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DNA Solves
  1. W

    VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #3

    Ooops - sorry. If you're new to reddit, it is composed of thousands of 'sub-reddits' which are online communities for any subject you can imagine. The UnresolvedMystery sub-reddit is where the Amy Bradley discussion is taking place. Since the VI won't be posting here, that looks like the best...
  2. W

    VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #3

    I'm not sure what the policy on posting links here is but if you go to the sub 'UnresolvedMysteries' or just search under Amy Bradley you should find the discussion.
  3. W

    VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #3

    Thanks for the info. I saw the VI referencing the 'romance' novel based on Amy's case. Insensitive much? Perhaps the author can demonstrate another catastrophic failure of taste and decency and find another missing girl to exploit for her next trashy novel.
  4. W

    VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #3

    Astrokitty - you are raising some really good points about this case and it's great to get a fresh perspective, especially as you are able to provide a more first hand knowledge of some elements. Here's one bit of clarity to save you having to go back through the huge older threads. With...
  5. W

    VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #3

    I get what you mean as we know eyewitness testimony does not tend to improve with time elapsed from the incident. In the case of the Canadian SCUBA diver and the lady in the Barbados washroom, they are both in the Vanished show with Beth Holloway giving their accounts in their own words. If...
  6. W

    VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #3

    This was my thought too. If that was the purpose they would have hunted the stereotypical cheerleader/prom queen type. No offence or disrespect to Amy as she is pretty but she’s athletic with more of a tomboy look. Therefore, if she was kidnapped for a purpose and was selected because of her...
  7. W

    Active Search for Evidence taking Place Around Portugese Resort

    There's nothing funny about this but I must admit that made me chuckle.
  8. W

    Active Search for Evidence taking Place Around Portugese Resort

    This is the most plausible explanation from those on the table. I can understand the McCanns constructing this whole thing to protect their lives but I have to wonder why the Tapas eaters would have joined in as well. Perhaps they all got sucked in on day one and decided after that it was...
  9. W

    VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #3

    This case makes me want to take a vacation in the Carribean purely so I can keep my head on a swivel and my smartphone camera at the ready to send out an alert if I see Amy so kudos to you for keeping her in mind when you were down there. The VI seemed to think that was the best current hope...
  10. W

    Active Search for Evidence taking Place Around Portugese Resort

    I just thought this was worth repeating. Bold type for emphasis is my own addition. Regardless of what happened, the McCanns decided going out to dinner was more important than being with their children that night, it cost them a daughter and they have to live with that. I agree that Andy...
  11. W

    VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #3

    I concur with your second theory - I think there is more to this than we know and for whatever reason, Amy's family, the VI and the authorities have decided not to release any current information. The VI did say it's an open and active case. I don't think she was taken out in the hope...
  12. W

    VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #3

    Interesting theory! It makes sense and I guess it's not really a job position you could advertise. With regard to the photos, I think those were possibly used as a method of control. They forced her into those positions and had the photos put online so they could show her everyone thinks...
  13. W

    Active Search for Evidence taking Place Around Portugese Resort

    Short answer: No. The majority of missing kids in the UK are teen runaways and parental custody abductions. Ben Needham's family never got this kind of support when he disappeared from Kos in Greece and neither did Meredith Kercher's family when she was murdered in Perugia. I am...
  14. W

    VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #3

    Fair point, maybe I was thinking of the movie Spartan where Val Kilmer's character rescues Kristin Bell's character from traffickers. When he won't do what she wants she asks if he doesn't like blondes. He tells her the whole world likes blondes and that's why she's in this mess. That being...
  15. W

    VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #3

    Hi there. The verified insider did confirm (possibly on another forum) that Amy did have a boyfriend and he was a good guy. We can only speculate on why the group that abducted her did so and as per the link from dotr, her own mother suspects the group is involved in people/weapons...
  16. W

    Active Search for Evidence taking Place Around Portugese Resort

    Is there a precedent for kidnapped toddlers being found alive and well years later, living as part of another family as the best of all possible outcomes here? I think that's what we would all like but the odds are against it
  17. W

    Active Search for Evidence taking Place Around Portugese Resort

    For a little view from the UK, I remember how concerned we all were when she first went missing but the tide of sympathy is shifting (mainly due to the parents and not at all to do with Madeleine) and cynicism is starting to become more prevalent. There is also concern about resources spent...
  18. W

    Active Search for Evidence taking Place Around Portugese Resort

    Hi - I'm new to WS but not to following this case. British news said there were no new clues as a result of the searches completed so far: The story wasn't even mentioned at the start of tonight's 10 o clock news. I wonder where this goes from here?
  19. W

    VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #3

    Thanks dotr. I hadn't seen that before and wasn't aware of any recent public statements from the family. If there is gun trafficking involved it supports the idea of different groups being involved in the procurement, transport and eventual exploitation of victims like Amy. Who knows how...
  20. W

    VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #3

    HT= Human Trafficking. I can point you to the Q&A in question if you are interested although I am not sure what the policy is on posting links. That's a great idea. I wonder if there is a way to track readers and posters. I am pretty sure there must be as you even see some websites which...

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