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DNA Solves
  1. G

    GUILTY OH - Summer Inman, 25, abducted & murdered, Logan, 22 March 2011

    The BI I am seeing is certainly not the BI we know, or all of our neighbors know. It's like a Jekyll and Hyde personality difference. I too have heard what the both the neighbors and church members in Logan are saying, and I am shocked at some of the comments! <<<thud>>> Bill was much...
  2. G

    GUILTY OH - Summer Inman, 25, abducted & murdered, Logan, 22 March 2011

    The more I read....the more I wonder if Adam is a second man in Summers life after the homeless man??? I don't know. Again - Bill referred to the man that Summer ran off with as a "homeless man" aka the "boyfriend" that they tried to help - that they moved into their home so he had a place to...
  3. G

    GUILTY OH - Summer Inman, 25, abducted & murdered, Logan, 22 March 2011

    I was there when discussing religion several time... and the only topic of biblical marriage was my husband asking them this question - if Adam and Eve were the only two people on earth - who did Cain and Able marry and where did their wives come from??? The debate took off from there. Nothing...
  4. G

    GUILTY OH - Summer Inman, 25, abducted & murdered, Logan, 22 March 2011

    Yes he does....I do not know him at all. In fact, I wonder if maybe he isn't the second boyfriend after the "homeless man" - I "think" he is the same man, but I can not be positive. Whatever the case may heart goes out to him, and I hope he truly loved Summer and the children. I...
  5. G

    GUILTY OH - Summer Inman, 25, abducted & murdered, Logan, 22 March 2011

    They treated me with the utmost respect. I never heard them say anything disrespectful about any woman, or any other person for that matter. They did work for several other neighbors as well...and not one of them ever said a negative word about either of them either. When they spoke about...
  6. G

    GUILTY OH - Summer Inman, 25, abducted & murdered, Logan, 22 March 2011

    Again, one never knows what goes on behind closed doors in someone's home. The Bill Inman I see fighting with the police officer on the video astounds me - as I never saw any sort of display of temper whatsoever. Just my own opinion - but the more I read and the more I see on TV
  7. G

    GUILTY OH - Summer Inman, 25, abducted & murdered, Logan, 22 March 2011

    I know their goal was to have their own church - now whether they ever accomplished that or not, I have no idea. Will used to have a FB page that he eventually took down about his ministry - I don't even remember the name of it to be honest. I think Bill told my husband he took it down because...
  8. G

    GUILTY OH - Summer Inman, 25, abducted & murdered, Logan, 22 March 2011

    I never once met Summer....I knew that she was Will's wife and that they had 3 kids. The only thing I know about Summer was that she tried to get a cleaning job out here at the lake from one of our friends when Summer and Will split up. She was not hired by my friend because it was such a far...
  9. G

    GUILTY OH - Summer Inman, 25, abducted & murdered, Logan, 22 March 2011

    I think we all know that court matters can be maddening for sure...but to this extent? Who would have ever dreamed it - certainly not me. I know it was a horrible, ugly divorce.....Will lost custody of the kids - and I am guessing the child support for 3 kids probably took a toll on the...
  10. G

    GUILTY OH - Summer Inman, 25, abducted & murdered, Logan, 22 March 2011

    Our information came from Bill Inman, we do not live in the Logan area. We didn't see Bill for a while, and when we did see him, he had lost a lot of weight. When we asked how the heck he lost so much weight, he told us what had happened. The story above about the homeless guy is what were...
  11. G

    GUILTY OH - Summer Inman, 25, abducted & murdered, Logan, 22 March 2011

    Hello again....I never saw ANY kind of violence from neither Will nor Bill. Including when our main water pipe broke, and ice cold water was squirting in their faces for a 1/2 hour as they tried to fix it - not as much as a cuss word. They were at our home many times, and our neighbors as well...
  12. G

    GUILTY OH - Summer Inman, 25, abducted & murdered, Logan, 22 March 2011

    Hello everyone..... I am new here and I joined because of this interesting forum. I have been following this case closely, as my husband and I know the Inmans quite well. A little background if I may.......The Mercy Ranch was not a get rich quick scheme at all. Bill was ordained a...

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