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  1. S

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    His FB page says he is a financial planner, but this link: FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. says: LOUIS G. PELLETIER CRD# 2340931 Not Licensed...
  2. S

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    But I was referring to their much more recent claims that Justina was harassed at the Framingham facility and had her teeth broken. No one has reported any calls to the police about those allegations, which are very serious charges. If her teeth are broken, that would be easy to verify. The...
  3. S

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    But no lawsuit has been filed, has it? Just more bluster from the family, I fear. I am surprised, if they really truly believed Justina was being physically harmed, that they did not call 911 or immediately file some kind of suit.
  4. S

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    Wait what??? Could the family now be claiming that using a feeding tube, which they approved and actually demanded, is force-feeding? I have not read that any of those other claims have been substantiated. I do know that the media would have jumped on those shocking allegations and written...
  5. S

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    Thanks for stating exactly what I fear is true, Linda7NJ. A lot of the right-wing websites, such as Liberty Voice, claim some "anonymous billionaire" is paying the Pelletiers' legal bills. But apparently he doesn't do real estate bills.... IF such a person actually exists. one such posting...
  6. S

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    Because I live in the same town, I have been following this case closely. I can tell you that very very few WH residents have publically supported the family, either in rallies or letters to editors or comments on stories. There may be some supporters using screen names, but almost no one...
  7. S

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    FWIW, my understanding of doctor shopping vs. second opinions is this: If you get medical advice from your primary physician that requires some sort of risky or serious procedure, it is wise to see at least one more doc to get confirmation of the diagnosis or proposed treatment. If the two...
  8. S

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    Oh dear. It's becoming every more clear that Justina is not the only family member who needs psychiatric help.
  9. S

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    If he plans to start locally, he will have to move somewhere else. I live in the same town and can tell you that it is solidly Democratic/Progressive, with a long history of rejecting extremist views. Even the Republicans on our town council are pretty much old-school good-government New England...
  10. S

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    And this: People toss around the word "flu" to mean almost any kind of intestinal upset, not actual influenza. That's misleading and not too bright, but it is common. But for reporters to then use the word flu without confirming that is what she had, is terribly wrong and unethical. They should...
  11. S

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    This is vital and important info, AnnaHanna. Thanks for posting it. It is so frustrating to keep learning that over and over, things the family swears to be true turn out to be wildly exaggerated or just plain false. Add to that the frustration of reading "news" stories that accept their...
  12. S

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    Let's remember that Justina would have been returned to CT, per the recommendation of BCH, to a facility about 20 minutes from the Pelletier home LAST JUNE, a full year ago, if the family had agreed to the placement. This info is in the judge's report and has been quoted in various stories...
  13. S

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    It seems hardly credible that a social worker could overrule a staff physician. Since the family is prone to exaggeration..."Justina was kdinapped! Justina was harassed! Justina is at death's door! .... I choose not to take his word for anything related to the events at BCH. But if there is any...
  14. S

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    My thanks to you and AnnaHanna for your kind words. Happily, the problem I wrote about is long gone, and my child is now a fully functioning (in every way!) adult. I remain deeply curious about the role Dr. Flores did or did not play when Justina was admitted to BCH. He sounds like a good...
  15. S

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    So sorry to hear about your child's problems. I wish you both the best. I am the mother of a child who had the condition called encopresis: withholding bowel movements for psychological reasons (perhaps triggered by some especially painful movements that cause fear...we never learned what...
  16. S

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    From her mother's own description, quoted earlier here in other posts, no "fantastic results" were happening while she was on the mito treatment BEFORE she was hospitalized at BCH, either. She was very ill, and that is why she was taken there. And because neither Tufts nor BCH nor the...
  17. S

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    Well, that's my point. The family says something, and then reporters quote them, and then still more reporters just state the same information, without attribution to the family, as established fact. And often no such fact has been independently confirmed. I'm a journalist and have been deeply...
  18. S

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    ---- Thanks for this. There are a lot of "suggestions' and "could be's" in this complex story. We will probably never know for certain that either Pelletier sister has mito. But there has been a lot of sloppy reporting that states it as fact.
  19. S

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    Can anyone cite a link or source that confirms the statement that Justina's older sister had a muscle biopsy and was positively diagnosed with mitochondrial disease? I have seen references to the family and its supporters saying that is a fact, but cannot recall ever seeing any objective...
  20. S

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    Thanks, Annahanna, for one of the best posts I have seen on this sad case. This is very valuable information, and, in my opinion, right on the money.

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