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DNA Solves
  1. B

    20/20 Special - The List: Who Killed Jonbenet? on 15 Jan 2021

    I dont care what the experts say or were paid to say PATSY WROTE THAT RIDICULOUS RANSOM NOTE that would never be written by a kidnapper ever- He's gonna take 2 hours to write that insane note and then leave the body in the house -AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA SO dumb
  2. B

    VA VA - Richard 'Keith' Call, 20, & Cassandra Hailey, 18, Newport News, 10 April 1988

    Was not last night a complete repeat word for word of what was said the previous night? Maybe it was spiced together differently but same stuff. I FF the whole thing looking for something new- Wasted 5 min of my life-lol. BTW-At least 3 out of 4 of them were committed by the same guy. He doesnt...
  3. B

    Why doesn't anyone think it could've been John.

    What are the previou example of the Ramseys always 'covering up'?
  4. B

    Why doesn't anyone think it could've been John.

    The handwriting and the analysis on what type of person would have written it convince me it was PR. She was psychologically unbalanced-No evidence JR was. He ran a large outfit-she ran to the make-up store for Jon Benet. You don't wake up at 52 and become a Garroting murdering child molester...
  5. B

    GUILTY Netherlands - Malaysia Flight MH17 shot down in Ukraine. 298 aboard. 7/17/2014 #4

    How does Google NOT know where that plane went down?They know the location of 60% of the world's population at any given moment (imo).
  6. B

    MS MS - Michael Surber, 54, Ocean Springs, 10 Nov 2009

    Southern Yokels-Bring in 2 of the top 40 NYC Detectives and it will be solved within a month
  7. B

    MS MS - Michael Surber, 54, Ocean Springs, 10 Nov 2009

    8 yrs gone by on a murder with the perp (screw POI) guy on color video seen touching many many things. We have 95% of the story on exactly what happened! How did we not get this guy within a week of the murder? Weak police work.
  8. B

    GUILTY TX - Alicia Moore, 16, Greenville, 2 November 2012

    They must know who the perp is already? might be family friend?
  9. B

    IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #1

    Look for a creepy guy just out of jail with violence vs woman but not on the sex offenders list in that apt complex.
  10. B

    Do you think the Jailhouse Videos will seal Casey's fate?

    WTH? Aphrodite was actually BUYING the defense argument for a while!!?? Is their a single case in the history of the World where a Suburban mom of average or above intelligence DUMPS her childs body in the woods after an accidental death?
  11. B

    Do you think the Jailhouse Videos will seal Casey's fate?

    In the end, the jury will see the light and set Casey free. This poor innocent girl.... Yeah right!
  12. B

    What makes the JBR case fascinating to you?

    because it is such a white trash unsophisticated yet brutal crime with sexual overtones commited by sophisticated 'first timers' in their middle age with absolutely no hint of ANY previous deviant activity. I Will never get it.
  13. B

    GUILTY NH - Krista Dittmeyer, 20, Conway, 23 April 2011 - #1

    Im leaning to your first scenario.
  14. B

    GUILTY NH - Krista Dittmeyer, 20, Conway, 23 April 2011 - #1

    This seems very odd that she would killed and dumped in a pond 1/4 mile from the car. is the location extremely rural?
  15. B

    Questions directed toward Burke

    It also seems incredible that 2 Upperclass and in JR's case high IQ individuals could/would come up with this lame lower class scheme to cover-up a murder that doesnt make sense to begin with. Damn i wish this thing would be deifintively solved.
  16. B

    IMPORTANT: Michael Tracey/Westword Article/Please read.

    This guys agenda is bigger than Tracey's. Nothing resembling Journalism there at all.
  17. B

    Judge Dismisses Karr's Kid *advertiser censored* Charges

    I heard he only had 5 DELETED images on his computer. These may have been fairly soft core too. Anyway to me 5 deleted images is not something I'd prosecute. What are you suppose to do if you receive something like that in Email? Confess? Take a sledgehammer to your hard drive and then find...
  18. B

    John Mark Karr to go free

    in 2 years, a couple of moves, no one will recognize him or pay any attention- Remember that guy out West who chopped off a girls arms with an axe and left her for dead by the side of the road. When he go out of prison, he was hounded for about 2 months- then he moved to Florida , was forgotten...
  19. B

    Final Thought on SBTC

    What good is SBTC (shall be the conqueror) without the 'I'. It doesnt even say anything- Its just a verbal phrase without a subject. Absurd to give it any importance. I cant even say it is a coincidence. It isn't anything at all.
  20. B

    WHAT A DISGRACE TO THE WHOLE WORLD! (Karr case thrown out)

    The DA should be arrested!!

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