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DNA Solves
  1. hroark2112

    Kronk's Ex-Wife Questioned By Prosecutors

    A cell phone tower has a range of anywhere between 2-3 miles and 45 miles, depending on the tower. Even at the minimum, that's a pretty big circle covered by a tower, and who's to say RK doesn't know someone in one of those thousands of homes in that 2-3 mile radius? Do we know how many homes...
  2. hroark2112

    REVISIT Caylee's biological father/Reverse DNA Profile**MERGED**

    I'm leaning more towards KC having a rough pool of guys to have guessed to be the DNA donor. I think she made up the story of the "dead father" to keep from having to attempt to list all the guys she was sleeping with. Even if she did know, it wouldn't do much good. There's nothing in her...
  3. hroark2112

    Hypothetically, how could the crime be pinned on George?

    While some may feel threads like this are useless, I disagree. The defense will spend as much time as they deem necessary until jury selection throwing all the mud against the wall that they can, hoping something will stick. While most would find it repulsive, it is the reality of this...
  4. hroark2112

    Steve Powell claims credible investigators say Susan Powell left on her own accord

    Jimmy Hoffa disappeared of his own accord as well.
  5. hroark2112

    Dissimilar head hair on Q107 and extra DNA segment on the duct tape

    Wouldn't it be fun if the unidentified hair came from one of the searchers? Or Joy Wray? Just thinking out loud :D
  6. hroark2112

    What is the "Ninth Judicial Circuit Courtroom Decorum Policy"?

    I'm betting there's a nice, big photo on an easel somewhere of Caylee during the trial as soon as the prosecution begins their case. I like the way he's starting out. Kind of a "OK, I'm here, knock off all the crap and let's get this done!" kind of message.
  7. hroark2112

    Casey Says Shed Like to Adopt When Out of Jail

    Thank gosh for Casey Anthony. When I was a wee lad, my mum used to tell me "Sonny, there are millions of starving children in Ireland, now finish your potatoes!!" Casey will save them all! I can rest easy now.
  8. hroark2112

    2010.04.19 Judge Strickland IS stepping down

    I had the misfortune, and I say misfortune only because I was a defendant, of appearing before Judge Perry once in my life. It was a DUI case and I was busted, dead to rights. A technicality got my breathalyzer results thrown out (along with thousands of others) and the judge asked me how much...
  9. hroark2112

    Motion to Compel Reciprocal Discovery - What is the Defense Trying to Hide??

    Have we seen the defense team's discovery released yet?? What are they waiting for? (Aside from the obvious...there may be nothing to discover on their end)
  10. hroark2112

    What Lies Beneath the Casey/Robyn Letters

    I find it interesting how none of her friends have ever mentioned her being such a religious person, yet now her writing is so full of religious context. I get the feeling that she knows she's screwed and is hoping that she'll be "forgiven" and sent to heaven.
  11. hroark2112

    Brett Reilly: Kristina says SHE was the NANNY!

    That just hurts my soul to read. I was playing with my daughter once when she was 2. I did the "I've got your nose!" thing, and she pulled her head away. I ended up pinching her nose and leaving a big purple line down her nose for several days. Even today, it hurts me to think about how I...
  12. hroark2112

    2010.03.08 Motion to Exclude Hearsay, Gossip, Innuendo - Legal insight requested

    Personally, I think this is all a waste of time (a HUGE waste! :D). First, the prosecutors know what they can and can't ask witnesses at trial. They're not rookies, these are all experienced trial attorneys. They know how to ask a witness a question. Second, the 911 call will most likely be...
  13. hroark2112

    Defense files motion to have 911 calls, party pix tossed

    Even if, and it's IMO a highly unlikely if, they exclude CA's statement about it smelling like a dead body in the car, there's still the tape of GA's interview with YM where he says "You never forget that smell once you've smelled it!" Not that GA's nose is calibrated, but as a former law...
  14. hroark2112

    *UPDATE *INFO CAN BE RELEASED ANY TIME 'Casey Pros Allowed To Keep Evidence Secret

    You don't have to be charged with a crime to plead the 5th. The jury isn't allowed to use that pleading against you in deliberations, either, so there would be no harm in them pleading the 5th if they were asked a direct question on the stand about their involvement.
  15. hroark2112

    *UPDATE *INFO CAN BE RELEASED ANY TIME 'Casey Pros Allowed To Keep Evidence Secret

    I think the Court has stated, on at least one occasion, that the Truth and Ms. Anthony are total strangers. The defense does not have to find the truth. If they are truly defending an innocent client, and they find the truth, all the better for them. In a case like this one, they're not...
  16. hroark2112

    Is LP Just Harmless or a Media Agent for the Defense?

    I know this is far-fetched...but think about it for just a second... What if the evidence the prosecution isn't releasing is about LP or is from one of his people??? Would that not just be ironic enough for Allanis to write another song about??
  17. hroark2112

    Is LP Just Harmless or a Media Agent for the Defense?

    Harmless? No way. Continuing to propagate rumors that have been debunked is harmful to the prosecution, and is in no way going to help get justice in this case. Somewhere out there, a little old lady who might end up on the jury is watching that, thinking "Well look at that nice man, who just...
  18. hroark2112

    Civil Case Witness List

    Only if she's a minor child. Attitude and behavior don't make her a minor, just immature ;)
  19. hroark2112

    Civil Case Witness List

    George & Cindy are witnesses, not defendants in the civil suit. KC is the defendant. G & C's finances won't come into play in the case.
  20. hroark2112

    Civil Case Witness List

    KC is an adult, her name isn't on the house. Her parents wouldn't be liable for anything.

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