropped him off near an Asda supermarket in Chadderton, Oldham, at 8am on Tuesday 18 June. Although he was supposed to go to work, he never arrived. It has since been confirmed that he took a train to Stoke from Manchester Piccadilly station around 3.35pm, and then another train to London Euston

Speaking to the Manchester Evening News today (June 24), Donna said she and her family still haven't heard anything from Dillon. She said there has no been activity on his social media accounts or his online banking.

She added that the teenager has been classed as 'low-risk' by police because he is 18 but that his disappearance was out of character. Donna said: "This is why we're doing a lot of social media posts ourselves now.

"There's not much the police can do as he's an 18-year-old boy. But I'm just worried for my son, I just want to know where he is. We think he's got no money. There's been no activity on social media
Is anyone on the Wink app or know how it works? Looks like a hookup app and is one of his most recent follows on IG. Not sure if it would be of any help, but if he is on there it might show location. Just a thought.

Also, do we know anything about the note he left, e.g. tone? I’m slightly wary of loads of people tracking down someone who just wants to leave and start a new life and isn’t vulnerable.
About the note, says in this article the note said how low he was feeling.
Urgent appeal for missing teen who "left a note" for his family
It might be fair to say Dillion had some struggles mentally but mum hadn’t noticed any warning signs and the note was totally out of the blue.
I find Dillion’s train ticket interesting. He clearly split the journey Manchester to Stoke, Stoke to Euston as it’s cheaper. He got the Stoke on Trent - Euston ticket on the day for £31 which seams cheap but I think he used 16/17 Saver card despite being 18.
In the Help Find Dillion Duffy Group today, family run group, posts from his mum indicates the East Yorkshire coastal areas being a possibility where Dillion may go based on some laptop evidence, Going to London via the train and then to East Yorkshire makes no sense to me.
Let’s hope he is found safe soon. He is supposed to go to Zante next week just with his mates. It would be sad if he misses this trip.
Police have launched a search for Dillon Duffy, 18, who disappeared from Manchester after his mum Donna dropped him at a local Asda, from where he was supposed to walk to his nearby workplace.

Instead, Donna revealed he never showed up and it's now believed he caught a train from Manchester Piccadilly to Stoke before travelling to London's Euston Station.

Dillon was last spotted at the central London station roughly 200 miles from his home nearly a week ago, and his family have now launched an appeal in hopes he will be found, reports the Mirror.

Speaking to the Manchester Evening News, Donna said the family has struggled to trace the teenager since he is believed to have arrived in London, with no sign of activity on social media. She said he has been classed as "low-risk" by police as he is 18, and that her family has built a social media campaign to help raise awareness of his disappearance.
Donna Duffy last saw her son Dillon when she dropped him off for work at Asda carpark in Chadderton on Tuesday, June 18.

Ms Duffy has said the 18-year-old's case has now been passed to the missing persons unit at the Metropolitan Police.

She said: "It's obviously a big police area and they're inundated with missing person's cases and so we're not really getting anywhere with that at the moment in terms of footage.

"It's vital that we get some CCTV footage of where he went after Euston station, my sister managed to get some footage for the police but that trail isn't being chased.

*This blanket was missing from Dillon's room, and his mother believes he has taken it with him (Image: Donna Duffy)

"It should lead to Euston square where we could find out if he got on another train or if he's still in London- we just don't even know at this point.

"We've come to a standstill."

Ms Duffy says there has been no sighting since he was missing and that her husband has even searched the Bridlington, on the Yorkshire coast due to a hunch based on Dillon's search history
Just the best news, Dillion is safe. This is his own story in his own words on the Find Dillion FB group

So where do I start with this well first of all I just want to say for the past day since ive managed to get wifi and a charger (since my phone died) I just want to say I did not expect me missing to blow up the way it has and have been sat here reading all your beautiful and kind and heart warming messages and iam so over whelmed and so grateful that so many of you care for me and just want me to be safe well I can assure you that Iam safe but I just miss everyone and would like to go home.


So far the past week or so it has been as you all aware I have been missing and wanted to explain to everyone the reasons and why because I feel like you should all know as you have all shown so much support and I am so grateful and cant thank everyone enough. So first off I turned 18 in march which then meant that I could legally do anything so as someone who has an addictive personality I think I do as I have been told by a few people I downloaded betting apps and casino apps and was hooked straight from the go it then developed into a habit and I was doing it more or less everyday I couldnt stop I was hooked so I used to stay up late at night just playing and playing I didn’t care If I won or lost I just liked the thrill of it at this point I had lost too much money and was always owing my mates money for when I got paid because I did it on there accounts sometimes but then the night before I went missing I had lost again and thought this was enough and was reaching breaking point…

