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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. irishbosoxfan

    2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation

    My baby cousin died by drowning in an in-ground pool. It was filled within a month of his passing. They ended up moving out of the house anyways because every time my aunt looked out the window she could still see the pool. Oh and wanted to let everyone know that a fellow poster on a...
  2. irishbosoxfan

    2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

    The first time I heard this song was when I bought a NOW cd. It was a bonus track at the end and I loved it! I've never heard it on the radio though which is too bad.
  3. irishbosoxfan

    2011.07.16 - Lightning strikes in front of OC Jail

    A picture of the lightening strike
  4. irishbosoxfan

    Casey appeals her 4 Lying to LE convictions

    Read this on another board:
  5. irishbosoxfan

    Casey appeals her 4 Lying to LE convictions

    He should've kept his mouth shut. Someone needs to send the judge a copy of that video so she can make the appropriate determination. And if they insist that there's no money.. couldn't that open an investigation into her/their finances and we could see exactly where the $275,000 went as well...
  6. irishbosoxfan

    TV Station Pushes for Release of ICA Jailhouse Video

    Yep. The tape still exists. It would no longer be in the jails possession anyway. It was taken as evidence. Somebody is lieing.
  7. irishbosoxfan

    Group Plans Memorial Walkway For Caylee

    T Segura
  8. irishbosoxfan

    Group Plans Memorial Walkway For Caylee

    3rd times the charm right.
  9. irishbosoxfan

    Group Plans Memorial Walkway For Caylee

    I am so mad right now!!!!!!! I just went thru and found all this info--typed it all in--hit reply and got sorry but IE can't display the web page! So now I'm on Mozilla--Give me a few minutes to do it all again and then you guys can run with what I found.
  10. irishbosoxfan

    Proposed New FL. Law-jurors can't profit from service

    So what's Hornsby's problem with it?? Free speech?? Wouldn't free be the operative word there? They can say whatever they want they just can't get paid for it. I don't see a problem. Anyone here have Mark Nejame on their Twitter? If you do can you ask him to add the language for 2 years...
  11. irishbosoxfan

    Casey gets a 1 million dollar offer for first story

    I think it's another Gil/Todd situation. I've been searching this guy for well over an hour and I've got nothing. If he was a real producer and had worked on those shows he'd have credits for them and I can't find anything. HARD COPY...
  12. irishbosoxfan

    2011.07.11- 07.18 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

    I wonder if he's the guy who works at the car dealership who offered up reward money or something like that. It's been so long I can't remember now. Just wanted to say that I heard the other night that the jury had access to the internet. Supposedly it was only supposed to be used to pay...
  13. irishbosoxfan

    2011.07.08 - Dateline NBC

    Sorry I'm so late getting to this but I wanted to say I think this is a good idea. However I think they should do it individually. Find out each persons take on it. I wanted to postsomething here I posted on another site because I read thru a lot of posts about the duct tape and how it...
  14. irishbosoxfan

    2011.07.08 - Dateline NBC

    Maybe he was the juror that did the winking per the tweet that went out during the trial. Something I'm trying to figure out is this..From the jurors who have spoken they keep saying "if they had charged her with something else" Did they not see the form? Was there a copy for each of...
  15. irishbosoxfan

    2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread
  16. irishbosoxfan

    Timer55 and Cays234

    Well regardless of whether ICA told Lee about Timer55 as a way to tell him where to find Caylee or when she'd be home--JA used it to show ICA knew Caylee was dead and how long she had before CA came looking for them in earnest
  17. irishbosoxfan

    REVISIT Caylee's biological father/Reverse DNA Profile**MERGED**

    I removed my post because it was actually Sarahs parents who went to Florida---And they went after Christmas 2007 but before Valentines Day 2008
  18. irishbosoxfan

    Potential DT Witness Sally Karioth

    On another board I belong to someone dubbed her "Dr. Sally Clara" Sally Jessy Raphael inhabited by Aunt Clara from Bewitched---I about died!
  19. irishbosoxfan

    Potential DT Witness Sally Karioth

    While she was testifying I was googling "survivor guilt" and "magical thinking" and finding that her definition of those as pertaining to ICA didn't match the accepted definitions. I kept waiting for "Ugly Coping" to pop out at any second.
  20. irishbosoxfan

    2011.06.28 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty)

    Yeah I was going to come back and add that to my post but got into watching (dissecting) videos that I lost track of it. I read a tweet that mentioned the doors being locked and something about sunglasses(?) but found nothing when I googled for it. I was also going to add that it may also...

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