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DNA Solves
  1. hornswoggled

    Casey Anthony's 'failure to protect' caused Caylee's death, DCF said

    Of all the people on this planet, the Anthonys, including Lee, knew that Casey was irresponsible, stole everything she could get her hands on, including gas, Caylee's piggybank, Caylee's savings that George set up, Cindy's charge cards and money, Grandparents' checking account, took money from...
  2. hornswoggled

    Casey Anthony's 'failure to protect' caused Caylee's death, DCF said

    Prime Example: Jaycee Dugard I feel your anger Whisperer. I can't get over this.
  3. hornswoggled

    Will Casey face probation?

    In Casey's own words that she wrote as part of her "Diary of Days" Life will never be easy Hmmmm. Her very own prophesy. I daresay it won't be any too beautiful either.
  4. hornswoggled

    Caylee Marie Anthony Memorial Thread

    Caylee, I will remember you and smile.
  5. hornswoggled

    What's in the Minds of Her Mother, Father, Brother Right Now?

    What's in the mind of her family?? We DID it!!!! She walked!!! She's out!! She's shopping!! All we had to do was tell a few lies...........
  6. hornswoggled

    Post-Verdict: I am sick and heartbroken

    feddup, I understand your feelings. I know that more and more, people are using different means of handling their loved ones ashes. That's not my problem with the Anthonys. I have a huge problem with Caylee's initial "sendoff". The handling of her body and where she was "placed" sickens me...
  7. hornswoggled

    Can Casey benefit from therapy?

    No. A therapist will only make Casey stronger in her attempt to appear normal. But it will only be an appearance. She is loose. That is the real crime. And Caylee is still dead. And not by accident. Nothing will ever make that right, not all the foundations established by...
  8. hornswoggled

    This Verdict Proves My Theory

    I am in agreement with you. Except for the 11 hours. I think it was more like 2, possibly 3 hours deliberation. I believe they knew they were leaving the next day, and came dressed for it. Which means they did not really deliberate on that day. As for the evidence, the ONLY thing they "reviewed"...
  9. hornswoggled

    2011.07.26-28 HLN & FOX (Weekly) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    I'm not sure about that SevenSeas. But his mouth WAS moving. Was there an arm under the back of his coat? I couldn't tell..........
  10. hornswoggled

    2011.07.26-28 HLN & FOX (Weekly) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    Of course Casey will pose for Hustler. Why not? Look at what she did for 31 days after Caylee was gone. She would see nothing wrong with this. She saw nothing wrong with killing Caylee. And Jose isn't going to loosen his grip on his cash cow - I think he will broker the deal with Flint and...
  11. hornswoggled

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree?

    If my child had been hidden in the woods to decompose (murder or accident), I would expect a jury to look into all the evidence to try and determine if the evidence was credible and to follow that evidence to the guilty party. Caylee deserved at least that much from these 12 people. Heck...
  12. hornswoggled

    What questions are still unanswered?

    The one question I have had from the beginning - like many others: WHY is Caylee Marie Anthony dead?
  13. hornswoggled

    Casey gets a 1 million dollar offer for first story

    With great power comes great consequences What is given can be taken away A million bucks huh?
  14. hornswoggled

    Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

    I hope she gets a laptop and finds the websleuths site.
  15. hornswoggled

    Hypothetically, how could the crime be pinned on George?

    It couldn't be pinned on George - unless his wife ordered him to plead guilty to Caylee's murder. George does as he is told. As we have heard, when he angrily began questioning Casey after she came home from jail, he was told to leave the house. I have the feeling that Casey bossed George...
  16. hornswoggled

    Casey appeals her 4 Lying to LE convictions

    Casey and her attorneys should stop rubbing this in the faces of the people of FL. They say they are concerned for her safety. It seems as if they want to gloat over this. That is a big mistake. She lied to LE. They have her on tape saying that she lied. In her own words. What more does it...
  17. hornswoggled

    Did Jurors Talk About Case during Trial Against Judge's Orders?

    I do believe they talked among themselves before they were supposed to. How else could they have all agreed they wanted to inspect the heart sticker while the trial was still going on? Even CM questioned that one. Such a small insignificant piece of evidence. When they asked to see the sticker...
  18. hornswoggled

    Life after Casey! How do you cope?

    Casey got what she deserves - a sentence far worse than any jury can give her. Instead of being in the general population of a prison, she will be thrown into the general population of this country. As her eloquent words on her My Space page said. "Life will never be easy." I don't think she...

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