Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

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At this date, I still say no. Every single DT witness has been shady as he!! and RC is gonna be the cherry on the shady sundae.

Not one, ONE, DT witness has been believable.
The defense has never been incompetent. That isn't the same as saying the defense is in it for their own ends.
I think there is reasonable doubt on several levels, not sure whether the defense created it or the circumstances did...I do think not having a cause of death, date of death, place of death, for instance, could hang up a juror or two. And the business with how Caylee was finally found is almost too bizarre for words...you have to listen with all of your ears to make sense of that in one go. Supposedly the jurors didn't know that story and trying to figure it out from what was told in court was pretty dififcult at times.

I am at a loss as to what jurors will do, but will be surprised if all 12 can agree on 1st degree murder, JMO.
I do think there is plenty of reasonable doubt in the states case. They only need 1 juror and I think they could get one. I think the defense poked holes in the computer searches, with one expert claiming 84 choloroform searches and the other just one. The RK testimony showed he tampered with the remains, yet none of the CSI's said anything about the remains looking like they had been recently touched or moved. The whole Dr. Vass testimony is questionable as far as the way they conduct their tests compared with certified forensics labs. The SA did not show motive (I know they don't have to but it would have helped). The defense had an FBI expert say the duct tape at the scene did not match the tape at the Anthonys home. The was a hair found on the remains that didn't belong to any of the Anthony's or CSI's. I could go on and on, but my opinion is that the state's case left a lot of doubt itself and the DT did poke holes in some of what they did have. They did not tie the defendant to a murder, IMO.
I thought aggravated child abuse in the beginning, but now.., after everything the DT has done, seeing KC snicker and grimace at her family, finally throwing her father under the bus laughing and for every life forever altered because of her...I think she deserves whats coming to her.
At this date, I still say no. Every single DT witness has been shady as he!! and RC is gonna be the cherry on the shady sundae.

Not one, ONE, DT witness has been believable.

They had several FBI and CSI's that showed us what the state did not want brought out, like that the duct tape did not match any of the tape from the Anthony home, the mystery hair on the remains, the trace DNA found on the duct tape did not match ICA or Caylee.

Also RK's testimony that he moved the skull. No one has said the remains appeared to be moved, in fact, they insisted that they had not been moved for months, yet RK said he picked up the bag and moved the skull.

I think what the SA kept from the jury is almost as telling as what it presented.
IMO the defense has done nothing with their CiC. Every witness they called, ended up being a witness for the prosecution. Maybe not so much a "witness" for the prosecution but they did bolster the prosecution's case. As much as I detest the entire defense team, I will say it must be hard to work with a client that doesn't know the truth from her elbow! Now if the defense is REALLY stupid, they will let ICA testify!!! Patiently waiting.......
.....I am at a loss as to what jurors will do, but will be surprised if all 12 can agree on 1st degree murder, JMO.

I sat as judge & jury 3 years ago reading docs & viewing media. Most of on-going trial watched in bits & late night summaries. My analogy would be, "Reading the book & then watching the movie". Doesn't mix well at all.

So I say ... the facts are out there. All the key points. There is too much detail. Too much adds to confusion. Those who don't agree on guilty cannot see the story from all sides. As for 1st degree & death penalty, too many bleeding hearts out there who can't believe things like that happen without a good reason.

As for me, I can't believe she met afterwards with Tony & then drove around so long with Caylee in the trunk until it stunk! Now this alone is grounds for a conclusion to killing without remorse.
The only reasonable doubt created by the defense was that jb and his team are even putting up a defense and whether they really are lawyers or just pretending to be!
ca's testimony won't create reasonable doubt because they have shown she was at work at the time and on the date the internet searches were made! ca just came off as untruthful imo!
31 days, lies, tattoo, and partying could have been from grief, since the first couple stages are denial, anger and blaming others, and KC may still be in these first two stages according to the grief counselor.

RK manipulated the skull with his meter stick according to one of his stories, his other story was it rolled out of the bag. His son said he called in Nov. RK said he got berated by the LE who met him at the site in August. The jury may wonder why if RK was 99.999% sure he had seen a skull that he did not try to get the other officer who showed up to look for the skull. The reason the state did not call him as a witness is because he is not credible.