Now because of my gambling and other things going on like how I was always getting high and just wanted to escape reality I began to feel very tired very down and reached an all time low and as someone who had never really sufferd from anxiety or depression I think it hit me the hardest because I didn’t know what to do or where to go It was like I had no structure in life as I wasn’t going gym no more I was more in my room just watching Tv or being on my phone all the time and as you know Iam supposed to be going zante next week and had needed to save spending money for it 850 approximately was what i needed for the week and I kept telling my mates that I had the money and that they didn’t need to worry but i felt horrible from keeping this from them and it was killing me inside because I had saved up nothing and wasted all my money on gambling so now there was something like 3 weeks i had to try and get the money and as the time went on I couldn’t save enough and was in desperate need because I didn’t want to disappoint my friends. So then my life began to fall apart more and more which it was I had lost all my confidence in myself as on the Saturday night when I went out for my mates 18th i was not myself at all. I had spiralled into this deep hole where I was lieing to the people I love I didn’t want to get out of bed as following up to this I had faked illness in work for a few days because I didn’t want to do anything and felt helpless so when I was in bed feeling very low I thought why dont I just go why dont I just go away and never come back I wasnt thinking about anyone else at this point because I was just so tired of it all and wanted to do what I wanted and didn’t think about the reprecusions. I also didn’t want to ask my parents for the money because I had already lied to them and said I have all the money so I didnt want to ask them because I thought they would grow suspicion of where it had all gone as i was ashamed and knew they would of been very upset and disappointed and ashamed of me.

So carrying on from the … this is now 2days before I plan to run away I go to my mates to watch the euros whatever and loose more money as now I just didn’t care and was chasing my losses I then went back to my house and knew I needed to go

So this is now the day I go I wake up in the morning and I get my mum to take me too work as usual but I tell her to drop me off at asda so I can get a drink but really I was going back to my house I just didn’t want to be seen by any of my fellow colleagues.
Then I got back to my house and realised I didn’t have any money left so I was thinking of a way I could get some money quick so I traded in my xbox for 180 pounds and shortly after went to the barbers and cut all my hair off as I didn’t want to be recognised by anyone it must of been my anxiety kicking in then when I went back to the house and brought some belongings with me and written a note to reassure my mum and dad that I will be okay Iam just going away for a while but really I was planning to end it all at that time I then bought a train ticket to london as I thought its a big city noone will be able to find me so now I was on the train to london and I removed the sim card in my phone so i couldnt be tracked I then got there and went to a park near by and just lay down on a bench and was contemplating everything that very night I travelled around london and found a place to stay in a park it was a horrible first night then the second day came and I thought this was it todays the day I end it all so at night I travelled out of euston on foot as I didn’t want to use transport incase I got seen on cctv so I was thinking of the easiest ways to go I thought of starving myself, jumping off a bridge, sliting my wrists and walking out in front of car so as I was walking I approached a bridge and thought this was it so as i walked closer and closer to it I began to think of everyone I loved and what they would do if I killed myself and how it would break the family and just everything so I began to shake and let out tears and just couldn’t pull myself to do it that night I walked alot and thought about everything the next day I woke up and the sun was shining it was so hot and I was in some forest and I thought life cant get any worse iam at rock bottom let me give life one last try so I went on a long walk and realised there is so much more to life and started to pay attention more to what was going on around me and decided to take a detox off my phone as well so no emotions could get to me i remember that day it was a good day I spoke to some homeless people and tried to relate with them and see why they carry on and one of them said I have a son that will not speak to me but I will not leave this life because I believe there is always a chance he might want to talk and for that is the reason I continue to live I felt emotional and began to think of my parents and sister and how much I love them. A few days went bye and I was slowly but surely beginning to feel okay with myself and realised it can only get better so over the few days I was walking everywhere I was in tottenham for a night then hertfordshire for two then I was in Watham and west minister for a night and more which I cant think of right now Hertfordshire was good because the people were all so nice and I began to try new things like I went to the church have started to read the bible but then day 7 came and it was getting late like 6pm and I remember because I wanted to watch England so I began my search to an other place and as I started walking trying to find another village or just some sort of place I ended up walking for over 5hrs that night it was awful I wanted to be swallowed by the universe because my legs were killing and everywhere turn I made was just a massive house I ended up staying outside one of them houses that night because I couldn’t find the end but when I was walking in the pitch black on narrow road surrounded by fields and big houses I just wanted to go home because I missed everyone so much. Now the next day came I missed home so I managed to get a charger for my phone and got wifi and looked on social media and couldn’t believe my eyes when I seen dillon duffy all over the news I was scared and didn’t know what to do at that moment I then saw loads of notifications from fb as this was the one social media account I forgot to log out of and saw this group about me and was gobsmacked when I seen over 20k members all looking for me I suddenly began reading the messages and was so overwhelmed and brought a tear to my eye how many people cared about me getting home and suddenly I felt loved by all of you and the only thing I wanted to do was text that Iam safe but I couldn’t pull myself to do it I was just so anxious of everything and just seeing everybody and having to explain it just felt impossible so I decided not to text and then the next day came and still was too scared to text and then today I thought I have to do it because I just miss everyone so much and want my family and bed back and hope they can forgive me and when I saw in a news article that my dad was looking for me for over 6 days it broke me and I knew I couldn’t put you through this anymore it was hurting me my family and everyone and the message that my mum wrote about what iam like brought me to tears

So I would just like to thank everyone for helping me because them messages mean everything and I am really grateful for everyone in my life and just want to go home so Mum Dad when you see this I love you I want to come home I will log onto snap so you can see my location and come get me I love you all


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