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  1. miss_vegemite

    Please go to the "support l&p" thread to ask questions. Tony on that thread now.

    Where do you draw the line Tony, if there is there a line? If Casey is not forthcoming with any information where Caylee is or who supposedly has kidnapped her, how long it it, until you have had enough of her lies? Can you revoke the bail if she mucks you around?
  2. miss_vegemite

    Please go to the "support l&p" thread to ask questions. Tony on that thread now.

    Tony, if things don't go as you plan with Casey, can you revoke the bail??
  3. miss_vegemite

    MI - Updates On Stanley Case-2008

    Hi commongrackle:) What you say is pretty spot on!! I have a feeling that the defence will use 'reasonable doubt', regarding the parent (s) involvement!! The fact that DNA was not taken from the bed sheet will also be another factor in Jame's trial. In my opinion, I believe James is...
  4. miss_vegemite

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #88

    If you were locked up in prison, accused of child neglect, wouldn't you be screaming to be let out to find your daughter.....if you were innocent?
  5. miss_vegemite

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #87

    Yes her smile and something in her eyes also. Take away this case, and there is just something I don't like about her lol... :confused: As for logical, I agree with you. Nothing so far, she has done seems logical. So, that could throw my reasoning out the door!!
  6. miss_vegemite

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #87

    There is something in all the pictures of Casey that I've seen (in her eyes, I think) that gives me the creeps...something definately not right!
  7. miss_vegemite

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #87

    Yep, I agree. Cindy has been Casey's enabler all the way through. George finally had enough of it, filed for divorce...they decided to try and work together and give Casey some boundaries. Although I imagine this would have been pretty hard for Cindy to do, as she seems to be manipulated by...
  8. miss_vegemite

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #87

    We are on the same page here. I still think the GPs are treading very carefully. Playing along with her games. Hoping she will come around, and tell them where Caylee is. I have a feeling they really believe that Caylee 'Is Ok' and that Casey has hidden her somewhere to punish them....
  9. miss_vegemite

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #87

    Good points Themis. I can't imagine that Casey, would just overnight, turn into a problem daughter. I can imagine she has been a 'problem child' for many years. When she got pregnant and had Caylee, then she really had some power over Cindy. Using Caylee as her bargaining chip. I daresay...
  10. miss_vegemite

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #87

    I wonder the same RR0004. I have a feeling GP had reached his limit with Casey's lying, stealing ways.
  11. miss_vegemite

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #87

    I agree Themis. I think George did just make up that story re: tire chocks. I think he demanded Casey open the trunk because he knew she had stolen them. I imagine she was pretty defiant, as seems her personality.
  12. miss_vegemite

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #87

    Trying to keep up with this case, so I'm sorry if this has already been asked, but does anything think that Cindy suspected Casey of stealing the gas cans, so she rang Casey up and told her to get them back there asap, as her Dad had reported them stolen?
  13. miss_vegemite

    Gas Grill Recall

    This doesn't really relate to me, as I haven't even heard of the 'perfect flame gas grill"..although I guess It's like a barbeque. But what struck me, was the guy Chris Jeffers, from Tulsa who, rather than take any money just wanted to help get the word out there and make people aware. He is...
  14. miss_vegemite

    Saudi Arabia Bans Sale of Cats and Dogs in an effort to keep the sexes apart

    Absolutely crazy:confused: I can't help but wonder what happens to the 'confiscated pet':eek:
  15. miss_vegemite

    Beautiful pics of White Lion Cubs

    Awww thanks for the story Ciara, they are soo beautiful. I would love to cuddle one. I remember loving the tv show 'kimba the white lion'..
  16. miss_vegemite

    Poor bear, there had to be a better way

    That poor bear. I also can't understand why they didn't just tranquilize him:mad:
  17. miss_vegemite

    Boy's arm amputated after family pit bull attacks

    Grrrr this makes me angry:furious:

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