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  1. K

    Judge Alessandro Nencini's comments

    The ruling was based on conformism and cowardice, not evidence but yes, they would probably arrest her the moment she would show up. As Nencini said, they would let Raffaele go if he followed Nencini's allusions during the trial and lied appropriately about Amanda. He did the honorable thing...
  2. K

    Rudy Guede now eligible for day release

    What an absolute disgrace. Meredith is rolling in her grave while her killer is walking free and her innocent friends are being persecuted for something they didn't do. Will Nencini restore the satanic ritual theory to top it all and please the Perugian establishment?
  3. K

    Rafaelle Sollicito on Anderson Cooper

    That's why the criminals and liars that persecute him hate him so much. He is everything they are not. He has honor, he will not lie and destroy innocent person not only to protect his career like they do, but even to protect his own life. They hate him twice because he didn't bow to their...
  4. K


    I think what the supporters of the [modsnip] Italian clique fear the most is that impartial and rational eyes will take a close look at this outrageous fabricated case. This moment will come sooner or later. Nencini will have to write some explanation and the free media will tear it apart. If...
  5. K


    I don't know about the US regulations regarding extradition but if the Italians are required to present their laughable "evidence" there is zero chance they will get the girl.
  6. K

    Rafaelle Sollicito on Anderson Cooper

    In his recent interview with Giangavino Sulas Raffaele sticks by Amanda. So much for the fantasies about him turning on her. He's a honorable and ethical person. A great guy.
  7. K

    Meredith Kercher Murder: The Nencini Verdict and it's impact on the future

    So Nencini followed the orders as was expected of him. Saving face of the police force, as Crini put it in his argument. Just following orders in not an excuse for the monstrous and evil thing he did, I think he knows it and it will haunt him. JMO
  8. K

    Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#14

    The court pushed back the time of announcement. At 18 they're going to tell the time of judgment reading.
  9. K

    Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#14

    Lumumba who is in court today reveling in media attention says: "Raffaele has always given me the impression of a nice guy" Lumumba exchanged smiles and shook hands with Raffaele leaving the courtroom...
  10. K

    Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#14

    Corriere interview with Stephanie Kercher is most interesting. The impression I'm getting is that she has serious doubts about Amanda's...
  11. K

    Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#14

    I think Vogt misunderstood. Il Presidente Alessandro Nencini ha detto: “Prima delle ore 17 non accadrà nulla. Poi vi avvertiremo con largo anticipo”. Questo significa che la sentenza non arriverà prima delle 20. Oggi The judgment not before 20, just like the last time.
  12. K

    Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#14

    To be strict, it was after the prosecution's request when the father said Raffaele will likely stay at home. Looks like the causal link is even less obvious.
  13. K

    Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#14

    I seem to remember from media reports and also from the leaked text messages that Raffaele made the decision to stay in Italy and face the injustice long ago.
  14. K

    Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#14

    Wow. I must say I don't see it like this.
  15. K

    Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#14

    The consequences of their "professionalism" were three innocent people in jail and the murderer still on the loose. The consequences of this judicial circus will be Guede back on loose this year, probably soon raping and murdering again.
  16. K

    Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#14

    This case is an embarrassment, a Costa Concordia of Italian judiciary. It will not go away with tomorrow's conviction, it will only get worse.
  17. K

    Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#14

    They had a confused nonsensical and devoid of details statement from a girl that (always according to the police testimony) was just caught lying and also was in a state of emotional shock. I'd expect the cops to be a little bit cautious and skeptical in such situation. They had zero...
  18. K

    Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#14

    I don't think your information about what was said is accurate at all. Let's just disagree :)
  19. K

    Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#14

    I've edited my response. Bongiorno is defending Amanda. It would be madness for Bongiorno to say that the statement was voluntary. Instead she argued it was a forced internalized false confession.

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