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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. MountE

    State v Bradley Cooper 3.14 .2011 - 3.?.??

    Mr Duncan is so laid back... Cross examination is starting. He is being asked him about the hours he spent speaking to LE about the investigation and why he or his x-wife never told LE that BC 'hit' on his x-wife. He is asked about the time he 'hit' on NC. He does not remember 'hitting' on NC...
  2. MountE

    INTL - Alessia & Livia Schepp (twins), 6, 30 Jan 2011 - Italy, Switzerland and France

    Hello! As coincidences would have it - I'm in Marseilles. My heart breaks for the poor Mother.
  3. MountE

    INTL - Alessia & Livia Schepp (twins), 6, 30 Jan 2011 - Italy, Switzerland and France

    Oh dear that never even dawned on me that could have been another reason to withdraw that amount of cash...I'd thought it was to give it to someone to pay to mind the twins until... As you can see I'm new to sleuthing and a bit green under the gills!
  4. MountE

    INTL - Alessia & Livia Schepp (twins), 6, 30 Jan 2011 - Italy, Switzerland and France

    The husband committed suicide on Thursday Feb 3. He reserved tickets to go to Corscia on Monday Jan 31 and was seen driving onto the boat, the twin girls have not been seen since. It has been reported that he withdrew a lot of cash and the hope is that maybe this money was used to have somebody...

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