GUILTY CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #71

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MT has not yet filed to appeal her conviction, correct? Coming up on 90 days, are we waiting on her public defender to file it?

JS has filed for dismissal of charges in the past and a mistrial and a 200 page missive iirc but we haven't seen an appeal of her conviction, have we?
Yes. 67 pages, multiple documents.

Gotcha, and thanks! Sounds like 67 pages from what's defined as the "Proposed Appendix" to Schoenhorn v Moss.

After viewing State Attorney Costello's "Preliminary Statement of the Issues" filed on 8/9/24, it's finally making sense that these 67 pages were likely uploaded in error and soon removed before most of us saw them at the Appeal link posted upthread since by all accounts, I don't think the actual Appellant Brief by team MT has yet been filed (per Costello's Statement). Also, taking note that it's only been a couple of weeks since MT's request for a public defender granted!

Nonetheless -- good to have the dets on Schoenhorn v Moss to see the lengths JLS was willing to go to -- i.e., trying to incorporate the Herman Report into his defense. MOO

We've had many discussions here about CT defendants released on pretrial bond who might be willing to forfeit their bond/collateral and escape.

That said, I recently came across the 1986 CT preppy rapist case (Alex Kelly) on American Justice, and was shocked to learn that the prosecutor did not oppose the defendant's request to relocate to Colorado to attend school while awaiting his trial!

It seems authorities were hoping for a win, win, situation since the defendant was constantly pushing the envelope with his evening curfew, and it became a challenge for the Darien PD to deal with the number of reports/complaints of sightings of the defendant out and about after his curfew. (While Kelly was equipped with an ankle monitor -- this was 1986 and technology on this date was proving less than adequate).

Perhaps the last straw that sealed the deal to allow Kelly to leave town until his trial was when the defendant was racing home with his girlfriend to beat curfew, and flipped his vehicle on the street --leaving his girlfriend injured on the road, while he raced home via the back woods-- arriving home just in time! What a jerk!

But more important -- allowed to leave the state, Kelly took further advantage when he applied for a passport in Colorado -- unknown to CT officials (again, low tech of 1986).

On the date of his CT trial, Kelly was a no-show and remained a fugitive for almost 9 years. Instead, he was lived the life of a EU ski-bum-- all courtesy of his monied parents.

Only in CT.... SMH.

@Seattle1, I'm glad you brought up this classic case of CT judiciary, local PD issues and great entitlement and how it sadly plays out in CT. As you point out, its also a case of "only in CT" aka Corrupicut at is absolute entitled worst imo! What was so sad is that Kelly was allowed with zero consequences to have the opportunity to rape multiple times and was never incarcerated and oddly he always managed to find a girlfriend to facilitate his criminal activities (he actually raped a woman in the seat of his then girlfriends car and that girlfriend wouldn't cooperate with police). His saga just never seemed to end and YET he was allowed to escape with zero consequences to those that helped it happen. What is also sad is that its likely that he was involved with other rapes that were not reported as in those days many sex related crimes (and DV for that matter too) were simply not reported.

Darien, CT is town adjacent to New Canaan and is located on beautiful Long Island Sound and sits between between I95 and Merritt Parkway and is about 45 mi-1 hr drive time to NYC (distance 35 miles). The town has long been a wealthy enclave where most commute daily to NYC which is about 1 hr on a good day on Metro North (most days sadly aren't good ime). Demographically Darien shares much in common with New Canaan as commuter towns to NYC.

Alex Kelly was long knows going back to middle school days as a 'bad apple/do nothing' locally and it was clear from all that happened that his parents facilitated and financed his escape AND YET he was given every privilege via the local Darien PD and CT Judiciary (similar to MT fwiw) as were his parents. The local outcry when he fled via his parents help was real BUT nothing was done to prosecute the parents for aiding and abetting a fugitive.

Here is an interesting NYT article from long ago that gives a bit of flavour on small town CT and Darien along with details from the case and Kelly's long history with local crime going back to HS days:

As @Seattle1 points out, only in CT FOLKS.....

FWIW I do think that the reason MT and Troconis crew pushed so hard for bond pending appeal was to facilitate her flight. It seemed pretty clear that MT and her family were NOT prepared for her conviction on all accounts and never seemed to believe that she would be immediately incarcerated upon conviction. Given that MT had spent nearly 5 years by the time of trial outside the jurisdiction and allowed to travel, I can see why she was surprised to be hauled away at sentencing as she had been extended the 'white glove' treatment by the Corrupticut courts.

