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  1. S

    Amanda Berry (2003), Gina deJesus (2004), & Michelle Knight (2002) found alive! #2

    This was just on my local news feed Says a little about Castro's past
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    Toddler Abandoned at Walmart not much new on this. I pray that those that are caring for him right now are loving him to pieces. Also pray that this Mom is safe.
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    Toddler Abandoned at Walmart I am torn about this. We read so many things here about child abuse, parents forgetting thier children in cars, parents shooting thier kids to get back at the other parent and on and on. With that in mind, is what...
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    Tax Stimulus Rebate

    I tired My husbands and I and it kept saying I was making a mistake so tried my Daughters and hers came right up and said it would be deposited on May 6
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    WS - Settings

    SieSie this took me a bit to figure out. But I think that since we were asked to not subscribe to threads that is where that little icon went It must have indicated that you were subscribed. I always thought it was only an indication that you had posted. all the way over to the left there is an...
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    IL IL - Lane Bryant Murders, Tinley Park, 2 Feb 2008

    This has not made sense to me from the get go as far as it being an armed robbery gone bad. I wonder if the sixth victim that survived could have been who the shooter was really after and she knows more and can help police and maybe her not being mentioned till know was a way to either keep her...
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    IL IL - Lane Bryant Murders, Tinley Park, 2 Feb 2008

    this is so awful And the part that doesn't even make sense to begin with is why a store like this? And armed robbery at that. and shooting people. This is so terrible. Wouldn't you think most of the transactions are done by credit card or debit card or even checks. How many people carry cash...
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    TX - CPS Seeks Custody of Newborn Left at Fire Station

    this is very good news, it means someone is listening and making the right choice, and that this baby tonight will be being loved and not found in a dumpster. Bless this mom, I pray that she is ok and that she will have the comfort of knowing that she did the right thing.
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    IN - Josiah Shaw, 13 mos, killed in Gary carjacking, 28 Jan 2008

    I agree Dottie very High Crime area. But so so sad for this baby and Mom. it does sound personal.
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    I'm Angry: victim's mom, perp's wife

    excellent post Flowerchild, as usual. I think some of Mary's coments shock us because in a lot of these cases the families of the PERP are out front loudly proclaiming thier innocense and comments like "he/she was such a good person, could never have done such a horrible thing" "he/she had a...
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    Missing 8 mo Pregnant Marine Maria Frances Lauterbach- NC #10

    THis has most likely been discussed before, but I just can't get this question our of my mind. IF you had a car why would you buy a bus ticket? this makes no sense to me at all. Would a pregnant woman, even one who was wanting to get away, leave her car and take a bus to someplace she had...
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    IL - Lloyd Wickliffe, 35, slain in McDonalds robbery, Chicago, 11 Jan 1982

    this is just so wrong. can you imagine spending one day in jail for something you DID NOT DO, I can't, I can't even let myself imagine what would go through you. TO have NO ONE believe you, to KNOW that you did not do this. Oh my goodness, that would be so horrible.
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    Missing 8 mo Pregnant Marine Maria Frances Lauterbach- NC #10

    just wanted to add one thing to the discussion at the beginning of this thread about the lowes video when I was watching it last night on Fox I think, maybe CNN, the person describing the video while it was playing, said that CL was not the one that was circled but the one that was pulling or...
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    Missing 8 mo Pregnant Marine Maria Frances Lauterbach- NC #9

    I am confused, but what's new but what I really wanted to say was I hope Cricket had typed her very well thought out post in Word or something, cause if I had went to that much trouble and the server had just spun when I tried to post it, I would have pooped myself. I say this because posts a...
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    Missing 8 mo Pregnant Marine Maria Frances Lauterbach- NC #8

    Do you think we will ever know for 100% positive that Maria did not buy the ticket. I do not believe she did, no way, no how. I believe it was xtina, not another woman, but xtina. I hope someday we know the truth for sure.
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    GUILTY IN - Two women, 2 babies shot to death in Indy home invasion, 14 Jan 2008

    My feelings exactly Filly. Someone was sending a message. One of the mothers graduated from HS at the same school my sons went to. We are in a district that busses from a Northern Community to our School System. This young lady was afforded the chance to improve her situation. But seems they...
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    GUILTY IN - Two women, 2 babies shot to death in Indy home invasion, 14 Jan 2008

    everytime they flashed the pics of the Moms and the beautiful babies, I felt physically sick. No sense. I am so angry at the SO's of these women. I fear they were in to drugs and put these women and thier babies at great risk. The attempted robberies, the drugs found in the home, I am so afraid...
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    Christina Laurean

    good questions, I was thinking the same thing was the section of fence in bad repair? You would think it would be a bit suspicious to tear down and burn a good section of fence. also why move the swing set to the front yard. Obviously the 18month old would not be left unattended so why not just...
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    Christina Laurean

    one more thing during all this time from the 14 or 15 to Jan 11 We have Christmas in there. Did the and xtina put up a Christmas Tree, decorate for Christmas shop for toys and gifts for his family. Can you even imagine celebrating anything with all this under your roof and in your...
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    Christina Laurean

    I 100% agree that if xtina new anything about Maria, she knew what car she drove, where she lived, her routine everything. weither she believed about his involvement with Maria or not, if she new ANYTHING, rape charges, affair, anything connecting him and her, she knew a lot of details about...

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