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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. Sunshine4Me

    Questions you'd like answers to...

    Well now here's a question in regards to the urine stain in the basement, something I've only just thought about. Is it possible it wasn't from JBR at all? Obviously she would have voided urine but could that have occurred elsewhere and been cleaned up, and the urine stain in the basement have...
  2. Sunshine4Me

    Burke Ramsey Files 750 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against CBS

    Thanks for the link. I'd always heard that account had originated with LHP but I had never seen it to read.
  3. Sunshine4Me

    Burke Ramsey Files 750 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against CBS

    I have always taken the bathroom account if true, to be a consequence of combined poor toilet training and sexual abuse. Every parent with children in diapers or pull-ups who still wets themselves every night knows there is a possibility of a rash, at the least irritation of the skin. And...
  4. Sunshine4Me

    Day 5 The John, Patsy and Burke's behavior/ The 12 days of JonBenet

    Good question. A few thoughts cross my mind in regards to FW returning to the basement and picking up the tape. As one of the two people who found Jonbenet, FW saw the crime scene and body (staged though it was) in its original condition. Having seen the much too small tape on her mouth it would...
  5. Sunshine4Me

    Burke Ramsey Files 750 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against CBS

    A tree, for a hanging you mean? A lynch mob... Someone posted a picture of a real lynch mob a while back. I wonder if anyone has the link handy so you can see that people responding to your nonsense aren't stringing you from a tree, but trying to educate you. Playing devil's advocate would be...
  6. Sunshine4Me

    Burke Files 150 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Werner Sptiz???

    Well there was no intruder and no kidnapping. If not Patsy, then John wrote it, or Burke did it all. Not many believe Burke did it all. And the handwriting doesn't match John's. John was ruled out as the author, Patsy could not be. So... I'm back at Patsy as the author. How is it you have ruled...
  7. Sunshine4Me

    Member of Grand Jury speaks on 20/20

    The problem with the DNA, among other problems, is that it was degraded. The DNA was old. It didn't come from the Christmas party that night unless it was as secondary transfer, it would not have been the killers DNA. Imagine that you open a door to a bathroom. All the DNA on the doorknob left...
  8. Sunshine4Me

    Member of Grand Jury speaks on 20/20

    CBS came out and named a name. They didn't say forget this case. Dateline didn't say forget this case. I'm quite sure there are other TV shows that haven't lost hope. You sound as though you want this to go unsolved. Don't forget that as time goes by and the people involved age and pass on, the...
  9. Sunshine4Me

    Member of Grand Jury speaks on 20/20

    I believe if the jurors suspected they knew who did it they would have returned the indictments for murder against that person, unless they couldn't. I think during the course of the grand jury trial against JR and PR they realized JR and PR were indeed covering for BR and returned the only...
  10. Sunshine4Me

    Who molested/abused Jonbenet?

    Nothing makes her more special than the other children who are killed and abused, but her family has made a spectacle of her since the night she was murdered, and ensured she would stay in the spotlight forever. They went on national television in the beginning, instead of speaking to police...
  11. Sunshine4Me

    Was Burke Involved? # 4

    Please reread my post. You must have missed where I said I do not agree with covering for Burke or sending him back to school to be around other children, only that I can see how the Ramsey's would think it was the best way to keep suspicion off of Burke.
  12. Sunshine4Me

    Was Burke Involved? # 4

    I don't think it's odd that Burke was sent back to school after the murder. If my son had a terrible secret to hide I would think trying to make him look as normal as possible would be the best way to make him look like he had no secret to hide, that would include sending him back to school...
  13. Sunshine4Me

    Was Burke Involved? # 4

    Just a thought, piggy backing off the new thoughts- what if Burke and Jonbenet did go downstairs and had pineapple together, but Burke stayed downstairs to play with something else and Jonbenet went back upstairs. When Burke finally went upstairs he found Jonbenet playing his Nintendo64 and that...
  14. Sunshine4Me

    Was Burke Involved? # 4

    That is one of the theories as I have understood it, that the paintbrush and resulting splinter could be staging to coverup the nights original sexual assault, and not just to cover sexual assault from previous days. But it is hard to know for sure. What we do know is there was definitely...
  15. Sunshine4Me

    Day 7 The DNA/ 12 Days of JonBenet

    Interesting and fair point, but this won't account for the degradation of the DNA. In my opinion the degradation rules out the DNA coming from family that night. Edited to add- degradation rules out in my opinion the DNA coming from anyone that night, unless it was as secondary transfer and...
  16. Sunshine4Me

    Burke Files 150 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Werner Sptiz???

    Another question for any people with legal knowledge in regards to Alex Hunters statements, would there have been a plea bargain at all for Burke since Burke was too young to be charged for any crime? And for his parents since they weren't actually charged, can there be a plea bargain without a...
  17. Sunshine4Me

    Dr. Phil Interviews Burke Ramsey (9/12 & 9/13 2016)

    Thanks, I believe it too, I was just wondering if I missed it in the interview. Maybe Dr Phil thought it too disturbing to bring up, or was unaware of it. If he'd only been talking to the Ramsey's and their lawyers and not read any of the information we have he may not have known. If that's the...
  18. Sunshine4Me

    Dr. Phil Interviews Burke Ramsey (9/12 & 9/13 2016)

    Was the feces ever brought up in the Dr Phil interview? I'm interested to know what Burke would have said. Probably, "Who can remember 20 years ago right?" I read through PositiveLights transcripts but didn't see it, could have missed it. I know Dr Phil brought up bedwetting. Sent from my...
  19. Sunshine4Me

    Was Burke Involved? # 4

    Lol at ransom book in your previous post! I believe Patsy had played musical cell phones with John but I will need to read back through some very old threads to be sure, and I can't do that tonight. If I remember correctly it was something to the effect of her saying John lost his cell phone and...
  20. Sunshine4Me

    Was Burke Involved? # 4

    Wasn't it John's cell phone records that were "erased" or to be precise had 0 calls made at the end of the month according to the cell company records, which to me means they were erased by the time the police got hold of them? I suppose Patsy could have used John's phone to make calls that...

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