Should Casey's Bond Be Revoked?

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Should Casey's Bond Be Revoked?

  • Yes, Send her back to jail

    Votes: 273 89.5%
  • No, Keep her at home under watch

    Votes: 32 10.5%

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Tony, I hope you will listen to Leonard and revoke Casey's bail. Not so much because she appears to be guilty or innocent but because I believe it would be the only tool to get her to talk and accept the limited immunity being offered. Leonard said you will be deciding this or thinking about this tonite. I will be praying for you. I know its a hard decision for you. LE needs to find little Caylee and put her to rest and put an end to this charade. Her family needs to know the truth and I don't think they will believe the truth until a body is brought back. Casey will never talk in the comfort of her home.

Oh, and there is no more reason for your uncles poor team to be spending their time and $$ to be protecting and listening in on this family anymore either. Its so apparent there is no live child to find. I think LE should handle this case.

I absolutely agree with this post!! It is costing the Padillas to sit there every day and guard her, and as long as she is free she will not tell anyone where Caylee's body is. Much as I dislike how the Anthony's have handled this... they still need to be able to bury Caylee. The little angel deserves a final resting place and a funeral. Casey does NOT deserve to be sleeping in her own bed, or being coddled. Send her back to jail and show her what the majority of the population thinks of child killers.
I was not against her getting out on bond at first... because I thought she would talk and it would help find Caylee. She's spent a week at home now and has not talked to anyone except her lawyer. Time's UP!
YES! Put her butt back in jail NOW! After reading through only some of the documents, revoke her bond ASAP. She is out only by the good graces of the Padilla's because they thought she would be helpful in finding her own daughter, well, it turns out she didn't even want that daughter and that she is a manipulative liar and it seems extremely likely that she had a hand in the death of her daughter, Lord knows we do NOT have this beautiful childs body yet, but it does seem that she is deceased, God rest her soul, as always, I hope that I am wrong and she is alive, but it does not look that way. Put her back in jail. Pray we find Caylee.
Yes Tony Padilla should revoke her bond. And not for the obvious "she deserves to be in jail" reasons.

- She acted with the Padilla's in bad faith. With the newly disclosed evidence it is apparent that whatever they were told when arranging this was a lie.

- They posted bail for a child negligance charge. New evidence has now added a dead body into the mix. She has also proven to be completely unemotional and uncarring. new evidence also shows she was making comunications that seem to strongly indicate she was planning on leaving Florida for possibly California up until the point of her arrest. She is a huge flight risk. The monetary value of the bond has no hold on her. She has not paid it. And she could care less about anyone elses money or property. Right now the only thing keeping her in place is the constant monitoring by the Bounty Hunters and Bail Bondsmen. Since there is now proven that ther eis no chance of rescuing the child, this is a cost abd risk that the Padilla's really do not need. Simply revoking the bond elminates the $500,000 exposure and the ongoing costs, and ensures that she will not flee, period.
Heck yes her bond should be revoked - she should never have been out, in my opinion. This is a fiasco.
Per Orlando Fox, on Tony hesitating the revocation of Casey's bond and putting her back in jail:
"Tony Padilla said by phone Thursday night that he has an obligation to protect the credibility of his company and not just shuffle people out and back into jail."

I thought the Padilla's insisted that this is only about finding Caylee... when did their credibility come in to play? They bonded Casey out so she could help them find Caylee... but she has failed to do so... so where is the credibility issue if they send her back to jail because she didn't follow through on why she was bonded out?

Tony always handles himself in a professional manner... I totally respected him for how he came here and set things straight... but dangit, sometimes the Padilla's go and say things that makes you question their placement in the case (personal gain vs bringing a missing child home). *sighs*
Putting Casey in jail won't bring Caylee back.

Keeping her out of jail won't either...

Bottom line: This was all her doing, so she did it to herself. Also, she could have made things easier or harder...she chose harder. Let her face the consequences of her actions (& lack thereof).
Leonard and Tony gave KC the opportunity to be free of jail, video conversations and the paranoia that someone was listening in to her conversations with Beaz to bear her soul to a completely neutral person who promised to hunt down the kidnappers for her and bring her little girl home. No matter what the situation was, he was ready to go the distance himself to rescue her baby. There can be no kinder people than these 2 men, who in their hearts wanted to believe that this young mother was so terrified of the bad people who took her baby, that she dare not speak to any law enforcement people, lest she cause the death of her baby.

How noble. Truly. No one else stepped up to the plate to give her this opportunity.

However, given the amount of threats that Leonard is receiving, those that the Anthonys are receiving and talks of people gathering is entirely too foreboding and could pose a danger to KC. I agree. She is safer in jail where she does not have to walk in front of crowds to get into her attorney's office, get chased on foot and by car by photographers or have dozens of strangers holding vigils or protests in her front yard. If Leonard feels that she is in danger, he has reason. Jail doesn't have manicures and pedicures, but it also doesn't have chanting mobs of strangers and predatory photographers.

She has one more day to talk to her lawyer, alone and without any fear of listening devices. This is truly the last, last chance for KC but she does not realize it because there has never been a last chance before - her chances were endless. LE will NEVER offer another deal. LE is not Cindy and George, but KC does not realize the difference. Yet.

Tomorrow is her last Friday night of freedom, maybe forever.

But after the forensics were revealed what does her mother suggest? That the Pontiac was used for temporary rotting corpse storage while impounded. I REALLY HOPE that Cindy isn't talking about the case with KC. If there is only one truth, let this be it. The woman is insane. I wish the reporters would just laugh in her face.

"I can't lose another one." - CA

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