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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. P

    UK UK - Melanie Hall, 25, Bath, Somerset, 9 June 1996

    I just rethought that, if there was two sets of DNA on that rope, logically it does make sense to report that ther may have been someone help in disposing of the body rather than the fact there could be two killers just in the hope that, that theory is the case and they can get the aid to come...
  2. P

    UK UK - Melanie Hall, 25, Bath, Somerset, 9 June 1996

    This feels like a bit of a bluff too me, something to restir interest in wake of the 10 year anniversary of her remains being found. of course I hope thats not the case and they do have DNA, however if they do then its clearly not Christopher Halliwell nor anyone else that is notorious and...
  3. P

    UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, York University, 18 March 2009 - Chef - #2

    Something I also just thought about this mystery guy, 7.15pm in very late March, I would say its light enough outside to not have your house lights on inside. I know the video looks like its darker but I think that is the street lights making it appear as if its darker than it is. So if she was...
  4. P

    UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, York University, 18 March 2009 - Chef - #2

    Yeah I for sure thinks he knows her, its just hard to believe someone who was already acting shifty behind her house one evening (the stopping when he saw another person, you seriously dont do that unless you dont want anyone to see you) and for him to go back again at 10 past 5 in the morning...
  5. P

    UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, York University, 18 March 2009 - Chef - #2

    Or he could have been just checking if she was home, if he was planning something untoward, more people would have noticed him looking in the front window, so he may have checked the back for lights on. Maybe he was considering doing something to her that evening and thought the morning while...
  6. P

    UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #23

    Just wanted to note from this new CCTV footage situation, I am assuming the footage in question is the CCTV up Short Brackland at the back of Cornhill which we all questioned the quality of and by all accounts it’s pretty bad quality. The person in light clothing who Nicola now assumes to be...
  7. P

    UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, York University, 18 March 2009 - Chef - #2

    I just read that article from the psychic which is from 2009 and creepily she describes Christopher Halliwell. Tall, skinny, sunken cheeks, eyes far apart. That’s eeiry considering it’s long long before he was even caught for the other murders What’s also creepy is the footage of the man...
  8. P

    UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #23

    BTW does anyone think if this was a female that had gone missing, this investigation would have been entirely different? It reminds me so much of all these young male water deaths. Especially the ones in Manchester, an unusually high amount put down to accidents and the police refuse to further...
  9. P

    UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #23

    Yes, you put it much better than me lol. I'd completely understand if the bin man said "Well, I possibly could have seen him, Im not really sure, but I think it was him" then that's a very vague statement and you can't really pin a lot on it, but from what I am gathering this bin man has been...
  10. P

    UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #23

    Like I said in my post, you can take anything that was previously said with a grain of salt. There has been nothing but misleading information and facts fed to her from the police and from her to the public. Making most things contradicting. This statement in the Q&A says to me that yes a male...
  11. P

    UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #23

    Very true. I am never really one to knock the police as I have luckily never been in a position where I have needed them but it does kind of prove the theories of cover ups and screw ups and mis leading info from victims or familes of victims etc. I am not saying the police are all bad because I...
  12. P

    UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #23

    I genuinely don’t think McDonald’s Man has anything to do with Corrie’s disappearance Older people tend to not use the internet he may not even know about all this and that’s why he hadn’t come forward. Or maybe he’s even passed away himself I think he was just someone travelling through that...
  13. P

    UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #23

    I know alcohol makes people do crazy things but climbing in bins really does baffle me. It was so lucky that this chap had the find my iPhone app. It’s such a shame Corrie didn’t have the same. With the amount of technology these days you’d think there would be more ways to trace people.
  14. P

    UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #23

    Miss_French, you are totally right, it’s not “confirmation” of anything as its the bin lorry driver's recollection of things reiterated by Nicola, and he could be lying. But I just meant confirmation of what he had told police as it was vague on whether he had given a wishy washy "possibly" seen...
  15. P

    UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #23

    At least we have had confirmation now that the bin lorry driver has told the police that he saw Corrie stood in the HS. That is what I was looking for some clarity on. It does really help much, but he certainly couldnt have gotten in the bin then.
  16. P

    UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #23

    So that doesn't necessarily mean that the person seen in the area that was identified on CCTV (in the Q&A from Dec 2016) is the person the lorry driver and the eye witness have described as Corrie stood in the horseshoe. What I get from that is someone is seen on the CCTV in the area "on his...
  17. P

    UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #23

    Oh yeah you’re right. I hadn’t thought that through at all lol. Or he still could have been picked up in the street, hence why it was described as a non address pick up. Private taxis will still do that if you ask them and they don’t have a planned fare. I’ve been cheeky and done that many...
  18. P

    UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #23

    Just going back to that taxi driver lead, I am guessing the only thing they could get from that is the taxi drivers memory at this stage right? And even that was two years ago and he’s probably picked up millions of fares since. I’m not too sure how private taxi companies work, I know if you...
  19. P

    UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #23

    Well given all of the Grindr rumours then it’s certainly not out of the question he was on a cruise for gay sex, and it’s interesting to hear the HS could be used for those activities. Surprising mind being so close to shops and what not but I guess it’s out of the way and secluded. Again I’m...
  20. P

    UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #23

    While I’m not speaking from experience lol...but yeah people will be dogging/cruising for sex at that time. People are more likely to do it in the night/early hours of the morning than they are during regular hours.

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