In a way though I'm somewhat glad that she did get this treatment (I do think some jail time might have adjusted her behaviour and choices but thats another discussion for another day) as it makes it impossible to make any of the ridiculous constitutional claims that Horn seems to bring under his 'throwing pasta at the wall to see what sticks' brand of legal representation for his clients.

As others have said, its pretty incredible to think that someone accused of conspiracy to commit murder and assorted other charges (6 before 1 was tossed by Judge Randolph that I hope to see reinstated via appeal) escapes any (think it was 3 days total over the various charges) jail time and remains free for nearly 5 years pending trial. I would love to know how many other individuals in the US were extended similar privilege? My guess is few AND YET she and her family have conducted a persistent misinformation campaign maligning every aspect of her treatment by the CT Judiciary. Stunning stuff imo.

Gotcha, and thanks! Sounds like 67 pages from what's defined as the "Proposed Appendix" to Schoenhorn v Moss.

After viewing State Attorney Costello's "Preliminary Statement of the Issues" filed on 8/9/24, it's finally making sense that these 67 pages were likely uploaded in error and soon removed before most of us saw them at the Appeal link posted upthread since by all accounts, I don't think the actual Appellant Brief by team MT has yet been filed (per Costello's Statement). Also, taking note that it's only been a couple of weeks since MT's request for a public defender granted!

Nonetheless -- good to have the dets on Schoenhorn v Moss to see the lengths JLS was willing to go to -- i.e., trying to incorporate the Herman Report into his defense. MOO

Yes, the Horn v. Moss case was when I first started scratching my head about the entire fog around the discredited report as it related or not to MT defense. IDK if there was a legal reason for all that he did or whether it was pursued as a personal affront to his arrogant self when he was legally told to "buzz off" by Family Court? Did Horn do it on his own behalf or was he paid to do it by the Troconis family? IME the Horn pursuit of Moss had an oddly personal aspect to it that was to me at least unclear as to its purpose. Horn went to the matt and back again and truly looked ridiculous at his hearings at the appellate level imo. But, imo his motions were largely unintelligible and so I found it more helpful to read the document prepared by AG Tong who ime laid out the issues at play much more clearly that the Horn 'hot mess' documents.

So many attorney's that I've spoken to casually about this Horn quest for the discredited report and sealed Family Court testimony seem to think that it was all just a ruse to reach for a legal document and transcripts that could not be accessed under any circumstances and was a tactic used because the defence really had zero to work with after MT sunk herself via lying continually in the LE Interviews for 6 hrs.

Horn did all that he could to access the discredited report and I do wonder if it was all simply part of the overall appeal issue that MT was never allowed a fair trial due to lack of access to this discredited and sealed document? Hard to say. What is curious though is that ime its doubtful there is anything in the discredited report of factual value to her defense and so I wonder if its all just about access to something that cannot be legally accessed for her defense? IDK. Sounds like a trojan horse or 'fake out' to me but I'm just a simple minded non atty?!?

We have seen Horn and Mini Horn push beyond Judge's orders many times and we have also seen them both 'misstate aka lie ime' to the Judge at various times both in the trial and in the pretrial period imo. Attorney's that don't follow the Court rules have no boundaries and certainly no ethical standards and sadly this is who MT had representing her after Atty Bowman. I had always wished that the State pushed back hard for sanctions with all the leaks of evidence, publishing to the public via motion exhibits and speaking to the press on confidential and sealed matters by Horn and Mini Horn but unfortunately (and not surprisingly) this never happened EVEN AFTER Jon Schoenhorn decided to illegally imo harbour critical case evidence in his office with MT DNA on it iirc too and not turn it over to CSP FOR OVER A YEAR! Simply no words for no sanctions imposed either by Judge or CT Judiciary but its par for the course in Corrupticut unfortunately.

I do hope that the CT Judiciary made request to Horn to return ALL copies of the discredited report that he and mini Horn had in their possession. Not holding my breath on this as CT Judiciary hasn't seemed to care much about the report, its contents or protecting the victim/s in this sorry case. I fully expect to one day wake up and see the report in its entirety available on the internet. I do hope that if the State doesn't secure the copies of the discredited report that Gloria Farber and her representative seek civil action to do so but not sure this will happen either as sadly they haven't proven willing to use the legal process yet to protect the legal of Jennifer Faber Dulos.

