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  1. M

    Oscar Pistorius - Discussion Thread #62 ~ the appeal~

    What do the photos have to do with who was at the scene?
  2. M

    Oscar Pistorius - Discussion Thread #62 ~ the appeal~

    Where is the evidence the photos were compromised? This is a huge allegation and needs to be supported. The Duvet could not have fallen on the floor because Oscar claims thats where the fans were. Oh really? Considering the fan moving incident is the entire reason Reeva slipped behind...
  3. M

    Oscar Pistorius - Discussion Thread #62 ~ the appeal~

    Some doors? What about that door? Oscar did not even claim that, he had to make up another excuse. When is something poor memory and when is it a lie? Remember he insists it was in a different location to the photos. If he is mistaken then what caused the noise to cause him to shoot. Where is...
  4. M

    Oscar Pistorius - Discussion Thread #62 ~ the appeal~

    So the state produced evidence of 2 independent witnesses hearing a female scream. Pretty damning evidence don't you think? The exact timing of the screams is secondary and will naturally vary because of the so many different variables. If Oscar claims he screamed like a woman he needed to...
  5. M

    Oscar Pistorius - Discussion Thread #62 ~ the appeal~

    He is the one telling the story so it needs to be plausible. He testified he heard 'wood movement' and the state proved he was lying. The door was not opened, and the magazine rack was out of reach of reeva, so what made the noise? fairys? The crime scene photos are accurate.
  6. M

    Oscar Pistorius - Discussion Thread #62 ~ the appeal~

    Because its irrelevant? Police confusion as to who and and when the scene was attended = police corruption? I am sure they had other issues to focus on. This is just a red herring attempt to smear the damning evidence as was done with OJ simpson trial.
  7. M

    Oscar Pistorius - Discussion Thread #62 ~ the appeal~

    I forgot about this. We have multiple witnesses testifying they heard female screams. Very powerful evidence, and OP claimed he screamed like a women yet introduced no evidence to support this, for obvious reasons.
  8. M

    Oscar Pistorius - Discussion Thread #62 ~ the appeal~

    It must be specific because he needs a justification for opening fire on the person inside the toilet, so he is pretending he heard wood noise which sounded like the door opening, hence a threat and excuse to fire. It could not have actually been the door because it never opened or moved, so he...
  9. M

    Oscar Pistorius - Discussion Thread #62 ~ the appeal~

    I don't think you can just claim you heard a mystery sound without giving evidence to support it. Did the defence introduce any evidence that the door could creak if leaned against? If there was no noise, that means he simply opened fire without any justification at a person in the toilet, which...
  10. M

    Oscar Pistorius - Discussion Thread #62 ~ the appeal~

    With respect to the evidence, His version cannot be reasonably possibly true, which = guilt. You are missing the point. The 'noise' was the trigger for him to shoot, so for his version to be true there MUST be some noise that startled him, which is why he is making one up. You could say he...
  11. M

    Oscar Pistorius - Discussion Thread #62 ~ the appeal~

    Why wouldn't I? You can't just throw around police corruption so lightly, otherwise no case would ever stick. Your question is a red herring.
  12. M

    Oscar Pistorius - Discussion Thread #62 ~ the appeal~

    Gr Turner, are you just playing devils advocate for fun or something? The evidence of intent to murder Reeva is beyond dispute. Surely you are aware that the crime scene photos contradict OP's story? That means hes lying, and his version must be thrown out. Thats it, all over, no need to...
  13. M

    Discussion Thread #61 ~ the appeal~

    Oscar cannot be mistaken about the fans as he strongly testified about them, and if he did not move the fans, how did reeva manage to slip behind him unnoticed to the bathroom? You see, for his story to be true he MUST have moved the fans, that's why he fabricated that story in the 1st place...
  14. M

    Discussion Thread #61 ~ the appeal~

    The photos do depict the scene at the time of the shooting, the police said so, and why on earth would they move around key items before taking photos? makes no sense, and no evidence of it. Rensburg not being accurate on who went up first upstairs has NOTHING to do with evidence being moved the...
  15. M

    Discussion Thread #60 - 14.9.12 ~ the appeal~

    Go ahead and explain the crime scene photos not matching OP's testimony. Not only not matching but making his story impossible. We really don't need to go further than this and neither did Masipa if she was competent or not corrupt.
  16. M

    Discussion Thread #61 ~ the appeal~

    Go ahead and explain the crime scene photos not matching OP's testimony. Not only not matching but making his story impossible. We really don't need to go further than this and neither did Masipa if she was competent or not corrupt.
  17. M

    Discussion Thread #60 - 14.9.12 ~ the appeal~

    Well, if the rack was not at the front where Reeva was standing, it would not have been possible for her to move it and make the noise that OP claims startled him into start shooting. So he MUST lie about it. The fact the evidence proves he is clearly lying about this fact, and that there was no...
  18. M

    Discussion Thread #60 - 14.9.12 ~ the appeal~

    Ok thanks. I think I understand it now. The relationship between all the different legal issues are confusing.
  19. M

    Discussion Thread #60 - 14.9.12 ~ the appeal~

    I don't think that's correct. If I understand correctly, Nel argued that Masipa's findings were questions of law, as they were interpretations of fact, not actual facts. Fact would be OP shot and killed Reeva, etc, so they can find a different intent., and reject oscar's story. If I also...
  20. M

    Discussion Thread #60 - 14.9.12 ~ the appeal~

    Surely he cannot a escape murder conviction after a bench of judges look over the case? Surely they cannot accept his version..

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