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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. S

    CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #23

    All of this is important, but I suspect the person who came on Thurs, entered and left several times, returning to his car, was perhaps a real estate agent who was using his laptop, or notepad to take pictures of the interior, and show them to clients, maybe in real time. There would likely be...
  2. S

    CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #23

    Also, who else might have benefited financially if Barry could not finish something legally, or in the pharmaceutical world? He was working on a synthetic cannabis, in pill form. Who knows where that could have lead with Big Pharma, and that is only one example. I see the logic of the children...
  3. S

    CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #23

    I understand your points, but you cannot assume that the murderer who planned this is normal in any way, although he/she may have a good facade, if this person is a psychopath, as I strongly suspect, then all bets are off where normal morals and emotions are concerned. Psychopaths are not human...
  4. S

    CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #23

    My belief, and of course, it is only speculation, is that the person(s) who killed them was an experienced, expert at killing quickly and quietly by surprise attack, quickly binding the victims with zip ties, to make them unable to fight back , and then using something like another large zip...
  5. S

    CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #23

    If the killer(s) made Barry walk to the place where he was strangled , with perhaps a large zip tie around his neck, which they removed and took with them, after killing him, it would have made it easier to handle his body. The second coroner also stated that their hands had been bound, and the...
  6. S

    CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #23

    Thank you for that correction, Lexi. Sorry I got two of the sisters mixed up. I wonder if Alexandra has hired some serious body guards, and protection? If she suspects that JS was involved in the deaths of their parents, I hope she has. She, like Kaelen is divorced, and must feel quite alone in...
  7. S

    CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #23

    As far as I know Lauren still lives in B.C. Canada with her family. AK is the only one I know of in the family that moved to Israel. She also hired heavy security go guard her and her children in Israel. She bought a part interest in a luxury hotel, but likely owns other property there as well...
  8. S

    CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #23

    If they were up to something together, then the not communicating could be a smoke screen. They both would benefit greatly from the deaths of Honey and Barry. Also, I do not think BK came from great wealth, so inheriting could mean a great deal to him. Just some thoughts. We do not know why AK...
  9. S

    CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #23

    Not too long before his death, Barry "joked" that Johnathan was trying to carry out a "palace coup", when he found out Johnathan was contacting his sisters saying that as "fellow shareholders" they should be concerned about the likely mental incompetence of their senior parent, Barry. Maybe...
  10. S

    CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #23

    Yes, I think using those two belts, or at least the one Barry was wearing, and another from his closet was part of the staging plan, to make it look like Barry killed Honey, and then himself. The killer(s) really wanted it to look like a murder/suicide so that the law would not be coming after...
  11. S

    CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #23

    Yes, and if there were no signs of dragging the bodies to the staging site, then it would have taken 2 people to carry them. It was mentioned that Barry's legs were crossed. Apparently, if you are going to carry a body, or person, it is easier with the legs crossed, just saying. It may have been...
  12. S

    CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #23

    I agree. Also, the murder(s) made sure there was no sign of forced entry, and nothing disturbed in the house making it look like an intruder had been there. They seem to have forgotten about Honey's phone on the powder room floor, and Barry's papers and gloves on the floor, close to where he...
  13. S

    CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #23

    I think the killer or killers deliberately used those belts, likely taking one off of Barry, after he got the one upstairs, probably while he waited for them to come home. It was planned ahead to make it look like Barry murdered Honey, then hung himself. If it were a murder suicide then there...
  14. S

    CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #23

    Or maybe it implies that he knows a great deal about what happened in the Sherman House that fateful night. IMO
  15. S

    CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #22

    You make some good points, but I think BK also worked for Sherfam, the business which manages the Sherman family's personal money. I am not sure if he still holds this position. It seems very complicated. IMO
  16. S

    CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #22

    That does seem logical. I would just like to know what everyone's alibi is, and how solid it is. IMO
  17. S

    CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #22

    Also, what about all those old summer camp friends in the picture with JS, who were having a party in a restaurant after BS and HS were murdered, but before anyone had discovered the bodies yet? How tall are those boys? Can anyone find some pictures of them standing with JS? We know he is well...
  18. S

    CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #22

    I believe I read somewhere, maybe KD's book, but am not sure, that many of these "boys" spent time in Israel serving in the Israeli armed forces. IMO that would include skills involving surveillance, and attacking people, as well as subduing them very quickly, that the ordinary person, who had...

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