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DNA Solves
  1. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    What a disturbing story! Unfortunately, I think this sort of thing will just become the new norm. It's been happening regarding bullying and fights with teens (even a rape at a teen party, a couple of years ago, in B.C)--where the teens don't even worry about their faces being shown. Now, it...
  2. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    And add to the emotional scars, the side-effects of his meds (sexual dysfunction). Not surprising then, that he was a dud. That could certainly lead to frustration, as well as depression, especially in his line of work.
  3. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    Oh, it certainly could have. LM's "sexy" fantasy of what prison is like would have been quashed with harsh reality. Maybe it would've even given him the psychiatric help he needed--a sort of intervention. We'll never know. However, that is even more reason for professionals to understand how...
  4. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    It wouldn't have worked, and probably would have back-fired badly, and made things even worse (adding to LM's lament of being stalked, framed and persecuted). Vigilantism is never the answer. The kitten killings were most likely done in Canada, so legally, how could the police have arrested...
  5. P

    Crimes Involving Animals

    The Rescue Ink/Ron Jeremy scheme--are you kidding me? While I in no way have any sympathy for LM, and he deserves to be locked up for a long time, vigilantism isn't the answer. I don't see how luring him to the U.S. would have been legal, as the kitten killings were most likely done in Canada...
  6. P

    **GRAPHIC**- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder: ***DISCUSSION OF THE VIDEO ONLY***

    It all depends--if he was willing to do more than just plain sex. If he was at all into the fetish/scat and/or S&M stuff that he wrote to the NY lawyer about, then that is a whole different clientele--and I would imagine it would pay better?
  7. P

    ***GRAPHIC*** The Missing Head

    I had a thought: could the head have been in a box? A package? Some kind of bag or container? Maybe that's why it wasn't so "visible". That would also then technically make it the 5th package, as per LM's notes (though it was not mailed). He might have decided that it wouldn't be a good idea...
  8. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    The problem with child abuse, is that it is the "silent" abuse. So much shame is inflicted, that most children do not tell anyone, and often it isn't until well into adulthood, that the "secret" is divulged. As for proof of abuse, other than the child's word, there usually isn't any...
  9. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    And...that teacher was arrested (and pled guilty) for being involved in an internet child *advertiser censored* ring.
  10. P

    LM's Online Personae

    So many sick people out there, that want *their* 15 minutes of fame. And not thinking of the consequences! Now her whole "business" is out there--complete with full name, photos, family photos, name of the town where she lives. I mean--are these people brain dead? What happened to all the...
  11. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    Interesting. Sounds very encouraging, actually. LM's lawyers will have a hard time trying to go the insanity route. I liked the following phrase from the article-- "Magnotta - a native of Toronto who dabbled in *advertiser censored* acting". LM has gone from *advertiser censored* "star", to *advertiser censored* "actor", and now, just a...
  12. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    Another thing--"no abuse reported" doesn't necessarily mean there was no abuse--just that it wasn't reported. Many children that were abused never tell anyone.
  13. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    Actually, it seems that Ted Bundy was likely mentally and verbally abused, at the very least. His childhood was far from idyllic. As for the others, who really knows? There are always exceptions. But yes--the...
  14. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    There are apparently 8 *advertiser censored* videos out there, from 2003-2010, most of them done between 2003-2006. Not at all hard to find out there--I came across a couple myself, while browsing (did *not* watch). But I was surprised at the time how easy it was to bump into stuff like that. :what:
  15. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    I'm not sure about this, but transgender isn't the same as transexual. So a transgendered person will still have his/her "original" sexual parts. It's just that they identify themselves with the opposite gender, and dress, act, live life as that gender. A transsexual will go through more...
  16. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    Something occurred to me: LM always lists himself as "bisexual", yet has he ever really had a sexual relationship (not counting alleged abuse) with a woman? Does he even find them sexually attractive? All his *advertiser censored* has been gay *advertiser censored*, gay escort, and his relationships have been either with men...
  17. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    Possibly. Or...the wanting to be raped is just fantasy. It's quite common for child sexual abuse victims to have rape fantasies. In fantasies, one has control.
  18. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    Interesting perspective--I hadn't thought of it in that way, before. Another possibility is that he is a masochist, and "needs" to feel pain--to feel *anything*. Whether to punish himself (because of past abuse), or the way a cutter does self-mutilation, or even to feel sexual gratification...
  19. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    I would think he wouldn't. With his long-term mental health issues, he would have had a good reason to see a psychiatrist, and have years worth of therapy. My guess is that an "audience" of one wouldn't have been enough for him. Either that, or he might have been afraid of a doctor deeming him...

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