IN IN - Bryson Muir, 14, *poss in danger*, Logansport, last seen leaving Ohio w/his mother, Kristen Muir, Servant Leader’s Foundation, 16 Jun '24

Wright said she picked up Bryson near Toledo at the request of her daughter, noting that the Muirs were with an unidentified man at the time. When they came to pick up Bryson days later, Wright called the police.

She told WTHR that police informed her Bryson was likely moved into another vehicle in the short time between when they left her home and when they were pulled over by local police.

“Bryson is, I believe, somewhere else, and they just don’t want to bring him back, maybe they don’t want the police to see his face,” Wright said.
It was his grandmother that contacted police. It is very strange. I know it sounds far fetched, but could the grandmother and mom have arranged for someone to pick him up or he be dropped off with someone immediately. And the missing report is a smoke screen to keep him protected from the dad and his cult? MOO.
I was thinking along the same line. The Mother might have had someone from the Cult waiting nearby and passed Bryson off to them as well. The Police would have been looking for her car only. I hope you are right and Bryson is in safe hands.

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