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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. R

    DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

    It isn't. He refused to deposition on any of his lawsuits. One can surmise what they will about the undisclosed "settlements" of each of his lawsuits. You don't have much leverage if you refuse to answer questions under oath. Dunne probably paid him a small amount of money based on his...
  2. R

    DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

    plenty of lawsuits from Condit. had to keep getting new lawyers. Last one was threatened by judge with malpractice for spurious lawsuit. None of the settlements were revealed and Condit refused to deposition under oath so I do not consider any of the settlements to have established libel...
  3. R

    DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

    You put "news" in quotes as if they weren't true. The only thing that wasn't true was what he has said. I analyzed every news story, wrote about them, correlated them, documented them, discerned what facts impinged on Chandra's murder from them. If there were "news" as you suggest, not...
  4. R

    DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

    That's a fair take. And although some might think that aspect of it is, he is lying, he probably didn't murder her but he shouldn't lie and get away with it, etc etc, in actuality it matters a great deal if they were having an affair. The prime motive of her murder was her determination to hold...
  5. R

    DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

    That's great. Looking forward to discussing it with everyone. I didn't mean to imply the prurient info angle that was often complained about applied to your question. You're exactly right, this information puts needed context around Chandra's murder.
  6. R

    DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

    That is all correct information. An objective analysis would question the sophistication of Chandra bound with her own tights in the park. Of course an objective analysis would find that Chandra didn't jog anyway. The information from past mistresses is correct and the fact that he had bondage...
  7. R

    DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

    oh, I'm sorry, I didn't notice that. That appears to be a mistake in the reporting.
  8. R

    DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

    That's Klingle Mansion. It is entirely misleading (this is what police told the press). I analyzed this in chapter On Her Computer. She looked at a page in Washington Post about Rock Creek Park and the park headquarters address was given as the location of the park at top of page. Obviously the...
  9. R

    DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

    hi BelleIsle, thanks. Due to the sensitive nature of the possibly innocent bystander nature of the people involved, the reporting on this was pretty murky. I don't know with any more clarity than I wrote at the time, and I believe I leave some questions in that chapter. They were never...
  10. R

    DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

    Some really good questions, Peach. Can tell you were following closely back then. Glad you got to take a look at some of what I wrote, there's a lot more, hope you have other questiions to think about. First, a clarification. The computer hard drive wasn't wiped clean. It was obliterated, that...
  11. R

    DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

    Chandra did date a policeman and had broken up before meeting Condit. It was a "married doctor" she said she was seeing while interning in Sacramento. She told pretty much everyone she communicated with in California (parents and some friends and her aunt towards Baltimore) that she was dating a...
  12. R

    DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

    Public Defenders were requesting a number to be allowed to testify, I believe the "call this number from a payphone to get rid of a dead body" mistress was not granted for testimony due to being in the picture a few years before Chandra. Everything you have written above is insightful. There...
  13. R

    DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

    Very nice to know you've been there and seen it. Beautiful but spooky is apt. Things like making Chandra a jogger when she wasn't, ignoring the effects of a decomposing body, and even having Guandique up there at Grove 18 is just a mind numbingly ignoring of the facts and reality. Did any of...
  14. R

    DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

    I've yet to respond to some of your previous comments, but will take the opportunity to respond to these now. Both the completely destroyed hard drive and cerebral hemorrhage note are from testimony in Guandique trial. The note especially was completely out of left field. Discussion determined...
  15. R

    DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

    Thanks for your kind words, DeDee. You remind me what it was like back in 2001 on this case. Actually, I leave it to the reader to decide if Chandra was alive and well when her internet was logged off just after Condit walked out of Cheney's office. There was the scream very early that...
  16. R

    DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

    hi Dewclaw, you might be referencing both DNA found on her underwear in her apartment (yes, it was semen) that was identified as Condit's (there's been less denial of a sexual relationship since then), and DNA found on her leggings in Rock Creek Park a year after she disappeared which was...
  17. R

    DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

    All of the people handling the evidence should have been in the DNA database. To say that the DNA found on her tights is contamination yet unidentifiable is I think Justice wanting it unreasonably to go away. Now they had to drop their case they never had and identifying the "contamination" DNA...
  18. R

    DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

    It was announced as being based on Finding Chandra. I am hopeful for Chandra's case that the miniseries is more nuanced than the book.
  19. R

    DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

    It's in chapter Rock Creek Park in Murder on a Horse Tail. Jon Sale, who worked for Archibald Cox and Leon Jaworski. The point being, this was pretty high powered stuff to get a two state fugitive for six years living under an alias released at all. Ponying up $50,000 and sending a former...
  20. R

    DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

    Tara Grinstead's disappearance was heartbreaking to me. I also went there and looked around, but certainly wasn't much to see or look into. I did post quite a bit on it and was dismayed about what little could be done. The main poblem with Chandra's disappearance was that DC police operated off...

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