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  1. Sydni

    100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #74

    This one's for YOU "T-Dogg" ... talk to us Travis .... we've got your back!!!! Let's get this byotch!!!
  2. Sydni

    100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #73

    Omigosh I noticed that too. I have NEVER seen her write with her right hand until today. Good call babe!
  3. Sydni

    100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #73

    LOL .. funny.... but I think it might have something to do with the magazine stuff ... or ... maybe even something to do with MM ... ya think? Just sayin'
  4. Sydni

    100 jury questions: what is YOUR prediction? *no discussion*

    When you testified that you were out searching for a spot in the woods to play out Travis’s fantasy of tying you to a tree and sodemizing you, were you planning to murder him then and bury him in the woods? When Travis didn’t come to visit you in California, you had to resort to Plan B...
  5. Sydni

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 15TH DAY #71*may contain graphic and adult content*i

    I dunno but I don't hear ONE bit of fear/threat in this "waste-of-skin" defendant re Travis!! It is so scripted that it is even ridiculous for TH's to even treat this as credible testimony (of course, I know it's all about ratings). This is all such an insult to collective intelligence of ...
  6. Sydni

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 15TH DAY #70*may contain graphic and adult content*

    I have no choice now ... I have to kill my husband. Who knew I could have done it years ago :banghead::floorlaugh:
  7. Sydni

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 15TH DAY #70*may contain graphic and adult content*

    If you know ... anybody?? Does the jury have the right to send a note to the Judge to move things along? I'm almost positive this is a dumb question, but I had to ask it anyway (blush, shrug). Anybody?
  8. Sydni

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND #64 *may contain graphic and adult content*

    Yes "The Blade Runner" who murdered his model/girlfriend recently and, of course Jodi Arias
  9. Sydni

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND #64 *may contain graphic and adult content*

    When I heard the KN comment, I heard "stick with "that" ... not "it" ... there's quite a difference. ETS ... but that was on HLN when the sound was enhanced ... hope there wasn't any altering by anyone. But it was pretty clear to me. When I watched it on Court day (yesterday), I thought he...
  10. Sydni

    A view from the inside: observations from our own court observers

    That is obvious that she was collecting evidence to ruin him. He basically went head-to-head with her ... said he was gonna expose all of her psycho ways ... so she couldn't have that and murdered him. He said she was the worst thing that ever happened to him and that she was a sociopath ...
  11. Sydni

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 12TH DAY #58 *may contain graphic and adult content*

    I don't believe there was "ANY" of that kind of activity .. girl or boy. Travis was all hetero-sexual male ... just sayin' MOO
  12. Sydni

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 11TH DAY #57 *may contain graphic and adult content*

    I am NOT, nor ever have been, a proponent of the death penalty. But I believe this person should be put to death. I can't believe my own ears and can barely watch the theatrics of this trial ... what a head-muck .... I have been glued to this trial for weeks. I almost think I want to shut...
  13. Sydni

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 11TH DAY #57 *may contain graphic and adult content*

    I LOVE YA Katiecoo ... you are just the best!! And I LOVE how you are standing is solidarity with the family of Travis Alexander. I become more .. and ... more ... and ... more impressed with you in each passing day. I am fairly new to the board (this trial .. I last was engaged in the Laci...
  14. Sydni

    jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #51 *may contain graphic and adult content*

    Every time I wonder about how she cleaned up after this slaughter, I keep going back to her testimony where she enlightened us about the "sex" they had in the office and he "told" her to go clean up after he &@#* on her back (her lower back). I thought there might be something sinister behind...
  15. Sydni

    jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #50 *may contain graphic and adult content*

    I think you are spot on with that statement. I think the whole entire thing began with her setting him up to ruin him in the church and his personal life (the recording etc.) and then evolved into a pre-meditated murder. Maybe Travis threatened to expose her as well ... and then she was...
  16. Sydni

    jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #50 *may contain graphic and adult content*

    Great post! I thought this was a interesting snippet from Travis's blog .."" " Around then I realized it was time to adjust my priorities and date with marriage in mind. Not to ask some one on a date because I planned on marrying them, but to date someone to look for the possibility of...
  17. Sydni

    jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #50 *may contain graphic and adult content*

    \\ Yes - true. And, besides, didn't she say that she called him first to say she needed to come over to get her Social Insurance Card out of some boxes in the garage. So why would he be making out with somebody if he was expecting her to show up. Especially if he was aware (sure he was) of...
  18. Sydni

    A view from the inside: observations from our own court observers

    I love "the bear" as a nickname for Nurmi. But I tend to think of him more as "Sloth Man". But seriously. Just a silly little comment and and to thank you for providing a glimpse inside. I really enjoy all of you "inside-out-reporters". Keep up the awesome work. Hugs!

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