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DNA Solves
  1. 808

    Post sentencing discussion and the upcoming appeal

    This the documentary "Fastest man with no legs". See Vicki Miles speak about him, younger Carl and OP water skiing and no signs of GAD or vulnerability. It's also about his determined efforts to run with the able bodied athletes. Henke and his...
  2. 808

    Post sentencing discussion and the upcoming appeal

    This is the most detailed analysis of the verdict I have seen : He gets into the dollus eventuallis as it applies to SA law. I hope this isn't someone taking the Pistorian coin he seems to have a lot of qualifications and is driving some good cancer...
  3. 808

    Post sentencing discussion and the upcoming appeal

    Wow I hope this sets the law straight, I was dumbfounded when the murder charge was dropped. Thanks for your excellent work Mr F.
  4. 808

    Post sentencing discussion and the upcoming appeal

    At the time nobody could find a different pic to disprove that the claims were perhaps exaggerated. I wanted the big chaotic scene of broken stuff but could only find this. It does show a broken trophy. Does it mean the cops interpreted this as an argument or is this even the crime scene...
  5. 808

    Post sentencing discussion and the upcoming appeal

    In another thread I posted these Check this one out too, it shows the little lounge beyond the stairs where Reeva was found and there appears to be nothing obviously amiss. Click image for larger version. and the original state : With the booze cabinet too? Click image for larger...
  6. 808

    Post sentencing discussion

    Here is the latest Puppet nation clip :Oscar then and now :) #thingslongerthantheoscartrial Just use Hola if you have trouble with geo-blocking.
  7. 808

    Trial Discussion Thread #59 - 14.21.10, Day 48 ~ sentencing~

    That was Nel in his heads of argument likening the circumstantial evidence as a mosaic. That of you look at individual pieces of the evidence against OPP (Last P for Prisoner!) without the context of all the others you would not see his glaring guilt. Uncle A is still playing this out I think.
  8. 808

    Trial Discussion Thread #59 - 14.21.10, Day 48 ~ sentencing~

    Travesty what BS :thinking:
  9. 808

    Trial Discussion Thread #55 - 14.14.10, Day 44 ~ sentencing~

    (From Flemjokes on FB.)
  10. 808

    Trial Discussion Thread #55 - 14.14.10, Day 44 ~ sentencing~ This is the good Judge Chris (t) having a go at the characterisation of Oscar as the victim by media. He says that expert witnesses are wrong.
  11. 808

    Trial Discussion Thread #55 - 14.14.10, Day 44 ~ sentencing~

    Quick summary for Vanatos The first part was Pistorius paid manager expressing this : And the last part was : A defense team paid probation officer who said his vulnerabilities would allow other prisoners to interfere with his bottom.... and therefore should go to the track and...
  12. 808

    Discussion between the verdict and sentencing

    Judge Chris N Greenland says: September 21, 2014 at 4:13 pm In a nutshell:- "The supporters of the decision keep spouting “reasonably possibly true”. Try as I might I cannot see that the test is met. For an adult, especially of Oscar’s background, well accustomed to intense confrontational...
  13. 808

    Discussion between the verdict and sentencing

    Which version would that be? The bail application / the adjusted tailored version or the simple lie? The state did not have to prove intent in this prima facie murder case simply had to turn up and say "give us a convincing narrative Oscar". The details and minutiae are trite ..he...
  14. 808

    Discussion between the verdict and sentencing

    "The judgement has been deeply puzzling; one hopes that Judge Masipa will soon clarify the decision that took our breath away. It’s logic is far from obvious, and demands further explanation. Nel must surely appeal this as a misinterpretation of the law, to a higher court, or as a...
  15. 808

    Discussion between the verdict and sentencing

    I doubt there will be any positive concession of the legal process should it not favour SA'a favourite former legless runner. Carl was born with "Beast Mode" on baby. Nuthin's gonna bring him or his extremely privileged family down ...just check his twitter page...
  16. 808

    Discussion between the verdict and sentencing

    I would be amazed if he ever did. He star was on the decline after 2012 Olympics anyway with Oliviera beating him and a last place in the able bodied 400 semis. At that competitive level in either para or able bodied he would be beaten and never make the big show. The para athletes had caught...
  17. 808

    Discussion between the verdict and sentencing

    The gun he is firing there is one he had on order. It's a 500 or the largest handgun you can buy. It is just firing conventional rounds there but they are a huge calibre. I think OP's choice of hollow points was lost on old "OP coloured glasses wearing" Masipa. To me it sounds like if you...

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