Dr. Vass's reports were strongly contested, as were Dr. Haskell's. Dr. G and the others on the medical examiners team were strongly contested as well. FBI reports of unknown dna on duct tape, and dna accidently transfered to evidence from FBI personel, the carpet having normal amounts of chloroform, the hair with apparent decomp could have come from a live person or a dead person, the heart shaped sticker residue being accidently removed and no picture being taken, the FBI email saying we just won't show them the pictures with the measurements on them and the FBI saying the duct tape from area A was dissimilar to the duct tape on the gas can.

The two OCSO computer people looked very bad on the witness stand on their second appearances. There was never 84 searches for how to make chloroform and the IT guy on the jury will let the other jurors know this fact. KC's boyfriends myspace page showing chloroform.

GA looked guilty and looked like he could be lying, and was very confrontational on the stand with JB. Dr. G looked very nervous on the stand. GB looked very nervous when confronted with the picture of the wet trash, and he did legally destroy his notes. JB said to GB you would never intentionally alter evidence would you?

YM misspoke on the stand, Dr. Vass identified the wrong smell can, cadaver dogs alerted in Anthony backyard one day, next day same spot no alert. One hair, one fly leg, 3 of 30 compotents, a nearly invisible stain with traces of butyric acid, a substance like adipocere, an odor that GA said was absolutely the smell of human decomp, yet he did not call the police even though his granddaughter was missing. Instead he went and bought a gun to do some vigilante police work and get the truth out of his suspects. Later sending a text message to a friend telling her "I need you in my life."

The most incriminating piece of evidence by the prosecution was the photoshop of the duct taped superimposed over Caylee's face (skull) with KC in the background. Which personally I think will totally backfire on the prosecution.

The state did not prove who did it, what happened, where anything happened, when anything happened, and they say why it happened was so KC could party.
I think the defense has raised not only enough reasonable doubt for a hung jury, but there is a pretty good chance of an acquittal.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.
I've been thinking more about this... Didn't jury hear that Casey originally old LE that Caylee was kidnapped? Not a theory advanced by the defense, but I think they've still heard it.

Yes, I think the jury did hear that the original story was a kidnapping. However, I don't think the jury will consider it, as even the defense has said it was a lie. I do see what you mean, though (I think) -- that the jury could assume that ICA had originally planned to stick w/ the kidnapping story, therefore placed the tape to make it look as such. I just think the whole idea of a kidnapping (even though the jury has heard about it) has become watered down in the midst of the DT's "new" theory. IMO, the jury may see the "kidnapping story" as an extraneous detail. Especially when one considers how much evidence they are going to have to go through. JMO, though. I certainly can't know what this jury will do, or how they will view the evidence.
I think there is reasonable doubt on several levels, not sure whether the defense created it or the circumstances did...I do think not having a cause of death, date of death, place of death, for instance, could hang up a juror or two. And the business with how Caylee was finally found is almost too bizarre for words...you have to listen with all of your ears to make sense of that in one go. Supposedly the jurors didn't know that story and trying to figure it out from what was told in court was pretty dififcult at times.

I am at a loss as to what jurors will do, but will be surprised if all 12 can agree on 1st degree murder, JMO.

I can see not having a cause of death creating doubt. Reasonable doubt no.I'm not sure what you mean about Caylee being found under bizarre
I can see not having a cause of death creating doubt. Reasonable doubt no.I'm not sure what you mean about Caylee being found under bizarre

Some, or one, juror might not believe she was murdered, since a specific cause of death cannot be given. The state has said what they believed happened, and while they could be right, they did not prove it.

As far as the bizarre circumstances-what could be more bizarre than one man finding her more than over a period of 4 months to the day, from Aug 11-Dec11th? Whatever one believes about moving, hiding or storing the body, no one can deny that it is bizarre that he was the one wo found her again. I am still shocked by the whole story and only knew what the jury heard as of yesterday.
Some, or one, juror might not believe she was murdered, since a specific cause of death cannot be given. The state has said what they believed happened, and while they could be right, they did not prove it.

As far as the bizarre circumstances-what could be more bizarre than one man finding her more than over a period of 4 months to the day, from Aug 11-Dec11th? Whatever one believes about moving, hiding or storing the body, no one can deny that it is bizarre that he was the one wo found her again. I am still shocked by the whole story and only knew what the jury heard as of yesterday.