Just in case anyone wants a better weekend I thought I’d share that York Correctional is on lockdown.
That means no in person visits, no video calls and no phone calls either. Oh and it’s brutally hot and humid here in CT so it’s just one hot mess in there!!
@ajksmom, thanks for the update.

HOUSE ON FIRE! Good to see MT 'roasting in HELL' for a bit!

So JS is the plaintiff in the above matter, as "a citizen". What? Why? How? Huh?

He seems to think it was wrongly sealed due to reasons. Transparency. And that IIUC the clerk was error somehow. He seems to think he is entitled to a full transcript, including the portion (4 pages?) that are missing (where the report was discussed, then sealed). But JS went to trial knowing it was off-limits.

Does he think he can get it unsealed?

Or is he going to try to claim that an improper sealing prevented MT from accessing exculpatory evidence as basis for appeal? Then will he turn around and claim double jeopardy.

Whatever he's up to, it stinks.

Yes, he did all this as an individual. Yes, whole thing stinks. Yes, Horn stinks too.

What I never understood is that the Clerk was simply following the order of Judge Heller which was quite clear and was on the record and accessible to all as to the intent of the ruling.

What enraged me about this was that the clerk was forced to legally defend herself in this matter of frivolous harrassment by Horn. IDK if she was represented by State or got compensated to defend herself for simply following the orders of Judge Heller? IDK how this works but for Horn to go after a regular working person just doing their job seemed to be scraping the bottom of the barrel and looking for any angle he could to rope in the discredited report.

Curious he went after clerk and not Judge Heller who issued the order. Wonder why?

Was the brief pulled? I'm only finding the 3 page Appeal form at link. Thanks.
@Seattle 1, I don't see any appeal filed yet and just see notice of intent to file.

I thought that the reason MT filed for access to free representation from the State was that this status would then allow her to get the case court documents (supposedly over $75,000 to get copies) that she needed without charge as the burden was on her to provide these documents as part of her appeal case? The local attorneys that spoke about the appeal process on TV had said that preparation of the appeal will take a long time but that the notice of appeal filing was time sensitive.

Do think its stunning that not only does the State of CT have to pay to house MT for 14 years but also pay for her ongoing abuse of the CT Legal System via an appeal that will with great certainty prove fruitless! Its the process of things I guess with the legal system but the entire situation of MT selling/transferring her 50% share of condo with an estimated value of iirc $325,000 or so and then claiming to be 'indigent' is simply enraging. I have zero faith that CT State Prosecutors did anything to investigate MT finances, look at her tax returns or how she has been supporting herself while out on bond etc. And so, just seems like simply more abuse of the legal system.

I do wonder if State is monitoring her inmate account at York to see where her money is coming from? I was going to send her a 'twinkie' via the inmate account system but the process was a bit too involved imo and she isn't worth the time or a twinkie fwiw!

Yes, he did all this as an individual. Yes, whole thing stinks. Yes, Horn stinks too.

What I never understood is that the Clerk was simply following the order of Judge Heller which was quite clear and was on the record and accessible to all as to the intent of the ruling.

What enraged me about this was that the clerk was forced to legally defend herself in this matter of frivolous harrassment by Horn. IDK if she was represented by State or got compensated to defend herself for simply following the orders of Judge Heller? IDK how this works but for Horn to go after a regular working person just doing their job seemed to be scraping the bottom of the barrel and looking for any angle he could to rope in the discredited report.

Curious he went after clerk and not Judge Heller who issued the order. Wonder why?


