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  1. M

    Casey Anthony reportedly planning to dump lawyer Jose Baez

    Yeah, that's the whole point. Juries are not dependable. And like I said above it doesn't make it right but it happens everyday. I wouldn't take that risk.
  2. M

    Casey Anthony reportedly planning to dump lawyer Jose Baez

    Thank You! I'm basing all of this on logical deduction. I do not have a crystal ball, but this is a man who was in cahoots with FCA and sold photos of Caylee for $$$$$ and even TL wanted nothing to do with it. Then he took his wife to Paris while he was in foreclosure THEN. This man has a...
  3. M

    Casey Anthony reportedly planning to dump lawyer Jose Baez

    That's the issue. The criminal does NOT determine his/her own fate - A Jury does. His client is GG and that crime was based out of the US. So if a jury had to believe one side over another (prosecutor vs defense) are they gonna believe a prosecutor or JB who has been known for lying? If I were...
  4. M

    Casey Anthony reportedly planning to dump lawyer Jose Baez

    Criminals also do NOT want a guilty verdict because the residual hatred from FCA verdict. Have you seen the polls about how much people hate JB and what a <modsnip> he is. It's human nature to associate the hatred of FCA with her smarmy lawyer. Juries have been known to convict based just on the...
  5. M

    Casey Anthony reportedly planning to dump lawyer Jose Baez

    Why yes, I do. LOL Well let's see. He has a history of financial problems all listed by the bar and that's the reason why he wasn't allowed in the bar for several several years. My goodness he couldn't even pay a measly $200/month for child support while he leased a Miata and defaulted on...
  6. M

    Casey Anthony reportedly planning to dump lawyer Jose Baez

    1) Infamous is not the same as famous 2) Mason would have gotten the same verdict without JB, IMO. 3) Barbara Walters refused to hug him or even touch him. LOL 4)His home is foreclosed; he has no money; no one in the US will hire him; his law career is basically over To me, that is not a win in...
  7. M

    Casey Anthony reportedly planning to dump lawyer Jose Baez

    He didn't really WIN a case. He won by default and falling *advertiser censored* backwards into the win because the jury was NOT going to convict no matter who the lawyer was. It could have been big bird and they still wouldn't convict. Edited to add. There is no lawyer who wants to be JB right now. Any case...
  8. M

    Sidebar Discussion #4

    I have to say, I am getting pure JOY of the fact that not one alleged criminal in this country wants JB to represent them because they know future jurors will have residual hatred for JB and will most likely convict based on hating him. Not saying it's right, but it's just human nature. I...
  9. M

    Sidebar Discussion #4

    I don't believe anything these people are up to. I say it's another way to try to rebrand FCA by losing the smarmy lawyer. Sorry, FCA, even with JB gone, it still won't change how people view you: BABY KILLER.
  10. M

    Reports of New Casey Anthony Video Diary Surface on Web #3

    The only electric co. RH owns is the one where he goes into foreclosed homes and "borrows" their copper wiring. He's got an arrest record longer than my arm. Seems like FCA has met her perfect man. he lives at home mooching off mommy and daddy too.
  11. M

    Reports of New Casey Anthony Video Diary Surface on Web #2

    she's completely delusional. She better have a printing press in that garage of hers, because any publishing co willing to print that book will be the kiss of death.
  12. M

    Reports of New Casey Anthony Video Diary Surface on Web #2

    I've been away since the disgusting verdict, but this whole cluster F#ck has FCA written all over it. I believe FCA, DH/RH and JB all had a cut in selling the second video and photos and trying to create a crazy daisy chain to throw us all off. Mark my words, FCA made money in this disgusting...
  13. M

    2011.07.05 Sidebar Thread

    He also is in concert with Casey in RUINING people's lives. Absolutely shredding them. I wouldn't be surprised if GA tried to commit suicide after all of this and succeeding. I find nothing cute about that.
  14. M

    Has DT Prepared ICA for Upcoming Verdict?

    OMG! lolololol "Perhaps they may want to or prepare a Hannibal Lechter type hocky guard mask in case she begins to spit or bite."
  15. M

    Will Computer Experts Cause for Appeal?

    I wouldn't put too much weight in to what the DT alleges. They are known liars. Just another attempt to halt the trial by taking information out of context.
  16. M

    2011.07.04 Verdict Watch 12:15 pm How long will the jury deliberate?

    I think juror #4 will be fine especially after hearing Cindy swearing on the bible - So help me God then finding out she lied about not being at work in rebuttal. She's also one who's been giving ICA long looks too.
  17. M

    2011.06.29 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-One)

    I'm actually excited. With all of her aliases, claims of brain tumors, selling fake stories to the National Enquirer, convictions, etc... I think the jury is just gonna be disgusted and ask themselves, "This is who you want us to believe? Are you kidding me?"
  18. M

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    At this date, I still say no. Every single DT witness has been shady as he!! and RC is gonna be the cherry on the shady sundae. Not one, ONE, DT witness has been believable.

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