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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. catsmeow

    Possible sighting of Caylee-direct from Tim Miller of Texas Equusearch

    I just don't believe it. Unless I see this little girl smiling and talking on tv, I will not believe that it is her. The Anthony's have done far too much to make anything other than what LE puts out credible. If they have so far said that the DNA in the car was that of a decomposing body and...
  2. catsmeow

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #165

    Snipped: Originally Posted by SuziQ After listening to what LP said about RD, I am positive she's hit on Baez. That how nuzzling his neck moment has a new meaning now. Ack! HELP! Ok, I musta missed something, she was nuzzling on whose neck? Who is RD? I'm sorry, all these initials are...
  3. catsmeow

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #164

    Wow, I didn't realize she had a call center set up in their spare room. :eek:
  4. catsmeow

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #164

    At this point I don't care how she looks. My sympathy for her is looooong gone. I had tons of it in the beginning, now not an inch. Sorry if that sounds awful but she wanted media attention but then she started weaving all of these lies/contradictions, I know it is instinct to protect your young...
  5. catsmeow

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #164

    Absolutely, there is no way little Caylee was in the room ALL morning like he says. My nephew is always at my parents because my brother still lives there (for the most part) and my nephew actually spends most of his time at my parents home, he is always all around the house wanting something to...
  6. catsmeow

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #164

    snipped: Originally Posted by GameTheory I DO BELIEVE GEORGE COULD GIVE AN ACCURATE or CLOSE TO ACCURATE ACCOUNT OF WHAT DAUGHTER AND GRANDDAUGHTER WERE WEARING. My husband couldn't tell you what I was wearing when I walked out the door 30 minutes ago.
  7. catsmeow

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #148

    Always a possibilty for me to be completely confused too hon, this is the biggest mess I've ever seen.
  8. catsmeow

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #148

    I thought she told him she lost her blackjack near the Florida Mall, I forget the specifics, but Florida Mall is on the corner of Sandlake Rd and Orange Blossom Trail. It is all built up. YEARS ago when I was growing up there where woods around there but it is ALL shopping now all around.
  9. catsmeow

    Poor little elephant

    LOL!!! You're awful!!! :crazy: That's funny!! Poor little elephant!! It made me sooooo sad to read he was incosolable!!! Awwww!!!! I'm so glad momma is finally coming around!
  10. catsmeow

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #148

    Well isn't THIS about the most SPOT ON STATEMENT I've seen for a while! :clap:
  11. catsmeow

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #147

    That is Texas Equusearch, they are a wonderful search team. They also went to Aruba to help in the aid in trying to find Natalee Holloway. They have helped in several high profile cases and are very knowledgable. See their thread:
  12. catsmeow

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #147

    Yes, she has constitutional rights and that includes being able to be out on bond while she awaits trial, but she was unable to come up with the bond on her own, so the Padilla's put up her bond and it is up to THEM to revoke it and with all of these threats why should they risk themselves for...
  13. catsmeow

    Who should be responsible for this crime?

    Hi Nedthan: I don't know that I can say 100% how I will feel, but I don't 'think' that my opinion will change much. It really depends on how much comes out. She, right now, to me at least, just comes across as a very self absorbed person that lies to get her way. Not enough has come to light...
  14. catsmeow

    Who should be responsible for this crime?

    I believe that her parents are very responsible for obstructing justice by providing false statements (after the fact) and by trying to 'clean up' some stuff also after the fact and for this, I believe they should be charged. For this alone. As for Casey's mental status, I don't know if any...
  15. catsmeow

    IN - Terry and Darleen Anderson Murder, Mungo, 22 Oct 2005 - #2

    Hello Roscoe! Sending many wishes that something breaks in this case soon. I think about your case and then I think about my parents and I get really furious for you. If I were in your shoes I think that after all of this time I'd just be handing out whoppin's and I'm just glad that you keep...
  16. catsmeow

    Padilla Begins Work To Revoke Anthony's Bond

    You know, I know that Padilla is regretting his decission to have bonded her out, but in a way I am glad that he did, because now she that itty-bitty bit of freedom and she 'thought' for a bit that they were on her side and had them in her hand and now she is seeing that she could not PLAY the...
  17. catsmeow

    FL - Boy and His Dogs: Justin Sharp, of Palm Beach Gardens

    SO SICK! I just can't imagine this kind of thinking coming into one's head, just like ANY kind of crime against a child, animal or well, basically just about everything we see on this board. Makes me so sad for the dogs, they shouldn't be allowed to own dogs, just like some mothers should not be...
  18. catsmeow

    Should Casey's Bond Be Revoked?

    YES! Put her butt back in jail NOW! After reading through only some of the documents, revoke her bond ASAP. She is out only by the good graces of the Padilla's because they thought she would be helpful in finding her own daughter, well, it turns out she didn't even want that daughter and that...
  19. catsmeow

    Based On Documents Released 8/25/08

    It's my opinion that Casey has killed little Caylee, I don't think the little angel fit into her life. Based on the new reports that Caylee was an unwanted child (sooo sad!) and that her parents (mom) made her keep the baby...that she had lied about the pregnancy, all of this, the stealing, the...
  20. catsmeow

    IDENTIFIED-Tawni Lee Mazzone

    Oh my heart truly goes out to these people. My prayers soooo much to Tawni's family, what a beautiful young girl she was. My heart is just breaking for those who have come to the realization that their loved one has passed on. What a painful time this has to be and I just ask God to be...

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