Ok, everyone is entitled to there opinion.The state doesn't have to give a cause of death to show that there was a homicide.So your saying that since Aug 11 and Dec 11 both end with 11 that means RK was part of some kind of , I don't know what?
I don't think they get 12 to agree on 1st or 12 to agree on aquittal. I think they could agree on 2nd or at the least Manslaughter. Charges 4-7 are no brainers as she is literally on taping lying but these 4 combined are only worth 4 years.

I do think they will believe she was in the trunk and that could be big. The duct tape on a baby that allegedly drowned is also something I think they will believe and have trouble getting past. Kronk is strange but there is no evidence he took the body for months and put it back. I don't think jury will believe that as there's no motive. He would get the money in Aug or Dec when he found her.

GA was very credible today. It would make sense as an officer that he would start CPR and call 911. He knows babies drown all the time and this would be accidental. Casey on the other hand could panic her parents would be mad and try and plan out a kidnapping/missing baby scenario. That reeks of her behavior not just now but in the past as well.

Never know what a jury will do but I think conviced but not 1st.
Ok, everyone is entitled to there opinion.The state doesn't have to give a cause of death to show that there was a homicide.So your saying that since Aug 11 and Dec 11 both end with 11 that means RK was part of some kind of , I don't know what?

No! I don't believe it is part of any kind of anything...it is just a very strange set of circumstances that I would be willing to bet has never occurred before, where a person finds remains, calls police, nothing happens, finds them again four months later. And the part about the snake taking over the entire afternoon of the first day. It is a very weird situation, I don't think anyone would say it is not highly unique to say the least. Whether or not anything nefarious took place could get lost in the mere strangeness of the situation, is what I am saying. Your head spins a little hearing it all unfold in the courtroom if you know nothing about it, or RK.

I know what the state has to prove or not prove, but a juror may well want a cause of death before convicting someone of first degree murder. I am not stating my personal opinion so much as looking at it as neutrally as I can, as one who did follow the case from the start. That's all.
I think because the body was so decomposed the jury will understand why a cause of death can't be given so they might look at other mitigating factors i.e. trunk, tape, etc.

I'm sure their heads do spin at times. They would have to especially with the constant back and forth of witnesses. That could be on purpose to confuse the jury but it comes across as helter skelter as well.
I know what the state has to prove or not prove, but a juror may well want a cause of death before convicting someone of first degree murder.

They may want the cause of death to help them make their decision but it's not required.
Reasonable doubt, not in my mind. George said it best when he said 1 & 1 make 2.
31 days, lies, tattoo, and partying could have been from grief, since the first couple stages are denial, anger and blaming others, and KC may still be in these first two stages according to the grief counselor............

The Kübler-Ross Model, commonly known as The Five Stages of Grief

Denial — "I feel fine."; "This can't be happening, not to me."
Denial is usually only a temporary defense for the individual. This feeling is generally replaced with heightened awareness of possessions and individuals that will be left behind after death.

Anger — "Why me? It's not fair!"; "How can this happen to me?"; '"Who is to blame?"
Once in the second stage, the individual recognizes that denial cannot continue. Because of anger, the person is very difficult to care for due to misplaced feelings of rage and envy.

Bargaining — "Just let me live to see my children graduate."; "I'll do anything for a few more years."; "I will give my life savings if..."
The third stage involves the hope that the individual can somehow postpone or delay death. Usually, the negotiation for an extended life is made with a higher power in exchange for a reformed lifestyle. Psychologically, the individual is saying, "I understand I will die, but if I could just have more time..."

Depression — "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"; "I'm going to die... What's the point?"; "I miss my loved one, why go on?"
During the fourth stage, the dying person begins to understand the certainty of death. Because of this, the individual may become silent, refuse visitors and spend much of the time crying and grieving. This process allows the dying person to disconnect from things of love and affection. It is not recommended to attempt to cheer up an individual who is in this stage. It is an important time for grieving that must be processed.

Acceptance — "It's going to be okay."; "I can't fight it, I may as well prepare for it."
In this last stage, the individual begins to come to terms with her/his mortality or that of a loved one.

Where does 31 days, lies, tattoo, and partying fit into the textbook Stages of Grief?

As for all other points mentioned in regard to skull, Dr. G, George, computer hard drive, chloroform, duct tape, etc. - I won't even go there.

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