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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. C


    According to the adoption paper reproduced in Untying the Knot, the final adoption decree was issued on February 20, 1991. It is on page 142 in the illustrations section.
  2. C


    Just to be clear, JMB actually adopted CB, so he was an adoptive father, not a stepfather. A lot of the allegations of abuse against him came out after the first documentary was released. A lot more came out after his wife died. IMO, it's very possible that these allegations are simply people...
  3. C

    Viable suspect: Damien Echols

    No. I'm suggesting that they exaggerated his mental condition in order for him to be eligible for SSI. The defense doctor merely used what was there in an effort to reduce the penalty, or sentence. Mitigating circumstances, you know. As I said, since it didn't work, maybe there's not a lot...
  4. C

    GK's convoluted theory... what's yours? Please share!

    Glad to know someone else is questioning the reason that TH has such "Teflon" status! As to the bite mark, my only guess is that the failure to investigate based on this dynamite must have something to do with the "Teflon" status of TH. What does he know? Again, maybe May 5th will provide...
  5. C


    Yes, the case needs to be reopened. I sincerely doubt that those wishing to reopen the case are going to make everything they have public - until the case is reopened. The bite mark, IMO, is very interesting. I just wish it weren't "out there" as it could destroy its evidentiary value. May...
  6. C

    Viable suspect: Damien Echols

    You do know that Exhibit 500 was presented by the defense during the penalty phase, right? I don't think he necessarily wants to deny it, but, again, I think it was exaggerated in an attempt to avoid the DP. Since it didn't work, the judge must not have thought that there was any merit to it -...
  7. C

    Getting the random grey box/can't post or edit posts thing... again

    I thought I posted, but don't see it. So, I'll try again. My problem is with the West Memphis Three Forum. I seldom post elsewhere. I use Firefox, Windows Vista and a laptop. When I go to the forum, the threads are all there, but, when you open one, all you can see is the first page of...
  8. C

    Thread Display Problem 24 April 2015

    It's the entire forum. The threads are listed, but there are no "boxes" for pages. All you can get is the first page. You can reply, and you'll see your reply, but then you can't see it again. I changed the display to "threaded" and you can access each post, one at a time. It's a real pain...
  9. C

    Viable suspect: James Kenny Martin

    It's the whole forum!
  10. C

    Viable suspect: James Kenny Martin

    The other threads are working fine (I think). Hopefully, they'll fix this soon. Uh oh! No they're not!
  11. C

    Viable suspect: Damien Echols

    I don't think it was all made up. I simply believe it was exaggerated. Problem is, even if Damien were a raging psychopath, it doesn't make him a murderer. There is absolutely no irrefutable evidence to support his conviction. With that said, assessing the Death Penalty in this case was...
  12. C

    Viable suspect: James Kenny Martin

    I still can't see anything in this thread past page one! Please! Someone PM me and tell me what to do! The other pages don't even show up as an option, and I can't even see my own posts except right after I post them.
  13. C

    Viable suspect: James Kenny Martin

    I can only see page one of this thread! WTF is happening?! ETA: Then, this post shows up as #126, but I can't see posts 26 - 125! Someone please PM me and help me out here!
  14. C

    Viable suspect: James Kenny Martin

    I can't see threads any more!
  15. C

    Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if we got some answers on May 5, 2015 from the rally? I'm not going to go into a dark depression if we don't, but it's certainly time for answers! Maybe TH or JKM (or whoever) will show up and confess! We don't have long to wait, now:happydance:
  16. C

    Viable suspect: James Kenny Martin

    JKM is, indeed, a very sick individual.
  17. C

    GK's convoluted theory... what's yours? Please share!

    KAYTOM, My search skills are abysmal, especially on jive! Thanks ever so!
  18. C

    Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

    Again, the method used in binding the victims mimics the method used to move slaughtered hogs from the slaughterhouse to the truck or other method of transportation. This specific type of hog tying is specifically for transport, which is why I believe it was used by the killer for that purpose...
  19. C

    GK's convoluted theory... what's yours? Please share!

    I don't have a link, but I've read this somewhere. Maybe someone else can provide a link. A gun was found in Judge DB's house that should have been in the evidence room at the wmpd.

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