The state AG's office represented Moss. But since it was Horn v. Moss, I don't know how Horn can appeal a decision in that case that would apply to State of CT v. Troconis (unless trying for collateral estoppel?) Further, AIR the court ruled that he brought his action in the wrong trial court, that to obtain the full transcript--and challenge the sealing-- he should've filed his action in the Dulos v. Dulos divorce action court. So IMO he had the opportunity to do that after the decision, but he didn't do it. And you can't appeal something to a higher court if you didn't do that something in the lower court. MOO.
@Seattle1, I'm glad you brought up this classic case of CT judiciary, local PD issues and great entitlement and how it sadly plays out in CT. As you point out, its also a case of "only in CT" aka Corrupicut at is absolute entitled worst imo! What was so sad is that Kelly was allowed with zero consequences to have the opportunity to rape multiple times and was never incarcerated and oddly he always managed to find a girlfriend to facilitate his criminal activities (he actually raped a woman in the seat of his then girlfriends car and that girlfriend wouldn't cooperate with police). His saga just never seemed to end and YET he was allowed to escape with zero consequences to those that helped it happen. What is also sad is that its likely that he was involved with other rapes that were not reported as in those days many sex related crimes (and DV for that matter too) were simply not reported.

Darien, CT is town adjacent to New Canaan and is located on beautiful Long Island Sound and sits between between I95 and Merritt Parkway and is about 45 mi-1 hr drive time to NYC (distance 35 miles). The town has long been a wealthy enclave where most commute daily to NYC which is about 1 hr on a good day on Metro North (most days sadly aren't good ime). Demographically Darien shares much in common with New Canaan as commuter towns to NYC.

Alex Kelly was long knows going back to middle school days as a 'bad apple/do nothing' locally and it was clear from all that happened that his parents facilitated and financed his escape AND YET he was given every privilege via the local Darien PD and CT Judiciary (similar to MT fwiw) as were his parents. The local outcry when he fled via his parents help was real BUT nothing was done to prosecute the parents for aiding and abetting a fugitive.

Here is an interesting NYT article from long ago that gives a bit of flavour on small town CT and Darien along with details from the case and Kelly's long history with local crime going back to HS days:

As @Seattle1 points out, only in CT FOLKS.....

FWIW I do think that the reason MT and Troconis crew pushed so hard for bond pending appeal was to facilitate her flight. It seemed pretty clear that MT and her family were NOT prepared for her conviction on all accounts and never seemed to believe that she would be immediately incarcerated upon conviction. Given that MT had spent nearly 5 years by the time of trial outside the jurisdiction and allowed to travel, I can see why she was surprised to be hauled away at sentencing as she had been extended the 'white glove' treatment by the Corrupticut courts.

In a way though I'm somewhat glad that she did get this treatment (I do think some jail time might have adjusted her behaviour and choices but thats another discussion for another day) as it makes it impossible to make any of the ridiculous constitutional claims that Horn seems to bring under his 'throwing pasta at the wall to see what sticks' brand of legal representation for his clients.

As others have said, its pretty incredible to think that someone accused of conspiracy to commit murder and assorted other charges (6 before 1 was tossed by Judge Randolph that I hope to see reinstated via appeal) escapes any (think it was 3 days total over the various charges) jail time and remains free for nearly 5 years pending trial. I would love to know how many other individuals in the US were extended similar privilege? My guess is few AND YET she and her family have conducted a persistent misinformation campaign maligning every aspect of her treatment by the CT Judiciary. Stunning stuff imo.

Really good article. I remember well the Alex Kelly case. And the descriptions of Darien are spot on.
Yes, he did all this as an individual. Yes, whole thing stinks. Yes, Horn stinks too.

What I never understood is that the Clerk was simply following the order of Judge Heller which was quite clear and was on the record and accessible to all as to the intent of the ruling.

What enraged me about this was that the clerk was forced to legally defend herself in this matter of frivolous harrassment by Horn. IDK if she was represented by State or got compensated to defend herself for simply following the orders of Judge Heller? IDK how this works but for Horn to go after a regular working person just doing their job seemed to be scraping the bottom of the barrel and looking for any angle he could to rope in the discredited report.

Curious he went after clerk and not Judge Heller who issued the order. Wonder why?

Because Judge Heller likely could hurt him far more than the clerk could.
Because Judge Heller likely could hurt him far more than the clerk could.
Yes, agree but the Clerk job is to follow admin protocols but the ruling came from the Judge. Judge Heller in this case and so to go after someone charged with filing paperwork doesn't make much sense to me. IDK. His entire lawsuit made little sense. Perhaps some attorney somewhere can explain it but it all just seems odd and OTT imo. MOO
Yes, agree but the Clerk job is to follow admin protocols but the ruling came from the Judge. Judge Heller in this case and so to go after someone charged with filing paperwork doesn't make much sense to me. IDK. His entire lawsuit made little sense. Perhaps some attorney somewhere can explain it but it all just seems odd and OTT imo. MOO

Clearly, JLS failed this matter (sleuthing court docs) as a practicing defense attorney and just couldn't let it go so filed his complaint as Jack/Jane Public-- taking on the the Court-- citing a technicality of not giving required Public legal notice that the hearing would be closed to the public. Except this did not apply because the family court hearing was not closed to the public until it the disruption occurred with a testifying witness, where the Court had discretion to close the hearing.

