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  1. nancy botwin

    GUILTY TX - Jennifer Cave, 21, brutally murdered, Austin, 16 Aug 2005

    Laura Hall's new sentencing hearing ended today. In seeking a new sentencing hearing, Hall gambled and lost. The new jury sentenced Hall to the maximum available punishment. Hall will now serve ten years, as opposed to her original five year sentence. (1 year + fine for hindering...
  2. nancy botwin

    CONVICTION OVERTURNED AK - Kent Leppink, 36, murdered, Hope, 2 May 1996

    I very much agree. This email definitely undercuts any defense argument that Mechele was controlled by these men and too meek or naive to escape them. It also clearly negates a defense theory that Kent was delusional in thinking he and Mechele were engaged and planning a life together. And I...
  3. nancy botwin

    GUILTY TX - Jennifer Cave, 21, brutally murdered, Austin, 16 Aug 2005

    Laura Hall's new sentencing trial began yesterday. Previously sentenced to five years, Hall's new jury could sentence her with anything from probation to up to 10 years. The new jury was empaneled yesterday morning and consists of 9 men and 3 women. New testimony from former cellmates is...
  4. nancy botwin

    CONVICTION OVERTURNED AK - Kent Leppink, 36, murdered, Hope, 2 May 1996

    I don't think this email has already been posted, so I thought I'd put it up here to see if anyone has any thoughts about it: Email sent from Mechele to Kent on 4/9/96: (recall she paid for the life insurance policies on 4/1/96 and wrote that HAHAHA email to her mother on 3/31/96, mocking the...
  5. nancy botwin

    CONVICTION OVERTURNED AK - Kent Leppink, 36, murdered, Hope, 2 May 1996

    I was surprised by this revelation when someone (I think it was you, marilhicks??-- sorry the thread is getting long so I can't remember for sure) first posted it. And I noted that Rosen not only stated it as fact several times, but also wrote that Carlin IV testified about officers first...
  6. nancy botwin

    CONVICTION OVERTURNED AK - Kent Leppink, 36, murdered, Hope, 2 May 1996

    That's a great idea-- thanks! There's a lot of information within the interview and I'm very interested in what you hear in that side conversation between Linehan and Carlin in part I. Yes, that's how I read it too.
  7. nancy botwin

    CONVICTION OVERTURNED AK - Kent Leppink, 36, murdered, Hope, 2 May 1996

    I decided to listen to the audio of Mechele's May 3, 1996 interview with investigators again and I'm noting some new things. I want to know if anyone else hears what I hear. (Link in the Related Audio Content section here: ) In Part I: Mechele says she was...
  8. nancy botwin

    CONVICTION OVERTURNED AK - Kent Leppink, 36, murdered, Hope, 2 May 1996

    Thank you so much for your (way too :blushing:) kind words and awesome post!! I agree very much with the emboldened and thank you for writing it so sensitively and eloquently. About Carlin: I agree with you about not being fully convinced of his guilt and the fact that he clearly payed too...
  9. nancy botwin

    CONVICTION OVERTURNED AK - Kent Leppink, 36, murdered, Hope, 2 May 1996

    Great post! I agree! And I intensely agree with your bolded observation. There's a general unwillingness to actually engage the content of posts which make the case for her guilt. It's like a cross between blind rage and willful ignorance, replete with ad hominem attacks and straw man...
  10. nancy botwin

    CONVICTION OVERTURNED AK - Kent Leppink, 36, murdered, Hope, 2 May 1996

    Mechele and her husband have both posted new entries on the Free Mechele blog. Dr. Linehan's entry is here. Here's Mechele's entry. "Hello to all, I must apologize for the delay in posting to the blog. I have had very limited access to the internet (dang router). I check my email...
  11. nancy botwin

    CONVICTION OVERTURNED AK - Kent Leppink, 36, murdered, Hope, 2 May 1996

    I tend to agree with you, Belinda! Electronic monitoring would cost at least 400$ a month per the Alaska DOC Terms & Conditions for Electronic Monitoring. Factor in childcare costs and I don't think she'd even be breaking even by working at a standard 9-10$/hour??
  12. nancy botwin

    CONVICTION OVERTURNED AK - Kent Leppink, 36, murdered, Hope, 2 May 1996

    Some random questions/thoughts: * I thought the restrictions were crafted as they were because electronic monitoring wasn't an option for Mechele. Electronic monitoring is rather expensive and it's the defendant's responsibility to pay for it in every jurisdiction with which I'm familiar. I...
  13. nancy botwin

    CONVICTION OVERTURNED AK - Kent Leppink, 36, murdered, Hope, 2 May 1996

    aha! This puts BS's recent rant in clearer context. Linehan Seeks More Freedom While Out On Bail, Anchorage Daily News, 6-26-2010 a few excerpts from the article: "...Now staying in Anchorage as she awaits her trail -- which could be a year away -- she says she wants to take her daughter...
  14. nancy botwin

    CONVICTION OVERTURNED AK - Kent Leppink, 36, murdered, Hope, 2 May 1996

    Mechele's third-party custodian Barbara Sheridan (hereafter BS) has posted a new entry on the Free Mechele FB site. BS is misrepresenting some things, namely the fact that the twitter account is not Mechele's. :angel: BS's post: "Supporters of Mechele have read a number of sites that...
  15. nancy botwin

    CONVICTION OVERTURNED AK - Kent Leppink, 36, murdered, Hope, 2 May 1996

    Mechele continues to enjoy herself on twitter, this time invoking Kim Kardashian :waitasec: (Source: Mechele's been going for runs, shopping, out for sushi, seen at hotels where visitors were staying, outside at local parks etc. It almost seems like...
  16. nancy botwin

    CONVICTION OVERTURNED AK - Kent Leppink, 36, murdered, Hope, 2 May 1996

    I agree with all of you! And like flourish, I also wondered if she was drunk or something? Wildly inappropriate! It is strange that out of ALL the things written about her, she randomly chooses to act out on twitter and against that particular man. Whatever the case, it seems to me that the...
  17. nancy botwin

    MN - Rapist kidnapper who said would kill victim when freed may be released

    This case was profiled by the new ABC Primetime program Mind Games. The full episode can be viewed online here. Also a status update on the Civil Commitment hearing: The final briefs are due July 1 and then the judge has 90 days to make a final determination whether Shiue should be...
  18. nancy botwin

    CONVICTION OVERTURNED AK - Kent Leppink, 36, murdered, Hope, 2 May 1996

    No big news lately, but I encountered something special earlier this evening. Mechele is acting out on twittter. And she's apparently quite bemused by public criticism of her tweets. The most recent tweet is in response to an African American man's tweet to her earlier this week. :waitasec...
  19. nancy botwin

    Actor Charlie Sheen arrested in Colorado

    I don't like the way this is being spun in the media. Sheen isn't eligible for work release. IMO, Sheen should either get a work-release eligible job or accept the conditions of Useful Public Service release. IMO, this deal was just as much "derailed" by Beverly Campbell as it was derailed by...
  20. nancy botwin

    CONVICTION OVERTURNED AK - Kent Leppink, 36, murdered, Hope, 2 May 1996

    The ADN article says there is no date set for trial, however, court records indicate the court has set a tentative date for the trial to begin on Sept 13, 2010. I imagine that this will be pushed back and my guess would be that the trial won't actually start until early 2011, but that's just a...

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