Personally, I don't view this any different than MT allegedly going to NY Court as Jack/Jane Public to view documents by related parties to Jennifer. Court sealed docs would not have been available here either! More important, they have nothing to do with the murder case and would never be admitted as evidence at trial. What's the saying... 'curiosity killed the cat.' JMO

Thanks for linking the update, @sds71.

Relative to the latest or the Docketing Statement of 8/12, more specifically, Statement "B" --citing there are no pending appeals involving the same controversy or issues closely related, there is a pending appeal filed by the DA's office protesting the trial Court's decision to vacate the conviction for conspiracy to commit tampering.

Granted, this appeal was not by the petitioner here but an issue closely related. Also, I doubt reversing the trial court's decision would have any effect on the defendant's net sentence. JMO
And finally, from the 8/12 'Preliminary Statement of the Issues' -- MT's itemized issues 1-20 that they intend to pursue in the Appeal, all have been argued before, to no avail.

IMO, there's no reason to anticipate anything other than the trial court's verdict affirmed!

And specific to item #4-- any Court that's had to suffer JLS circular arguments would understand the trial court telling the defense-- even in the presence of the jury, that cross examination about certain matters was a "waste of time." And too bad the appellant did not identify the matter here! MOO

Yes, agree but the Clerk job is to follow admin protocols but the ruling came from the Judge. Judge Heller in this case and so to go after someone charged with filing paperwork doesn't make much sense to me. IDK. His entire lawsuit made little sense. Perhaps some attorney somewhere can explain it but it all just seems odd and OTT imo. MOO
Honestly, I think that Schoenhotn going after the clerk was simply a “dog and pony show”. He had to cobble together something to satisfy the Troconis Clan, since they were paying him plenty. And-they have all focused on that psych evaluation, which they all know will not officially see the light of day; it’s my belief that Schoenhorn & Co wanted to turn this report, which really has nothing whatsoever to do with MT, into the missing piece of her innocence puzzle.
So I had to ho to New Canaan today for something, and decided (for the first time) to take a trip to see Jennifer’s home on Welles Lane. I was surprised to see that Welles was a cul-de-sac, and that the houses were much closer together than I expected them to be. It is therefore quite surprising to me that no one saw or heard anything on the morning of May 24th 2019.
So I had to ho to New Canaan today for something, and decided (for the first time) to take a trip to see Jennifer’s home on Welles Lane. I was surprised to see that Welles was a cul-de-sac, and that the houses were much closer together than I expected them to be. It is therefore quite surprising to me that no one saw or heard anything on the morning of May 24th 2019.
I drove by a few years ago (did you see how they have changed the house number?).
There is no doubt in my mind that the detectives have it right that JS came in from the backyard. I don’t think the neighbors can see the garage from their home. It was too early for anyone to be outside - neighbors would have gotten into their cars in their garage as the garage door opened making a loud noise that would probably muffle any cries for help and then just drive away. Tragic!
I drove by a few years ago (did you see how they have changed the house number?).
There is no doubt in my mind that the detectives have it right that JS came in from the backyard. I don’t think the neighbors can see the garage from their home. It was too early for anyone to be outside - neighbors would have gotten into their cars in their garage as the garage door opened making a loud noise that would probably muffle any cries for help and then just drive away. Tragic!

New Canaan Advertiser: It also has a new address — 71 Welles Lane. The property, which was previously known as 69 Welles Lane, was purchased in 2005 for $1.6 million with the home built in 2016. Requests for address changes are often made to conceal that a crime once occurred on the property.
However, Karp said that’s not why he requested the address change. Karp said it was a “personal preference.”
A few weeks ago, Karp applied to the Department of Public Works and “it was pretty instant” that the number was changed, he said.
“I’ve changed numbers before,” Karp said. “It’s kind of a feng shui kind of thing. It has always bothered me. It bothered me when I bought it.”

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